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Great. I love movies with a good bit of suspense rather than all random gory bits. Also, it's the first teen horror movie I've seen in a long while where they develop the characters well so you actually want them to live. Also, both the the main characters, Kale (Shia LaBeouf) and Sarah (Ashely Carlson) are both incredibly hot, it's hard to concentrate on the movie. It ends well too, which is strange for a movie like this. Not utterly amazing or anything, but good, which is a nice change from the usual crap.




The Faculty


Interesting. Some new species of bug takes over teachers, and then everyone else bar a group of highschool kids, including Elijah Wood and Josh Hartnett. I really grew to like Wood's character, and the ending wasn't too shabby. A couple of great moments that make you cover your eyes, and a couple of not so great moments. For the most part though, it's pulled off quite well.






Lol. A bunch of spiders takes over a town, mating with local ones to make deadly species. It's a comedy horror, which some truly terrible effects in places. That doesn't make it worse though, infact it probably made it better. The spider at the end was...dissapointing. I was expecting a huge beast, but instead I got some overgrown house spider. Not a bad laugh though.



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No Country For Old Men


What the hell is all the fuss about, I don't really get it! Yeah it was OK but nothing spectacular, seen a hell of a lot of better movies.




Oh and just to clarify I don't care if the directing, cinematography, etc was perfect, I'm rating it on my personal enjoyment of the film so just remember this before you start the flaming... Oxygen_waste, et al.

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voices of a distant star/she and her cat


nice little film - very quietly moving... i give the film itself a 5/10... but i have to be honest and say that i bought the dvd solely for the short film "she and her cat" in the extras... which is a really nice little animation about the day-to-day musings of a young woman's pet cat as she goes about her life ^___^

8/10 just for dvd extra goodness (and super kawaii reversible cover art)

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voices of a distant star/she and her cat


nice little film - very quietly moving... i give the film itself a 5/10... but i have to be honest and say that i bought the dvd solely for the short film "she and her cat" in the extras... which is a really nice little animation about the day-to-day musings of a young woman's pet cat as she goes about her life ^___^

8/10 just for dvd extra goodness (and super kawaii reversible cover art)

Really? I liked Voices of a Distant Star (it is also rare in having an English title that sounds far better than the Japanese one), but thought She and Her Cat was a bit silly... I liked the fact that it was black and white though, and of course the animation in both is great. (but not as good as his latest work, 5cm/s, which is quite frankly the best animation I have ever seen)

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No Country For Old Men


What the hell is all the fuss about, I don't really get it! Yeah it was OK but nothing spectacular, seen a hell of a lot of better movies.




Oh and just to clarify I don't care if the directing, cinematography, etc was perfect, I'm rating it on my personal enjoyment of the film so just remember this before you start the flaming... Oxygen_waste, et al.


That's the Coen Brothers fer ya... You either love and get them or you just "meh" them. It's not about the technical issues, it's all about story and character. Go and watch Fargo. If you think the same, then you'll never like the Coen Brothers. Ever. That doesn't change the fact that they're magnificient. And that No Country For Old Men is the best thing committed to celluloid since the 21st century.

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Awesome. Loved every second, and it was very funny. Ending was sweet, but could have been better, and I didn't like Seth as much towards the end of the film as much as I liked the other characters, but it still ruled.


I used to work with a kid who looked very much like McLovin. White shirt and everything! :grin:



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A truly exceptional film by the director Akira Kurosawa (also directed and wrote Seven Samurai). The film is a loose adaptation of King Lear, but based in Japan during the 16th century. The script is truly remarkable, the acting is some of the finest ever shown on the silver screen, the cinematography is just inspiring. In the film, there are 2 scenes when 2 castles are burnt down. Instead of taking the cheaper path by using scale miniatures, Akira Kurosawa insisted in not only burning down full scale castles, but also having them built and burnt on locations like Mount Fuji, Japan's biggest mountain.


On the whole, I couldn't recommend this film more. It's one of the finest motion pictures ever concieved, and hopefully will never be forgetten.



