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2 minutes ago, bob said:

Yeah but I was assuming Smash Kirby, not own-game Kirby. Same for all the characters. If they can't do it in game, it doesn't count.

Having said that, I guess a lot of the 'final smash' moves are pretty ridic.

Ah, I see. Whenever I do a tier list. I go by all of the source material. I normally actually ignore Smash, because the characters aim to be balanced there.

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Oh, are we talking power levels? *puts on the nerdiest of glasses*

8 hours ago, Glen-i said:

OH NO! It's Godzilla! What do you do!?


6 hours ago, Glen-i said:



Link would Shadow of the Collosus it and stab it with the Master Sword. Blade of Evil's Bane is pretty effective. Naturally, Toon Link would just jump there and shove the sword into it's brain. Worked on Ganondorf. Young Link doesn't have the Master Sword or epic gravity defying skills, so he's screwed.

A well placed Falcon Punch beats anything. Everyone knows this. Bayonetta has literally punched God into the sun, so Godzilla is nothing for her. Samus/Dark Samus' suits are way past modern technology. Mewtwo has crazy Psychic powers (And Ness to a lesser extent). Meanwhile Rosalina and Shulk are literal Gods. Kirby beats everything, Godzilla is another Tuesday for him.

The Fire Emblem gang fight Dragons on a daily basis. Chrom and Marth in particular have the Falchion which is made specifically to kill Fire Breathing Reptiles. Fox and Falco have the Arwings. Probably just another end-stage boss to them. Mega Man has a smorgasbord of weapons, like Samus.

If Sonic has the Chaos Emeralds, he'll breeze it with Super Sonic. Ridley is the closest thing to Godzilla in the Ninty Universe, except he can fly. Cloud is from Final Fantasy. Giant Fire Breathing Dragons is the norm.

Mario has literally Butt stomped a 100m tall Electric Dragon to death. Meta Knight is from the Kirby universe, so I have to imagine he's crazy strong if he can give Kirby a decent fight. (Same with Dedede if he wasn't looting)

Simon and Richter have struggled their way through worse.

I think that covers everyone.

See, Godzilla's done some ridiculous shit throughout the years, like fighting robots larger than him, or using his breath to fly around like a jet, or surviving Atom Bombs (and I think even a black hole at one point). He's the crème de la crème brûlée of giant monsters, and he's been in campy, cartoony stuff. He's seen it all.

But I'm assuming you're thinking of his more approachable appearances, like in the 2016 film, where he's more like a big lizard (who can handle an US air strike and convert electricity into nuclear plasma breath, but that's beside the point). Even so, there are issues:


The Master Sword is effective against evil, darkness, etc. but against regular monsters, it functions like a normal (if impeccable) sword. Godzilla isn't evil in that sense (he's been a stand-in for atom bombs, nuclear energy, and even mother nature's weapon against humans, but he's never been "forces of darkness" evil).

If you assume they can still defeat him by chucking explosives down his throat, there's still the matter of actually reaching his mouth that high. Samus can jump good, but the Links need to work harder. Even if they reach him, BOTW Link can fire an explosive arrow at his mouth, but Toon and Young actually need to get close to throw some bombs down the hole.

Therefore, I propose that BOTW Link moves down to "a close match", and that Toon Link dives even further, to Young Link's side .



If Godzilla isn't a Dragon, they're all super dead.

If he is, Marth and Chrom are in the right place, but you didn't put Lucina and Roy alongside them for some weird reason. Lucina's weapon is literally a better version of Chrom's, and Roy's Binding Blade is even better (it can shoot fireballs, it magically spares the opponent's life if Roy chooses to, and it cuts through the final boss like butter).

Ike's Ragnell shoots beams, but it's unfortunately not effective against dragons (only against Gods), with Ike struggling to keep up with the biggest, baddest, blackest dragon on his continent (who's roughly Ridley-sized). Godzilla's got this.

Robin's magic wouldn't help much against Godzilla. It's barely enough for a Manakete, so he should go down a tier, like Ike... Unless Robin turns into Grima, then he stands a great chance of winning.

I haven't played Fates, but Yato's effect against dragons seems pretty tame. Since Corrin can theoretically saw through his legs with that chainsword, I think his case is a close match.



Dark Samus' weaponry is radioactive. This only makes Godzilla stronger. Consider a tier for this possibility.

