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17 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

No no no, you need to say the shark got a good bite in but you came out on top! Much more bad ass :p 

Haha, I change the story up as I go. But I will! My partner usually says that I'm a wolverine because it has a 6 weeks recovery time and I wanted to drive a car within a week. :indeed:

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1 hour ago, will' said:

I know you talk about the cars a fair bit so sorry for not remembering this - what are the three cars your currently have? Driving is one of the things I really miss and really hope I’ll be able to have a car at some point in the future.

8 hours ago, Goafer said:

I collect retro games, with a focus on Sega Saturn games in particular.

I cut down my retro collecting and now only buy GameCube and Saturn. Love exploring the shops in Japan for anything new whenever I’m there. As the console was quite popular there the prices aren’t as ridiculous as they are in the west. Panzer Dragoon Saga usually 20 quid or so for example.

Do you have a favorite thing in your collection?

I didn't really plan to have 3 cars, but one was pretty much given to me by my dad. I have:

Honda Civic Type R EP3. An absolute hooligan car, complete with obscenely loud exhaust. It's an absolute riot though. Bought it as a replacement when my 06 Fiesta ST died.

VW Passat B6 Estate: my dad's old car. He bought a fancy new Peugeot SUV and told me I could have his Passat if I bought him a McDonald's. I ended up buying one for the whole family instead. Still the best £30 I've ever spent.

VW Scirocco MK2. I've had this one for ages. Probably over 10 years now. It's off the road at the minute as it's got a weird fuelling issue. I think I've narrowed it down to stuff in the fuel tank clogging up the pickup filter and I've got a new fuel tank ready to go in. Plans just got delayed by having to replace the Fiesta and lockdown.


As for gaming, the jewel of my collection is probably Panzer Dragoon Saga. I bought it back when it was "only" £170. Haven't checked eBay for a while, but it was approaching £300 last time I checked. I also picked up a Japanese copy fairly recently as it was cheap and looks nice next to the PAL copy.

It's a game I played the first disc of over and over again, as it was given away with the official Saturn magazine, but I never got to play the full game until I finally bit the bullet and bought it about 6 years ago. It was weird to finally play it, but worth the £170 just to play such an infamous game.

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1 hour ago, will' said:

If you really want kids but don’t do it out of fear of how they’ll feel when you die then you’re missing out. If it’s for other reasons then it’s totally understandable.

Well, it's the biggest reason, but not the only one.

35 minutes ago, nightwolf said:

I usually said I had a fight with a shark and lost. 

Why not go with "fought a shark...you should see its scar"? :p


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13 minutes ago, Goafer said:

It's a game I played the first disc of over and over again, as it was given away with the official Saturn magazine, but I never got to play the full game until I finally bit the bullet and bought it about 6 years ago. It was weird to finally play it, but worth the £170 just to play such an infamous game.

I did exactly the same, thought I’ve never gotten around to playing the full game. One day.

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2 hours ago, will' said:

This must be interesting. Is it just a general non-interest or an actual dislike?

It's more of a non-interest than a dislike, but spending hours in an office with a load of people whose only topic of conversation is talking about cars is slowly turning it into the latter.


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4 minutes ago, bob said:

It's more of a non-interest than a dislike, but spending hours in an office with a load of people whose only topic of conversation is talking about cars is slowly turning it into the latter.


I had exactly the same thing with football at a previous job. It's draining when a whole office has one topic of conversation and you just find it boring.

Your place does seem like my idea of heaven though. Although it depends very much on what cars they like. If they fall into the "anything older than 5 years old is shit and for poor people" then they can fuck entirely off.

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OK then, here we go. Time to possibly learn more about me than you ever had before.

- My real name is Glen O'Brien. Anyone who has read any of my articles here should already know that though.

- I'm 30 years old. Born on January 15, 1990. That makes me the quintessential 90's kid.

