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N-Europe's Top 10 (Voting over, check first post for results)


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I never played a lot of the NES library, until the Virtual Console came about that is.Ā  However, i did own a few titles on the original hardware.Ā  So, here's my Top 5.

  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Paperboy
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • Tetris
  • The Legend of Zelda
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This was pretty hard to narrow down to just 5 games. Things like Little Nemo the Dream Master, Super Mario Bros. 2 and Totally Rad had to be cut. :(Ā 

  • DuckTales
  • Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers
  • Zelda II: The AdventureĀ of Link
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
  • Super Mario Bros 3

Warms my heart that the superior Zelda game on the system ( Adventure of Link ) has been mentioned by a few people already.Ā :heart:


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OK, the nominations are all tallied up.
The shortlist consists of 22 games that all got at least 2 nominations.

  • Balloon Fight
  • Bubble Bobble
  • Castlevania
  • Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
  • Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
  • Dr. Mario
  • DuckTales
  • EarthBound Beginnings (Mother)
  • Final Fantasy
  • Kid Icarus
  • Kirby's Adventure
  • Mega Man 2
  • Metroid
  • Ninja Gaiden (Shadow Warriors)
  • Punch-Out!! / Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 (Western Version)
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
  • Tetris
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

So it's time to get the Final Voting going. Just as a reminder...

  • Voting must be done via Private Messages sent to me. This will help to prevent any possible tactical voting.
  • Everyone must choose 3 games to vote for. They also must be ordered from favourite to third favourite.
  • It'd be great if you could explain why you chose a game in the PM. I can then use these in the article that will go up on the N-Europe front page.
  • I reserve the right to both use and not use someone's reasons why they chose a game.
  • I will abstain from these votes and act as a tiebreaker. If two games tie, I'll decide which game comes out on top.

Here's an example of the kind of thing I'm looking for when you send your votes to me.


1st - Super Mega Fun GameĀ - This game takes the super fun-ness of the previous game and adds a whole dose of mega to it. A true masterpiece.

2nd -Ā Super Fun GameĀ - It's like Fun Game, but Super! And it's not even on the Super Nintendo! That's so ahead of it's time, it's crazy!

3rd - Fun GameĀ - Sure, it's aged a bit, but this started the astonishing series and it totally deserves respect for it!

The Fun Game series got robbed...

You don't have to give a reason for voting if you don't want to, and they can be longer than that example, as long as it's clear which games you're placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
Games will get 3, 2 or 1 point depending on where they are placed in your vote.

Voting closes on Saturday 30th March.

Oh, and Captain Obvious moment here, but keep your actual votes secret, you're free to talk about the games on the shortlist, but not which ones you actually voted for.
I'm also gonna add a link to this post on the opening post for future reference.

Edited by Glen-i
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Right, so now might be the time to reiterate that Mega Man 2 > Mega Man 3

MM2 has better level design, more memorable bosses, much better weapons, better UI, smoother control (for some reason, turning Rock around is super janky in MM3), and no unreasonable difficulty spikes. And as a matter of a more personal opinion, better music, more interesting visuals, and better story.

I commend Mega Man 3 for having better items/Rush, giving us the Slide, introducing Proto Man (even if haphazardly), and having Doc levels at all. But all of that is peanuts compared to the amount of stuff in 3 that just pisses me off.

Edited by Jonnas
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9 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Right, so now might be the time to reiterate that Mega Man 2 > Mega Man 3

MM2 has better level design, more memorable bosses, much better weapons, better UI, smoother control (for some reason, turning Rock around is super janky in MM3), and no unreasonable difficulty spikes. And as a matter of a more personal opinion, better music, more interesting visuals, and better story.

I commend Mega Man 3 for having better items/Rush, giving us the Slide, introducing Proto Man (even if haphazardly), and having Doc levels at all. But all of that is peanuts compared to the amount of stuff in 3 that just pisses me off.

Agreed.Ā  MM3 is nowhere near as polished as MM2.Ā  Its rushed development does show in the final product.Ā  That being said, it does have some fab new ideas... as well as THAT boss rush at the end! Still one of the greatest end-game moments in gaming history!


It's still one of the best in the series; but I'd take MM2 and MM9 over it any day.

Edited by Dcubed
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Guys, come on. I need you to vote as well. I haven't got enough to go on at this point, do you really want meĀ to make up almost half the list?

I'm gonna mention those who nominated games but haven't actually voted yet.

@DcubedĀ @Vileplume2000Ā @RedShellĀ @markderoosĀ @VanillaĀ @Tim BĀ @GenericApersonĀ @JimbobĀ @ShortyĀ @Ugh first aidĀ and @Hero-of-Time (Someone might have to tell him for me)

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One final reminder for those who haven't voted (As well as people who didn't give nominations but might like to vote anyway). I mean, if that game gets in, it's all your fault!
Today is the last day for voting for NES games.

@DcubedĀ @Vileplume2000Ā @RedShellĀ @VanillaĀ @Tim BĀ @Ugh first aidĀ and @Hero-of-Time

If coming up for reasons is putting you off, just remember that you don't have to give a reason if you don't want to.

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@DcubedĀ @Vileplume2000Ā @RedShellĀ @VanillaĀ @Tim BĀ @Ugh first aidĀ andĀ @Hero-of-Time


Come on guys! Hop to it! We want a fun article for the main site and we need YOU to write it for us!


... plus we can't haveĀ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game winning the coveted title! Only YOU can stop it from happening!

Edited by Dcubed
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Voting is now over.

While I get to work on putting this article together, we'll move right to the next console.

Game Boy


Releasing in Europe in 1990, while it may not be Nintendo's first handheld console, the Game Boy differentiated itself from the Game & Watch by only needing to be bought once. It managed to beat all of it's more technically advanced competition by not eating your batteries in less than an hour. And don't worry, even if you're blown up by a bomb in the Gulf War, your Nintendo Brick will still keep playing Tetris.
The Game Boy is right up there in the gaming hall of fame and has some absolute juggernauts of games to go with it. But which ones do you think are better than all the rest?

Before you get ahead of yourself, there's a few restrictions that I'm introducing for this console.

  • Games that have multiple versions with slight differences will be counted as one title. For example, PokĆ©mon Red,Ā PokĆ©mon Blue and PokĆ©mon Yellow all count as one entry. Due to PokĆ©mon immortalisingĀ this, I will call it the "PokĆ©mon Clause"
  • Games that are made primarily forĀ the Game Boy Color will not be accepted here. The Game Boy Color has enough titles to warrant it's own top 10. If you're unsure of whether a game is built for the Game Boy Color, check the box art.

220px-Pok%C3%A9mon_box_art_-_Red_VersionĀ  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā latest?cb=20081012165215

Nomination closes on the 6th of April

Edited by Glen-i
How did it take that long for someone to notice the deadline mistake?
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I might skip this one. I was never much into the Game Boy apart from Tetris, a Mega Man game (no idea which one) and Six Golden Coins

oh and Alleyway and DaedalianĀ Opus. The latter was amazing.Ā 

Edited by Ronnie
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59 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I might skip this one. I was never much into the Game Boy apart from Tetris, a Mega Man game (no idea which one) and Six Golden Coins

oh and Alleyway and DaedalianĀ Opus. The latter was amazing.Ā 

I mean, figure out which Mega Man game that is, and you've just listed 5 games.

Either way, you're free to vote next week if 3 games that you've played show up in the shortlist.

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