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Monster Hunter Rise


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Looks amazing!!

SO happy that they’ve (seemingly) removed all the casual bullshit from World.  No fireflies, no damage numbers, no walking while using items (Riding with using items instead is a nice compromise) and FUCK AWESOME combat!

LOVE the Spider-Man style climbing and grappling gameplay! It all just looks SO good!!

So wonderful to see the return of proper Monster Hunter! Welcome Back :D 

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This looks like a mix up of World meets the 3DS era games; you've got the Bug Wire (or whatever it's called) which seems like an extension of the clutch claw, open maps with no loading screens...with no fire flies or hit numbers popping up 😛

I've grown to love World, I'm about HR130 and got the MR99 Ruiner Nergigante quest to do tomorrow night to reach MR100 or above...but I'm looking forward to getting a portable and home console MH I can sink my teeth into again!

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  • 3 weeks later...

As some of you might be aware I recently started playing Monster Hunter World (at long last! :hehe:) was worried it might be too much MH before Rise and lessen my interest in that game (which to be honest was already a bit low, due to the removal of Prowler) but if anything it has done the complete opposite! 

I think a blend of the more classic MH style with some (but definitely not all) of the new mechanics from World has potential to end up being very special indeed. So yeah, excited to see more of this. :) 

Has there been any more info on the online aspects for Rise, other than the expected return to 4 player hubs and text chat? Really hope they manage to get seamlessly joining quests mid-hunt in there, if not the SOS Flare system too. It’d definitely be very difficult going back to the old way now after experiencing just how incredibly slick online play is in World. :cool: 

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Has there been any more info on the online aspects for Rise, other than the expected return to 4 player hubs and text chat? Really hope they manage to get seamlessly joining quests mid-hunt in there, if not the SOS Flare system too. It’d definitely be very difficult going back to the old way now after experiencing just how incredibly slick online play is in World. :cool: 

All that we know so far is 4 player hubs. The single player and multiplayer are completely separate like in the 3DS games, so your character levels up separately in each. No voice chat in game, or on the NSO app, just the messaging of set dialogue, emojis, etc.
That’s all we know so far.
Drop in, drop out, seemless multiplayer quest joining would be an excellent addition, keeping my fingers crossed for that.
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  • 2 weeks later...

@Hero-of-Time, so what are your thoughts on MH Rise? I remember you were happy with the direction the series took with World (having finally played it myself I can see why ;)) and this seems to be an attempt at blending that with the portable style.
So yeah, interested to know what you think about it.

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11 minutes ago, RedShell said:

@Hero-of-Time, so what are your thoughts on MH Rise? I remember you were happy with the direction the series took with World (having finally played it myself I can see why ;)) and this seems to be an attempt at blending that with the portable style.
So yeah, interested to know what you think about it.

I'll obviously be picking it up but I'm not too sure what to think of it. I seems to lean a lot more heavily in the more crazy/zany style that the 3DS games had going for them, which is something i'm not a fan of. I much prefer the more serious hunting style that was brought back with World. That game has some of the hardest boss fights in the history of the series. Also, the game looks a lot like Portable 3rd that was on the PSP. That game had a samurai/orient aesthetic to it, much like this one does.

My biggest concern is how the online is going to work. With the announcement of the game only having 4 player towns and no voice chat the alarm bells are already ringing in my head. Ever since the series hit the 3DS  the online has been nerfed, what with no real communication options and a very shoddy and limited lobby system. Even the Wii U game had voice chat and better lobbies. Plus, they really need to get the flare gun system working in this game. It was an absolute stroke of genius implementing that in World and it will be hard to go back to a MH game that doesn't feature it.

Regardless, the game will do STUPIDLY well, especially in Japan. I'm just hoping Capcom sees sense and continues both World and portable series, rather than having one over the other. World has been one of the biggest success stories of this generation and for Capcom as a company, so I can't seem them not making a sequel for the next gen systems. As long I get both then i'll be a happy chappy but if a sequel to World had to die for this then I won't be best pleased.

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13 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I'll obviously be picking it up but I'm not too sure what to think of it. I seems to lean a lot more heavily in the more crazy/zany style that the 3DS games had going for them, which is something i'm not a fan of. I much prefer the more serious hunting style that was brought back with World. That game has some of the hardest boss fights in the history of the series. Also, the game looks a lot like Portable 3rd that was on the PSP. That game had a samurai/orient aesthetic to it, much like this one does.

My biggest concern is how the online is going to work. With the announcement of the game only having 4 player towns and no voice chat the alarm bells are already ringing in my head. Ever since the series hit the 3DS  the online has been nerfed, what with no real communication options and a very shoddy and limited lobby system. Even the Wii U game had voice chat and better lobbies. Plus, they really need to get the flare gun system working in this game. It was an absolute stroke of genius implementing that in World and it will be hard to go back to a MH game that doesn't feature it.

Regardless, the game will do STUPIDLY well, especially in Japan. I'm just hoping Capcom sees sense and continues both World and portable series, rather than having one over the other. World has been one of the biggest success stories of this generation and for Capcom as a company, so I can't seem them not making a sequel for the next gen systems. As long I get both then i'll be a happy chappy but if a sequel to World had to die for this then I won't be best pleased.

HoT!!! You're alive!!! :D 

We missed you!! :bowdown:

Looking forward to playing MH online with you again! (Especially since we finally got our internet working properly again the other day!)

Edited by Dcubed
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14 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That game has some of the hardest boss fights in the history of the series.

Yeah, I found that World started out really easy, but some of the late game stuff is insane! And I don’t even have Iceborne. :o 

The monster that can 1-shot you unless you’re standing perfectly behind a boulder when it does an attack is particularly brutal! :hehe: 

14 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

My biggest concern is how the online is going to work.

Definitely. The SOS system in World, or even just the fact that you can jump into ongoing hunts is an absolute game changer. Will be such a shame if those mechanics don’t get used in Rise.

14 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

As long I get both then i'll be a happy chappy but if a sequel to World had to die for this then I won't be best pleased.

Pretty sure they’re separate dev teams, so I reckon we’re going to get both. Hope so anyway. :) 

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Well so far it looks like they're taking the best elements from World and are integrating it into the mold set by MH4/MHG.  Which is basically all I wanted really.

I do hope that the online lobby system is modelled more after World than MHG, but as far as gameplay goes? I couldn't really be happier with how Rise is shaping up really! :hehe:

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  • 1 month later...

This just keeps looking better and better. After the first trailer I was still a bit sceptical (didn't look like much of a visual upgrade), but now I'm convinced this is going to be awesome and there will be plenty of new after Generations. Still curious how that webslinging mechanism is going to work but it looks to add a lot of speed to the combat.

A demo is coming in January.


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