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Cyberpunk 2077 (10th December 2020)


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I’ve hit the point of no return, but am enjoying the side missions way too much to proceed. :hehe: Some of them have been absolutely amazing, seriously good stuff for what is essentially optional content. :cool: Funny too. I had a right laugh when...


Johnny Silverhand went on a bender while in control of V’s body and gets a tattoo done. :laughing: 

The way Johnny and V play off each other has been really entertaining throughout actually. Will be interesting to see it from the perspective of female V, so definitely going to try that on the next playthrough and... *cough* get to know Judy better too. ;) 

Having said that, Panam was a nice romance option for male V. Not only were those missions really fun but following her around was a great opportunity to take in the sights of the Badlands and... *cough* other things. :heh: Gotta love that attention to detail in the character models. ;) 

As for the bug situation, have actually encountered a few which have impacted gameplay now. The weirdest one had to be when going to interact with something and suddenly getting launched backwards at insane speed! :o It has only happened on 2 occasions, and just meant that I had to make my way back to the original spot, so a minor inconvenience more than anything.

The game still hasn’t frozen or crashed for me at all though, so I’m guessing those more serious issues are only happening on the console versions. Don’t get me wrong, the PC version definitely needs cleaning up, but it’s mainly cosmetic by the looks of things. 

3 hours ago, drahkon said:

I tried to be sneaky and it went horribly wrong a few minutes in

This is me on every mission! Just replace minutes with seconds. :D 

Actually, I have managed to be stealthy on a few rare occasions. Really appreciate how you can influence those aspects of the gameplay via the skill tree though, very helpful for clumsy players like myself. :grin: 
But yeah, it feels great when you do succeed in effectively sneaking around. And on the numerous occasions when it does all go to shit, it’s all good, as the combat gameplay is super solid.

I wasn’t too keen on it initially, but it has really grown on me and I love it now. Experimenting with the different weapons has definitely helped, there are so many! 

OK, time for some more side jobs... :bouncy:

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1 hour ago, RedShell said:

am enjoying the side missions way too much to proceed

Yup, that's my situation, too.
Only done one main mission in Act 2, so far. Other than that it's been side quest after side quest :D

I was saving up to buy the double jump mod. I acquired the final 2k eddies during a gig. Lucky for me, in that gig I came across a Ripperdoc who did some shady shit and he offered a discount if I kept quiet. Means I only had to pay 36k instead of 45k for that sweet sweet double jump mod. :cool:

Also finally figured out how to efficiently quickhack enemies. Really opens up being stealthy.

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The more of this game I see, the more I love it. :) And man, when it rains in Night City... :love: 

This is now without question the most visually stunning videogame I have ever played, it’s absolutely gorgeous. Ray tracing is a total game changer. Having the entire environment appear so realistically in all reflective surfaces (and there are A LOT of them) is a sight to behold. Even subtle details like seeing perfect reflections of your surroundings when looking at a glass surface, while still being able to clearly see everything on the other side, it’s super impressive. :cool: 

Anyway, had another good chuckle when going through some remaining side missions last night...


turns out one of them was the sexy conclusion to a much earlier part of the game, involving the corpo woman. You go to a hotel room and she’s just casually waiting for you on the bed, I was like “damn, she been waiting a looooooong time!” :heh: Once she got what she was after, I was rewarded with a new weapon in the form of a dildo. :laughing: 

...Hilarious stuff, but all the smut in Cyberpunk 2077 has got me wondering, did Sony have any of it censored on PlayStation? :blank: Even if they didn’t it’s still a bad look for them IMO after all the crap they’ve pulled with other games recently (like Devil May Cry 5), for infinitely less explicit content I might add. So yeah, completely hypocritical if they’re going to pick and choose what’s acceptable like that and not treat all creators equally. But oh well, in the words of Reggie... “not my problem!” anymore. :hehe: 

By the way, what’s everyone’s radio station of choice when cruising Night City? At the moment I’m partial to Radio Pebkac as it fits the vibe of the game so well:


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9 hours ago, RedShell said:

Radio Pebkac

Yup, it's awesome :D

I understand the game gets a lot of flak. And I agree that it deserves it with regards to the performance on last-gen consoles. It's inexcusable.
However, I gotta also say: I love the game. It runs great on my PS5 and I only had two crashes in 17 hours of playtime, so far. Yes, some minor bugs here and there, but they don't affect my enjoyment at all.

And for a game running via BC, it does look pretty:



Having an absolute blast with this.

