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And that’s 100% item completion done in 10:01!


Man, the shinespark puzzles in this game are crazy! They really get a lot of mileage out of the fact that you can now keep momentum going after a wall jump (brilliant new addition BTW! Can’t believe I never thought of it! And I love how the game never tells you this but naturally pushes you to discover this on your own; like how I did after speedboosting against the fan in Ferenia and then jumping off the wall and realising “OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHHHHHIIIIIITTTTT!!!! :D)

That being said though? I’m not so keen on the fact that Scan Pulse is basically required for 100% completion, the fact that the map doesn’t highlight rooms that have unfound items inside unless you use it is annoying; and some of the hidden items kind of feel like they fall on Scan Pulse as a bit of a crutch (Ferenia is probably the worst for this, as there are plenty of items hidden in random blocks that you simply would never find without Scan Pulse).

The shinespark puzzles are absolutely A-Grade here though.  You can really tell that the main MZM level designer was Dread’s director after seeing the crazy stuff here :D 

Now to get the rest of the gallery photos… speaking of which 


Interesting that Kraid was captured by the Chozo… was he alive here before they found him?

Also, looks like Raven Beak reprogrammed and modified the EMMIs after subjugating them? And he was responsible for killing off the Mawkin tribe by using them for experiments with the X?

Also… Quiet Robe helped arrange the capture of the EMMI?!

Finally, the last collage is interesting in how it includes all of the main villains of the series alongside Other M Adam and Quiet Robe…

BTW, one last thing about the final boss…


Did anyone else get the impression that the game wasn’t originally supposed to end the way it did with a glorified QTE cutscene? I can’t help but get the feeling that Raven Beak X was originally supposed to be an actual boss battle,  before the devs ran out of time and turned him into a glorified cutscene instead.  As it stands, I can’t help but feel that the game ends on a bit of an unsatisfying note; as it really feels like it was supposed to have one final giant boss encounter, following up from the Mega Man style Raven Beak boss fight with a giant boss fight against Raven Beak X.


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2 hours ago, Dcubed said:

And that’s 100% item completion done in 10:01!

  Item spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

Man, the shinespark puzzles in this game are crazy! They really get a lot of mileage out of the fact that you can now keep momentum going after a wall jump (brilliant new addition BTW! Can’t believe I never thought of it! And I love how the game never tells you this but naturally pushes you to discover this on your own; like how I did after speedboosting against the fan in Ferenia and then jumping off the wall and realising “OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SHHHHHIIIIIITTTTT!!!! :D)

That being said though? I’m not so keen on the fact that Scan Pulse is basically required for 100% completion, the fact that the map doesn’t highlight rooms that have unfound items inside unless you use it is annoying; and some of the hidden items kind of feel like they fall on Scan Pulse as a bit of a crutch (Ferenia is probably the worst for this, as there are plenty of items hidden in random blocks that you simply would never find without Scan Pulse).

The shinespark puzzles are absolutely A-Grade here though.  You can really tell that the main MZM level designer was Dread’s director after seeing the crazy stuff here :D 

Now to get the rest of the gallery photos… speaking of which 

  Chozo Memory spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

Interesting that Kraid was captured by the Chozo… was he alive here before they found him?

Also, looks like Raven Beak reprogrammed and modified the EMMIs after subjugating them? And he was responsible for killing off the Mawkin tribe by using them for experiments with the X?

Also… Quiet Robe helped arrange the capture of the EMMI?!

Finally, the last collage is interesting in how it includes all of the main villains of the series alongside Other M Adam and Quiet Robe…

BTW, one last thing about the final boss…

  ULTRA SUPER MEGA SPOILERS!!! (Reveal hidden contents)

Did anyone else get the impression that the game wasn’t originally supposed to end the way it did with a glorified QTE cutscene? I can’t help but get the feeling that Raven Beak X was originally supposed to be an actual boss battle,  before the devs ran out of time and turned him into a glorified cutscene instead.  As it stands, I can’t help but feel that the game ends on a bit of an unsatisfying note; as it really feels like it was supposed to have one final giant boss encounter, following up from the Mega Man style Raven Beak boss fight with a giant boss fight against Raven Beak X.




That's weird, the map does highlight rooms that hide items. It stops doing so once you open the blocks, though.

I found that the Pulse Scan wasn't too different from Super Metroid's scan visor, though. Both of them trivialise hidden items/paths.



I thought about it, and it doesn't make sense that this is the same Kraid. The timeline just doesn't match. So this is either a second specimen from Kraid's species (which may just be called "Kraid", really)... or maybe this is the Kraid from Metroid 1/Zero Mission, while the one from Super is an offspring, immediately promoted to his father's position. This Kraid was probably captured alive, yeah, if the dude can survive in lava, he must be a sturdy one.