- I've lived in London for most of my life. Although I was forced to live in Portumna, Ireland for around 5 years of my teenager span because my dad moved there. I hated it, I was a city bloke living in the middle of nowhere, going to a school where I was frequently bullied because I was English and living with a stepmother who also hated me and would freak if she ever caught me playing a console. The irony of that was that she probably inadvertently ruined my education prospects by claiming she was trying to get me to focus on school more. Suffice to say, I don't really want to go back to Ireland ever again.

- That username has been following me around for what must be well over 10 years at this point. It's the system name I gave to my DSi.

- First game I played was Dcubed's copy of Super Mario World at the age of three. (Sponging off of him for 27 years!) Super Metroid was too scary. First console I owned was a Game Boy with Tetris and Dr. Mario.

- Before joining the forums, I enjoyed a bit of small internet fame through Flipnote Hatena. As far as the European regions go, I was frequently amongst the top 10 creators there. Which is amazing, because I was painfully mediocre at drawing back then. I focused more on making my own comedy than on visual spectacle (Which pretty much all the other top 10's focused on), which I guess helped me to stand out. When it came to comedy Flipnotes, most people just recorded audio from popular YouTube videos and made animations to fit it. I didn't do this, I made up my own comedy to go with my own animations. That probably helped me climb those ranks.

- Because Glen-i was the name on my DSi, that was my Flipnote username, I kept it because now and again, people still recognise me from it. That blue Kecleon that you see in my profile picture is also from my Flipnote days. I needed a mouthpiece for my voice in a lot of Flipnotes, so I went with a Kecleon (He's also named Glen, BTW) because chameleons are my favourite animal (And it's not too difficult to draw from the side). Flipnote only allows two colours at once, so that's why he's blue and black.

- The one Flipnote that catapulted my exposure was an incredibly silly one where I provided lyrics to the main overworld theme from Zelda: Spirit Tracks. Pretty much had me providing the voice of Link, who was singing about stealing stuff (including the train he's driving and socks from your drawer) and how amazing he is, before getting unceremoniously blown up by one of those Demon Trains. I can't sing, so going back to it is painful listening, but people really liked it for some reason. Anyway, other songs I've put lyrics to and utterly butchered include Pleasant Path from Paper Mario, the World 4 map tune from Super Mario Bros. 3, Marowak Dojo from the second Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game and the theme tune from This Morning for some reason even I'm not certain of.

- Anyway, last Flipnote tidbit, Nintendo did two contests where people had to make short animations based on the Mario and Zelda series. I'm the only person in the world to win both of them. Oh yeah! Smug Mode to the extreme! Not even most famous Flipnoter, Kéké, can't claim that. (French dude, slight friend of mine, astonishingly talented drawer)

- Naturally, I started getting into drawing once Flipnote ended, I've gotten pretty decent at it now. It's my main non-gaming hobby. A few people have suggested that I take commissions, but I can't draw to deadlines. I feel like it would sap the enjoyment out of it.

- I've got rubbish social skills. Introduce me to someone I've never met and I'll clam up. Socially awkward doesn't even begin to describe me. And boy, if they don't have the same kind of interests as me, it just gets worse.

- A couple of things I've never done include drinking alcohol and gone on a date. I don't plan on ever drinking, seen way too many people get destroyed by the stuff. As for the dating game, I don't know, I've never been interested there. Maybe I'm asexual? Or maybe it'll change if I meet someone that I like that way. I'm not fussed about it really. I'm happy being single, more money for myself.

- I was made homeless at one point, it wasn't as bad as some people's experience, but I have had to spend nights on the streets at some point. It's horrible and terrifying, I can't imagine being in a more permanent state of homelessness.

- As some of you probably know, I volunteer at a community centre in Islington, letting local kids play my Switch with each other. It started when I got dragged there with my mum visiting a Christmas fair about 6 years ago. They had a Wii set up with some shovelware garbage to try and get kids occupied while their parents looked around. Boy, the staff member there supervising wasn't interested in the slightest. It was pretty sad.

