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Animal Crossing: New Horizons


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15 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Yes, you can buy it for miles from the terminal once your town hall gets built.

Urgh I still haven't got enough iron for the shop! And my pockets are full of bloody eggs too 😔

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3 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

I'll give you some in half an hour if you like.

Cheers. I think I only need 15 now. Was going to find some more rocks to hit but got distracted by other things and now my switch is charging (so later or post?)

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Just now, Ashley said:

Cheers. I think I only need 15 now. Was going to find some more rocks to hit but got distracted by other things and now my switch is charging (so later or post?)

Sure. If I post them, they won't come to you until tomorrow. That ok, or want to meet up later?

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Really enjoying the egg hunt, it came at the perfect time too. I basically spent over an hour just walking around the island grinding eggs, cherry blossom leaves and the usual fish and bugs. Kind of wish there was a separate Bunny Day tab on the crafting page though

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28 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Sure. If I post them, they won't come to you until tomorrow. That ok, or want to meet up later?

Nah tomorrow is fine. I'm not sure if I'll even play any more tonight. 

Cheers, really appreciate it!

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30 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Nah tomorrow is fine. I'm not sure if I'll even play any more tonight. 

Cheers, really appreciate it!

Hang on, I think I have to have met you in game before I can send you a letter. Will you be about at any point?

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Have had a good day. Sold my 1,000 turnips for 607,000 bells. Got the final plot for a new villager. Then decided to take another trip to an island. Looked like another dull one, I haven’t gotten any special flower islands or tarantula island. But this was a nice flat island so I decided to stay and wreck the place. So chopped all the trees and ran over the flowers, smashed the rocks. Read this was a good way to attract tarantulas as it removes all other bug spanning opportunity. It certainly started to work to I carried on for as long as I could this evening and came away with this. 

Gave the giant water bug and giant moth to Blathers and stashed all the tarantula is my house. 

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Slowly but surely my island is coming together. I moved a villager to the top, with another on the way. I keep marking out where things need to go, hence the 4 small squares at the top of the map. I also got another incline built and have another being constructed as we speak. I'll probably demolish the first incline I built early on in my adventure as it's not the style I want and it's in the wrong place. I'll probably do that tomorrow rather than building a new one. Finally, I finished my orchard yesterday, as seen by the large brown patch on the right hand side of the map. It took some doing and I even went to the hassle of rounding off the edges on the dirt patches. :D 




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Triple-post, YES!

Got a campsite visitor. Rolf, the white tiger. I really want him to live on my island but he keeps saying "Nah, can't do it. Got some unfinished business." WHY? I thought you could simply let one villager go if you have a visitor staying at your campsite :(

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This is getting annoying. Finally "wore Rolf down" and he wants to move in. He says if someone wants to move out he's good to go. And now he only suggests that one resident might want to leave but I don't want him to leave. So I tell him, that resident stays. And what do you know...Rolf doesn't want to move in anymore. I keep talking to him and eventually he decides that "Yeah, maybe I want to live here", but he keeps saying that that one resident would move out.

Why does this need to be so needlessly complicated? Why can't I just simply tell someone to leave and let another villager move in?
For everything this game does right there's something that's annoyingly tedious. But I guess that's Nintendo for ya...

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12 minutes ago, drahkon said:

Why does this need to be so needlessly complicated? Why can't I just simply tell someone to leave and let another villager move in?
For everything this game does right there's something that's annoyingly tedious. But I guess that's Nintendo for ya...

Because the game is about friendship and not dictatorship? :p

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1 minute ago, Vileplume2000 said:

Because the game is about friendship and not dictatorship?

I always thought this game is about freedom and being able to live your island life as you see fit.

Just now, Nicktendo said:

Have you tried complaining about a resident to Isabelle, @drahkon

Yup, been complaining about that ugly ass tapir living on my island. I've also smacked his head with the net lot. And yet it seems that cute little Filbert is the one to be replaced. NO. Rolf has to move in but it's Olaf the ugly tapir who has to leave.

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I was about to ask whether the campsite ever gets more visitors after the initial one or if it's strictly an amiibo only thing.

I've got space for a new resident, but I want to be sure that who moves in isn't Olivia.

Also, Tapirs are cool. Hypno is one of my favourite psychic Pokémon.

Edited by Glen-i
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Credits rolled yesterday and I unlocked terraforming. Have been messing about with it since then, but TBH I’m really not too keen on it so far as it just feels so awkward to use. :hmm: Half of the time I end up adding/removing terrain or water from a section that I didn’t intend to, not helped by the fact it uses the same input for both of those functions. Also, while I never expected it to be a fast process, it’s actually much slower than I ever imagined it would be. Combined with the way relocation works, doing anything significant feels like it could literally take days if not weeks!

So yeah, a little bit disappointed with it. :blank: 

Oh well, this is still a fantastic Animal Crossing game and I’ll no doubt get many more hours of enjoyment from it, even if I don’t end up doing quite as much with my island as I would’ve liked.

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4 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Credits rolled yesterday and I unlocked terraforming. Have been messing about with it since then, but TBH I’m really not too keen on it so far as it just feels so awkward to use. :hmm: Half of the time I end up adding/removing terrain or water from a section that I didn’t intend to, not helped by the fact it uses the same input for both of those functions. Also, while I never expected it to be a fast process, it’s actually much slower than I ever imagined it would be. Combined with the way relocation works, doing anything significant feels like it could literally take days if not weeks!

Welcome to my world. I'm not expecting to have my layout full finished for another couple of weeks due to being able to do 1 thing at a time.

I'm honestly baffled that they thought the way they handle terraforming was a good idea. Like you, there were numerous times were I broke a bit of land or added something that I never meant to.

There are so many QoL features that this game could use and I fail to see why they aren't implemented. If we as gamers can see what's missing then why have the developers ignored such things? It's frustrating to think that a new little things here and there could have made a world of difference.

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I had my first "tarantula" island this evening, came away with 105,000 bells from it as I had a few Atlas Moths and Giant Water Bug's too before I've logged off to play with some chums on Xbox.

It's satisfying in an "it feels like cheating" way, even though it's not a cheat way, just they keep respawning every five minutes or so.

Still, more money for Sunday's endeavours with Daisy Mae!

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27 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Welcome to my world. I'm not expecting to have my layout full finished for another couple of weeks due to being able to do 1 thing at a time.

I'm honestly baffled that they thought the way they handle terraforming was a good idea. Like you, there were numerous times were I broke a bit of land or added something that I never meant to.

There are so many QoL features that this game could use and I fail to see why they aren't implemented. If we as gamers can see what's missing then why have the developers ignored such things? It's frustrating to think that a new little things here and there could have made a world of difference.

It's designed to be a long term game, something you check in to every day for 6 months, 12 months or more, not something where everything can be accomplished in the first two weeks.

Edited by Ronnie
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Welcome to my world. I'm not expecting to have my layout full finished for another couple of weeks due to being able to do 1 thing at a time.
I'm honestly baffled that they thought the way they handle terraforming was a good idea. Like you, there were numerous times were I broke a bit of land or added something that I never meant to.
There are so many QoL features that this game could use and I fail to see why they aren't implemented. If we as gamers can see what's missing then why have the developers ignored such things? It's frustrating to think that a new little things here and there could have made a world of difference.
The thing as well is I find it unlikely Nintendo will implement vast changes to improve QoL. There's a lot of things they could improve, and unlike a company like, say, Bungie, I can't imagine them changing much.

The online joining/leaving system is really archaic but can't see them touching that at all.
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