Shouldn't Dr.Mario take a political role and try to develop an anti-Godzilla virus or something?

If Red tries to throw a Master Ball at Godzilla, does that count as "Try to make friends with him"?

Shouldn't Isabelle and Villager be swapped around in that list? Especially when Villager is the same as the Miis.

Lucas, post-character development, should be alongside Ness. Otherwise, he's in the right spot.

Sonic is definitely top tier. He always has the emeralds with him, except he loses them arbitrarily whenever he starts a new game. SSBU isn't out yet, therefore, he still has them. My logic is flawless.

I haven't played Uprising yet, but doesn't Pit fight giant Greek Gods in that game? And doesn't he ride spaceships, lightning-fast chariots, and fire giant cannons and stuff? If Dark Pit is on the same level, shouldn't they both be top-tier?

These two Belmonts never fought anything bigger than Dracula's castle. Plus, there's the whole question of whether Godzilla is satanic or not, which, considering their unique arsenal, is a... cruxial question.

And as for Donkey Kong...

...Despite his fragile nose, I think he's got a chance. He's punched moons, you know. Plus, his resumé is filled with reptiles. Just saying.

Speaking of Kaiju battles, Giant Bowser (from Bowser's Inside Story) vs. Godzilla would be a sweet fight. But I digress.

tl;dr I respect your opinion, but I disagree in some areas. And also, Giant Bowser would totally wipe the floor with Godzilla.

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13 hours ago, Jonnas said:

Oh, are we talking power levels? *puts on the nerdiest of glasses*



See, Godzilla's done some ridiculous shit throughout the years, like fighting robots larger than him, or using his breath to fly around like a jet, or surviving Atom Bombs (and I think even a black hole at one point). He's the crème de la crème brûlée of giant monsters, and he's been in campy, cartoony stuff. He's seen it all.

But I'm assuming you're thinking of his more approachable appearances, like in the 2016 film, where he's more like a big lizard (who can handle an US air strike and convert electricity into nuclear plasma breath, but that's beside the point). Even so, there are issues:

  Link, Link & Link (Reveal hidden contents)

The Master Sword is effective against evil, darkness, etc. but against regular monsters, it functions like a normal (if impeccable) sword. Godzilla isn't evil in that sense (he's been a stand-in for atom bombs, nuclear energy, and even mother nature's weapon against humans, but he's never been "forces of darkness" evil).

If you assume they can still defeat him by chucking explosives down his throat, there's still the matter of actually reaching his mouth that high. Samus can jump good, but the Links need to work harder. Even if they reach him, BOTW Link can fire an explosive arrow at his mouth, but Toon and Young actually need to get close to throw some bombs down the hole.

Therefore, I propose that BOTW Link moves down to "a close match", and that Toon Link dives even further, to Young Link's side .


  The Fire Emblem family (Reveal hidden contents)

If Godzilla isn't a Dragon, they're all super dead.

If he is, Marth and Chrom are in the right place, but you didn't put Lucina and Roy alongside them for some weird reason. Lucina's weapon is literally a better version of Chrom's, and Roy's Binding Blade is even better (it can shoot fireballs, it magically spares the opponent's life if Roy chooses to, and it cuts through the final boss like butter).

Ike's Ragnell shoots beams, but it's unfortunately not effective against dragons (only against Gods), with Ike struggling to keep up with the biggest, baddest, blackest dragon on his continent (who's roughly Ridley-sized). Godzilla's got this.

Robin's magic wouldn't help much against Godzilla. It's barely enough for a Manakete, so he should go down a tier, like Ike... Unless Robin turns into Grima, then he stands a great chance of winning.

I haven't played Fates, but Yato's effect against dragons seems pretty tame. Since Corrin can theoretically saw through his legs with that chainsword, I think his case is a close match.


  Other important concerns of our time (Reveal hidden contents)

Dark Samus' weaponry is radioactive. This only makes Godzilla stronger. Consider a tier for this possibility.

Shouldn't Dr.Mario take a political role and try to develop an anti-Godzilla virus or something?

If Red tries to throw a Master Ball at Godzilla, does that count as "Try to make friends with him"?

Shouldn't Isabelle and Villager be swapped around in that list? Especially when Villager is the same as the Miis.