I don't think Raven Beak willingly used Mawkins as experiments for the X, as Quiet Robe described the whole thing as an accident. The image shows RB feeding some soldiers to Drogyga (a non-X entity), but I imagine those are dissidents, or Thoha, or something like that.

Quiet Robe did show he could control the EMMI with his holo-tablet. Seeing as his is the "scientist" tribe, I'm guessing he was under duress because Raven Beak couldn't do it just by himself. Raven Beak likely subdued the EMMI by force first (it's entirely possible he crippled the first EMMI just to retrieve something that QR required to control them)

Good to know I wasn't the only one to notice Adam standing among the villains :heh:



I think the last QTE was designed that way. It's been a recurring element that every final boss in Metroid is trivialised by the last-minute power-up, so the fight with Raven-Beak-Experiment-Kraid-X was made into an anti-climactic QTE to better sell the power of the Metroid armour.


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And done, sub 4 hours on Hard Mode is complete.

3 hours, 22 mins. Took a full hour off my last play. :D

Think only way I could potentially go better now is if I learned all the sequence breaks the speed runners do, but that was would be a lot of effort :p

Might go back to Normal mode for a sub 4 hour run there just to get the achievements for Normal mode as haven't played on normal since my first play. We'll see next week.

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So, I found out the hard way that E.M.M.I can just casually stroll through Beam Blocks as if they don't exist...


Man, my mood just whiplashes all over the place with this game I've finally started playing. And I've only just gotten to the second area.

I'm zipping around the place, being badass, playing Metroid, and it's wonderful. The controls are so fluid! But then I realise I have no choice but to go through one of those doors to proceed, and then what follows is several minutes of me hating it.

I despair at how difficult later E.M.M.I zones will be...

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On 13/11/2021 at 12:24 AM, Glen-i said:

So, I found out the hard way that E.M.M.I can just casually stroll through Beam Blocks as if they don't exist...


Man, my mood just whiplashes all over the place with this game I've finally started playing. And I've only just gotten to the second area.

I'm zipping around the place, being badass, playing Metroid, and it's wonderful. The controls are so fluid! But then I realise I have no choice but to go through one of those doors to proceed, and then what follows is several minutes of me hating it.

I despair at how difficult later E.M.M.I zones will be...

I love the EMMI zones haha.

Anyway another weekend another Metroid Dread run done :)

Went back to Normal mode first time since first got the game as wanted the achievements for it.

Decided to try add some extra flavour by trying to do a number of sequence breaks.

Learned how some of the pseudo wave beams work, managed to skip the first EMMI and went straight to the first boss for early Phantom Cloak :D


Also managed to sequence break the Grapple Beam and Bombs...tried to skip the 2nd boss but without the Diffusion Beam there was a ceiling after Flash Shift that requires diffusion beam but couldn't pull off the pseudo wave beam on it. Reloaded so a save just after getting Bombs and went back to 2nd boss. I reckon this back track cost me some time.

I did manage to skip the Drogyga boss though. :) Took me ages to get the pseudo wave beam on that wall (reloaded a few times to try keep time down :p)

Also managed to sequence break the Space Jump...though I don't think there was any benefit to it as I still needed to get Storm Missle anyway and you would naturallybget Space Jump on way back from SM anyway. But was still fun to pull off :)

Was hoping for sub 3 hour time, got 3 hours 22mins.

Probably won't get too much faster unless I learn how to sequence break the Screw Attack, and the methods for that look beyond me .. especially the camera lock one and you have to memorize the route to the screw attack blind. How the speedrunners do that is amazing.






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Ver. 1.0.3 (Released November 16, 2021)

General Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Samus’ damage detection would disappear under certain conditions.
    • We made the decision to fix this issue because there is a possibility that it may occur unintentionally, and if it does, it will result in a play experience that is far different from the way Metroid Dread was originally intended to be experienced.

Very interesting to see Nintendo actually write a justification in their patch notes for this bug fix... that's VERY unusual for them to do!

They're clearly trying to preserve the current experience for speedrunners/sequence breakers; which is awesome to see!

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Got quite an interesting survey from Nintendo about Metroid Dread in the mail. It asks about other Metroid games you played, whether you prefer the 3D games or the 2D ones, and asks about other Metroidvanias you played like Shantae/Hollow Knight/Axiom Verge/Castlevania. Also asks about if you are going to replay the game and for what reason, about your favourite aspects and power-ups (one which spoils the very final upgrade, wonder if you als get that question if you say you haven't finished the game yet).

