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Splatoon 2


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Playing with randoms can be pain sometimes, Played 6 today and had a 5 game losing streak, I was never worse than second best in the team apart from funilly enough the game we won. Either a disconnect or a shit teammate or two cost us every time. This might be why I quit the first game...

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I figured I'd make a list of my first impressions now that the weekend is over (just reached level 15).

- Love the new amiibo. :heart:

- The new music is delightfully fresh. Love all the new songs.

- The new stages... are a bit hit and miss, but I imagine I'll get used to them. Definitely preferred the old version of Port Mackerel, though...

- Splatting people isn't as satisfying as in the first game. Not sure why, might be something about the sound effects?

- Not-Miiverse drawing sucks and I hate it a lot.

- The actual shop order in the Galleria not being the same as the shop order when you switch between them with L/R is reeeaaally annoying.

- Ink Armor desperately needs buffing. Two-second activation delay for a super weak shield is just awful.

- The Inkjet is also lame because you return to the spot you started at when it ends. What's the point if you can't use it to sneak into normally inaccessible areas? :(

- Handheld mode works perfectly, and feels even better than docked. (I might just be too used to having a screen in my controller though lol)

- The new map is garbage, but that couldn't have been avoided given the nature of the Switch. Whoever decided to put the map on X are the worst, though. I keep opening it when I want to jump...

- Replacing Nice! with "Booyah!" is also disgusting.

- Next to no lag, and no connection issues whatsoever! A definite improvement over the first game.

- ...But unfortunately, matchmaking is a lot slower than in the first game, so the lack of minigames while you wait is even worse than I had expected.

- Extremely disappointed that the garbage exp system is there right from level 1 this time, but at least it's a bit more generous than in the first game.

...I think that's about all I have to say so far. I miss my Stealth Jump, so hopefully I can find some shoes with it soon. Haven't started Hero Mode yet, but I imagine I'll love it when I do. Salmon Run is lame.

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I finally got to play this for an hour, I've had it since Friday but couldn't really play until now.

Well, it's what I expected, Splatoon 2 is the same as the original but more streamlined, with faster loading, refined gameplay elements and is still a hell of a lot of fun to play. :)

Personally I'm just amazed that it runs on the Switch so well, I can hear the system fans going almost constantly to the point that I'm almost scared to play for too long just in case my console overheats at all but it's probably fine. :p

Of course I had to turn the motion-controlled aiming off as that just didn't feel right, just like on the Wii U but aside from that, this is the most fun I've had with a Splatoon title to date. :D

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47 minutes ago, FireMeowth said:

I figured I'd make a list of my first impressions now that the weekend is over (just reached level 15).

- Love the new amiibo. :heart:

- The new music is delightfully fresh. Love all the new songs.

- The new stages... are a bit hit and miss, but I imagine I'll get used to them. Definitely preferred the old version of Port Mackerel, though...

- Splatting people isn't as satisfying as in the first game. Not sure why, might be something about the sound effects?

- Not-Miiverse drawing sucks and I hate it a lot.

- The actual shop order in the Galleria not being the same as the shop order when you switch between them with L/R is reeeaaally annoying.

- Ink Armor desperately needs buffing. Two-second activation delay for a super weak shield is just awful.

- The Inkjet is also lame because you return to the spot you started at when it ends. What's the point if you can't use it to sneak into normally inaccessible areas? :(

- Handheld mode works perfectly, and feels even better than docked. (I might just be too used to having a screen in my controller though lol)

- The new map is garbage, but that couldn't have been avoided given the nature of the Switch. Whoever decided to put the map on X are the worst, though. I keep opening it when I want to jump...

- Replacing Nice! with "Booyah!" is also disgusting.

- Next to no lag, and no connection issues whatsoever! A definite improvement over the first game.

- ...But unfortunately, matchmaking is a lot slower than in the first game, so the lack of minigames while you wait is even worse than I had expected.

- Extremely disappointed that the garbage exp system is there right from level 1 this time, but at least it's a bit more generous than in the first game.

...I think that's about all I have to say so far. I miss my Stealth Jump, so hopefully I can find some shoes with it soon. Haven't started Hero Mode yet, but I imagine I'll love it when I do. Salmon Run is lame.

These are pretty much the same thoughts I have on the game so far too (I also just hit level 15). Especially "Nice" being changed to "Booyah!"  lol

One other minor thing to add, I miss the original Inkopolis plaza from the first game. The new Inkopolis square seems too narrow and and cramped compared to the original plaza.

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I think with splatoon we were a bit starved of multiplayer online games - mk8 and super smash bros was about it really (3rd party titles online servers seemed fairly dead)
The Wii U had a bigger install base than the switch currently has, the switch has plenty of games coming in the short term, so I think this will be less of an explosion than splatoon 1.


