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24 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

They could just remove the Springman assist trophy. I hope it's him too, way more iconic than any of the others.

Watch ResetEra explode when they announce a character and it isn't the Twintelle, especially given recent events. I'll get the popcorn ready.

That's what's so intriguing, that's never happened in two games of Smash DLC. It would be a first and could possibly open the doors for plenty of characters that didn't quite make it into playable status (Waluigi, Isaac, Dillon, Bomberman, etc.)

The closest we've gotten is an Assist Trophy being promoted to playable in the next entry. (Charizard, Little Mac and Dark Samus come to mind)

As a person who thinks every future character in Smash is a benefit to the game's already amazing roster, having the doors thrown open to 30-ish quite well known characters (and Dillon) without waiting for the next entry is exciting.

But in the end, if a curveball is thrown and it's not Spring Man? That's cool. I'll still do the inevitable N-E Smash up where everyone is encouraged to play as that character while they're fresh and everyone is still learning how they work. I'll still get my money's worth by giving the kids that I play Smash with more choice. (Well, obviously not at the moment...)

Also, you could totally replace the Spring Man Assist Trophy with Springtron instead, you could get away with that.

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On 19/06/2020 at 7:35 PM, Ronnie said:
On 19/06/2020 at 4:36 PM, Glen-i said:

It's both hilarious and sad that Ninty need to point that out.

That's Smash for you.

These days, knowing the gaming community, managing expectations is pretty important. But yeah, very funny how matter of factly it was stated lol

I still expect, like myself, that many were wondering if they would still announce the next fighter at the same time, so I’m glad they’ve set expectations now.

To be fair, it makes sense on their part not to dilute interest & draw attention away from the new Arms character(s) when it’s already fairly niche among the wider gaming audience.

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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate spirits event titled 'Throw Up Them Horns' is now live

The latest spirit event for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is live, titled 'Throw Up Them Horns' the event focuses on characters which have horns.

This event will run until 22nd June, 2020, giving you a bit of time to add any number of these horned heroes or heathens to your spirits collection.

(after which time they will appear in regular rotation)

I'm sure there's some kind of obvious joke I could make about this spirit event... but eh, what's the point? ::shrug:

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Bayonetta is the last one, in case you can't be bothered to clicky. And I say 83 because I'm including the 6 future fighters in there.

Sheik is one of the characters I thought I'd never pull off. She just can't kill quick enough for me. Real chuffed with that.

Still can't even break 9.0 with Zero Suit Samus though and I doubt I ever will.

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This is Mr. Sproukurai.

Yes, I'm still alive! I'm here today to remind you that there is just under-


...until the Smash presentation goes live!

Hm? Who would I like the fighter from ARMS to be? Well, if you want my personal preference, I'd have to go with this character!


Yup, it's them.

Min Min is my favourite character to use in ARMS, and her kicks and signature ARMS such as her laser firing Dragon ARM could make a pretty decent moveset in my opinion. Also her colour scheme reminds me of orange and lime Tic Tacs, which can only be a plus. I personally think it may be someone else, though.

Of course, there's more to a presentation than just who the fighter is, so with one hour remaining, here are some last minute predictions from yours truly.


Fighter Predictions:

-There will be only one fighter from ARMS.
There won't be additional characters used for alternate costumes.

-The fighter will retain their unique traits from ARMS.
In Min Min's case, she would be able to use kicks (that could also deflect projectiles if it's not considered too unbalanced for Smash, and transform her left arm into its dragon form.

-Only the fighter's signature ARMS will be used in their moveset.
The fighter will only use the three ARMS they start with in ARMS. In Min Min's case, this would be the Dragon, Megawatt and Ramram ARMS.

-The fighter will be abe charge their ARMS with down special.
You could potentially also charge your ARMS using the same methods used to charge ARMS in ARMS as well. Was that sentence a bit confusing to read?

-The fighter will have the Rush Gauge, and can use Rush when the Rush Gauge is full.
Activating Rush would also be done with down special.

-The extended grab from ARMS will be the fighter's side special move.
As for whether the move also functions as a tether recovery... consider me undecided!