Lucas, post-character development, should be alongside Ness. Otherwise, he's in the right spot.

Sonic is definitely top tier. He always has the emeralds with him, except he loses them arbitrarily whenever he starts a new game. SSBU isn't out yet, therefore, he still has them. My logic is flawless.

I haven't played Uprising yet, but doesn't Pit fight giant Greek Gods in that game? And doesn't he ride spaceships, lightning-fast chariots, and fire giant cannons and stuff? If Dark Pit is on the same level, shouldn't they both be top-tier?

These two Belmonts never fought anything bigger than Dracula's castle. Plus, there's the whole question of whether Godzilla is satanic or not, which, considering their unique arsenal, is a... cruxial question.

And as for Donkey Kong...

...Despite his fragile nose, I think he's got a chance. He's punched moons, you know. Plus, his resumé is filled with reptiles. Just saying.

Speaking of Kaiju battles, Giant Bowser (from Bowser's Inside Story) vs. Godzilla would be a sweet fight. But I digress.

tl;dr I respect your opinion, but I disagree in some areas. And also, Giant Bowser would totally wipe the floor with Godzilla.

I'm glad someone has some Godzilla lore knowledge. Because mine is... yeah...

I'm gonna concede on the 3 Links. If Godzilla isn't evil, the Master Sword is just another toothpick.

As for FE, gotta come clean here... Lucina shouldn't have been there, I kinda oopsied on that. She's meant to be with her dad. And I learned something about Roy's sword, didn't know it was a Dragonsbane effect weapon. (Can you blame me? Who actually played Binding Blade?)
But yeah, Godzilla breathes fire and is a giant reptile, it's close enough to dragonkind for the Falchion, etc. to be effective.

You're right about everything else FE though, with Robin being a maybe... It all depends on...


Great minds think alike.
As you implied, it depends on which Robin it is. You're probably right about the Robin you play as in Awakening, but if it's "Grima Robin", whole different story.
The Smash 4 Robin is a weird scenario. It seems like the Playable Robin, but Awakening Robin can't use Nosferatu.
It never actually happens, but I'm willing to bet casting Nosferatu is child's play to Grima Robin.

Of course, I don't know what Final Smash Robin has in Smash Ultimate, if (And it's a big if) Grima even shows up in that, then Robin's totally going in "Good Chance"
Grima would be a great Final Smash for him!

So I compromised and put Robin in the tier in between. I'm gonna put this up to the others.

Where should Robin go? - "Good Chance" or "Godzilla's got this"?

I actually considered Godzilla's radioactive nature. But Dark Samus uses Phazon, and I really doubt Zilla can withstand that. I mean it's not exactly found on Earth... Best case scenario, Zilla gets corrupted and Dark Samus now has the best toy ever.

Dr. Mario? Take it from Viridi. I agree with her.

Your point about Red raises an interesting... point. I guess so, but Godzilla ain't no Pokémon, so it's not gonna work anyway. I'll put him with Yoshi and the rest.

Villager is the mayor, Isabelle's the secretary. And she didn't sign up for that! She's totally legging it. Villager is so psycho, he'd probably stay behind. It's open to interpretation though so... Another vote.

Should the Animal Crossing characters swap places?

And we might as well cover Lucas as well.
Lucas - "Totally Running Away" or "Pretty Close Matchup"?

Yeah, Pit and Palutena were placed there for laughs. They could both take Godzilla, no probs though. I misplaced Dark Pit, so many characters to place...

The Belmonts have literally beaten up Death. That has to stand for something! The holy water will probably do nothing, mind.

I'm not budging on Donkey Kong though. DK 94 doesn't star the DK from Smash. Different Gorilla.
As for the moon? Counter point, DK's punch wasn't the reason for the moon falling, it was the speed at which he hit it.
I based this on the almost never seen ending to DKC Returns when you only have Diddy.


Let's not question how they survived that though...

And that's that. I'll update the tier list above now.

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Oh, right. I suppose I better update the Smash Blog stuff. Boring!


Assist Trophy: Chef Kawasaki
He grabs opponents using his long ladle and mixes them into a pot! The unlucky opponent will continue to take damage as the chef cooks up health recovery items. You can then use his food to recover your health (just don't think about the recipe)!




Hey, it's Kirby's old Final Smash! It's back! Kinda...


