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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe League 2017

The Mole

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Welcome to the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe League 2017.




Please note the league is moving to a Friday!!


League Night


• The First League night will be Friday 19th June

• There will be three League GPs (12 races) every Friday night, starting at 8.00pm. Please allow approximately 45 minutes to participate.

• Sign up by commenting each week. There will be an ‘Always in’ list happening to which if you like to be a part of it, Tag me (The Mole) with ‘Always in’ when signing up.

• For the first 3 league nights the racing groups will be random. After that, the groups will be determined by your league position. I will post the groups on the day of the race.

• In each group, one player will be asked to host and another to take photos of the results of EACH GP. You must add your host as a friend before your group opens (10 minutes before the start). Hosts will need to ensure they have accepted all friend requests before opening the group. The photographers will need to post the results on the event page after the three GPs.

• The league table will be updated and results will announced between league nights.

• The league will run between the 19th June to the 25th August (16 Weeks).


Players Choice & Theme Nights


• Players choice means you can pick any character, any vehicle type and any track – although, to ensure variety, please do not re-pick a track that has already been raced in that GP.

• Theme night means you have to pick a certain character, vehicle type and pre-determined tracks in the correct order.


Points System


The total points you have gained from the Grand Prix (GPs) are divided by the number of GPs you have taken part in, giving you your average. This is what determines your position on the league table, so if you do miss a league night, it won’t affect your score, but you may change position in the league.



1. On theme nights, please follow the theme – i.e. pick the correct character, parts & tracks! If you do not follow the theme you may be penalised.

2. On players choice nights, please do not re-pick a track that has already been raced in the GP. This is out of courtesy, however regular offenders may be penalised.

3. Don't rage quit. If it becomes clear someone is "disconnecting" from GPs on a regular basis they may be penalised.

4. If you disconnect, join back in as soon as possible. You will get one point for that race.

5. Please let the host know ASAP if you cannot make the race. Regular no-shows may be penalised.

6. Have fun!!!


Sign up Now!!

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*sees the thread*


"Oh the MK8 league is back! Cool, I'll just go ahead and sign up..." :D


*reads the thread*


"...or not, oh well I'm not that great at the game anyway plus the Wi-Fi and online hasn't been properly sorted out yet so there's bound to be problems" ::shrug:


That was basically my thought process... :p


But I completely understand, it's cool, Fridays will allow other players the chance to play who might not have been able to previously when the league was on a Thursday night plus it was just dumb luck on my part that I have that evening free.


Plus I'm guessing it's an easier day for you - @The Mole - to organise it all, which is very good of you and appreciated by our forum community and that goes for anyone who has ever organised the league in the past as well; it's a great thing indeed. :)


Ah well, it has been fun to have been a part of the league in years gone by and I wish everyone all the best with it going forward.


I hope that it goes well, that it's fun for everyone and if you want the league to be promoted on site nearer the time then just give us a shout. : peace:

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3am Saturday morning for me, so I'll do my best. Have wanted to take part previously but timing made it difficult. I guess there's a good chance of some drunk-driving from me but that's all part of the fun.

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Friday is a terrible night; I'll play when I can. And yeah, surely Battle Mode should be a part of it, it's the only new thing in the game :D


Of course it will! Battle mode is amazing in this game and the points system is very well suited to the NE League too :)

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If its during a weekday I could only take part once every two weeks. So unfortunately, I'm out.


I used to take part only once every two weeks. The score averaging system accounts for people who can't attend every week, so you can still take part just fine if you want to : peace:

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Fridays are not a night I can usually get home before 8:30, but I will do my best to let people know here if I can get on. It's a real shame as I loved hosting a group and recording the races. It was always fun.

Anyone that will be joining please send me a Switch Friend code request.

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