Also this made me chuckle a bit. One option for reasons for buying Dread you could choose was "to fill up my time until Prime 4 arrives". They know. :grin:

All in all seems like they perfectly know what the game is about, how people play it and what the "competition" in the genre is. Was surprised by the depth of the survey!

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And another run through done :)

Think that is 6 now?

Sub 3 hours on Normal mode :D

I skipped the first EMMI, didn't sequence break the Phantom Cloak this time as I couldn't get the damn pseudo wave beam for it. I did the 2nd boss in sequence but sequence broke the Grapple Beam on route to the Morph Ball Bombs. And I skipped Drogyga. Shinesparked every boss and mini boss that I was able to. Even managed it on the cross bomb boss for first time.

I will ad a note that I did reload from last check point a few times to manipulate the game clock if I messed up a boss or when trying to skip Drogyga.

I probably won't be able to get much quicker than this unless I learn a sequence break for the Screw Attack. For now I will say those are beyond me... Especially the camera lock one.

But will probably try sub 3 hours on Hard Mode next weekend :)

I'm also very happy with this Speed Boost puzzle. First time getting it in one go from all the way back in the EMMI room Right after beating the EMMI



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I finished this game a few days ago, having never played much 2D Metroid before this, having never really gelled with it. I enjoyed it a lot, felt like a really well crafted game. I like how it's more of a puzzle game than anything else, and the ability to do instant counters really made the game less cumbersome to travel through. Definitely still some things to address (constant moving between zones and long loading times that come with that, and having to constantly backtrack to get items you couldn't reach before) but overall a really fun game, I thought. You really don't get many games like this.

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Not sure if this is the best thread to post this, but it seems appropriate:

A video about the sort of 80s Sci-fi that may have influenced several aesthetic choices in the early days of Metroid. Alien is the obvious one, of course, but it goes deeper into other potential sources of inspiration that might be more unexpected (yet believable), such as Nausicaa, Barbarella, and an old obscure Anime called Space Cobra. It's a fascinating watch.

(The part about the original Zelda being inspired by Sabrewulf is definitely a reach, though)

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22 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Very cool how the devs planned for sequence breaks like this (and plenty other easter eggs). 


Great something new for me to try :)

And I had Flash Shift once before Kraid and all. But I also had bombs and used those for the insta kill

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I recently finally decided to try my hand at a Hard Mode, under 4 hours clear:


I think I did pretty well, considering I didn't map much. I went for the early Grapple Beam, plus the Drogygas skip (surprisingly easy to pull off, that was). Hard Mode being what it is, I actually had a lot of difficulty with several bosses. Escue was particularly nasty, until I noticed there was room to store a Shinespark (I legitimately don't think I'd have been able to defeat him otherwise), and of course, I tried doing it with The Experiment as well (no uppercut, sadly, I could only pull off the horizontal "Shineslap")

Despite all this, there are two images in the Gallery that I haven't unlocked yet. Gotta see what that's about (EDIT: I have to speedrun it on Normal Mode as well to unlock the pics?! Dangnabbit!)

Edited by Jonnas
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This is a great video for anyone interested in animation:

Nintendo games have been pretty on fire lately when it comes to animation. It feels like Nintendo putting importance into their usual polish and small details has been extended into animations now as well. Luigi's Mansion 3 was also excellent. Mercury Steam seem to have hired a ton more animators since Samus Returns.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got this for Christmas so am working through it naow. I have had to consult a walkthrough once on wondering where to go next (I missed noticing a door in a yellow room against the colour, so their fault, not mine)

Not really feeling the "Dread", once you've sorted one EMMI you've solved them all (1-2 left, so may surprise me) but loving the Metroid essence. I've just unleashed those... things... and am currently exploring the plant place, I dropped down next to a door for the saves so looking forward to that. 

Did anyone else find the EMMI's lil bitches at times? One a few occasions when it's been coming towards me on the floor and I haven't been detected, I'd go stealth and hug the ceiling. Several times just as it comes my way it decides to crawl on the ceiling, leading to detection/penetration.

The way they've done the other of items is most refreshing, especially the morph ball being later than expected, seeing all dem tiny tunnels teasing me. I want the super bombs naow dammit! I've already found 2 expansions which I can't utilise yet.

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2 hours ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

Did anyone else find the EMMI's lil bitches at times? One a few occasions when it's been coming towards me on the floor and I haven't been detected, I'd go stealth and hug the ceiling. Several times just as it comes my way it decides to crawl on the ceiling, leading to detection/penetration.

I didn't find them too bad but did get that a few times yes. Would be clinging to the ceiling in stealth mode and one would walk under me, turn around or somehow climb up to me then I'd be detected. Pain but wasn't too bad once you got to know their routes and could just bypass them.

