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Nintendo Direct (18th June 2024 @ 15:00 BST)


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Seems very short notice for such a big Direct. Looking forward to seeing what they have in store for the rest of the year - don't really have any big expectations besides the usual suspects (Prime 4 & Silksong) but it's been so long since we had an update on either of them that it's more a case of it'll be great if they're there but I won't be too downhearted if they aren't. 

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23 minutes ago, killthenet said:

Seems very short notice for such a big Direct.

Nintendo actually haven't given us much of a heads up for June Directs since bowing out of having official 'E3' Directs following their E3 2021 Direct (which they told us about on the 2nd and aired on the 15th); the Direct Mini of June 2022 and last year's June Direct were both announced just a day ahead of time! 

23 minutes ago, killthenet said:

don't really have any big expectations besides the usual suspects (Prime 4 & Silksong)

Silksong is going to be an interesting one, I think. I didn't expect it at Indie World a few months ago and thought this made the most sense as a next potential place to feature over Xbox or SGF, purely down to the viewing numbers, but if we see it tomorrow, like I said back in April, I'll be floored if it's shadow dropped like Hollow Knight was. 

Shadow-dropping a few days out from Shadow of the Erdtree just seems like a great way to completely bury yourself - don't get me wrong, Hollow Knight is huge but there are few games I think could take on Elden Ring, and one made by a small team of indie devs is not one of them simply because that seems like a very risky way to release your work - so even if the game would likely still sell and do great, I don't think they should do that to themselves. 

Re-emergence tomorrow and then maybe a demo shadow-drop, though, with a potential release date or window announced? I think that would be realistic. If it's not there tomorrow then I guess TGAs in December is it's final bet (unless Nintendo gets real weird with it and somehow have it attached to the Switch 2 hype cycle?), and a December shadow drop would kill its odds in GOTY conversations, so ::shrug:

19 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

First Summer gaming show I'm actually looking forward to. :bouncy:

Pretty much where I'm at to in all honesty :D

PlayStation last month I thought was poor outside of Astro Bot, SGF was fine (and Geoff was sensible to lower expectations ahead of time), Xbox had a good if not great show as always but are so heavily reliant on games you'll be able to play elsewhere, and their first party stuff just never speaks to me -- I think people throwing around "greatest conference ever" for that Xbox showing are completely full of it and forgot what a great show looks like it :p

Nintendo have run away with the last few Junes imo, they always turn up, and it feels like there's less pressure on this one because of the Switch 2 seemingly not being so far out now from being announced and shown off. Would love a couple more Wii U ports (Wind Waker/Twilight Princess? Xenoblade Chronicles X?), there's been the potential for the next Fire Emblem remake for what feels like forever, and I think some other remasters could help fill out the schedule too (Donkey Kong Country Returns deserves a third release damn it!). Then there's a whole host of smaller Nintendo IP they could surprise us with, like a Rhythm Heaven game, and with Luigi's Mansion 2 HD just around the corner...where the hell is that Switch remaster of the first game?! Maybe it's being kept for Switch 2, but still :laughing:

That's not even to mention third-party. Give me Chrono Trigger or some Dragon Quest remasters already, Square! 

Big question for me is how they handle Prime 4. If that game is going to be positioned as the Switch 2 launch game as we all feel it is being (even if it will also be available on the original Switch), does it turn up here with a '2025' release window? Or do they hold it back and tie that hype cycle to the marketing cycle of the Switch 2 whenever that starts up? Very curious to see if and how they handle that. 

Edited by Julius
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Very well. Time for unreasonable predictions:

  • Dragon Quest I-III HD news/confirmation;
  • An update on Metroid Prime 4;
  • Grezzo's working on a 2D Zelda;
  • Camelot is working on an RPG;
  • MercurySteam is doing a new Metroidvania;
  • Skies of Arcadia Remaster;
  • Kid Icarus Uprising for Switch;
  • New Kirby title to round out the year;
  • An F-Zero announcement of some kind;
  • Wario is coming;
  • Mole Mania comes to the NSO;
  • Sakurai will make an appearance that steals the show. He will refrain from showing pictures of his cat.

If any of these come true, it's a win for good vibes.

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8 minutes ago, Jonnas said:
  • Sakurai will make an appearance that steals the show. He will refrain from showing pictures of his cat.

If any of these come true, it's a win for good vibes.

I beg to differ

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Should be a good sendoff to the console.  They know it's the Switch's final big Direct, so I'm sure they'll look to go out with a bang, but at the same time; their first party studios can't really be throwing anything too big at the current console because most of their developers will be all-hands-on-deck for the Switch 2's launch window.

The only two first party titles I am expecting here are a new Mario Party and the requisite End-Of-Console-Life Kirby game.  Otherwise? It's gonna be remaster and remake city... speaking of which... Greezo have been awfully quiet for some time now, and Sakurai did hint numerous times at a Kid Icarus Uprising remaster...

