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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


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6 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I'd say they're legitimate gripes. Nintendo has hundreds of characters to choose from so people, myself included, rightfully get annoyed when we get yet another FE character, regardless of their moveset. Sakurai has admitted he loves Fire Emblem and that's probably the reason for so many character.

Out of the 21 characters Smash 4 introduced, 3 were from FE. Even if you take them away, that 18 left is still the same amount as new characters introduced in Brawl. (That includes Ike)

It wasn't really that big of a deal. 1 new character, a clone that doesn't need as much development time and a DLC addition.

The only one I can understand having a gripe about was Corrin. But he's a lot of fun to use and brings something new to the roster, which is all that matters.

If you wanna point the finger at which series most likely denied your favourite character a slot in 4, (A dopey belief, slots mean nothing) that'd be the Mario series. Or what about the Mii's? That was three new characters!

Pokémon in Brawl was even more. 4 completely new characters! But no-one ever moans about Pokémon in Smash.

So I still don't buy that FE gets huge special treatment. It's a very popular series these days, so naturally there's a lot of people who like the characters. My only true issue is that it'd be nice to get a Axe/Spear weilder next.

One more thing, Zelda has as many characters as FE in Ultimate now.

13 minutes ago, drahkon said:



Melee Roy is the best. 

I hate you. :p 

Spoken like someone who hasn't ever tried Smash 4 Roy.

Seriously, he's so much fun!

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The problem with the Fire Emblem characters, in my mind, is the amount coupled with the fact that only Marth appears in more than one FE game making the others rather generic and random to me. Also, they all use swords ti some extent. That's boring.

Pokémon has enough characters represented as do Mario, except that I could see Waluigi as a roster character rather than an Assist Trophy.

Someone once said that every series should have a villain representative in Smash which is a nice idea that I concur with. 

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28 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

Pokémon has enough characters represented as do Mario, except that I could see Waluigi as a roster character rather than an Assist Trophy.

Someone once said that every series should have a villain representative in Smash which is a nice idea that I concur with. 

Pokémon has an absolutely humongous amount of characters that could bring something to the table. Leaving it at 8 would be a ton of wasted potential. Not that I except it to break into double digits any time soon.

Even just looking at the different types, Smash is still missing Bug, Ghost, Ice, Rock, Ground and Dragon, even I can think of some fun ideas with that. (I just really want Alolan Marowak for the Ghost one)

The villain idea is nice in theory, and there are certainly some villains I'd like to see in Smash.

But the big question is who can fill these roles and do they actually feel like they're that well known to be given a shot.

Sure, you can tout the usual suspects (One of whom is actually in Smash now), K. Rool and the like, but how many people would actually feel like Captain Syrup would be a good second Wario character? You suddenly craving Baby Bowser for that Yoshi villain spot? Guess we also have to have another FE character now as well.

And that's before we even get to stuff like Pikmin, who's the villain in that? What about Animal Crossing? (No, Tom Nook doesn't count, we all know that joke) Is Wii Fit Trainer gonna have to have an epic battle with your cholesterol?

Actually, I kinda want that last one...

More villains in Smash is something I want, but not every series needs it. Hell, I'd argue most series that do need villain reps already have it.

Edited by Glen-i
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1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

Fire Emblem is in a weird place compared to the other Smashes.

After Fates, we've had a remake, a mobile game and a musou spinoff.

Spinoff games (that aren't Mario ones) are lucky to get a piece of music in, so I wouldn't put my money on much of Heroes or Warriors.

There's three possibilities now that I can see happening.

1. No new Fire Emblem character.

2. Celica getting in as an echo of Robin. (Maybe she has infinite magic use but each use does a bit of damage to her, just like her game)

3. The Switch FE protagonist Greninja's their way in.

You know, for all the stupid griping people have about too much FE in Smash, I think Smash 4 has the most fun reps from it. Robin's got a neat gimmick, Lucina is better than Marth and Corrin's got a really unique moveset.

Even Smash 4 Roy is miles better than the Melee one. Gone from my least favourite Melee character to being in my top 10.

They're actually in a similar position as Melee and Fire Emblem Binding Blade, Roy was added to promote Binding Blade which came out 4 months after Melee. I wouldn't be too surprised to see Edelgard added.

47 minutes ago, drahkon said:



Melee Roy is the best. 

I hate you. :p 


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1 minute ago, Ike said:



I use Smash 4 Roy so much that the kids who regularly play Smash with me at the community centre have taken to joining me when I shout "BAM!" right when that attack connects.

I did it a few times and it kinda stuck.

That move is too satisfying when I nail it.

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1 minute ago, Sméagol said:

I didn't realize before that I want this.

Yup. She'd be a great addition. They should throw in Wart while they are at it. To me that's what Smash should be about when it comes to character selection. Gives us a bunch of crazy characters that are pulled from the enormous back catalogue of games they've got.

