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Metroid Prime 4 Beyond (Switch 2025)


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They might have made this decision a couple of months ago so development might have progressed more than we think by now. Given that the Switch launched in March 2017, if this has two years from now then a March 2021 release is a possibility and I'd be surprised if a fully upgraded Switch had been released before then. 

Obviously it would have to be 2 solid years of untroubled development to hit early 2021 though but as Ronnie says, the next Switch will utilise the same architecture as the current one and so will be compatible with all Swtich software so it'd likely run on the base Switch but perform better on the next model.

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1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

They can’t announce Metroid Prime 4 for Nintendo Switch and then not release it on this form of the Switch. It could be on two hardware consoles though like BOTW. 

I meant something more along the lines of an iteration such as the PS4 Pro or Xbox One X, as others have mentioned, as opposed to a generational leap, or some weird console exclusive (along the lines of what happened with a couple of New 3DS titles). 

I mean, we’re nearly two years into the Switch’s life already, and assuming a three year development cycle for Metroid Prime 4, we’d be five years into the console’s life, which seems around the right time to introduce a more capable model of the Switch. Having such a model launch a little earlier than/on the same day as Prime 4 seems like a perfect scenario from a business perspective, at least for me? 

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I went from being upset at being told the game would be delayed to being frakking delighted to hear Retro are now working on it.

I was worried when I heard Retro were not working on MP4 so to have it back in their hands is fantastic news I think. I'd rather wait for good (potentially great) game than end up with a bad game that taints the franchise.

Like a pint of Guinness "All good things come to those who wait" ;)


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I’m really happy Nintendo went and did this.  Not just because it means that Metroid is in the right hands now, but also because it’s a reaffirmation that the old ways of doing things at Nintendo, and their commitment to quality above all else, hasn’t given way yet.


This Nintendo appears to have learnt the lessons that Mario Tennis Ultra Smash, Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival and (to a lesser extent) Xenoblade 2 have taught them after all.  I was starting to fear that we were losing the Nintendo that we know and love, but this is a strong affirmation that they are indeed alive and well after all.


Hopefully it means that they also still value the people who make their games above the IPs themselves.  Namco had absolutely no business making Metroid whatsoever; it was completely outside of their area of expertise.  While they are a production powerhouse that is filled with great programmers and artists, outside of their fighting game division, they have fuck all game/level design talent.  Metroid is exactly the kind of game that they should not be making; and it’s shocking that they went ahead and gave Retro’s series to them (snubbing them in the process).


This is not just a victory for Metroid, but a victory for the future direction of Nintendo as a whole.  It gives hope that they haven’t given up their classic way of making games yet!


3 hours ago, Ronnie said:

They can’t announce Metroid Prime 4 for Nintendo Switch and then not release it on this form of the Switch. It could be on two hardware consoles though like BOTW. 

The Metroid Prime 4 they have announced today is not the Metroid Prime 4 they announced back in 2017.  That game was cancelled and this is an entirely different and completely new game, by a completely different developer; and has nothing to do with what Namco tried (and failed) to do.

Edited by Dcubed
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55 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

and it’s shocking that they went ahead and gave Retro’s series to them (snubbing them in the process).

You can't say they were snubbed without knowing what actually went on. Maybe Retro were already working on a project, as is most probably the case. They've also talked about in the past how they were done with Metroid and wanted to work on other things.

57 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

The Metroid Prime 4 they have announced today is not the Metroid Prime 4 they announced back in 2017.  That game was cancelled and this is an entirely different and completely new game, by a completely different developer; and has nothing to do with what Namco tried (and failed) to do.

It absolutely is, that's why they used the same logo as they did back in 2017. They said development has started from the beginning. At the end of the day the minutiae of the situation doesn't matter. Metroid Prime 4 was promised for (OG) Nintendo Switch and they have to deliver that. It's very feasible people bought a Switch because of the promise of Metroid.

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The editor of Game Informer has revealed some info that he had heard about the games development. Apparently it was being developed across several studios rather than one studio handling everything - some studios thought it was going well, others were chaotic so it's been brought under the stewardship of a single studio to iron out the problems. Interestingly Retro themselves pitched to Nintendo to take over the project 

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1 hour ago, Dcubed said:

Hopefully it means that they also still value the people who make their games above the IPs themselves.  Namco had absolutely no business making Metroid whatsoever; it was completely outside of their area of expertise.  While they are a production powerhouse that is filled with great programmers and artists, outside of their fighting game division, they have fuck all game/level design talent.  Metroid is exactly the kind of game that they should not be making; and it’s shocking that they went ahead and gave Retro’s series to them (snubbing them in the process).

