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Rate the last film you saw


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The Fountain


WTF Hugh Jackman can act...isnt that one of the signs of the apocalypse? (I like him really!:laughing: ) Awesome film everyting I though it would be and more! Fantastic music (now got the soundtrack), sublime imagery! Probably not for everyone...but I love these sorts of film...Brilliant!



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snakes on a plane


I saw this again.Yet again i coulnt' see the fuss.It is truly one of the worst films ever that only made the cinema in the first place cause jackson is in it.Has one of the most corny,cheesy endings i have ever seen in a film and the snakes look freakin fake.Why oh why didn't they just close that dam trap door if everyone keeps falling into it.And that keanen guy says he practises flying on his playstation......With what?superman returns?


ok i'm finished



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Did anyone see Azumi last night



Very nice ninja action. Was kinda like wacthing a live action anime but good for once. The ending was proablay one of the dumbest endings Iv ever seen. And the director gets all crazy with camera angles for some reason. Maybe he at something and it got him all hyper :P

Nice cheesy music in battle scenes to. Thas always good

Anyway I loved it




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snakes on a plane


I saw this again.Yet again i coulnt' see the fuss.It is truly one of the worst films ever that only made the cinema in the first place cause jackson is in it.Has one of the most corny,cheesy endings i have ever seen in a film and the snakes look freakin fake.Why oh why didn't they just close that dam trap door if everyone keeps falling into it.And that keanen guy says he practises flying on his playstation......With what?superman returns?


ok i'm finished




you...err...you do know it's a comedy, right?

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it's a spoof. you may as well pull apart Airplane! for having poor tension or something.


airplane is a comedy........and nothing else.So when you go to airplane you expect to laugh and you do as it's one of the greatest films of all time.


snakes on a plane you go to for the action....Cmon you do!

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haha i can't name one disaster movie that's worse.


If you went for the comedy er fair enough.but it really isn't that funny.

I have no problem with the name 'snakes on a plane'.It's telling you what the film is about in 4 words which brings me to my next point.THE FILM HAS NO STORY!I think airplane had more of a storyline(i can't believe i'm comparing the 2)


I even looked it up on wiki for you


''Snakes on a Plane (also known as SoaP and released in Japan as Snake Flight (スネーク・フライト)) is a high concept,[1] horror-thriller feature film[2] starring Samuel L. Jackson.''


nothing about comedy in fact horror is almost the opposite.



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I even looked it up on wiki for you


''Snakes on a Plane (also known as SoaP and released in Japan as Snake Flight (スネーク・フライト)) is a high concept,[1] horror-thriller feature film[2] starring Samuel L. Jackson.''


nothing about comedy in fact horror is almost the opposite.




Using Wikipedia as a source to back anything up should be banned.

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Van Helsing


If I payed for that film I'd be pissed off but it was quite entertaining on TV. There's too much CGI, there's too much obvious CGI and it seems the story was almost completely cut out of the whole film. However the relation between all the different classes of monsters was quite well thought out (at least to me it made sense). And it had lots of action, although real life would be a lot more enjoyable than CGI but Kate Beckinsale made up for that :D



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Time Bandits


Time traveling midgets take on an evil wizard. Actually even better then it sounds. Classic British sci-fi surrelaism. Did I mention the time traveling midgets?



PS. I mean seriously, time traveling midgets. Imagine having dinner with the man who thought of that.

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Watched Star wars - a new hope this afternoon.


Noticed something new this time


When the stormtroopers enter the control room that r2d2 and c3p0 are in, one of them bangs him head rather hilariously.


For that alone, ill give it a 8/10

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