A handful of 3rd party timed exclusives are always possible though.  Would be real nice to finally see Silksong and Ace Attorney 7 show up this year... just sayin'.

Prime 4 will not be here.  Aint no way it ends up being anything less than Nintendo's big marquee title for Switch 2's launch day, anything else would be a ridiculous waste of potential and outright harmful to Switch 2's launch window hardware sales.  Nintendo's history is littered with examples of games that were cancelled in favour of being moved to successor consoles, and Prime 4 will be no exception here.

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Nintendo Direct 18/06/24 to be broadcast tomorrow

3pm UK time... (ah well, only two hours off from the second prediction) ;)

Check out the full roundup article tomrorow evening.

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About bloody time! :hehe:

Unleash the pre-Nintendo Direct excited corgi!: :D

What I saw of the summer game snoozefest :zzz: and xbox shows wasn't really my cup of tea, so it's all down to Nintendo to deliver the goods now. *gulp* :hmm:
Watch the Direct be nothing but ports of stuff I already own and a ludicrous amount of "cosy" farming games... again. :heh:



I guess a lot of it is due to me becoming an increasingly fed-up and grumpy old git :laughing: but yeah, I find myself continually disillusioned with the modern-day video game industry. :shakehead
The only upcoming releases that I'm truly excited for at the moment are Kingmakers and Victory Heat Rally, two titles that seem to prioritise gameplay and fun, placing both at the forefront of development, just as it should be.

I'm still enjoying playing games it's just that it now consists mainly of catching up on older stuff I've not played before plus revisiting classics. Whether they be new to me or not, it's often a real eye-opener returning to games of yesteryear and it highlights just how misdirected this industry has gradually become. :( Seriously though, how many dev teams need to go under before there's a realisation that all is not well and we start to see some changes? ::shrug:

At this rate it's going to take a miracle to get things properly back on track. Many developers are hell-bent on pissing around with political malarkey and shoehorning it into their games, when in reality they should be completely and utterly focused on getting the basics right, those fundamental aspects that made gaming so entertaining and successful in the first place!
I tell you, back in my day games were just fun, we didn't need any of this... ... ...



Anyway, suppose I'll go ahead make my wishlist for this Direct, it's mostly the same as always since they never listen to me: :grin:

  • WarioWare: D.I.Y. sequel. Actually, I'd even take a port of this one (despite what I said at the start of this post, and despite owning 2 copies for DS! :D) but it's highly unlikely at this stage and seeing as they've already released a couple of WW games on Switch.
  • A new mainline F-Zero game. A port of GX probably wouldn't cut the mustard though, as I can already play my GCN copy in a vastly enhanced manner via Dolphin.
  • Update for F-Zero 99. Player numbers appear to have dwindled drastically, F-Zero Climax content (especially its track editor) would make for an ideal addition I reckon.
  • A new Pilotwings, Nintendogs, Chibi-Robo!, Wii Music, Rhythm Tengoku, Kirby's Dream Course, Mario Paint/Artist, Balloon Fight/Kid, some other quirky or forgotten game, etc. :heh:
  • Relaunch Miiverse. This would probably make more sense for the next system now, but either way I'd love for it to make a comeback. Perhaps with some Nintendo Letter Box/Swapdoodle inspired elements mixed in as well.
  • Goemon/Mystical Ninja games added to Switch Online. Looks like Konami are never going to give this series the love it deserves or make a collection, so getting some of them on NSO would be the next best thing.
  • Diddy Kong Racing on NSO. I just really want to play this again. :hehe:
  • Surprise Fighters Pass 3 for Smash Bros. Ultimate. With decent and varied character choices! No repeat franchises, especially not Fire Emblem! :laughing: This one's absolutely impossible I know, but FP2 was such a dud for me (never even got it) and the base game is just so amazing that it feels like a wasted opportunity not to add even more to it. The game has to be headed to the Switch 2 as well, right? Either by backwards compatibility or a port, so some new content would set that up nicely too.
  • Mario Kart 8 DX Labo VR update which should've happened years ago! Yes I'm still waiting for this. :p
  • A sequel to Dandy Dungeon from Onion Games. Been playing this again recently and I love it so much, still not completely finished it actually (as it's a hell of a grind) but I'd be up for even more as it's just so damn stupid and funny. :cool: If we get anything from Onion in this Direct it's more likely to be something for Stray Children, which looks pretty cool and trippy though, so I can dig it.
  • Space Channel 5 game with Joy-Con motion controlled gameplay as an option. :yay:
  • A Vampire Survivors DLC/crossover that actually makes sense. I'm thinking Resident Evil, Dead Rising, House of the Dead, Dark Souls, Bloodstained... or how about... Castlevania? *cough* ;)
  • A good Pokémon game. Even if it meant going back to the sprite based 2D style. There's probably (well, hopefully) going to be a bit of a wait for whatever is next from Game Freak now though, i.e. it'll be on Switch 2. But yeah, I just hope they've been paying attention to certain wake-up calls. *cough* ;)
  • Something to make me keep my sub to NSO active. Think it expires in August and as much as I've been enjoying the retro stuff, F-Zero 99 and of course playing N-E Smash Bros. on Saturday nights, I'm not sure if I'll continue to subscribe, at least not on the Expansion Pack tier unless they were to add something really good, or something I mentioned above.

