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1 minute ago, Mokong said:

Not offical, those cost a fortune haha

Oh right, I didn't know they were that much, I've just checked, cheapest one I can see is £35... thye do go for £20 or less sometimes, but I guess the official adapter will be more in demand now, though there are supposed to be quite a few unofficial adapters which work well with the Switch, maybe even the one for Wii or Wii U as well?

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4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

As long as it's not the default, I am OK with anything. Super serious, super weird, overly deadpan, don't care.

Remember guys, the most important thing about hunting is not to use the default shout-outs, because it makes you look really boring!

If I see anyone here doing so when I get online, I will call it out!

Red rag to a bull that, ain't changing mine for nothing now, boring or not 😎 😉

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I'm starting to think monsters can actually hear the camera shutter click. They don't acknowledge me until I take the pic and then they immediately get aggro!

It's happened a few times already.

I'm on 3 star village quests now, just unlocked an interesting new mechanic called "Switch Skills"

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Making some decent progress. Up to 3star Village quests, unlocked first Switch Skills.

Played a online hunts which went well, sgill 1star on Hub though.

Completed my first full new armour set, Aknosom, and got two Element Switchaxes already. Aknosom for fire and Lagombi for ice.

I can see a Barioth quest in the village 3star so the fire axe will come in handy there :)

Hopefully we can organise some hunts in over the weekend.

If anyone doesn't have me added here's my friend code SW-4051-6461-8053


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27 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Uhhhh... You sure that isn't a Barroth quest?

Definitely Barioth. Looking forward to using my new Fire Axe on him later.

Also here's so helpful info for anyone focusing on story mode first.



I might try get 3star village done today then focus on online.

What times are good for people to put a lobby together? Probably evening time for myself.

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4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Uhhhh... You sure that isn't a Barroth quest?


3 hours ago, Mokong said:

Definitely Barioth. Looking forward to using my new Fire Axe on him later.

Lol, I must have been too tired last night, I take it back you were right, Barroth.

Even the pick on quest menu confused me as it was kind white and orange made me think of Bari


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Just defeated Aksonom (on my lunch break no less) and opened up the 3* quests, will try and crack on with a few more this evening! Haven't even looked at weapons or armour yet, just rocking the standard stuff, I'll keep doing that until I feel I'm completely disadvantaged and really need it.

I am missing the scope of World at the moment, the environments and monsters all feel very small so far...but it is taking me back to my initial 3U days, so there's a nostalgia kick as well.

Enjoying it so far, looking forward to getting to the meaty stuff!

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So I noticed Khezu was a non-key quest in Village 3star and got distracted by him as saw a route to a Thunder Switchaxe :)

Now already have a Ice, Fire and Thunder wep.

I think that gives me decent coverage. And I do believe Thunder will come in handy for the Hub 1star urgent so will be doing that later :)

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I got as far as making my character, Palimute and Palico last night, and have finished the tutorial quest, I'll likely put a few hours into the game today though.

The village setting for this game is excellent, I really like what Capcom have done with it this time around.

I'm looking forward to playing a few quests. :smile:

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I spent way too much time on character/buddy creation yesterday :hehe: but making some good progress on the village quests now.

Just did my first rampage.

Not sure what to make of those yet. I mean it’s pretty cool but also a bit slow and not really as exciting as regular hunts. :hmm: The first one is blatantly just a tutorial though, so I shall reserve final judgment until taking on some more challenging rampages.

One thing I’m definitely not keen on though is how the monsters can just fade out of existence. A couple of times during that rampage I was shooting at a monster only for it to suddenly vanish, which is not only disappointing from a gameplay perspective, but it also looks ridiculous. :heh: 

Pretty sure it’s a performance saving measure rather than an artistic choice, but I guess we’ll have to wait for the arrival of the PC version to know for sure. Either way it’s unfortunate and incredibly jarring. :blank: 

Other than that though (and a few other visual cutbacks, like reduced animation frames at a distance) the game looks amazing. It really is impressive that they got it to this level at all on the Switch! Excellent work by Capcom. :cool: 

I absolutely love the monster intros in this version as well. They’ve clearly gone all out (and then some :D) with the Japanese influence this time, but it really works and I reckon it fits Monster Hunter like a glove. 

So yeah, overall I’m very much enjoying Rise. I do get the feeling this could be the easiest game in the series though, mainly because the wirebug is just such an overpowering tool! :o It’s crazy effective defensively and offensively!
Not fought Magnamalo yet though, so I should probably wait and see how that goes before commenting on difficulty. :grin: 

Edited by RedShell
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I ended up buying the game after work yesterday evening and after putting 10+ hours into the game, I have mixed feelings about it. This shouldn’t be a surprise given how meh I felt about it during the build up of its release.

As @RedShell said, the game is VERY easy. I’m on 6* Hub missions and I have pretty much been able to steamroll my way through the quests. For all of the LR quests I only changed a single piece of armour from the default set and was absolutely fine throughout. Eating before a mission gave me enough health to offset any need for armour upgrades. Crazy. I’m now on HR quests and I’m only rocking 3 pieces of HR armour and 2 pieces of my default set and I’m still doing fine.

Going from the large maps of MHW to this is certainly a step back, especially when you factor just how few there are. It’s fun using the web swinging to reach higher places but most of this is for nothing because the battles mostly take place on the ground. 

The armour and weapon that I’m rocking give me quite the affinity boost and can easily be fine tuned to offer greater abilities.


I’m surprisingly enjoying running around with the dog, which I named Velguarder. Respect to anyone who gets the name without using Google. The cat I simply named Fodder because that’s all it is to me. :p 

I’ve had some good luck today in terms of Plates and Gems. They’ve been dropping left and right and although I’m not needing them, it’s always nice to have them ready and waiting in the box.

I wouldn’t be surprised if I end up reaching HR7 tomorrow, which is supposed to be the last rank. I read that any exp you get after that won’t carry over when the update hits in April. If true, this sucks, especially as the other games have always carried the players points over. It kinda makes me not want to play the game once I finish HR7, at least until the update arrives.

I’ve yet to start the offline campaign but given the gear I’m now rocking, methinks I’ll make quick work of it all.

Oh, and the Rampage missions suck. Tower Defense has no business being in a MH game. A quick look around online and it seems that is the general consensus, at least at this point in the game.

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Just got to 3star Village quests and I’m still absolutely loving it!  Don’t miss the stupidly huge maps from MHW one bit; the maps here feel absolutely perfect to me! No wasted space, no wasted time; and the exploration is actually meaningful thanks to the Endemic Life system and the Relic Records (which give some neat backstory & lore about each hunting area).  Really is the best of both worlds! (Though I do have to admit that I do kind of miss the comedy that comes from being repeatedly knocked over the loading line again and again :laughing:).

But I do get the feeling that this game is gonna steer towards being too easy... which is surprising since I found that the demo monsters did put up a good fight!

Me thinks that I’m gonna need that G-rank sauce sooner rather than later!

Edited by Dcubed
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20 minutes ago, Mokong said:

Anyonr up for some hunts?

I'll be up for some hunts in a few minutes, I'm only up to 2* Village quests and 1* Hub quests so far, but I'll have a go at any quest. :smile:

I haven't been K-O'd yet in the game, I think it'll be a while before the difficulty ramps up to demo level. :p

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5 minutes ago, Mokong said:

Cool I just finishing up a village quest, let me know if you set up a lobby or I'll set one up when done. I at 2star Hub but don't mind helping you out with 1star :)

I’m up for some hunting. I’m also at 1 star.

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