It was never confirmed Namco were the lead developers, I doubt they were at any point if they were involved at all.

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Imagine working on something for two years only to see it thrown away. I feel sorry for the developers, not the fans.

The bad thing about this is that Retro will probably be asked to play it safe with Prime 4, and that's not something I'd be interested in playing.

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2 hours ago, Ike said:

It was never confirmed Namco were the lead developers, I doubt they were at any point if they were involved at all.

It was already leaked that staff from Namco Japan and Singapore were working on the project.  This has been known for a long time now.


2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

You can't say they were snubbed without knowing what actually went on. Maybe Retro were already working on a project, as is most probably the case. They've also talked about in the past how they were done with Metroid and wanted to work on other things.

It absolutely is, that's why they used the same logo as they did back in 2017. They said development has started from the beginning. At the end of the day the minutiae of the situation doesn't matter. Metroid Prime 4 was promised for (OG) Nintendo Switch and they have to deliver that. It's very feasible people bought a Switch because of the promise of Metroid.

They’re starting development all over again from scratch; made by an entirely different developer. It’s a brand new game now.


That’s like saying that Kirby’s Air Ride on the GCN is the same game as the N64 one; or that Mother 3 on GBA and N64 are the same game (they are absolutely not). Or that Resident Evil 1.5 is the same game as the Resident Evil 2 that we ended up with, or that DOOM 2016 is the same game as the original DOOM 4 (which was modelled after Call of Duty and scrapped in favour of an entirely different game that we ended up with).


Games get cancelled and restarted from scratch, it happens.  The resulting game is something totally distinct from the original vision.


Namco’s Metroid Prime 4 was cancelled in favour of Retro’s Metroid Prime 4.  That is the fact of the matter.  It is no longer the same game.


As for the snubbing? It probably did happen because Retro were working on something else at the time (I’d bloody hope so at least, they’ve been radio silent for 5 years now, with nothing to show except a quickie port of DKCTF to Switch!) They probably just wrapped up development on whatever it was they were working on fairly recently (so I’d hope for a release this year, assuming that it wasn’t cancelled!); but it is still very disrespectful to give away their series (their baby!) to an external developer like that.  They could’ve just waited!

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2 hours ago, Ronnie said:

Have to say it's really refreshing seeing the reaction from the community about this. I was dreading lots of outrage and abuse when Nintendo tweeted it but everyone seems to be taking it well

except for kav

and respecting their honesty.

Agreed.  While absolutely gutting that we won’t be getting the game for a few more years, Nintendo have had the integrity (& the money to risk losing by the delay) to say it wasn’t up to the standard they wanted.  To be so upfront to fans is refreshing.  As Reggie said recently, you’re looking at development cycles of around 3 years for large games, so we’re in for a long wait.

As has been mentioned, Metroid in 3D has suffered from a troubling development before, but look how well they turned out!

I do hope they have some AAA games to fill the long gap though.

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54 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

They’re starting development all over again from scratch; made by an entirely different developer. It’s a brand new game now.

54 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Games get cancelled and restarted from scratch, it happens.  The resulting game is something totally distinct from the original vision.


Namco’s Metroid Prime 4 was cancelled in favour of Retro’s Metroid Prime 4.  That is the fact of the matter.  It is no longer the same game.

No one is saying it's not going to be a completely different game. Of course it will be. But from a business, optics and consumer POV, it's this game: Metroid Prime 4. Something that was promised for Switch in 2017. You can't promise Metroid on Switch, and then not put it on Switch and ask all those people who got excited about it to shell out another £300 on new hardware to play it. It makes zero business sense and would be a PR disaster.


54 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

That’s like saying that Kirby’s Air Ride on the GCN is the same game as the N64 one; or that Mother 3 on GBA and N64 are the same game (they are absolutely not). Or that Resident Evil 1.5 is the same game as the Resident Evil 2 that we ended up with, or that DOOM 2016 is the same game as the original DOOM 4 (which was modelled after Call of Duty and scrapped in favour of an entirely different game that we ended up with).

You can't honestly believe what you're saying. The comparison to Doom (2016) and Doom 4 especially is just laughable, come on. The situations are nothing alike.