Progressed the story a bit and got to know a few more characters, one of which I am accompanying on a mission and she's awesome. Such a badass :cool: Once I'm done with this story mission, I'll finally go back to some side gigs again :D

My initial plan of "just finishing it and moving on" turned to: Do everything and get the Platinum. I think it's a game that deserves my time :) 

I really must be one of the lucky few who don't have to deal with major issues all the time. And I also don't think the game's mechanics are as lackluster as most people seem to think.
Probably helps that I didn't get swept up in the ridiculous hype over the last few years. What I'm playing is exactly what I expected.

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I've just read on BBC news that Sony are now offering refunds to anyone who bought the game and have also delisted it from PSN. Crazy. I don't recall this ever happening to such a high profile game. They must have had a stupidly high amount of complaints for this to happen.

I feel sorry for the mass market gamers who don't follow the industry and picked this up not knowing what they were in for. 

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1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've just read on BBC news that Sony are now offering refunds to anyone who bought the game and have also delisted it from PSN. Crazy. I don't recall this ever happening to such a high profile game. They must have had a stupidly high amount of complaints for this to happen.

I feel sorry for the mass market gamers who don't follow the industry and picked this up not knowing what they were in for. 

Well...holy smokes. It's the right move, though. 

Even forgetting how it runs on the base PS4 for a moment, and looking at the Pro and PS5, when your ability to play the game to a level where you can actually consistently enjoy it is based on the sheer luck of the draw that is the game's bugs and crashes, it's absolutely in a state where this is warranted. 

I can't speak to how it runs on Xbox, but I believe what I saw on the Series S and original One looked very poor too. I'm not sure if Xbox's refund policy is already in a place where they're confident to continue with the game on their store, though, but it'll be interesting to see if Xbox have anything to say. 

Also, for those playing on PlayStation: the updates will still be coming, per the latest statement from CDPR. 


The Management Board of CD PROJEKT S.A. with a registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby publicly discloses the decision of Sony Interactive Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as “SIE”) to remove Cyberpunk 2077 from PlayStation Store until further notice. The decision was undertaken following our discussion with SIE regarding a full refund for all gamers who had purchased Cyberpunk 2077 via PlayStation Store and want a refund at this time. All copies of the game previously purchased digitally on PlayStation Store remain available for use by their respective buyers.

Gamers can still buy physical versions of the game in retail and mail order stores. All copies, whether digital or physical, will continue to receive support and updates from the Company.

The Management Board of the Company has decided to publicly disclose this information in the form of a current report due to its potential influence on investment-related decisions.

This whole thing is absolutely nuts. 

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2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I feel sorry for the mass market gamers who don't follow the industry and picked this up not knowing what they were in for. 

Gotta say, I'm very lucky it works as well as it does on my PS5.
I haven't really followed news about this game, even after release so I pretty much went in blind...the one time I don't do it and it's become a shit show...thankfully not for me. 21 hours in and I absolutely love it...

Still, it's the right decision to delist it from PSN. This shouldn't be available for purchase, even if there's a slight chance it'll work fine on current-gen consoles

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I’m starting to think they should’ve just cancelled the last-gen console versions as soon as it became obvious the project had surpassed what was realistically possible on those platforms. :hmm: 
Sure, it would’ve meant an initial hit to profits plus some backlash, but I reckon in the long run it would’ve been better for the overall reception of the game, not to mention the reputation of the studio.

But yeah, it’s truly bizarre hearing about this kind of stuff while I’m playing through and really enjoying the game with basically no issues at all.

Anyway, made some good progress with side jobs yesterday, one of them had a very surprising cameo/Easter egg... :D 


BB from Death Stranding! :heh: 

...so I should be taking on the final mission tonight! :bouncy:

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3 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I've just read on BBC news that Sony are now offering refunds to anyone who bought the game and have also delisted it from PSN. Crazy. I don't recall this ever happening to such a high profile game. They must have had a stupidly high amount of complaints for this to happen.

I feel sorry for the mass market gamers who don't follow the industry and picked this up not knowing what they were in for. 

Came here seeing the news myself. It's a pretty bloody damning indictment for CDPR by Sony imo. Not that I had much care/interest for the game(seen you can cure the disabled with a good ol' bit of the healing punch tho) but this for me is a huuuge nono now. Similar like you I feel sorry for folks who may have been unaware of what they're diving into.

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The sad thing is it isn't just Cyberpunk, the majority of big AAA games follow the 'release first, fix later' approach. It's getting stupid now. The only exceptions are Nintendo obviously and probably Playstation Studios too. Obviously Cyberpunk has taken it to new extremes though.


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This really does serve as a good example. CDPR rolled the dice, thinking that they could hide footage and reviewer copies of the last gen version of the game until the last minute to avoid the bad press and get sales (during the Christmas period no less), then patch it later. I bet they are regretting not just delaying it again, it's going to have done untold damage to their previously stellar reputation, releasing it like this.