I lived nearby, so I jogged back home, grabbed my WiiU and my copy of Smash Bros, all my controllers and basically bulldozed my console to that room, booted up Smash and taught kids how to play. It was a massive hit! Naturally, kids saw this silly fighting game with Mario, Sonic, and Pikachu and were immediately interested (Loads of kids would pick those characters first). I was asked to come back for future fairs and after 3 more years, I was then asked to make it a weekly thing. Of course, Corona has made that impossible at the moment, but the community centre has said they want me to return once it becomes safe to do so.

- I'm intolerant to peanuts, not a full blown allergy, but I get sick if the peanut is too overpowering. Which sucks, because I love Nutella.

- I'm really fussy with food, my eating habits would make some of you cry.

- I suffer from pretty bad insomnia at times. Medically confirmed 2 years ago. I have spent hours lying in bed doing absolutely nothing but try to sleep. I start feeling really tired, I go to bed and then I'm immediately wide awake. So yeah, if you ever see me playing Switch at stupid o'clock in the morning, then I'm probably having a bout of that.

OK, nothing else comes to mind, so I'm going to leave it at that.

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17 minutes ago, Goafer said:

I had exactly the same thing with football at a previous job. It's draining when a whole office has one topic of conversation and you just find it boring.

Your place does seem like my idea of heaven though. Although it depends very much on what cars they like. If they fall into the "anything older than 5 years old is shit and for poor people" then they can fuck entirely off.

My boss is a fan of weird, old French cars. The weirder, older and Frencher, the better. 

He regularly comes to work in one of these:


Or occasionally, when it is working, one of these:


When he bought that one, we all had to go out into the car park to look at it. ::shrug:

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1 minute ago, bob said:

My boss is a fan of weird, old French cars. The weirder, older and Frencher, the better. 

He regularly comes to work in one of these:


Or occasionally, when it is working, one of these:


When he bought that one, we all had to go out into the car park to look at it. ::shrug:

Yeah, that second one is a bit of a big deal. I'm not really into French cars in general, but I do like old interesting cars, so he seems like my sort of guy.

But yeah, cars can be dull as fuck for those not interested in them.

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- I'm Cube, also known as Dean.

- I'm 22, although I feel much younger.

- I come from Stockport.

- Although I grew up in North Wales, so I'm not a chav with a kid like everyone my age is in Stockport.

- I went to uni at Sheffield (really nice place) to study Physics and Astrophysics

- It didn't go too well.

- I then moved to Stockport to get a job.

- Finally got one at a textile company.

- Is now out of money problems caused by uni, and spending ages out of work while stuck in a contract for a house I couldn't afford (the one I was staying at in Sheffield).

- My favourite game ever is Banjo-Kazooie.

- I have two brothers, five sisters and a step-brother that range in age from 4 to 18.

- Well, technically most are half-siblings, but it's much easier to call them all brothers and sisters.

- The 18-year-old sister has a kid, so I'm also an uncle.

Me now

  • I'm Dean, and now I'm 32.
  • Born in Stockport, moved to North Wales when I was still a baby
  • Have lots of close family
  • Went to uni in sheffield, dropped out, moved to family in Stockport
  • Got a job at a textile place, was there for about 6 years
  • Got my first cat, River



  • Realised I was depressed, got help, realised I hated where I lived
  • A girl helped me get through this time. Lots of confused feelings, ended up creeping her out, became friends again later, I'm going to be best man at her wedding (I'll be on her wife's side), and she's going to be a bridesmaid at mine (on my wife's side)
  • Moved back to Wales, got a place renting on my own that was really nice, work wanted me to carry on working for them, but working form home
  • Got into board games, made some great new friends
  • Got Luna



  • Work moved me to 20 hours from 40 hours. Couldn't afford rent anymore.
  • A friend happened to want a housemate, moved into his creepy bungalow, it was amazing for games though