-Neutral special will be a projectile move.
In Min Min's case it would be the Dragon ARM laser, but if you want a couple more examples, Spring Man would use the Tribolt ARM and Twintelle would use the Thunderbird ARM. Basically, the fighter would use an ARM that doesn't involve actually fully stretching their limbs.

-Up special will be dependent on who the fighter is.
Twintelle doesn't require much imagination with her Parasol ARM, but other fighters from ARMS may have to get more creative. In Min Min's case, she could perhaps use her Ramram ARM as a makeshift propeller, or shoot her Dragon ARM downwards to propel herself upwards and punch a hole through demon king Ganondorf's chest.

-The final smash will be Hedlok Rush.
Chances that it will play a cutscene are DLC%.

-In addition to neutral and side special, the fighter will be able to stretch out their ARMS like they can in ARMS for at least their forward smash attack and one aerial attack.
Perhaps, similar to Mega Man, the fighter's jab, forward tilt and neutral aerial would all be the same move.

-All moves that extend the fighter's ARMS can be angled upwards and downwards.
Of course, how extreme the angles will be will be dependent on the ARM being used.

-Compared to the Belmont's forward smash attack, moves that extend the fighter's ARMS will have about 1.5x longer range.
This is about the same range that Spring Man has with his punches as an assist trophy. Naturally, the fighter will be wide open to attacks if they space these moves poorly.

-The fighter will be able to move about for moves where they extend their ARMS.
If you need help picturing this, their mobility whilst extending ARMS would be similar to when a character is holding the Daybreak item.

-The fighter will be able to throw out a punch so long as they have a free ARM to do so.
In other words, you'll be able to throw out a right punch whilst your left ARM is in the middle of punching, and vice versa. The fighter's mobility mentioned in the previous point would be drastically reduced as a drawback.

-You won't hurt the fighter if you hit their ARMS.... but you can disable their ARMS if you hit them enough.
Basically, the fighter's ARMS will have their own health (you'll be able to see how damaged they are via a <!> icon displayed over their ARMS that fades over time as they recover). If you damage them enough without giving them a chance to recover, you'll disable them, making the fighter unable to use the ARM or shield for a couple of seconds. Use that opportunity to hit them with a strong attack!


Stage/Music Predictions:


This is the stage I would choose personally.

-The stage will be Sky Arena.
As the final setting for the ARMS Grand Prix, it's a fitting stage regardless of who makes it in. And because it's set on top of the ARMS Association HQ building, it means you can potentially have lower blast zones at the left and/or right of the stage. It's a bit of a stretch (sorry), but like Moray Towers, you could perhaps have the stage set at night when playing certain music track, just like in ARMS!

-The ARMS Drone will serve as a stage hazard.
It will periodically appear to drop items from ARMS. You can attack it to make it drop the item prematurely. As a reminder, there are four items in ARMS:
⦁    HP Juice - heals fighters within its area of effect. works similarly to the Healing Field item.
⦁    Rush Juice - increases fighter's Rush Gauge within its area of effect. in Smash, this could increase your FS Meter instead if you have it turns on.
⦁    Fire Bomb - delivers a large powerful explosion a few seconds after being dropped. The bomb can be moved before it explodes if you feel up to the risk.
⦁    Shock Bomb - delivers a large explosion a few seconds after being dropped that temporarily stuns anyone caught in its blast. Just like the Fire Bomb, you can try moving this explosive before it goes off.

-The remaining cast of ARMS will appear as background characters on the stage.
This applies to the fighters of ARMS and also possibly Biff the commentator. Hedlok could also appear flying menacingly in the background. Just like in the King of Fighters Arena, only a small number of background characters will appear in any one fight, but you can make a character guaranteed to appear by selecting their home stage's music

-There will be a very small amount of music remixes included.
The majority of music included in this Challenger Pack will be lifted directly from ARMS. As for which tracks will be included, the ARMS theme, as well as every fighter's theme, feels like a fairly safe bet.

Misc Predictions:

-Biff will commentate the Fighter's trailer.
This of course is dependent on how the trailer reveals the fighter, but as the one responsible for hosting the ARMS Nintendo Directs, it feels fitting to let him commentate as the fighter shows us what they're capable of.