Well, that's about all I can think of. Now we play the waiting game...
Ugh, waiting game sucks, let's play Dandy Dandy Dungeon! :bouncy:


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Speaking of roguelikes @RedShell, did you ever play Dicey Dungeons? It’s one of my absolute favourite games on Switch and I reckon you’d dig it :hehe:

Also… hey! With Twitter now gone from Switch, perhaps Nintendo will see the need for a Miiverse revival on Switch 2! (With blackjack and hookers ;)).

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At last. Out of the blue. Right on time. Like clockwork. Certainly feels like E3 with the forum slowness. :D 

Realistically, ports galore: Excitebots. Ever Oasis. Star Fox 64 3D. Nintendo Pocket Football Club. Harmoknight. DK Returns. Switch Music. NSMB 2. Wario Land: Shake Dimension.

FF:CC: Crystal Bearers.

Link's Sheikah Slate School.

Capcom x WayForward: DuckTales RemDem (Remastered Demastered).

It's time for Skies of Arcadia to join ToS and BK on Switch.

Rare: It's KI Gold, Jerry!

Looking forward to anything new (Captain Syrup's Showtime, a Mario & Luigi game like Rita's Replay!) and what third parties have, i.e. new to me. Otogi Katsugeki Mameda no Bakeru: Oracle Saitarou no Sainan!! comes west.

16 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

First Summer gaming show I'm actually looking forward to. :bouncy:

Noooo. Don't succumb to the penguins!

14 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Should be a good sendoff to the console. 

Here's hoping it's not going out with too much of a whimper. It's had a tremendous run.

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4 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It seems like a couple of games are a lock for this Direct.

  Reveal hidden contents

Fantasian and an Ace Attorney game.

Happy with that first game finally being released on something other than Apple Arcade. 

...You know, I'm disappointed with myself for not predicting that first one. Feels so obvious, and it's even been hinted at, but I didn't have it in mind in the moment I made my previous post.

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8 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

It seems like a couple of games are a lock for this Direct.

  Hide contents

Fantasian and an Ace Attorney game.

Happy with that first game finally being released on something other than Apple Arcade. 

Supposedly the second game might be


ports of the Ace Attorney Investigations games, which i would be very happy about. I really enjoyed the first one on and sadly the sequel never got release in the west, so I'd be very keen to get to play those


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13 hours ago, Dcubed said:

Speaking of roguelikes @RedShell, did you ever play Dicey Dungeons? It’s one of my absolute favourite games on Switch and I reckon you’d dig it :hehe:

I played it briefly, yeah. Back when it was on Game Pass.
Can't really remember now, but there was definitely something about it that didn't sit quite right with me. :blank:

So, not long to go for the Direct. :bouncy:
I'm very foolishly getting hyped up. :heh:

BTW, thanks to everyone for keeping the leaks in spoiler tags. :)

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7 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:


I feel like I can make just as strong a case for this being the next mainline Mario, a super late Mario & Sonic at the Olympics, a Wii Sports port or a Wind Waker/Twilight Princess collection. 

There's no hype and chaos quite like Nintendo Direct hype and chaos :D

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With Nintendo surely gearing up for Switch 2 I’m really tempering my expectation for this, although 40 minutes seems as if it may cover quite a bit.

A few baseless predictions:

• Mole Mania for NSO (I agree with you @Jonnas ).

• No sign of Wind Waker / Twilight Princess (I’m fed up with predicting them & subsequently being disappointed)

• A mass of indies & ports (inc Power Rangers and some sort of Fall Guys update).

• A short multiplayer Zelda game (similar to the free limited DS download as opposed to a full Four Swords GC port).

• Red Dead Redemption 2 port.

• Finaly DLC for Mario Party Superstars!

• I’d love Zelda Oracle remakes, but maybe that’ll be for Switch 2 instead? What the heck, a man can dream! 😄


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Oh! S-E are publishing the Switch version of Fantasian? That's interesting...

First time they've worked directly with Sakaguchi since FF10!

Edit: DLC for Switch Sports... really? more than 2 years after release? Sure.  Why not!

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