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If you had to start again, where would you begin?


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I'm sure most of us on here have built up a substantial collection of consoles and games over the years :hehe:


Where would you start if it was all taken away and you had NOTHING? :shakehead


Would you pick up the latest consoles, be it PS4 or XBOX One, wait for NX or would you instantly pick up your favourite console?


Personally, I think I would start from scratch with a Wii due to the fantastic library of Wii and GC titles available as well as an abundance of quality Virtual Console software :yay:

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When you say "If it was all taken away" I'm going to assume you mean as if it was never even there as opposed to having sold it all or given it away.


In which case, it would have to be the Nintendo GameCube purely because I class it as the console I've had the longest connection with, there are so many good games on the console plus loads of multiplayer memories. :)


Then I'd work on reassembling my N64/SNES collection (probably at great cost) followed by Sega Saturn, Dreamcast... and only then would I even think about buying an Xbox One and a PS4. :heh:


After the amount of time (and investment) that would take, about a year or more would have passed and I might have enough for an NX... assuming it's released, been out for six months plus been subjected to a price-cut ;) I joke of course but yeah.


(It's really difficult to quantify because if the whole collection didn't exist and you're telling me that I don't even have the amount in money of what it would be worth in today's market then I really would have to pick very carefully indeed)

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When you say "If it was all taken away" I'm going to assume you mean as if it was never even there as opposed to having sold it all or given it away.


In which case, it would have to be the Nintendo GameCube purely because I class it as the console I've had the longest connection with, there are so many good games on the console plus loads of multiplayer memories. :)


I basically meant that your collection of everything just wasn't there any more, be it magically or stolen or whatever :heh:


You wouldn't have the money or anything in its place, you'd be exactly as you are now and in your current financial state!


If the GC is what you crave, wouldn't you just get a Wii? :smile:


Gameboy Colour, Pokemon Red.


Oooooooh, yeah!


Likewise, would that be with the mindset of picking up further GB titles or would a 3DS be a wiser, if more expensive, choice..?

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Would the network services still be up and running and player-bases be what they were originally?


If so, I'd go with the Wii too, because that Black Ops Wii online with the N-E Clan was one of the best gaming experiences ever!


Plus all the Virtual Console and backwards compatibility with the GC.

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If the GC is what you crave, wouldn't you just get a Wii? :smile:


Nope, the GameCube console is a huge part of the experience for me, putting those 8CM discs into the top-loading drive with that ultra secure mechanism and the satisfying "clunk!" of the lid closing. :love:


Plus after experiencing playing my GC with a component cable, yes the rather expensive one which is also unique to the console, I wouldn't want to return to lesser picture quality over the Wii's less than ideal cables. ::shrug:


It might end up costing me twn times what a Wii would but to me, it would be worth it. :)

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Likewise, would that be with the mindset of picking up further GB titles or would a 3DS be a wiser, if more expensive, choice..?


Ah, i thought you meant that all knowledge of the games had gone as well, so i would be experiencing them all from scratch as well, in which case i'd embark on my journey as a Pokemon master.



If all my games/consoles up until now were stolen, i'd probably just get a PS4, as all my other ones are currently in storage and i don't play them anymore.

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Would the network services still be up and running and player-bases be what they were originally?


Everything is gone, including save data, friend codes and whatever else you think of, including digital purchases that may have been linked to any of your accounts :heh:


It may also be interesting to see what the first 5 purchased games would be!

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Ah, i thought you meant that all knowledge of the games had gone as well, so i would be experiencing them all from scratch as well, in which case i'd embark on my journey as a Pokemon master.



If all my games/consoles up until now were stolen, i'd probably just get a PS4, as all my other ones are currently in storage and i don't play them anymore.

Yeah it's a no brainer given the conditions laid out. You'd pick a current console that still has games coming out for it (I reckon people spend most of their time playing current systems).


If your memory of the games was also wiped yet you got to choose beforehand what your future self would play, that would be a more interesting question.

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I'd probably stick current gen too, as I'd have the memories of all the old games(plus I don't play them) - so I'd go for a PS4 and see it forwards. Nostalgia is very strong and it'd break my heart losing all my old things, but I don't really use them to forge new memories or experiences so it's just holding on for the sake of it really!


If I could only have the experience of one console left in my mind...hmm. Maybe the SNES's era.

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Yep, definitely the Wii.


3 Smash Bros. Games on one console! Awwww Yeah!


And also a healthy supply of good RPG's, from Chrono Trigger to Xenoblade.


Second choice would be the 3DS. For similar reasons. After all, it too has a great supply of RPG's, from Chrono Trigger to Xenoblade!

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  • 10 months later...

First post on the forum and I will give my take on it. A couple of weeks ago it came to my attention that my kids had sold basically all the gb and gb color games. On top of that the gb advance games have evaporated as well. I had two choices, 1 kick off with my adult children about the amount of games they have sold. Or 2, suck it up and start again.
Crying about it didn't work so I have started collecting again with a two pronged approach. The remaining advance sp that was battered has been replaced with a another mint example with two chargers, 9 games and two cases for £10. The ds has turned into a 3ds xl to start that library and the bigger screen is easier on my aged eyes.
My point is this, you don't know what you had until you lose it so don't send games begging now that you might hanker for in a few years time. It takes two minutes to trade those items in at a shop but in a few years time it costs a lot more to replace those items.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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I've kept all my consoles for that very reason!
I once had a dream of having a room with every Nintendo/Sega/Sony console, all games etc.

The dream is much the same, just with Microsoft added to console list and probably only 20-40 games for each console.

If I could only have one games console, I'd probably go for the cube. it basically was forced to provide a compelling single player mode for every game, and when multiplayer was available it was usually good (um, maybe not MP2E)
Second choice could be Wii U, but MK8 and splatoon are probably my favourite games and neither would really hold my attention for long without online players.

Main games I would get on the GC:

Tales of symphonia (or w/e it was called :D)

Mario sunshine (hated first time I played it, loved it after that!)

Monkey ball

Monkey ball 2 (preferred the original on the whole, but 2 had good points)


Burnout 2

Metroid Prime

Thousand year door (never played this :'()
Double dash (not as good as '8 but still a good entry)

starfox assault (I know not many people liked it much but personally I feel this is the best starfox since the original)


Jungle beat

donkey konga

dance dance mario

F-Zero GX

I love my little cube! I love changing the little disc on the top, one of the games magazines I bought back then had a little disc that allowed you to insert various game art images in to decorate the GC (I guess a little bit like the new 3ds allows different cases :))

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That would depend on if i retained memories of the games and consoles i played in the past.  If that was the case, i'd go back to the GameCube.  It was the perfect home console, it had the ability (via a massive adapter) to play Gameboy games* on the big screen also.  It also had a fantastic gaming library, including the entire Prime trilogy, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine and it had Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.

*Some SNES and NES titles were available on the Gameboy Advance, so i'd have a library of these titles available to play also

If i had no memories of gaming past, i'd just go in at the current level and get either a Switch, PS4 or Xbox One.  I mean, i'd have no memories of it.

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  • 1 month later...

If I still had the memory of everything then I'd just buy new consoles until I got a really severe retro pang.


If I didn't have the memories then definitely a Wii. Plays all GameCube games which was my first true love, as well as a bunch of awesome Wii games and a kick-ass VC which provides nearly all the great Nes, Snes and Mega Drive games and a decent selection of N64 titles.



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