-If amiibo for the characters in Fighters Pass 1 or 2 aren't announced this year, they aren't happening.
More of a general prediction than one specific to this presentation, but they've been pretty silent on these things. Also if anyone wants to give me a Female Corrin amiino I'd appreciate it.

-If there are Capcom outfits in the latest Mii Fighters Costume wave, I'm gonna tart sweating bullets or possibly crying, pal.


...And that's all I have to say!

...I ended up writing more than I thought. But it could be fun to look back afterwards and see how on or off the mark I was. I'll go ahead and conclude this post with a link to the presentation so it's on the current page. I hope we can all look forward to whoever the fighter is. Unless it's someone other than Min Min, then I'm allowed to be upset.

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh-oh-ohhhhh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh!

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh-oh-ohhhhh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhh!

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I forgot it was today. All right, guess I'll stay home and have a look.

I'm with @Sprout, I also think it will be just one character (which would also be my preference). Still hoping for my goddess Twintelle, but Min Min would be my runner up. Don't think it'll be the poster boy and girl. Regardless of who it is, I'm looking forward to it.


If it weren't for my drifting sticks.

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20 hours ago, Glen-i said:Bayonetta is the last one, in case you can't be bothered to clicky. And I say 83 because I'm including the 6 future fighters in there.

Sheik is one of the characters I thought I'd never pull off. She just can't kill quick enough for me. Real chuffed with that.

Still can't even break 9.0 with Zero Suit Samus though and I doubt I ever will.

That’s seriously impressive @Glen-i!

I’m still attempting to get my first, ha! I’ve managed 9.8 on a couple (Pit & Incineroar spring to mind).  Any tips or any character you’d recommend so I can get that challenge ticked off?

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1 hour ago, WackerJr said:

That’s seriously impressive @Glen-i!

I’m still attempting to get my first, ha! I’ve managed 9.8 on a couple (Pit & Incineroar spring to mind).  Any tips or any character you’d recommend so I can get that challenge ticked off?

Don't know if he's got nerfed later but back when the game was new I did it with King K Rool. But really, anyone with power and weight are probably easier to pull it off with. 

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1 hour ago, WackerJr said:

That’s seriously impressive @Glen-i!

I’m still attempting to get my first, ha! I’ve managed 9.8 on a couple (Pit & Incineroar spring to mind).  Any tips or any character you’d recommend so I can get that challenge ticked off?

The thing is with Classic Mode is that the difficulty varies wildly between characters. I'm actually pretty OK with Zero Suit Samus, but her route is absolutely brutal. So just using your best character might make things harder.

Intensity increases is mainly determined by the speed at which you win and how much damage you take. For this reason, use items when you deem it appropriate. Who cares if it's not as impressive?

Do keep in mind that if you do well and get to 9.9 before the boss, but then die afterwards, you can use a Classic Ticket to continue without lowering the intensity, maintaining the 9.9 This won't do any good if you die before reaching 9.9 though.

So you want a route that avoids the following:

- Horde Battles, especially ones at the end of a route. Once you're at 9.0 levels of difficulty, it becomes easy to be ganged up on for making a small mistake.

- On a lesser note, matches where you are against more than one opponent. It's manageable at the start of a route, but try and avoid these late in the route. (Mario has a really hard time because his route is almost all this, especially the Pokémon section)

- Large stages. I like most stages... In multiplayer. But in Classic, you need to end matches quick. Dark Pit's route jumps to mind because you have to fight Pit on Palutena's Temple in fight 6. That's a humongous waste of time.

Difficult Bosses - Bosses get really hard when you're aiming for a 9.9. Some more than others. Your mileage might vary, but I think we can all agree that Master Hand + Crazy Hand is one of the more difficult ones. Pity they are the most common boss. Marx, Galleon and Ganon are ones I find easier than usual.

So for that reason, There are 2 routes I found quite easy compared to the average run.

Toon Link - He always has two other Toon Links helping him out, sure he's fighting other teams most of the time, but Fight 6 is one Giant Ganondorf, which is hilarious in how easy it is and the boss is Ganon, where you still have your two helpers, so it's a bit of a curb stomp battle. Get to fight 6 well enough and it should be doable.