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21 hours ago, Ronnie said:

I enjoyed the EMMI sequences a lot, but I didn't really take the stealth approach too often, and just tried to outpace them (where possible!). By the end of the game I was parrying about 50% of the time if caught, if not more.

It's what I've been doing normally also, but the moment I feel like trying something new... get shafted.

Got to last boss last night, failed spectacularly. This kinda shit is why I didn't bother fully completing Hollow Knight. I love the exploration and boss battles where things get thrown at you and you hit dat weak spot - but I really don't like this frantic split second timing sort of battles, where you always have to be doing something. It just gets exhausting and sucks the fun. So for the moment I'm going to go on a tour with the power bomb and get energy tanks, because I know I'm going to need them.

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8 minutes ago, EEVILMURRAY said:

It's what I've been doing normally also, but the moment I feel like trying something new... get shafted.

Got to last boss last night, failed spectacularly. This kinda shit is why I didn't bother fully completing Hollow Knight. I love the exploration and boss battles where things get thrown at you and you hit dat weak spot - but I really don't like this frantic split second timing sort of battles, where you always have to be doing something. It just gets exhausting and sucks the fun. So for the moment I'm going to go on a tour with the power bomb and get energy tanks, because I know I'm going to need them.

I feel your pain. I felt like putting my head through a wall multiple times in Hollow Knight, but you get better every time you face these bosses and it feels amazing to put a run together where you know his every move and can deal with every attack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Completed this just now. Fiddly controls and repeated mini-bosses aside, absolutely loved it.

Only a half-formed observation which might not stack up, but I feel like Dread bucks the trend with other Metroid/Nintendo games in the way it rewards precision - particularly through the 360-degree aiming. Super satisfying to clear a room quickly by exercising that extra level of finesse, even if it's rarely necessary.


The Kraid boss fight is beautifully crafted. The first phase is initially difficult, but once you've sussed the patterns and found a way to land rockets from various angles, you can progress to the second phase fairly comfortably. This is a real blessing, and well designed, because the second phase of the fight ruins lives; the claustrophobic playing area, the panic-inducing balls of sludge, and the platform projectiles which are seemingly unreadable even when they've repeatedly scythed you open in slow motion.

After several attempts without making progress in phase 2, you give yourself a talking to at the gameover screen, and try to summon your inner reserves of composure. Finding the right balance this time between evasive manoeuvres and offense, you miraculously ascend the platform projectiles and find a ledge from which you can unload into the lizard's maw. Given the precarious nature of the situation, you decide to spam your rockets as fast as you can to maximise your damage, but you quickly find yourself dislodged by another of its projectiles. With a herculean effort of concentration, your mind and body become one. You begin to understand everything in your life that has eluded you until now: you don't have to finish bad books; it's possible to make soup without telling anyone; you can defeat Kraid by shooting down his projectiles while hanging from that ledge! 

A sequence of precision jumps and rolls puts you back in prime position to take him down. His attacks are impotent in the wake of your measured fire. Surely all that's left are a few more hits as he leans his head forward in resignation. At least, that looks like resignation, right? He ain't got shit left, right?

Oh. He was just winding up a 500kph haymaker to the face.




The one at 4:40 in this video. Couldn't help but laugh. 




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9 minutes ago, dwarf said:


  Barely a spoiler (Reveal hidden contents)

The Kraid boss fight is beautifully crafted. The first phase is initially difficult, but once you've sussed the patterns and found a way to land rockets from various angles, you can progress to the second phase fairly comfortably. This is a real blessing, and well designed, because the second phase of the fight ruins lives; the claustrophobic playing area, the panic-inducing balls of sludge, and the platform projectiles which are seemingly unreadable even when they've repeatedly scythed you open in slow motion.

After several attempts without making progress in phase 2, you give yourself a talking to at the gameover screen, and try to summon your inner reserves of composure. Finding the right balance this time between evasive manoeuvres and offense, you miraculously ascend the platform projectiles and find a ledge from which you can unload into the lizard's maw. Given the precarious nature of the situation, you decide to spam your rockets as fast as you can to maximise your damage, but you quickly find yourself dislodged by another of its projectiles. With a herculean effort of concentration, your mind and body become one. You begin to understand everything in your life that has eluded you until now: you don't have to finish bad books; it's possible to make soup without telling anyone; you can defeat Kraid by shooting down his projectiles while hanging from that ledge! 

A sequence of precision jumps and rolls puts you back in prime position to take him down. His attacks are impotent in the wake of your measured fire. Surely all that's left are a few more hits as he leans his head forward in resignation. At least, that looks like resignation, right? He ain't got shit left, right?

Oh. He was just winding up a 500kph haymaker to the face.







Can I just say that was a joy to read :D 

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