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Yeah, I had a feeling some of you would want Captain Syrup.

Genuine question to those Melee Roy fans, what's the appeal?

To me, he's a slower Marth that can never hit with the sweet spot.

Smash 4 Roy fixes that by giving him "A" attacks that utilise the base of his blade more. He's a great character for laying on constant pressure. Also has a slightly better, more flexible recovery.

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2 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Pokémon has an absolutely humongous amount of characters that could bring something to the table. Leaving it at 8 would be a ton of wasted potential. Not that I except it to break into double digits any time soon.

Even just looking at the different types, Smash is still missing Bug, Ghost, Ice, Rock, Ground and Dragon, even I can think of some fun ideas with that. (I just really want Alolan Marowak for the Ghost one)

The villain idea is nice in theory, and there are certainly some villains I'd like to see in Smash.

But the big question is who can fill these roles and do they actually feel like they're that well known to be given a shot.

Sure, you can tout the usual suspects (One of whom is actually in Smash now), K. Rool and the like, but how many people would actually feel like Captain Syrup would be a good second Wario character? You suddenly craving Baby Bowser for that Yoshi villain spot? Guess we also have to have another FE character now as well.

And that's before we even get to stuff like Pikmin, who's the villain in that? What about Animal Crossing? (No, Tom Nook doesn't count, we all know that joke) Is Wii Fit Trainer gonna have to have an epic battle with your cholesterol?

Actually, I kinda want that last one...

More villains in Smash is something I want, but not every series needs it. Hell, I'd argue most series that do need villain reps already have it.

There are really many cool Pokémon to be added but that could make a game in itself. PokéSmash. I think that would be better as Smash Bros. is more a Nintendo All-Stars.

I'd argue that Wario is a villain himself. Definitely an anti-hero, so he wouldn't really need one. There's Mario. Villager also has an evil stare, that's villain enough for me.

Adding unknown characters wouldn't be a first, they did that with Fire Emblem. All of the characters. All of them. :p

But yeah, of course, you are right, some series don't really have a bad guy. 

Edited by MindFreak
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2 hours ago, MindFreak said:


That sounds like a bad fan-made adult dating sim for rule34 fans.

Anyway, I'm not really expecting any more Fire Emblem or pokemon characters. If we're getting someone, I recon it'll be someone brand new, like Spring Man and Ribbon Girl, or Rex with Pyra and/or Mythra. Bring on someone fresh from a new series, Sakurai!

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8 hours ago, ArtMediocre said:

Anyway, I'm not really expecting any more Fire Emblem or pokemon characters. If we're getting someone, I recon it'll be someone brand new, like Spring Man and Ribbon Girl, or Rex with Pyra and/or Mythra. Bring on someone fresh from a new series, Sakurai!


Xenoblade is 8 years old, man!

Apart from Splatoon and ARMS, the only new Ninty series since Smash 4 are courtesy of the eShop really.

I'd be very surprised if Pokémon makes a no-show to the newcomer game. Sun/Moon has been out since and Pokémon has hit a bit of a resurgence in popularity due to GO. 

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The main thing that irritates me about the amount of Fire Emblem characters is the complete lack of anyone from Advance Wars. 

Yeah Fire Emblem is way more popular. But it was Smash which arguably made it popular and gave it some attention in the West. It's a missed opportunity not including characters from less popular Nintendo games.

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2 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

The main thing that irritates me about the amount of Fire Emblem characters is the complete lack of anyone from Advance Wars. 

Yeah Fire Emblem is way more popular. But it was Smash which arguably made it popular and gave it some attention in the West. It's a missed opportunity not including characters from less popular Nintendo games.

Yup. Just look at the love the Ice Climbers got when they were first put into the game. This is the kinda of revival I would love to see more of in Smash Bros.

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9 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Yup. Just look at the love the Ice Climbers got when they were first put into the game. This is the kinda of revival I would love to see more of in Smash Bros.

This happens with every Smash except the first one though.

We had Pit (and maybe R.O.B) in Brawl and Duck Hunt Duo in 4.

A more retro character is pretty much tradition at this point.

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2 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Indeed but as I said, I would like to see more of it. 

You know, I'm starting to get a gut feeling that this Smash might have a few more older characters than usual.

Mostly because of the ballot. Sure, Bayo already got in through it. But I refuse to believe that the ballot didn't end up influencing the decision to put Ridley and Daisy in Ultimate.

Anyway, here's today's pic of the day.


Item: Bomber

Hold the Bomber up with the A button and a massive explosion will occur in 1.5 seconds. You will take less damage by moving away from the centre of the explosion, so if you're about to get caught in it, try to get away!


Explosives are always the items most likely to get big laughs. So I certainly approve of this reverse S-Flag.


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