Ryu - All the fights are one-on-one stamina fights. CPU's tend to aim for the knockback instead of whittling your HP down. So you can use Ryu's good rushdown techniques to your advantage. If you can perform the command inputs, all the better. His route does end with the hands, but I think Ken helps you here and it's still under Stamina rules, so it's way easier than usual. I actually think Ryu's route is the easiest.

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Glad we got Min Min, and the implementation looks great. Though she looks like a liability in the air haha.

.. and again another little low key surprise in the mii costume announcements. Vault Boy is surprising but also looks good as a Mii. Although I wonder if any of the new costumes come with music? I missed that.

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11 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

.. and again another little low key surprise in the mii costume announcements. Vault Boy is surprising but also looks good as a Mii. Although I wonder if any of the new costumes come with music? I missed that.

They don't.

Does Fallout even have fitting music for Smash?

EDIT: That official artwork actually makes me feel a bit sorry for Spring Man now. Poor guy. Not even Chrom got that amount of disrespect.

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Just now, Glen-i said:

They don't.

Does Fallout even have fitting music for Smash?

Can't remember. It's been a while since I played Fallout 3, and didn't play any of the others. Now I think of it, I think it's mostly ambient. Oh right...! The radio! Oh yeah, actually, a 50s music track could be fun maybe heh.

But I was actually thinking more of Callie & Marie. Though maybe Smash already has all the relevant Splatoon tracks, I forgot.

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4 minutes ago, Sméagol said:

Can't remember. It's been a while since I played Fallout 3, and didn't play any of the others. Now I think of it, I think it's mostly ambient. Oh right...! The radio! Oh yeah, actually, a 50s music track could be fun maybe heh.

But I was actually thinking more of Callie & Marie. Though maybe Smash already has all the relevant Splatoon tracks, I forgot.

There are around 30 Splatoon tracks in Smash already. Splatoon is doing fine on that front.

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2 hours ago, Sprout said:

...I ended up writing more than I thought. But it could be fun to look back afterwards and see how on or off the mark I was. I'll go ahead and conclude this post with a link to the presentation so it's on the current page. I hope we can all look forward to whoever the fighter is. Unless it's someone other than Min Min, then I'm allowed to be upset.

Allow me to judge you.

Obviously don't read on if you haven't seen the presentation yet.


Fighter Predictions:

-There will be only one fighter from ARMS.
There won't be additional characters used for alternate costumes.

Nailed it!

-The fighter will retain their unique traits from ARMS.
In Min Min's case, she would be able to use kicks (that could also deflect projectiles if it's not considered too unbalanced for Smash, and transform her left arm into its dragon form.

Great call!

-Only the fighter's signature ARMS will be used in their moveset.
The fighter will only use the three ARMS they start with in ARMS. In Min Min's case, this would be the Dragon, Megawatt and Ramram ARMS.

Now this one was impressive, I was thinking whoever it was wouldn't be limited by their initial setup.

-The fighter will be abe charge their ARMS with down special.
You could potentially also charge your ARMS using the same methods used to charge ARMS in ARMS as well. Was that sentence a bit confusing to read?

Technically, only the left one. But close enough.

-The fighter will have the Rush Gauge, and can use Rush when the Rush Gauge is full.
Activating Rush would also be done with down special.


-The extended grab from ARMS will be the fighter's side special move.
As for whether the move also functions as a tether recovery... consider me undecided!

Nah, although Up Special acts as a tether.

-Neutral special will be a projectile move.
In Min Min's case it would be the Dragon ARM laser, but if you want a couple more examples, Spring Man would use the Tribolt ARM and Twintelle would use the Thunderbird ARM. Basically, the fighter would use an ARM that doesn't involve actually fully stretching their limbs.

Depends on what the left arm is at the time, but yeah, pretty much.

-Up special will be dependent on who the fighter is.
Twintelle doesn't require much imagination with her Parasol ARM, but other fighters from ARMS may have to get more creative. In Min Min's case, she could perhaps use her Ramram ARM as a makeshift propeller, or shoot her Dragon ARM downwards to propel herself upwards and punch a hole through demon king Ganondorf's chest.

