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Rate the last film you saw


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Gracie's Choice


I got all weepy. Kristen Bell was upset, c'mon who wouldn't feel the same! Suprisingly effective for a Lifetime movie (about how Kristen Bell's teenage character legally emancipates herself from her druggie mother to raise her four step-siblings).



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Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope


I love the fact the film starts so randomly.


The story-line isn't as complex as the other films (particularly the prequels), but it was originally envisioned as a stand alone movie, so it does well to introduce the audience to the Star Wars universe.


The action is a bit crap compared to what we expect nowadays (It's so shit how none of the Storm troopers can actually aim), but the action is relatively few and far between, so it's cool. I hate the way Obi-wan "dies". After seeing him in the prequels, it seems anti-climatic that he turns into a spirit. I'd almost prefer if he just died.


I love the characters of Leia and Han Solo (Luke, not so much). They feel like real people; Leia being slightly bitchy and self-absorbed. I'm not sure whether it's just Harrison Ford, but Han Solo is very attractive, both looks-wise and because of his laid-back attitude.


Considering it was released 31 years ago, the film has aged well. It's still entertaining to watch, and although the prequels are visually more appealing and better produced (not better written though) I'd probably choose to watch this over one of the prequels if I had the choice.



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The Land Before Time


This movie has it all. It's truly fucking awesome, despite how old it is. Watching it again, I was surprised to find it's only just over an hour long. It's the first film to be reviewed by Your Humble Fabulous to recieve the highest of honours. Ten Shabba's




NOT ONLY THAT! Because of its greatness. It gets the Charlie Sheen Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Excellence.




Littlefoot et al. We salute you.

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Are there any Star Wars fans out there?


I've been watching the Star Wars films, and a couple questions have sprung to mind that need answering:


Naboo is the home planet of both Padme Amidala, and Senator/Emporer Palpatine (aka. Darth Sidious). Why is it never mentioned after the 3rd film? Surely Vader or the Emporer or Yoda or Obi-Wan's ghost would mention it as the dreaded planet that caused the clone wars and the eventual downfall of the jedi? After all, Senator Jar Jar is the one that puts forward the bill to give Palpatine emergency powers (IIRC), and he gets the idea of a "grand army" from the Gungan grand army.


How does Palpatine become a Sith Lord? Surely the Jedi council would know that Palpatine was once a jedi, and would be a little suspicious when he gains control over the senate? Or maybe he didn't train as a jedi? But then why was he chosen to become a Sith? And how does he manage to travel between Naboo and Corescant without anyone noticing? Presumably he was trained as a Sith on Corescant, or are we to assume his Sith Master lived on Naboo? What if, in a cruel twist of fate, Sidious' Master was Padme's father?


Where does Anakin's family originally come from? I know he was a slave on Tatooene, but as a desert planet, presumably humans wouldn't be naturally living there (Not even the Hutts naturally live on Tatooene). Who was his father? Is attachment to the force hereditary? Because he is powerfully linked to the force, does that mean his parents were too? Leia and Luke are linked to the force, so was Anakin's father anyone of note?


Why does Luke go by the name Skywalker, if the Emporer knows that Anakin's name was Skywalker, and knows that all control he has over Vader is because he lied and said Padme died before she could give birth? Surely the Emporer would instantly kill anyone with the name Skywalker, lest they mess up his control over Vader? Wouldn't Luke's "uncle and aunt" give him a pseudonym? (And are they actually his uncle and aunt? I presume not, because Anakin doesn't appear to have any siblings. Maybe the aunt is Padme's sister, and had to go into hiding when Palpatine rose to power?)

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(And are they actually his uncle and aunt? I presume not, because Anakin doesn't appear to have any siblings. Maybe the aunt is Padme's sister, and had to go into hiding when Palpatine rose to power?)

Anakin not having any siblings has nothing to do with him not having an aunt and uncle. It's his mum you should be worrying about. However I think it's the uncle who's the brother of Shmi.

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The Dark Knight


Loved it from start to finish. The Joker is amazing and there are so many great themes and ideas in it. The characters are very well fleshed out and there are so many plot twists. I also like how Batman's fighting skills improved and that it's really noticeable how the characters evolved from Batman Begins.


"I need a new rating system"/10

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Anakin not having any siblings has nothing to do with him not having an aunt and uncle. It's his mum you should be worrying about. However I think it's the uncle who's the brother of Shmi.


No, Luke's uncle/aunt would either be the sibling of Anakin, or the sibling of Padme.