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No surprises to be seen here...

It is official: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the best pre-selling entry in the Super Smash Bros. franchise, and is more notably the best pre-selling Switch title to date. 

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On 22/11/2018 at 4:14 PM, bob said:
On 22/11/2018 at 4:13 PM, Ike said:
Throwing a bomb in its mouth usually works. Or a big hammer.

How is Link going to throw a bomb 100m into the air? Is he an Eastern European shotputter?

Revali's Gale - slo-mo ancient arrow...or might just go Lord Jabu Jabu and slice the innards. Many options 

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22 hours ago, Glen-i said:

I'm glad someone has some Godzilla lore knowledge. Because mine is... yeah...

Funny thing is, I only watched a couple of his films. The rest comes from "fun fact" articles and videos. Also...


...Ain't nobody can deal with Godzilla at his silliest.

22 hours ago, Glen-i said:

And I learned something about Roy's sword, didn't know it was a Dragonsbane effect weapon. (Can you blame me? Who actually played Binding Blade?)

Me and @Sprout did! And I think Ike and Emerald Emblem may have played it as well, not 100% sure. It's a tough game.

Roy goes from a mediocre unit to hilariously overpowered (especially against Manaketes) when he gets the Binding Blade. It's probably the most busted weapon in the franchise.

22 hours ago, Glen-i said:

You're right about everything else FE though, with Robin being a maybe... It all depends on...

  FE Awakening Spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)

Great minds think alike.
As you implied, it depends on which Robin it is. You're probably right about the Robin you play as in Awakening, but if it's "Grima Robin", whole different story.
The Smash 4 Robin is a weird scenario. It seems like the Playable Robin, but Awakening Robin can't use Nosferatu.
It never actually happens, but I'm willing to bet casting Nosferatu is child's play to Grima Robin.

Of course, I don't know what Final Smash Robin has in Smash Ultimate, if (And it's a big if) Grima even shows up in that, then Robin's totally going in "Good Chance"
Grima would be a great Final Smash for him!

So I compromised and put Robin in the tier in between. I'm gonna put this up to the others.

Where should Robin go? - "Good Chance" or "Godzilla's got this"?

See, I've already watched a gameplay video where Robin uses their Final Smash, and my vote depends a lot on that. I'll spoiler it for those who prefer to stay blind:


It's Chrom again. Seriously.

Mii Chrom is still in the game, too. You could have a match between Robin, Chrom, and Mii Swordfighter, and no matter what, Chrom wins. Now that's strategy.

Anyway, my vote goes to "Godzilla's got this".


22 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Villager is the mayor [...]

Should the Animal Crossing characters swap places?

And we might as well cover Lucas as well.
Lucas - "Totally Running Away" or "Pretty Close Matchup"?


The Belmonts have literally beaten up Death. That has to stand for something! The holy water will probably do nothing, mind.

If Villager is the mayor, methinks he should change his moniker. With that in mind, I vote for them to stay in their place.

And I also vote that Lucas would stay his ground.

Death is a spiritual being, not quite the same thing as toppling a big lizard. Also their whip, crosses, etc. are effective because they're blessed, holy weapons. And as we established with Link, not much against Zilla.

22 hours ago, Glen-i said:

I'm not budging on Donkey Kong though. DK 94 doesn't star the DK from Smash. Different Gorilla.
As for the moon? Counter point, DK's punch wasn't the reason for the moon falling, it was the speed at which he hit it.
I based this on the almost never seen ending to DKC Returns when you only have Diddy.


Let's not question how they survived that though...

I could swear the DK from '94 was the modern Donkey Kong. If he's Cranky, then fine.

I never saw that Diddy ending, that's interesting. But I don't think it was the speed (force has to do with mass and acceleration, which means Diddy's speed had to have been high enough to overcome all the extra weight Donkey was putting behind his punch. And let's not forget Donkey was falling at the speed of moon-gravity). Rather, I think that moon is just very impressionable. It's also "only" the size of an island, so it might not be a moon at all.

I concede the point about DK.

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Just a heads-up: apparently cutscenes for World of Light are starting to show up on YouTube, with their typical spoiler-filled titles and thumbnails, as the release date has reportedly been broken by a number of retails (reportedly some stores in Mexico).