That's a negatory, any ARMS character could have done that.

-The final smash will be Hedlok Rush.
Chances that it will play a cutscene are DLC%.

Wrong Final Smash, but it is a cutscene. I'll give you half a point.

-In addition to neutral and side special, the fighter will be able to stretch out their ARMS like they can in ARMS for at least their forward smash attack and one aerial attack.
Perhaps, similar to Mega Man, the fighter's jab, forward tilt and neutral aerial would all be the same move.

Yep. Nice one!

-All moves that extend the fighter's ARMS can be angled upwards and downwards.
Of course, how extreme the angles will be will be dependent on the ARM being used.

Exactly on the money. Even with the tweak depending on which ARM you're using.

-Compared to the Belmont's forward smash attack, moves that extend the fighter's ARMS will have about 1.5x longer range.
This is about the same range that Spring Man has with his punches as an assist trophy. Naturally, the fighter will be wide open to attacks if they space these moves poorly.

Yeah, that range is bonkers!

-The fighter will be able to move about for moves where they extend their ARMS.
If you need help picturing this, their mobility whilst extending ARMS would be similar to when a character is holding the Daybreak item.


-The fighter will be able to throw out a punch so long as they have a free ARM to do so.
In other words, you'll be able to throw out a right punch whilst your left ARM is in the middle of punching, and vice versa. The fighter's mobility mentioned in the previous point would be drastically reduced as a drawback.

Yes, that's gonna make Min Min really technical

-You won't hurt the fighter if you hit their ARMS.... but you can disable their ARMS if you hit them enough.
Basically, the fighter's ARMS will have their own health (you'll be able to see how damaged they are via a <!> icon displayed over their ARMS that fades over time as they recover). If you damage them enough without giving them a chance to recover, you'll disable them, making the fighter unable to use the ARM or shield for a couple of seconds. Use that opportunity to hit them with a strong attack!

Nah, 'Fraid not. Blocking an ARM makes her more open than usual though.

Stage/Music Predictions:


This is the stage I would choose personally.

-The stage will be Sky Arena.
As the final setting for the ARMS Grand Prix, it's a fitting stage regardless of who makes it in. And because it's set on top of the ARMS Association HQ building, it means you can potentially have lower blast zones at the left and/or right of the stage. It's a bit of a stretch (sorry), but like Moray Towers, you could perhaps have the stage set at night when playing certain music track, just like in ARMS!


-The ARMS Drone will serve as a stage hazard.
It will periodically appear to drop items from ARMS. You can attack it to make it drop the item prematurely. As a reminder, there are four items in ARMS:
⦁    HP Juice - heals fighters within its area of effect. works similarly to the Healing Field item.
⦁    Rush Juice - increases fighter's Rush Gauge within its area of effect. in Smash, this could increase your FS Meter instead if you have it turns on.
⦁    Fire Bomb - delivers a large powerful explosion a few seconds after being dropped. The bomb can be moved before it explodes if you feel up to the risk.
⦁    Shock Bomb - delivers a large explosion a few seconds after being dropped that temporarily stuns anyone caught in its blast. Just like the Fire Bomb, you can try moving this explosive before it goes off.

Kinda? It just delivers normal items. The Spring Platforms are the star of that stage.

-The remaining cast of ARMS will appear as background characters on the stage.
This applies to the fighters of ARMS and also possibly Biff the commentator. Hedlok could also appear flying menacingly in the background. Just like in the King of Fighters Arena, only a small number of background characters will appear in any one fight, but you can make a character guaranteed to appear by selecting their home stage's music

They don't appear in person, just on a screen in the background.

-There will be a very small amount of music remixes included.
The majority of music included in this Challenger Pack will be lifted directly from ARMS. As for which tracks will be included, the ARMS theme, as well as every fighter's theme, feels like a fairly safe bet.

I don't know the whole ARMS soundtrack, but you seem to be right. 18 tracks, 2 of which are remixes.