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Are there any Star Wars fans out there?


I've been watching the Star Wars films, and a couple questions have sprung to mind that need answering:


1Naboo is the home planet of both Padme Amidala, and Senator/Emporer Palpatine (aka. Darth Sidious). Why is it never mentioned after the 3rd film? Surely Vader or the Emporer or Yoda or Obi-Wan's ghost would mention it as the dreaded planet that caused the clone wars and the eventual downfall of the jedi? After all, Senator Jar Jar is the one that puts forward the bill to give Palpatine emergency powers (IIRC), and he gets the idea of a "grand army" from the Gungan grand army.


2How does Palpatine become a Sith Lord? Surely the Jedi council would know that Palpatine was once a jedi, and would be a little suspicious when he gains control over the senate? Or maybe he didn't train as a jedi? But then why was he chosen to become a Sith? And how does he manage to travel between Naboo and Corescant without anyone noticing? Presumably he was trained as a Sith on Corescant, or are we to assume his Sith Master lived on Naboo? What if, in a cruel twist of fate, Sidious' Master was Padme's father?


3Where does Anakin's family originally come from? I know he was a slave on Tatooene, but as a desert planet, presumably humans wouldn't be naturally living there (Not even the Hutts naturally live on Tatooene). Who was his father? Is attachment to the force hereditary? Because he is powerfully linked to the force, does that mean his parents were too? Leia and Luke are linked to the force, so was Anakin's father anyone of note?


4Why does Luke go by the name Skywalker, if the Emporer knows that Anakin's name was Skywalker, and knows that all control he has over Vader is because he lied and said Padme died before she could give birth? Surely the Emporer would instantly kill anyone with the name Skywalker, lest they mess up his control over Vader? Wouldn't Luke's "uncle and aunt" give him a pseudonym? (And are they actually his uncle and aunt? I presume not, because Anakin doesn't appear to have any siblings. Maybe the aunt is Padme's sister, and had to go into hiding when Palpatine rose to power?)

1 It's a huge galaxy, Naboo played its part in Palpatine's plans, no one cares anymore.


2 Palpatine's past is pretty much unknown, but he was never a Jedi, at least as far as the council goes, Darth Plagueis most likely picked him up as a child, probably for sensing something in him and trained him in secret. Since Darth Bane, only two Sith existed at a time, so they were always in hiding and eventually became legend. In Ep I, you can see that the Jedi are surprised that Sith still exist. Since Palpatine is incredibly strong, and deceit and hiding are the Sith's main tools, it's normal that he coud go around as he pleased. And since he was Naboo's senator, no one would suspect him going to Naboo. He was most likely already a Sith Lord before he became a politician.


3 Anakin has no father, he's like Jesus, Shmi got pregnant out of the blue, which is why they recognized him as being the one from the prophecy. Also, Tatooine was habited by humans a loooong time before the movies.


4 Since Palpatine was a scheming bastard, it was all part of his plan, he most likely knew he was alive and wanted him to take over Vader. Remember that Vader got fucker up when fighting Kenobi, he couldn't live up to his full potential. That and Palpatine probably wanted Luke's body (not in a gay way, in a stupid expanded universe way, where he takes over clone's bodies to live on) And since Tatooine is off the radar and by the time it was largely unknown who Anakin Skywalker was, only a few would react to the Skywalker name. But yeah, that wasn't very smart.

Luke's uncle is Anakin's step brother yeah.

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Dawn of the Dead (2004 Snyder remake)


It opens and ends pretty strongly, but while the action is in the actual Mall, I couldn't help but lose interest. It's saved by the FRICKIN HEAD IN THE BOX on the boat at the end, though. That never fails to freak me out.


3 severed lims out of 5

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1 It's a huge galaxy, Naboo played its part in Palpatine's plans, no one cares anymore.


2 Palpatine's past is pretty much unknown, but he was never a Jedi, at least as far as the council goes, Darth Plagueis most likely picked him up as a child, probably for sensing something in him and trained him in secret. Since Darth Bane, only two Sith existed at a time, so they were always in hiding and eventually became legend. In Ep I, you can see that the Jedi are surprised that Sith still exist. Since Palpatine is incredibly strong, and deceit and hiding are the Sith's main tools, it's normal that he coud go around as he pleased. And since he was Naboo's senator, no one would suspect him going to Naboo. He was most likely already a Sith Lord before he became a politician.