  • Eventually lost my job, ended up working for The Range
  • Started hanging out with a girl who was not right for me. We never had a relationship (or did anything), it was all "perhaps", "maybees" and "we'll see" - she just liked the attention
  • While this was happening, another girl from work came up to me because I barely spoke to her and joked that I'll have to get used to speaking to her as we'll be married some day.
  • I realised that the girl I was hanging out with was no good, and that I was only hanging out with her because it was "better than nothing", realised that even if she was interested in more, being in a relationship with someone I didn't actually like is not a good thing.
  • Supervisor of the other girl mentioned above kept telling me that we'd be a great couple, I didn't want to seem like I was just "moving on to the next person", but eventually asked her out
  • She said "yes"!!!
  • We had a few dates, got to know each other, talked a lot more in work. After a few weeks, we "officially" became a couple.
  • Within a few months, she moved in with me in the haunted bungalow - as it was a shared rent place, it only seemed fair as she was there so much.
  • Our first holiday was in London. Highlights include Red Dog Saloon, the cat cafe and Warner Bros Studios



  • Her niece's cat was not happy where she was, due to a baby and a giant puppy, so we adopted Betty



  • Eventually we moved to rent our own place.
  • I left the Range, got a new job working at a local mattress/bed retailer, working on their website
  • In September, we went on holiday to Carcassonne, an absolutely beautiful place



  • I proposed and she said yes!!



  • We're now hoping to get a house together, we have a finance adviser and are looking into saving schemes for a deposit. A mortgage will apparently be no issue, more how much deposit we'll need (they were aiming to try and get us one with a 5% deposit, but nobody is offering it anymore)
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I also don't like cars, although it is more fair to say I don't like societies relationship to cars. They're overused and over-preferenced to the detriment of humans. I know obviously they are absolutely essential for some people, but not all that use them. 

So maybe I dislike humans 🤔

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1 hour ago, Happenstance said:




Check and mate....

I'll admit, people are often threatened by my moral superiority.

I just approach them like a wild horse; gently reassure them that although I'm intellectually and morally superior, I mean them no harm and pass no judgement. Eventually they come round and I chuck a saddle on them and throw them in a barn.

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13 hours ago, soag said:

It was the most perfect proposal!! I almost died!!

Pic of the moment, I look like a fool but I was in shock!!!!


Bonus pic of the ring 




I can't see the photos! I want to see the photos! :( 

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3 minutes ago, soag said:

Oh no :(. They should be there unless I linked them wrong... I can see them though 🤔 

Are they through Google photos? If so you may not have the permissions set for others to see them as I'm getting a warning icon instead of the usual error.

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37 minutes ago, Happenstance said:

Are they through Google photos? If so you may not have the permissions set for others to see them as I'm getting a warning icon instead of the usual error.

They are Google drive pics. I think I have them set to public 🤔. 

They are not that important anyway 😊 

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9 hours ago, will' said:

Wow! What part of town are you from? Where did you go to school? What do you think about the Tesco?!?!

Wollaston, not too far from the canal and right next to the horse's fields. Fun times. 

I went to school at Ridgewood, chose to go there over some other places mainly because so many of my friends were going there. Followed that up with going to King Edward's for college before everything went down there, then went off to Halesowen after that! 

And haha that Tesco...it's such an eyesore! :laughing:Save for the massive Tesco logo I'd swear someone had built a fort in the middle of town, such an ugly thing, and so unnecessarily big too. Having two Aldi stores so close by definitely doesn't do it any favours either. 

How about you? 

Edited by Julius
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Oh wow! My Nan lives in Wollaston so we were there a lot as kids. I like that area down by the canal, remember rambling around the overgrown area by the river too but not sure what that’s like anymore.

I grew up in Norton very close to Mary Stevens park, my parents moved a few years ago but are still in Norton.

For school I was at Old Swinford the whole way through 11-18, but I did go to Ridgewood for one day when they do the initial induction day as I hadn’t gotten my place confirmed at OSH yet. I didn’t get in at first and was on the reserve list, somebody dropped out later on so I took the spot.

It’s crazy how much some things have changed yet how similar other areas of town are. I do rather enjoy it when I’m back there.

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