In some ways it's a little strange that it's completely removed from the PS store since it does run pretty well on PS5 - you'd think they could maybe still allow people to buy it from the store on PS5.

Edited by Sheikah
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6 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

The sad thing is it isn't just Cyberpunk, the majority of big AAA games follow the 'release first, fix later' approach. It's getting stupid now. The only exceptions are Nintendo obviously and probably Playstation Studios too. Obviously Cyberpunk has taken it to new extremes though.

Yep, have to agree with you here. It blows my mind that third parties (especially the massive ones) manage to get this so consistently wrong, and the times where they get it right, of course, it's brushed under the table - perhaps as it should be! Isn't the expectation that when you buy a game it works

I've said it before, but I played Ghost of Tsushima on a base PS4 in the summer, and though I feel it could've done with a little more polish (only issues really were general open world game launch issues), the loading times and the way that game looked on a base PS4 is astounding. Same goes for The Last of Us Part II, which I don't think I encountered any issues with at all? You can tell that game has been polished well beyond what they could have got away with. 

And look, I know Naughty Dog is a first party studio and so the expectation is that they'll optimise the game for the console (as they should), but looking back at the delays and talks of crunch, at least it was seemingly being spent mostly on crushing bugs and polishing the game further. I think back to Breath of the Wild and how we never heard about crunch (yeah it was in development for a while, but Cyberpunk was - well, they say - in development even longer!) and the only technical issues in that game of any real note were frame rate dips (in a certain forest especially). Not ideal, but for the sheer scale of that game it's astounding how polished it was, and ditto for most other Nintendo games. And PlayStation Studios games. As you mentioned, they just get it right. 

But even when it comes to third parties, again, there are some who get it right. I played Final Fantasy VII Remake at launch on a base PS4, and again, it ran great. I think there was one game-breaking bug you could trigger towards the end in the vents (which I'm not sure is fixed...but the game auto-saves just before, so as long as you have that turned on, not too big an issue), one or two frame rate dips, and one or two instances of poor texture pop-in (that door :laughing:), but again, nothing which is going to kill the experience dead in its tracks. 

I look at CDPR now and I'm concerned for their team: they've been crunching for nearly a year now, the game has launched a mess compared to where it objectively should be for a game to launch, and so now they have multiple, big patches in the works and the next gen upgrades being developed too. Assuming we still get the latter by the end of next year, that's still going to be nearly two years of crunch - so I hope some of their employees have the wisdom (and offers) to bounce. 

15 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

In some ways it's a little strange that it's completely removed from the PS store since it does run pretty well on PS5 - you'd think they could maybe still allow people to buy it from the store on PS5.

I imagine it's because on PS5 you're playing the PS4 version through backwards compatibility? So would still need to buy the PS4 version of the game, which would be weird I guess to not have on the PS4 Store and the PS App, but have it only exclusively on the PS5? 

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I do wonder whether or not Sony would have removed it from their store if they had a marketing deal in place. Do Microsoft have the marketing rights for the game? I know they released a limited edition console but I'm not sure if they have a proper deal. It may explain why they've yet to say anything about the situation.

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41 minutes ago, Hero-of-Time said:

I do wonder whether or not Sony would have removed it from their store if they had a marketing deal in place. Do Microsoft have the marketing rights for the game? I know they released a limited edition console but I'm not sure if they have a proper deal. It may explain why they've yet to say anything about the situation.

I think they do? Going off the end of this ad anyways:

Compare it with the same one uploaded to the PlayStation channel and it doesn't have the PS opening/closing or the additional "play it on" part, so yeah, have to imagine Xbox have the marketing rights to it. 

I think it might be the reason, but I'm not too sure. The fact that PlayStation discussed this with CDPR first at least makes it feel open.

I mean, does it really run that much better on the original One than the base PS4? Surely not? 

I don't have an Xbox so can't comment, but for anyone that does: how is their refund policy compared with PlayStation's? I know PlayStation can be hit and miss when it comes to refunds at times (before the confirmation today of what would be done, I read some accounts where they were able to get the game refunded, and others where they were denied), so it might just be that they're overwhelmed with complaints and refund requests for the same game and decided they've had enough, especially considering the size of their install base. 

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10 minutes ago, Julius said:

I mean, does it really run that much better on the original One than the base PS4? Surely not? 

Base XBox One and One S is even worse than base PS4 according to Digital Foundry. I think One X fares a bit better than PS4 Pro though from what I remember.

I think the consensus is that base PS4/Xbox One is a no-go, whereas everything else is basically playable. I won't be playing it until I get a PS5, which is fine as I already have a backlog to get through.