3 Anakin has no father, he's like Jesus, Shmi got pregnant out of the blue, which is why they recognized him as being the one from the prophecy. Also, Tatooine was habited by humans a loooong time before the movies.


4 Since Palpatine was a scheming bastard, it was all part of his plan, he most likely knew he was alive and wanted him to take over Vader. Remember that Vader got fucker up when fighting Kenobi, he couldn't live up to his full potential. That and Palpatine probably wanted Luke's body (not in a gay way, in a stupid expanded universe way, where he takes over clone's bodies to live on) And since Tatooine is off the radar and by the time it was largely unknown who Anakin Skywalker was, only a few would react to the Skywalker name. But yeah, that wasn't very smart.

Luke's uncle is Anakin's step brother yeah.


Luke's uncle and aunt were Shimi's husband's (remember she re-married in between Ep I & 2) son and daugher-in-law.


Also Darth Plagueis as well as wanting to become immortal and prevent death also supposedly dabbled in creating life from nothing. Of course I don't think there is anything in the EU that definitely says it but it wouldn't be a stretch to think that Plagueis experimentation did indeed work and Anakin was the product of that. Ironic considering the reason Sidious killed Plaguesis was because he feared Plaguesis was going to create a new apprentice and replace him when in fact Sidious made Anakin his apprentice.

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Luke's uncle and aunt were Shimi's husband's (remember she re-married in between Ep I & 2) son and daugher-in-law.

Oh yeah, I remember now. The film actually fills in that gap quite well.


Also Darth Plagueis as well as wanting to become immortal and prevent death also supposedly dabbled in creating life from nothing. Of course I don't think there is anything in the EU that definitely says it but it wouldn't be a stretch to think that Plagueis experimentation did indeed work and Anakin was the product of that. Ironic considering the reason Sidious killed Plaguesis was because he feared Plaguesis was going to create a new apprentice and replace him when in fact Sidious made Anakin his apprentice.


Or Shimi could just be lying, to cover up a drunken night out? :heh:




Also, is there any reason why they choose the Organas to adopt Leia? Is it just because they know the Organas are against the Empire?


Also, when Vader destroys Aldaran in Episode IV, how come no one seems to give a shit? I mean, the rebels don't seem that particularly pissed off, considering like however many billions of people just died.

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence


I've seen this film get slated by so many people, but I quite like it. I have an affection for this film, especially the last 45 minutes or so. I'm quite an avid Jude Law hater, but even he seems to be decent in this film.

I must have seen this for about the fourth time now, and on all four occassions, I have been saddened by the ending. Sure, it's a modern take on the Pinocchio Tale, but I think it's pretty well done.


8/10. Screw you, I like this.


I'm in the same opinion, I think it's quite brilliant to base it on pinocchio actually. It made my mum cry as she first watched it last night.

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I'm in the same opinion, I think it's quite brilliant to base it on pinocchio actually. It made my mum cry as she first watched it last night.


I hope you hugged your Mum afterwards! Nobody was there to hug me, and I needed it daaammit!


Planet of The Ape (1968 version, not the trashy 2001 remake)

Brilliant. Just absolutly fucking brilliant. I can easily say it's one of the few sci-fi movies from that era that has actually aged well.


"Get your stinking claws off me, you damn dirty ape!"




Good man. If I had a cool list, you'd be on there. Planet of the Apees is one of my favourite films of all time. :)


"Beware the beast man, for he is the Devil's pawn..."


The way they open Beneath the Planet of the Apes with this quote and starting it where the first film ended is great. :)


Ok, yesterday, I watched two childhood classics:


Cool Runnings


They really, really don't make films like they used to. To this day, I have never come into contact with a single person whose heart did not melt after watching this, or raise a smile at the humour within, or shed tears when the boys carry their sled over the finish line.

John Candy is on superb form. Can any of you admit that you never tried creating a sled and pushing it down the stairs whilst shouting "EINZ! VEINZ! DRIEZ!" Haha...oh dear.


I fucking love this film. 9/10. :)





Sweet Jesus, two awesome films within a few hours of each other. Also, fucking hell, doesn't Julia Roberts look yummy in her fairy costume? Now, I never noticed THAT as a kid, haha.


There's also about a million more things I laughed at this time around that I didn't when I was younger. It's one of these timeless films that you can watch when you're 15 or 50. Dustin Hoffman also does a superb turn a Captain Hook, who pretty much steals every scene that he appears in. Also, Bob Hoskins as Smeeeee! :D



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