The only thing I wish splatoon had was salmon run - I really wanted a random weapon mode to mix things up a bit! hope I get my hands on a switch before online dies down (but if it keeps selling steadily hopefully servers will be reliable!)

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1 hour ago, Rob3008 said:

It was sold out in Smyths yesterday when I went to buy it so I've had to order online. Wouldn't be like Nintendo to undercall their stock.

I know it's fun to make the joke about Nintendo and stock levels.. But physical stores usually have limited stock, depending on where they are located. It's readily available online, I don't think there's a shortage problem.

Anyone op for Salmon run tonight? I should be ready around mindnight (so 23:00 for you guys). Going to see Planet of the apes first, which has a respectable running time, but should be ready by then.

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I don't understand how sticks can possibly be better than sticks and motion at the same time? especially when you can set different sensitivities for each.

I think they've done a great job with the controls in this.

Smeagol: I've not had a go at salmon run yet, so I'll join you if you're still looking for someone.

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18 minutes ago, DuD said:

I don't understand how sticks can possibly be better than sticks and motion at the same time? especially when you can set different sensitivities for each.

It's preference.

I've played Splatoon on the WiiU and I hate motion controls. I was better with sticks only than with both and I never had the impression that I was at a disadvantage.

Here's a shot I made in CoD. For me the prime example on why I'm better with sticks than motion controls :D




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2 hours ago, drahkon said:

If people aimed as badly with sticks as that person, sure, using motion controls would be better :laughing:

Yep, pretty much my thoughts, also it's worth noting that he didn't turn the stick sensitivity up. ;)

Straight after the intro, I turned motion controls off and stick sensitivty to maximum and I've found that works best for me. :)

Now, motion control on the Wii? That's different... playing Metroid Prime Trilogy for instance with motion controls, actually pointing the device toward the sensor bar in line with the TV screen... that works well for me.

But when I've got a traditional controller in my hand, I tend to find that motion control is only really good for secondary aiming, such as when you adjust the throwing arc before chucking a grenade from cover using a PS3/PS4 controller in the Uncharted games, for me that feels more natural.

If motion control works for others in Splatoon 2 then that's all well and good, but don't go counting out those of us who just use sticks as I'm finding it to be far from anything like a disadvantage and more like a default way to play well in online matches. :peace:

Edited by S.C.G
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They've updated the controls for splatoon 2 to have separate sensitivities, which i would guess would benefit stick players.

I've got mine set up so I have quite sensitive sticks and less sensitive motion and its working really well for the splat charger.

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7 hours ago, Ronnie said:

A 30 second demonstration why motion control aiming is better


The person playing is AWFUL with dual analogue to be fair!

I prefer Splatoon with motion on but the difference between it being on/off is very minute!

Although the Wiimote was a different kettle of fish, I found the difference was noticeable... not big, but definitely noticeable.

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On 16-7-2017 at 4:20 PM, Vileplume2000 said:

I thought this was going to be a insta-buy for me, but after playing the Splatfest I may wait a bit more.

I never played Splatoon before, but I love the theme, the setting and the characters. But after the Splatfest I'm a bit in doubt how much I will play the game. Controls are one thing, and it seems like another game which requires a ton of time to master and rank up. Right now I still have a lot of games which I still want to play, and I'm not sure this is the game I want to invest much time in.

I think my strategy will be wait for some time, and wait until someone who picks it up will sell it cheap second-hand (which I think will happen since a lot of people have a Switch but there are not that many 1st party games yet, so they buy everything).

Yeah okay, so I caved and ordered the game yesterday haha! Justified it to myself as one shop had it for around 50 euros so that's as good as a deal as I can get since second hand people are also paying that price.

But I still love the whole setting and just want to dive in deeper to see if I can get used to the gameplay! During Splatfest I only played with motion controls in handheld mode which is just bad. So I can try it with motion when docked or just sticks.

Also I think this will be an evergreen throughout the Switch's lifespan. So not having it just seems like a no-go. :)

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Yeah I'm not saying sticks are better then motion control but that guy in that video is pretty bad with analog sticks. Like Dazzybee said, its about preference. I did pretty well for myself in Splatoon 1 using the analog sticks and seem to be doing ok so far using the same controls in Splatoon 2.

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Further thoughts and impressions:

- Marina and Pearl are all right, but their stage announcement banter is terribly lacking. I miss Callie and Marie talking about how delicious chips are... Speaking of which, why doesn't Crusty Sean sell chips at his Crust Bucket? :(

- Forgot to mention it in the last post, but "Shella Fresh" is brilliant. Also, all the shop music is wonderful.

- Aerosprays and N-ZAPs can be a little bit terrifying now that I don't have the Bubbler to counter them in close quarters combat lol. Especially because the new defensive special ability's biggest weakness is rapid-fire weapons haha Ink Armor is garbage.

Also, split joy-con motion controls all the way for me.

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