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Indie World Showcase (14th April 2021 @ 17:00 BST)

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Posted (edited)

Always love me an indie showcase. 

Silksong? Axiom Verge 2? Bear & Breakfast? Garden Story? 

Dare I even suggest Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion?! 

Edited by Julius
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Indie World Showcase to be broadcast on Wednesday 14th April at 5PM UK time

Up on the main page.

We'll have the full roundup article with the press release etc up on the main page shortly after the event airs tomorrow. :smile:

No expectations for this, aside from perhaps Panzer Dragoon Z.W.E.I. Remake being that it's due out this year...

...also, yep I saw that the first remake was on sale the other day, and I missed it again. :p

Anyway, it has been four months since the last Indie World Showcase, so let's see what happens. :peace:

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10 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

We already have a release date for that one; comes out April 22nd.

Well, that clearly went under the radar! 

Imagine they'll just air that trailer again, but man, that game looks like such a fun time :D


Steamworld Dig: 2013
Steamworld Heist: 2015
Steamworld Dig 2: 2017
Steamworld Quest: 2019
Steamworld Dig 3: 2021???

Just saying.

Also, more Sports Story would be cool. Golf Story was such a delight, brings back great memories of that amazing first year with the Switch :heart:

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Fez on Switch is a nice surprise.  HOTD Remake looks... nothing like the original HOTD from that tiny video snippet!

Otherwise? Pretty meh show overall.


Great presentation. I thought it was easily one of the better recent Indie Worlds. No huge megatons but Oxenfree 2 was a cool surprise.

I've never ben into skating games but man Olli Olli World looks stunning. Love the art style!

Skul looks great too. It's like the visuals of Owlboy with the gameplay of Dead Cells. Definitely getting that. 

The Longing looks really interesting too, and out today!

I wish TMNT had platforming sections like the old NES game, brawlers are a bit meh imo.

The female narrator though... :blank:

Posted (edited)

Glad to hear from Lienzo again (Mulaka was my 2018 GOTY) although I'm not totally enamoured with Aztec God's on that showing, hopefully I warm up to it in time. Excited to try out OlliOlli World and I'm looking forward to Oxenfree II but otherwise nothing else piqued my interest. 

I've never played Fez so now seems like a good time to rectify that, if it's not too expensive.

Edited by killthenet

Turtles looks great. 

Fez is a great game, can really recommend it. 

A sale coming is great news. 

That last surprise is bound to make people happy. 

Cris Tales still looks awesome. 

Skul looks like it can do well with the fans of Dead Cells. 

Overall I think it was solid and far more entertaining than the last Indie World. 

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Posted (edited)

Full trailer for HOTD Remake here...

Visually it looks absolutely nothing like the original at all... but it does still seem to have the same cheesy voice acting as the original! (Full disclosure, HOTD1 is the only HOTD game I’ve never had the chance to play!).  Talk about mood whiplash!

Edited by Dcubed

I bought Oxenfree 3 times, and recognized that beach instantly. I'm pretty excited about that reveal.

Road 96 looks interesting, The Longing looks interesting, Last Stop looks interesting, Turtles looks good. House of the Dead may be interesting depending on the controls. was expecting more, but some good stuff nonetheless.


Shame no Garden Story or Sports Story, but then I feel like they don't often show the same game in more than one presentation so maybe they were never going to show up.


Annapurna titles, Road 96, TMNT Shredder's Revenge and a surprise of Oxenfree getting a sequel. I'd say that alone makes it a solid presentation, though I can understand if people were expecting more from it even if some were expecting things that were never going to turn up due to how the Indie World presentations are structured.

I'm just shocked that Night School are going back to Oxenfree. I suppose that they didn't find as much success with their subsequent title Afterlife (I certainly didn't take to it as I found it very disappointing) and had a solid idea for a sequel. Very happy either way and looking forward to getting my hands on it when it launches.



Nintendo Indie World 14/04/2021 Presentation Roundup

All up on the main site, N-Europe's Roundup of the presentation.

Full press release and video embed.

Once again, no expectations here, games were shown, plenty that I probably won't be purchasing, though there's clearly a lot of variety on offer.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge was probably the highlight, as that was a great trailer, showing more gameplay and a great soundtrack. :peace:

Posted (edited)

Just caught up on this, and while there are some great looking games, main thing I have to say is: ah yes, GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon from the up-and-coming indie studio Konami. That gave me a good chuckle.


(okay, I know it's being developed by an indie studio, GuruGuru, but still, published by and based on an old Konami IP doesn't exactly scream indie to me)

Edited by Julius

Labyrinth City looks like a Where's Wally book come to life, it's wonderful. Likely not for me, but I love that it exists.

As for stuff I may get:

  • Last Stop and Hindsight look interesting. Granted, it's more because there's plenty of goodwill with the developers, but to be fair, it's hard to tell how good a story-driven game will be;
  • Beasts of Maravilla Island. Not that much into the "walking peacefully in nature" concept, but this one looked kinda Pokémon Snap lite? There's a demo on Steam, so I'll check it out;
  • Road 96 looks mildly interesting, but I think it's the sort of game I'll need to hear discussions about before I'm fully sold;
  • The Longing is one I had heard of before, but I didn't know quite how it looked. This is another one I'll look into after hearing discussions, but the concept itself already caught my attention;
  • There is No Game looks super wild. Definitely on the wishlist;
  • Cris Tales is one I was already sold on (there's a demo on GOG);
  • House of the Dead Remake came out of nowhere! If it has lightgun mechanics with the joycons, I'll seriously consider getting it;
  • Skul is one I have seen on Steam a lot, but the UI always turned me off. I'll consider it, but I feel weirdly "meh" about it;
  • Oxenfree 2... I'd be more interested if I had played the first one... Which is actually on my backlog :heh:;
  • Aztech Forgotten Gods was definitely the star of the show for me. Not that it looks super impressive or anything, but the setting is absolutely bonkers! Sci-fi Aztecs?! Fuck yeah, sign me up!

So yeah. A couple of nice surprises, but on the whole, they showed a lot of games that just didn't click with me. Par for the course for an indie presentation, I suppose!

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A pretty decent showing but not the greatest. House of the Dead remake was a nice surprise, as I loved HOTD2+3 on Wii. The trailer did look like it didn't have gyro controls though. Oxenfree 2 is a very nice surprise, curious about that one and it makes me want to play through 1 again. More Annapurna is always good news. Road 96 has potential but I wonder if it works in practice.

Not that impressed with OlliOlli, I'll rely on Tony Hawk for this year's skateboarding fix. :grin: The rest didn't really tickle any fancy for me either.

Official confirmation that Turtles is coming to the Switch was the best news though! Looks great, can't wait to play that one.

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Watched this morning (the NA one but I assume there was no difference) and I liked how there was an array of styles on display. 

Also the Aztech pun is wonderful. 

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Too many interactive stories for my liking, but each to their own. The Longing was the one that really caught my eye there, will keep a look out for that.

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