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1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

The sad thing is it isn't just Cyberpunk, the majority of big AAA games follow the 'release first, fix later' approach. It's getting stupid now. The only exceptions are Nintendo obviously and probably Playstation Studios too. Obviously Cyberpunk has taken it to new extremes though.


Mario 3D All Stars, Smash and Animal Crossing all had a day one patch, never mind the console itself. None are as egregious as Cyberpunk obviously, and yes compared to many other companies Nintendo's day one patches are relatively mild but it happens.

I wish I could recall where I saw something that explained why they happen (generally, as in this particular case it was clearly rushed out the door) as it debunked the "lazy" argument normally put forward pretty well.

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The issue also surely comes into the fact thag it's quite brand-damging for sony/ps store as a storefront/marketplace that they're the owners and facilitators of? Can you really be having a game of these many issues sitting front and centre of your brand - especially similar to point HoT made about mass market gamers who may end up very confused and annoyed about it?

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20 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Mario 3D All Stars, Smash and Animal Crossing all had a day one patch, never mind the console itself. None are as egregious as Cyberpunk obviously, and yes compared to many other companies Nintendo's day one patches are relatively mild but it happens.

None of them released broken or buggy and had to be fixed at a later date through a number of patches like most other companies rely on. Nintendo is famous for their QA, and rightly so. I think I've seen one bug in 300+ hours of Animal Crossing. If Cyberpunk's Day 1 patch fixed everything then great, but it obviously hasn't, far from it.

The AAA landscape is filled with release first, patch later antics, and I wish more took a leaf from Nintendo EPD or possibly Playstation Studios when it comes to stable builds at launch.

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51 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

None of them released broken or buggy and had to be fixed at a later date through a number of patches like most other companies rely on. Nintendo is famous for their QA, and rightly so. I think I've seen one bug in 300+ hours of Animal Crossing. If Cyberpunk's Day 1 patch fixed everything then great, but it obviously hasn't, far from it.

The AAA landscape is filled with release first, patch later antics, and I wish more took a leaf from Nintendo EPD or possibly Playstation Studios when it comes to stable builds at launch.

I don't disagree that Nintendo is better at this, just felt like your original statement misrepresented the truth. Nintendo does seem to use day one patches to add functionality rather than fix (much) though, which obviously is a better approach and perhaps we just had different interpretations when you said "fix" (bugs as opposed to missing features).

But we can all agree, this particular launch has been pretty awful and not helped by the marketing campaign using next gen consoles primarily. 

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48 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I think I've seen one bug in 300+ hours of Animal Crossing.

Blathers is going to be waiting a while for the bug section of that museum to get filled, isn't he? :D

At the end of the day, this is the right move. The base console versions are a mess and while there are undoubtedly other games that have equally launched in a bad state, given the hype surrounding this from not just the gaming populace but the general populace, it was unacceptable to launch it in the state it was. And none of their subsequent PR post launch has been valid for why those versions are the way they are. This will impact how people perceive CD Projekt Red going forward.

The game will get fixed and its playable to a decent enough degree on the One X, Series S|X and PS5, as well as the PC and Stadia versions, but as said it should never have been launched in the state it was and if they perceived it as acceptable then their QA and Testing standards will need to change heavily going forward.

I held off because of the brain dance situation, which is now fixed, but as the issues came to light, even the prospect of playing on the PS5 through backwards compatibility wore off. I'll pick it up at some point next year but I'll use the money that would've been for this to pick up some indie games that I've been eyeing up instead, such as Ghostrunner, Wildfire and Shady Part of Me.

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I think it's interesting that Cyberpunk has actually been taken down, especially considering some of the utter toss currently on the PS Store (look up Hajwala for example). I recall Fallout 76 being just as broken, but that never got taken down.

It's probably the right thing to do, just surprised they haven't done it in previous cases.

This pretty much sums up my view on it:


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3 minutes ago, Ashley said:

I don't disagree that Nintendo is better at this, just felt like your original statement misrepresented the truth. Nintendo does seem to use day one patches to add functionality rather than fix (much) though, which obviously is a better approach and perhaps we just had different interpretations when you said "fix" (bugs as opposed to missing features).

But we can all agree, this particular launch has been pretty awful and not helped by the marketing campaign using next gen consoles primarily. 

They're not better, they're great, and an example of what QA should be. No misrepresentation of the truth at all, I said they don't 'release first, fix later' and they don't, they release in a stable, bug-free way. Anyway, the rest of the industry needs to wise up. Release dates are utterly meaningless now too. Cyberpunk's original three dates (or was it four?) were laughable. I get that investors need to be kept happy but it's hard to take any date announced in the AAA sense seriously these days.

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