54 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

but it is still very disrespectful to give away their series (their baby!) to an external developer like that.  They could’ve just waited!

Disrepectful? Maybe they went over to Retro Studios HQ, got on their hands and knees, showered them with presents and begged for their forgiveness in giving MP4 to another developer. The point is, we have no idea what went on, and so can't draw any conclusions.

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Games get moved between consoles all the time @Ronnie.  Hell, I even listed some in my last post!


Are you really angry that Nintendo advertised Resident Evil Zero, Kirby’s Air Ride, Earthbound 64, Dinosaur Planet and Eternal Darkness for the N64 and sold N64s on their hype before moving them onto the GCN/GBA?


This has happened with every single Nintendo console ever made; this is nothing new.


Nintendo don’t owe you anything. It’s too late for it to target the current Switch now if it’s only just starting development now.  It’ll be a Switch Pro title.

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2 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

Nintendo don’t owe you anything. It’s too late for it to target the current Switch now if it’s only just starting development now.  It’ll be a Switch Pro title.

Sorry... what's the Switch Pro exactly?

Again with the assumptions. People just assume there'll be a January Direct, just because. People assume Nintendo will suddenly care about the arms race and again and release a super powerful Switch. It's counter productive.

Why is it "too late to target the current Switch"? The PS4 has been out for 5+ years, probably 6 or 7 years by the time the next one comes out. The 3DS has been out for EIGHT years and they're still releasing games for that. We're 1.9 years into the Switch.


Nintendo wants the Switch to be around longer than the typical console cycle

Nintendo wants to ‘prolong the life cycle’ of the Switch beyond six years

“Up until now, the hardware life cycle has trended at around five or six years, but it would be very interesting if we could prolong that life cycle, and I think you should be looking forward to that.”


Metroid Prime 4 was promised for this Switch and it'll come out for this Switch. Now that doesn't mean that if Nintendo iterate and release new hardware it won't also be playable there, but it's being developed for this current Switch, because in this day and age (ie not the N64 era), it has to be.

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They can’t announce Metroid Prime 4 for Nintendo Switch and then not release it on this form of the Switch. It could be on two hardware consoles though like BOTW. 

Yep, I suspect this will be a Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword dealio, especially because of the Switch 1.0 install base. Have to say, this got off way more lightly in terms of customer perception than the FF7 remake!
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8 minutes ago, Sheikah said:
8 hours ago, Ronnie said:
They can’t announce Metroid Prime 4 for Nintendo Switch and then not release it on this form of the Switch. It could be on two hardware consoles though like BOTW. 


Yep, I suspect this will be a Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword dealio,

Did I miss some magical WiiU version of Skyward Sword!?

I agree with @Sheikah about how this got off lightly though. Especially given how incredibly whingey the Metroid fanbase can be at times.

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Did I miss some magical WiiU version of Skyward Sword!?
I agree with [mention=2464]Sheikah[/mention] about how this got off lightly though. Especially given how incredibly whingey the Metroid fanbase can be at times.
Ouhh. Excuse me. I think I mean...something else. Was there another game that spanned generations? Maybe not.

But still..yeah. Massive install base of Switch 1.0. Would seem a bit out there to alienate all us current Switch owners.
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2 minutes ago, Sheikah said:

Ouhh. Excuse me. I think I mean...something else. Was there another game that spanned generations? Maybe not.

Only Breath of the Wild as far as Zelda goes. And I can't think of any other Nintendo game that has done the same thing, but I'm not gonna state that as absolute fact in the fear of someone proving me wrong.

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Only Breath of the Wild as far as Zelda goes. And I can't think of any other Nintendo game that has done the same thing, but I'm not gonna state that as absolute fact in the fear of someone proving me wrong.

I think I'm thinking of Breath of the Wild which was sort of planned for Wii U and then repurposed. Oh well.  

Have to say I agree this game is going to a better developer all in all, just don't expect to see this for a loooong time.

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8 hours ago, Sheikah said:
16 hours ago, Ronnie said:
They can’t announce Metroid Prime 4 for Nintendo Switch and then not release it on this form of the Switch. It could be on two hardware consoles though like BOTW. 


Yep, I suspect this will be a Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword dealio, especially because of the Switch 1.0 install base. Have to say, this got off way more lightly in terms of customer perception than the FF7 remake!

Probably because even with them restarting development, everyone knows that MP4 will come out well before anything from the FF7 Remake ;) 

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