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COVID-19 (The artist formally known as Coronavirus)


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On 23/03/2020 at 6:14 AM, Pestneb said:

The places it seems to not be as huge an issue from what I can ascertain (and this is largely anecdotal and from my limited viewpoint) are east/south asian and post communist countries, where apparently there is less of a thing for individualism. So if you are in one of those countries, lucky you. If not, where abouts are you at the moment?

South East Asia/Asia is definitely going through the same craziness as the UK and other countries.

Singapore - a few months ahead, but we had crazy panic buying back in February and the shelves were empty
Malaysia - Very recently crazy panic buying and shelves empty
Philippines - Basically under martial law, only one person can leave each household and this is monitored via pass
Japan - panic buying and nothing available

The stuff in the UK is insane, but it's happening everywhere.

1 hour ago, Ashley said:

I don't know what my situation is at the moment...

Seems they're going to introduce some financial support for freelancers (80% of average salary or just under 3k a month whichever is lower). For the last few years I've been PAYE with some freelancing stuff on the side. I gave up my job to go travelling and I'm currently looking only for freelancing stuff in the interim. Am I freelance? Am I unemployed? I don't currently qualify as having been out of work long enough to get unemployment benefits. I left my PAYE in December but did freelance work last month. 

Also not sure who to go to for advice on this so... You guys? Presume it's the tax office that's sorting this all out. 

I think the best starting point is here: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus

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One thing I'm a bit unclear on is what counts as medical supplies? I've had some contact lenses delivered to my parents. Can I go get them? I could argue that I can't see very well without them, but are they essential? I could get by without them, but my quality of life would be severely reduced. I definitely couldn't drive.

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5 hours ago, Goafer said:

One thing I'm a bit unclear on is what counts as medical supplies? I've had some contact lenses delivered to my parents. Can I go get them? I could argue that I can't see very well without them, but are they essential? I could get by without them, but my quality of life would be severely reduced. I definitely couldn't drive.

maybe phone ahead and ask. equally, combine it with a shopping trip for food to double use of the trip. Just about to head into work, wonder what the traffic will be like today

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My TFH says lockdown was inevitable and always the plan -- but first they had to sell it softly to the people(and trust me if they knew behaviour of other countries they will have KNOWN people were going to behave as 'disgracefully' as we keep telling folk and being told by folk). So I do think it's been helped by blaming all the 'idiots' and to make it look like we forced this and it would have been avoidablr otherwise(it wouldn't have imo; covid-19 is currently just too virulent). Gonna be interesting to see how the enforcement powers are used in what cases if they are.

As for me and food I've never been a big stocker-upper and tend to buy and go as and when I need - which ofc during all of this has caused me a fair few problems in getting stuff(and I often live on the frugal basics that now everyone is buying; usually leaving only expensive options I'd rather not). Given I've been living frugal foodwise for a fair while I'm actually not struggling too bad as I'm used to not eating for a while if it comes to it(a side effect of a recurrent health problem that affects my appetite; also why i need small and basic stuff like crackers).




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8 hours ago, Dog-amoto said:


Unsuccesful but here's a question - if my mobile phone breaks today what the hell do I do with it being my main window to the entire world especially in these trying times to get information access services check things in real time generally survive stay sane etcetc.

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From what I've heard from in Japan the situation seems to be a little bit behind the UK but I'm still amazed that the Tokyo Olympics could still go ahead in July despite Canada and a few other nations withdrawing from the events altogether.

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1 hour ago, sumo73 said:

From what I've heard from in Japan the situation seems to be a little bit behind the UK but I'm still amazed that the Tokyo Olympics could still go ahead in July despite Canada and a few other nations withdrawing from the events altogether.

Willing to bet that they won't - again I know it sounds a bit bizarre but the public messaging has to be framed not just to be accurate and informative but also to avoid too much quick panic amongst the public that blows current rates of activity out of the window. Waiting a bit now during the crisis to announce a cancellation that's coming anyway avoids an immediate spike in public worry during this time that we're still adjusting all our systems to meet new equilibriums. The olympics will NOT go ahead; and Covid-19 is too big to not be any sort of deal in a few months. I also reckon we will get a reverb on the cases with little spikes in cases coming from time to time but smaller and further between each time.

