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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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The resurrection of this thread inspired me to make a new sig.


Av: Seems a bit small to me. Other than that, pretty cool. 7/10


Sig: I like the font. A lot. What font is it? Plus I'm loving the background. I have no idea who the characters are though. 8/10.

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Avvie: 8


Interesting, nice size and rounded off edges.


Sig: 3


Colours that remind me of Microsoft Paint. "Rad 80's" is the sort of generic phrase found on Primark T-shirts with pictures of *yes!* stereos on them.

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Ummm you could at least have an invisible background....looks kinda like a Worms 2 level though.


Sig - 5. See above. Smiley face helps though.

Avatar - 4


New combination from me celebrating the awesomeness that is Little Boots' face. Moreso in the avatar.

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This thread isn't very playground-y, so we're introducing new rules!


1. You only rate NEW, ALTERED signatures.

2. Each 'game' lasts until the next new signature has been posted.

3. Your English and writing skills must be immaculate. No 1337 sp33k, txt talk or bad grammer, lest ye awaken the wrath of the Kraken.



Let the games begin.


EDIT: Current GAME: Rate Dyson Sigav! Woo! Current score? 9/20!

Edited by jayseven
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Sig: 3


Colours that remind me of Microsoft Paint. "Rad 80's" is the sort of generic phrase found on Primark T-shirts with pictures of *yes!* stereos on them.


I guess I shouldn't tell you that I recently got this. In my defence, at least I designed it myself instead of actually going to Primark. Plus it doesn't have Rad 80s on it.

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I guess I shouldn't tell you that I recently got this. In my defence, at least I designed it myself instead of actually going to Primark. Plus it doesn't have Rad 80s on it.


Also the colours are muted. Which is much nicer (IMO), in that design. :)

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Sig - Both virtuality yes? I love. I have it, but am yet to watch. Anyways, good choice of scene for the sig, painting the landscape, very interesting, nicely bordered, though the colour could be a bit more rich and vibrant. Nonethless,


9 / 10


Av: Not so much of a fan, just abit meh, undefined ect


6/ 10

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After reminding myself of the translation...


I like the sig (with text), it works well together. Although the neon blue border around it doesn't fit so well I feel. A darker blue would. 7.


Avatar. Same as before really, the blue. But I do like the choice in pic. 7


New sig/avatar :o:D

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ReZ your new sig/avatar hit me in the face yesteray when I first saw it! Good stuff! :D


Avatar: Very stylish and I love the whole Gold thing going on in both the avatar and signature. 5 Bears out of 7


Signature: Simple but BOLD! the whole thing is very striking. 6 Bears out of 7. :grin:


The two work well together. :)

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Sig 8/10 - Certainly bold how ever sprites have never really grab me but I suppose that is non of your doing.


Av 9/10 - I really like this and the size and shape really makes a change from the usual 100x100 box.

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