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A truly exceptional film by the director Akira Kurosawa (also directed and wrote Seven Samurai). The film is a loose adaptation of King Lear, but based in Japan during the 16th century. The script is truly remarkable, the acting is some of the finest ever shown on the silver screen, the cinematography is just inspiring. In the film, there are 2 scenes when 2 castles are burnt down. Instead of taking the cheaper path by using scale miniatures, Akira Kurosawa insisted in not only burning down full scale castles, but also having them built and burnt on locations like Mount Fuji, Japan's biggest mountain.


On the whole, I couldn't recommend this film more. It's one of the finest motion pictures ever concieved, and hopefully will never be forgetten.




Best Samurai movie ever. My favourite Kurosawa. :heh:




Sweeney Todd

Go, Johnny Depp, go!

Well... first the bad. The blood FX were horrible. Anthony was annoying.

Some of the music sucked, but that's not the production's fault, since they merely revamped (and dare I say, fantastically revamped) the musical's own theme songs.

Other than that... fantastic acting, superb atmosphere and overall greatness in pretty much everything. But hey, that's Tim Burton, right?

Not his best, not even by a longshot, but I can't help but love it.







Seldom do we see the likes of this. A smart dumb comedy. :D Not much to it, but it most definitely works. I like this movie, maybe because it's so veiny.


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That's the Coen Brothers fer ya... You either love and get them or you just "meh" them. It's not about the technical issues, it's all about story and character. Go and watch Fargo. If you think the same, then you'll never like the Coen Brothers. Ever. That doesn't change the fact that they're magnificient. And that No Country For Old Men is the best thing committed to celluloid since the 21st century.


I quite like O Brother, Where Art Thou though and thats a Coen Brothers film, isn't it? So I was hoping I would enjoy this one more!


Coin toss scene is worth 5/10 for the whole film alone, so what were you doing for the rest of the film?




Exactly, and the rest of the film sucked, hence the score :heh:

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Exactly, and the rest of the film sucked, hence the score :heh:


Nooo! Lol. Beep/Corridor/Light scene is possibly the most tense Ive ever been in a cinema. Apart from maybe the time I was in Two Towers and desperately needed a shit.


Christmas DVD watch today!




Pretty good.



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Zodiac was cool but felt strange to watch. Couldn't work it out at first but then i thought about it and realised that, while structured, filmed and paced like a thriller, it's actually more like a biopic, and thus leaves you expecting a twist that never arrives.


still, good film with some truly great moments, and a rarity for portraying violence as disturbing rather than heroic.

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I thought it was really good. The whole POV idea was great. I was expecting something along the lines of Blair Witch Project which would have been dire.





i actualy enjoyed it too though i have to agree with peoples complaints about the storylein but the ending got a bit of complaints.. i thought it was fine?



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I quite like O Brother, Where Art Thou though and thats a Coen Brothers film, isn't it? So I was hoping I would enjoy this one more!


O Brother, Where Art Thou is fantastic... but it's a comedy. It's not a proper Coen flick. Watch Fargo, Miller's Crossing or Blood Simple. Those are "the" Coen Brothers films. Then there's O Brother, Where Art Thou, The Man Who Wasn't There, Barton Fink, The Big Lebowski, Raising Arizona & The Hudsucker Proxy... those are all good or great (the ones underlined are masterpieces) movies, but they're not Coen flicks, they're overall good, they're not signature Coen cinema.


Then there's also Intolerable Cruelty and The Ladykillers, but in my mind, those two were just a bad LSD trip that should never have happened, as they're awful. And now they're back with No Country For Old Men... wich is, no argument whatsoever, their best movie.


I understand that you don't get them. Most people don't. Seriously. Watch Fargo... I'm convinced you'll think the same about it as you did about NCFOM. That's just how they are.

If one day you do get them... remember these 3 names:

No Country For Old Men


Miller's Crossing


These are 3 of the best movies ever made by mankind. Sublime.

Or, if you're not a Coen fan, these are the 3 worst Coen movies.

Until we meet again. o/

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