So, if you care at all about spoilers for World of Light (which I think many here will), be careful on YouTube and social media. Go on media blackout if that’s your thing. Put up your Google filters. 

I’d have to imagine that Sakurai is not happy at all right now, if there is truth to this. The Brawl cutscenes being leaked ahead of the game’s release is one of the (probably many) reasons why Smash 4 didn’t have a similar story-focused mode. It’s a real shame that people go out of their way to spoil things for other like this — yes, it’s only a game/piece of media, but people should always have the choice of how they want to first experience these things. 

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3 hours ago, Julius said:

Just a heads-up: apparently cutscenes for World of Light are starting to show up on YouTube, with their typical spoiler-filled titles and thumbnails, as the release date has reportedly been broken by a number of outlets (reportedly some stores in Mexico).

So, if you care at all about spoilers for World of Light (which I think many here will), be careful on YouTube and social media. Go on media blackout if that’s your thing. Put up your Google filters. 

I’d have to imagine that Sakurai is not happy at all right now, if there is truth to this. The Brawl cutscenes being leaked ahead of the game’s release is one of the (probably many) reasons why Smash 4 didn’t have a similar story-focused mode. It’s a real shame that people go out of their way to spoil things for other like this — yes, it’s only a game/piece of media, but people should always have the choice of how they want to first experience these things. 

Really sad, and frankly a bit pathetic, all for five minute of fame.

Out of curiosity...


Does that mean there are more than just a beginning and ending cutscene?


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6 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Out of curiosity...

  Cutscene question (Reveal hidden contents)

Does that mean there are more than just a beginning and ending cutscene?




...honestly, I have no idea ::shrug: considering the size of the map for World of Light, though, I’d imagine that there would at least be some for the bosses, if not more? 

Probably nowhere near the amount of Brawl, I’d have to imagine.

EDIT: I won’t be picking up the game any time soon, so I don’t mind the possibility of being spoiled, and looked up the video’s length to have a go at answering your question, @Ronnie (but haven’t watched it); it doesn’t seem long enough to suggest that if there are any cutscenes outside of the intro/ending, that they’re of much substance — I’d have to imagine that they’re of a similar length (somewhere between 30 seconds and 180 seconds) to the cutscenes in Subspace Emissary, but nowhere near the same amount if that is the case. 


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Be warned... Youtube is now completely off limits if you do not want Smash Ultimate spoilt!


Pirated copies are now circulating the interwebs and pirates, many of which who are posing as "reviewers" who got "early review copies" are spoiling literally the entire game's contents.

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I heard about this yesterday, The Know reported in 2 people have had copyright strikes against them and their channels are being closed.

Good thing i've hidden the "Recommended" area on YouTube, otherwise i'd probably be spoiled.  Honestly, some people are desperate to get the 5 minutes of fame.

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15 hours ago, Sméagol said:

How the fuck do they already have pirated copies.. I hope Nintendo Cease and Desists them to death.

Well, it's a mixture of street dates being broken and the Switch being hacked.

Because there's physical copies out there, some jerks have uploaded the game's ROM online and people who have homebrew'd their Switch can pirate the game.

Announcing all the playable characters before the game's out was probably the smartest move the PR team have done. I'm sure they knew this was going to happen.

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I guess one positive of the inevitable all-digital future could be an end to situations like this. Everyone (bar press) will get access to the game at exactly the same time, i.e. the official release date. 

Last time I got really annoyed by a game breaking the street date was MK8 on Wii U, seeing soooo many people playing that early did my head in as I was so damn hyped for it. :D 

Still hyped for Smash Ultimate of course, but not fussed that some are already playing it. Just gonna avoid potential spoilers as much as possible and enjoy the game on launch day. :hehe: 

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Suzaku Castle

This stage has a large platform on the right and two smaller ones on the left. Depending on your fighting style, you might prefer one side over the other. This stage comes with music tracks for 16 characters. When the clock starts running out or if your stock goes down to one, the music may get more intense!


For comparisons sake, there were only 2 character tracks in Smash 4, Ryu and Ken. The blog doesn't mention it, but you can break the signs by connecting a strong attack on an opponent nearby.

This week's remix is "Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Trailer BGM" from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (Super catchy title)

This is that track that's notorious for being the best music in BotW, even though it's not actually in the game what-so-ever. It's arranged by Ryo Nagamatsu.



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