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Rate the last film you saw


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Heyy Babyy

At some points it was really cheesy. Some bits were so predictable but you were still wanting it to happen. Some bits were simply amazing. Most of it was hilarious.


8/10 a really good all round comedy family film.

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I didn't read the book and i understand the film easily. What's there to NOT understand. the film is far from shallow... shallow to me is like transporter. A film that makes your mind go numb cause you don't have to think. V was a film but perhaps over the top special affects but everything about it was great.




Ha just there for a second it might have looked like I know what i was fucking talking about:)


you misunderstand me. You need to have read it to understand why it's so weak.

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i didnt think v for vendeta was a bad film, i just felt its an old idea thats been done better, like in 1984. i did get the film. i just think it had a case of the could of been betters.



oh and i went into transformers expecting somthing cheesy and exciting. not somthing that i could have written when drunk. acting was un even, plot was dire, caracters were as likeable as a gang of morons can be. action was very weak. left a huge amount to be desired. it had all the emotion of a coaster. the only good thing about the film was the effects. it actualy felt like a comedy it was that poorly written.


honestly, i can't belive people say its a great action film. its great action untill the robots actualy fight, the instant they touch it becomes hard to work out whats ment to be happening.


a good action film would be somthing like terminator 2, its cheesy and ott, but you can tell whats happening, it has one liners, and dosent really on jokes that could be written by a 4 year old. oh a robot pissing on a man. hillarious. haven't laughed that hard since i was raped. and belive me, that was a lot less painfull, and didn't cost me close to a fiver.

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My worst point about transformers were the transformers.

Introduced too late, basically supporting characters and they are all completely irritating.


Too much focus on pathetic human characters, the action doesn't pick up until near the end and at that point it feels like a robot fighting montage leaving little clue what the hell is going on.


I felt that as a no brainer action movie, it tried to develop the characters too much. Pretty much the same way Pearl Harbor had 3/4 of boring character shit and a little action on top, it is the wrong way to do a action film.


P.S Bard you have quality taste, I'm glad you're not one of the ones fawning over this.


Oh and Knocked Up was pretty damn good. Probably the funniest comedy of the year and much better than 40 Year Old Virgin



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a good action film would be somthing like terminator 2, its cheesy and ott, but you can tell whats happening, it has one liners, and dosent really on jokes that could be written by a 4 year old. oh a robot pissing on a man. hillarious. haven't laughed that hard since i was raped. and belive me, that was a lot less painfull, and didn't cost me close to a fiver.


Although I don't agree with you about the rest in some ways..


that point is completely true. Shaky camera is piss annoying.. Actually gives me a headache a lot. it's why i hate action films as much as i do.. Terminator 2 didn't do this and was a far better film for it.


It's a 2000+ thing really isn;t it..


Bad boys 2 made me sick when i watched it. it went too far.


My worst point about transformers were the transformers.

Introduced too late, basically supporting characters and they are all completely irritating.


Too much focus on pathetic human characters, the action doesn't pick up until near the end and at that point it feels like a robot fighting montage leaving little clue what the hell is going on.


I felt that as a no brainer action movie, it tried to develop the characters too much. Pretty much the same way Pearl Harbor had 3/4 of boring character shit and a little action on top, it is the wrong way to do a action film.


P.S Bard you have quality taste, I'm glad you're not one of the ones fawning over this.

It had problems No doubt and Pearl Harbour was just a shit shit film.

It was the biggest load of money to go down a shithole since judge Dread.

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You don't think so. I saw it in the cinema and i swerar the shaky cam was awful. But yes the film sucked balls anyway.
Disagree! Bad Boys 2 is an awesome film for what it is, just a pure fun over the top action movie! I think it's great! and apart from a bit in the Ferrari chase I don't think this film suffers from the 'shaky camera' at all.


Blood Diamond


Wasn't really interested in seeing this when it came out in the cinema, but saw it on DVD a while ago and it's an awesome film!

De Caprio gives a steller performance, with IMO a great and believable South African accent.

The story is very strong, good emotion, and the action sequences are really great! and no shaky camera!


Fantastic film!! 9/10

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Disagree! Bad Boys 2 is an awesome film for what it is, just a pure fun over the top action movie! I think it's great! and apart from a bit in the Ferrari chase I don't think this film suffers from the 'shaky camera' at all.



it might not have. Just a bad day for me it might have been.


And yes blood diamond is awesome 9/10

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Here's a question for you guys...


How many films has Leonardo DiCaprio starred in where his character has not died? I'm seriously finding hard to think of one!

I haven't seen The Departed, The Aviator, The Beach, or Catch Me If You Can, does he in all those?


Also can't remember what happens at the end of Gangs of New York, I remember him lying on the floor after the battle, does he eventially in that as well?

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Wasnt expecting too much of this with it being a remake of a film I wasnt bothered about to start with. To get straight to the point I generally hate film remakes.

I was glad I did watch it though because Rob Zombie has done a fine job of recrafting this one whilst making the story deeper and more brutal than I could have ever wished for. Sheri Moon is the usual quality eye candy too.

If you enjoyed 1000 Corpses and Devils Rejects, I cant recommend this one enough. If you like classic horror, you are onto a winner with this one.



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