Misc Predictions:

-Biff will commentate the Fighter's trailer.
This of course is dependent on how the trailer reveals the fighter, but as the one responsible for hosting the ARMS Nintendo Directs, it feels fitting to let him commentate as the fighter shows us what they're capable of.

Nope, Sakurai did it all.

-If amiibo for the characters in Fighters Pass 1 or 2 aren't announced this year, they aren't happening.
More of a general prediction than one specific to this presentation, but they've been pretty silent on these things. Also if anyone wants to give me a Female Corrin amiino I'd appreciate it.

Not Applicable, Joker and Hero are coming in Autumn.

-If there are Capcom outfits in the latest Mii Fighters Costume wave, I'm gonna tart sweating bullets or possibly crying, pal.

Also not applicable, your hopes continue to live on.



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As someone who’d always prefer first- over third-party characters in Smash, this is easily the DLC reveal I’ve been most excited about, in this or Smash 4. I quite enjoyed ARMS (though like many, dropped it when Splatoon 2 came out), and Min Min was probably my favourite character design out of the all-round fantastically designed cast. Not sure if I’m actually going to be any good with her as her fighting style is definitely unique, but I’ll definitely give her a good shot. And if/when an amiibo ever gets released, I’ll be pre-ordering straight away!

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So this video has confirmed quite a number of Character Incusion/Exclusion Rules that were not fully publicly known before...

Spirit Character Slot Blocking is now officially not a thing... Which means that Shantae still has a chance! :D 

It also confirmed that Mii Costume Character Slot Blocking IS a thing, and not only that... but also that Mii Costumes are predominantly made up of characters who were once considered to be included as playable fighters, but were rejected (As confirmed by Ninjara's appearance).

The inclusion of existing Spirits on a new character's Spirit Board is also now a thing (As the new ARMS Spirit Board includes pre-existing Spirits that were already in the game).  This means that games that have a large number of characters already represented as Spirits are still eligable for inclusion as playable fighters (Which lends credence to the idea of one of the new characters being from Pokemon Sword/Shield).

Finally.  A character being included as a playable fighter as the game/series' first rep does NOT have to be the main or co-protagonist now! This blows the doors wide open for representation of other game series now! (Meaning that Pyra from Xenoblade 2, or Kratos from Tales of Symphonia now have a chance!)

Otherwise, the video also confirmed that Assist Trophy Blocking is absolutely 110% a thing, and is a either a sign of abjact humiliation (Springman, Waluigi); or confirmation that your character was once considered but cut during development (ALA Bomberman).

Well now! This makes things interesting! :D 

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2 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

So this video has confirmed quite a number of Character Incusion/Exclusion Rules that were not fully publicly known before...

Spirit Character Slot Blocking is now officially not a thing... Which means that Shantae still has a chance! :D 

It also confirmed that Mii Costume Character Slot Blocking IS a thing, and not only that... but also that Mii Costumes are predominantly made up of characters who were once considered to be included as playable fighters, but were rejected (As confirmed by Ninjara's appearance).

The inclusion of existing Spirits on a new character's Spirit Board is also now a thing (As the new ARMS Spirit Board includes pre-existing Spirits that were already in the game).  This means that games that have a large number of characters already represented as Spirits are still eligable for inclusion as playable fighters (Which lends credence to the idea of one of the new characters being from Pokemon Sword/Shield).

Finally.  A character being included as a playable fighter as the game/series' first rep does NOT have to be the main or co-protagonist now! This blows the doors wide open for representation of other game series now! (Meaning that Pyra from Xenoblade 2, or Kratos from Tales of Symphonia now have a chance!)

Otherwise, the video also confirmed that Assist Trophy Blocking is absolutely 110% a thing, and is a either a sign of abjact humiliation (Springman, Waluigi); or confirmation that your character was once considered but cut during development (ALA Bomberman).

Well now! This makes things interesting! :D 

I was always saying that this presentation was going to be exciting because no matter who got in, it would be a first in some way.

Sure Dillon doesn't have a chance in the immediate future, but my secondary wish of Toxtricity as the Sword/Shield rep just got slightly more likely... Need that punk rock poison lizard in Smash so bad!

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