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Super Mario Odyssey


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  • 3 weeks later...

Just 100%'d this game tonight, I'd left the very final kingdom till the end. The last multi-moon probably took me about a dozen tries, though half of those losses were just me not paying attention. Tough but fun, and I'm glad it wasn't another Champion's Road, difficulty wise!

The game's gotten enough praise by now from all quarters so I won't go over it all again, but climbing that final tower hit me in the feels. I know you can say this about most first party Nintendo games, but they really have outdone themselves when it comes to just how charming (and polished) every part of this game is.

Also a nice touch listing the staff credits in alphabetical order rather than by job.

Nintendo says "Thanks for playing" at the end of their games, I say thanks for reminding me why I love video games, over and over, year after year.

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I wish I could finish that last moon but I have terrible gaming skills. 

I’ve got to the bit with the moving platform and constantly spawning enemies. Got there with 6 health and still died. Tried the other way as well by keeping to the high bits. 

Maybe I’ll get lucky eventually but then I know I’ll die on a later bit. 

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41 minutes ago, Dog-amoto said:

I wish I could finish that last moon but I have terrible gaming skills. 

I’ve got to the bit with the moving platform and constantly spawning enemies. Got there with 6 health and still died. Tried the other way as well by keeping to the high bits. 

Maybe I’ll get lucky eventually but then I know I’ll die on a later bit. 

There is an easy way to skip the section with the moving platforms by gliding 


Switch to playing with separate joy cons once you reach the Glydon then once you start gliding dive straight into the first gust of wind, enter the wind as low as you can and start shaking the joy con fiercely, that gives you more height than entering the gust of wind at the top and should give you enough height to skip to the next platform after the warp pipe. 



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1 hour ago, Dog-amoto said:

I wish I could finish that last moon but I have terrible gaming skills. 

I’ve got to the bit with the moving platform and constantly spawning enemies. Got there with 6 health and still died. Tried the other way as well by keeping to the high bits. 

Maybe I’ll get lucky eventually but then I know I’ll die on a later bit. 

Trick is not to hit any of the shockwave things, just stay in one corner and throw Cappy towards the incoming baddies. Then move to another corner and repeat till you get to the end. I'll often take a hit or two though in that section.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I forgot there was an update coming for this in February! It must be soon, right..?

I'm past 800 moons now and trying to clear find everything I can before entering either of the last 2 worlds. I'm kinda glad to know there's still areas I haven't explored at all yet as while the game may be amazing, the moon hunt perhaps isn't as enthralling as I may have hoped!

Presumably I'm saving the best for last.. :grin:

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40 minutes ago, Julius Caesar said:

Looks like Balloon World is dropping on Friday in Australia (so potentially tomorrow afternoon here).


That's pretty good timing for me as I've just finished the game this evening with 999 Moons. The only thing left to do is farm about 5000 more coins to obtain the final few costumes :smile:

To be honest, the grind at the end wasn't exactly worth it with the 'reward' but it was a really great game overall. As with Breath of the Wild, though, I loved it but not enough to threaten my favourite games in either series. I'd be interested to play Super Mario 3D World again as I feel I probably enjoyed it more than Odyssey overall!

The final level was good but nowhere near the difficulty of previous games. I'm not even sure my number of attempts reached double figures :eek:

In one way, it's a shame it's over but ending it will help me focus better on other titles. I can't imagine ever wanting to 100% it again, unlike other Mario games, and I feel simply clearing it with the minimum number of moons will simply be too easy to be worthwhile..

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12 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

I'm with you there. I loved Odyssey but gameplay wise give me 3D World any day.

Mario controls much better in Odyssey but I think I prefer more linear levels with Star Coins or whatever other extra collectables cunningly hidden away on each stage as it provides a better balance of platforming and exploration, for me :smile:

Like I say, Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are great games that I invested 60+ hours into in both cases but I've never entirely been a fan of open world games, despite these two being exceptions to my usual apprehension. I feel like the next games in both series will provide more well rounded experiences with a better blending of traditional elements and modern tropes.

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21 minutes ago, RedShell said:

Some of my (probably quite easy) balloon codes:

  pic (Hide contents)


This mode definitely seems like it'll replace the need to farm for coins at least. :D

Haha.. I already popped a couple of your balloons this afternoon :grin:

It seems like a pretty fun mode :smile: I wish we had it yesterday to avoid the pain of the coin hunt!

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Yeah its quite fun, I was playing around for about an hour, hunting for Redshells Balloons and a few other random people. I hid one in every stage too. By the way, Luigi reacts differently to what Mario is wearing. You can pop the balloons on his back too

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I've hidden my balloons now. With a healthy dose of screw you, good luck finding those.

BTW, some of @RedShell's balloons seem to have been deleted from the server. Couldn't do his Cascade Kingdom one, despite entering the code. Might have been connection issues on my end though...

Edited by Glen-i
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7 hours ago, Glen-i said:

BTW, some of @RedShell's balloons seem to have been deleted from the server. Couldn't do his Cascade Kingdom one, despite entering the code. Might have been connection issues on my end though...

I think once they get popped by someone the code becomes invalid. Noticed when I hid some new balloons yesterday that the code changes.

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