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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Just now, Hero-of-Time said:

Not the Advent Children version though. :( 

The new stage looks amazing.

I noticed that too :( still trying to hold out hope that like One Winged Angel it might have the original and AC version, but I doubt it (and it makes me sound greedy :p)...

And it does, it looks fantastic!

I might not play Smash Ultimate as much as I played Brawl growing up, but it's hard not to appreciate just how much love and passion goes into these games when we end up with things like this. Sakurai is one of those rare developers I always get excited to listen to...even in cases when he's teaching us how to use our fingers to count with binary :laughing:


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I love how he calls out Square Enix in a pretty roundabout way there, when it comes to trying to get other Final Fantasy tracks in the game :laughing:

Song List (9 tracks in total):


- Opening~Bombing Mission (new arrangement)

- Those Who Fight (AC)

- Those Who Fight Further (AC)

- Aerith's Theme (new arrangement)

- Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (new arrangement)


- Cosmo Canyon (new arrangement)

- One-Winged Angel 

- Advent: One Winged Angel (AC)

Pretty solid all around, would have love another variation of JENOVA, and of course for Birth of a God and Those Chosen By The Planet to get some love, but...swept under the rug, once again! :p

Also, that victory screen! :D

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I'm pretty impressed with Sephiroth. His normals do a lot of what Incineroar does, he can ledgetrap pretty well, and his projectiles are slow, just the way I like them. Can't wait to use him in a competitive environment, he should fit my style.

Hooray for FF7 music! Cosmo Canyon, JENOVA, and the original One-Winged Angel are tracks I'm looking forward to. Also, I'll finally get to play the main theme of FFVII in Midgar!

I'll probably get the Barret, Tifa, and Aeris costumes (they kinda look like their PS1 models :heh: ). Might do something silly with them.

4 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

No one freaking out over the

  costume reveal (Reveal hidden contents)

Geno costume?


That Mii costume was already in Smash 4. That's why I was so sure the other day that the costume would make an appearance.

...Unless you mean the fact that he was deconfirmed. In that case... I just don't think there are many Geno fans in N-E, I guess that's why we're chill.

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Mr. Sakurai presents Sephiroth in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Roundup

All up on the main page. :)

Full press release, and entire video presentation embed. :peace:

- - - - -

Right, time to unlock Sephiroth a few days early through the in-game challenge. :D

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Am I the only one who's ecstatic that they're finally fixing Battlefield's music problems?

I can have Smash music on a Smash stage again!

I've been hoping for ages that a Boss Rush would get added to Ultimate, but then I get the Monkey's Paw and get a Boss Rush that's missing the WoL exclusive bosses and can only be played with Sephiroth...

Other than that, it all looks great! Supernova is proper scary, getting reversed controls or stunned is basically a death sentence!

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9 hours ago, Jonnas said:

...Unless you mean the fact that he was deconfirmed. In that case... I just don't think there are many Geno fans in N-E, I guess that's why we're chill.

You're more right than you know.

1 hour ago, Dcubed said:

Poor Geno though... Time for another trip down Crushed Dreams Avenue @Glen-i!

Actually @Dcubed, no it isn't. You've been hanging around ResetEra too long because no-one on N-E thought Geno was getting in.

Too right as well, Geno is so far down the list of Square characters, he's practically invisible.

He's not even the most important original character in Mario RPG anyway. Mallow has more screen time then him.

Geno sucks. People only like him because he's an edgy character in a Mario game. But his personality is as wooden as he looks.

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4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

You've been hanging around ResetEra too long because...

  • ...being there for even a second is too long
  • ...it’s by far the worst place on the internet
  • ...you’ll lose braincells if you read anything posted there
  • ...etc. :laughing: 

Anyway, that was great showcase vid! :) 

He does appear to be very powerful but the balancing seems good too with appropriate delay on certain attacks and stuff like the wings being influenced by various factors. Love how you can stab the terrain with his sword for recovery or stylishly avoiding edge guards, that is super cool! :cool: 

Also, lol @ the part with the lineup of Kirbys for showing the sword sweet spot. :heh: Reminds me of the apple slice sharpness test on Forged in Fire.:D 

*great show BTW, check it out if you’ve never seen it.

The stage looks amazing as well! :o 

I have barely any history with the Final Fantasy series (the only FF games I’ve ever owned/played are FFII on SNES and Theatrhythm on 3DS) but even I was getting slightly hyped watching that vid. :hehe:

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14 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

This remix...:bowdown::heart::bouncy:

Yes, it's so good! I had them playing in the background while responding to some emails earlier, I had to stop when the new arrangements came on :laughing:

Besides Aerith's Theme, think my other favourite new arrangement is the Main Theme; I've got so much love for what they did with it, it's pretty much exactly what I was hoping for! :bouncy: high tempo and energy, and a choir to boot! 

I know Final Fantasy isn't for everyone, and Sephiroth being the newly revealed character isn't something everyone was over the moon about, but man, if this means more people not familiar with the game can still end up appreciating the gold mine that is the FFVII soundtrack for what it is, then I'll take it :D 

Edited by Julius
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Sephiroth's pretty fun. The endlag in all of his moves is annoying, but he's otherwise hilariously powerful. I wish I could test him against human opponents in a local environment, but unfortunately, that must wait.



I'm afraid I beat your time, @Ike Incineroar pulled through

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5 hours ago, Glen-i said:

you ain't doing 200% damage in less than 10 seconds!

Not with that attitude!

I did him in with The Incinecide. A forbidden technique that must be executed perfectly under the right conditions - opponent near 0%, no DI - lest it kill its user (you can see it here at the 1:34 mark). Thankfully, it can be done in Stamina Mode.

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4 hours ago, markderoos said:

Wait, Sephiroth won’t be launched untill the 22nd, right?

You can get him, the stage, the music and his Classic Mode early by beating him in the Sephiroth Challenge. Only people with the second Fighters Pass can do this though.

Keep in mind that this doesn't unlock the Spirit Board (You can still get a Sephiroth Spirit from Classic) or update Cloud's Final Smash. You'll still have to wait until the 22nd for that.

Edited by Glen-i
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