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@will' that just told me I'm not eligible for anything so that was fun (my savings are large enough that I don't qualify for UC, which makes sense but still, bleh). Looks like I may have some work lined up anyway, but would be good to know where I stand.

Also, I can't click the quote link for your message. I've found that before but just for you. Anyone else?

In light of yesterday's news I'm trying to decide what I'll do after my AirBnb place is up next Friday (although I know things may change before then anyway). I may go to my nan's and stay there under lockdown until either its over, or I decide to leave and not go back at all (or I'm tested and it turns out I had it in the past so I should be more free to move around). She's got respiratory problems so is at risk, but I will have self isolated for 14 days at this point (well, 13.2 technically) so I should be fine and I'll just have to stay inside. It would give her company and I can help around the house. The alternative is to go to my mom's and help out there by doing the food shop (which will then be delivered to my nan's door) but her place is a bit more crammed as there's more people and dogs.

I'll speak to the matriarchs later and there's no point in making a firm decision now as all could change by that point.

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I originally had an appointment to have my braces removed this Thursday - the orthodontist has closed from today. Luckily someone cancelled their appointment last week which meant I had the braces removed a week early - seriously dodged a bullet with that one!

I had a fever over the weekend which means I'm self isolating until at least the end of this week. Luckily I can work from home but as I'm in a non-critical role I cannot log in via the VPN between 8am and 6pm as the system isn't good enough to handle everyone working from home! This should be fixed for next week though but at the moment it's a weird situation of starting work at like 4am, downloading a few things I can do offline for an hour or two, and then logging back in at 6pm for a quick email check. My bedtime at the moment is 7pm!

It's going to be an interesting few months (honestly don't expect the situation to change that much before July)!

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41 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Also, I can't click the quote link for your message. I've found that before but just for you. Anyone else?

I have no idea what it is but quotes ALWAYS mess up for me. Weird that it moves on and affects it on the other end too. Maybe I need to use a different browser?

Singapore is getting more and more locked down, just announced that entertainment venues will be closed from Thursday and groups cannot be larger than 10.

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Also on the Olympics thing...

I imagine they have already agreed behind closed doors that it's not going to happen this year. The big problem is that there are so many commercial deals that will have an impact on it and in different ways they can't just come out and say it. This four weeks will be for them to sort all of those deals out and present a united front when they inevitably make the announcement that the games are cancelled or (hopefully) postponed.

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2 minutes ago, will' said:

Also on the Olympics thing...

I imagine they have already agreed behind closed doors that it's not going to happen this year. The big problem is that there are so many commercial deals that will have an impact on it and in different ways they can't just come out and say it. This four weeks will be for them to sort all of those deals out and present a united front when they inevitably make the announcement that the games are cancelled or (hopefully) postponed.

Too late :p

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Tbf; it probably is mostly me. It's a completely unexplainable saaf eest accent that is worse than some of my friends and not present in much of my family. I think I overadjusted to fit in on the streets as a young brown teen rolling round fairly white crews I didn't wanna give any excuses to :p



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My ward is now cohorting COVID positive patients only.  Absolutely incredible response from the team in such a short space of time as we moved out every patient into nearby non-COVID wards in record time.


Though the Government has been largely spinning its wheels and doing sweet fuck all for the last month or so, rest assured that NHS trusts absolutely have not.  I’m enormously proud of the trust I’m working for; their response has been incredibly efficient and effective thus far.  We’re overstretched, understaffed and under-equipped, but the service is really stepping up to the challenge well.


I’ve just been rotated out into the community (will be working amongst the District Nursing team for the next 6 months - which was always part of my NQN development plan anyway) and I’m feeling enormously guilty leaving the hospital at the time.  But I will still be doing occasional shifts there and I have full confidence that the wards are being run by some absolutely incredible people that I am incredibly proud to say that I have (and still will be) working alongside.

Edited by Dcubed
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Unexpected contact recieved from mothership. Further communications due incoming about refueling. Offspring proxy agent identified to deliver. Confirm oppurtunity to recieve.

Package recieved. Proxy agent elder sibling acknowledged as well. Refuel successful. Thank you for commands; mothership.

Refuel package analyzed : contents appear to be;

  • Prawn Noodles
  • Curry
  • Rice
  • One(1) roti
  • waterboiled fowl eggs
  • carrot salad
  • mothership standard issue red onion pickle salad dressing
  • 9...


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