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Super Mario Run (iOS/Android)


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Wonder how quickly it'll tumble from the top grossing chart...


Of course it'll explode out of the gate, but I bet that hardly anyone will actually pay to unlock the rest of the game outside of the initial week...


I can't help but feel that going the premium route was the wrong decision... both in terms of making money and in terms of advertising the brand/their consoles (which of course, is the real reason why these mobile games even exist).


They would've been much better off just going the full on F2P route, stamina bars and all. If they wanted to go this route while keeping a clear conscience and being able to live with themselves, then they could've just implemented a spending cap (spend, say a maximum of $10-15 and the whole game gets completely unlocked for good). You would've ended up with millions more people playing, not dropping out, spending at least a little money and (most importantly) signing up for My Nintendo.

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I think no android realise anytime soon is a mistake.


Android is a huge market and how old will the game be once it hits Google play.


I'm glad they went with the pricing model they did.


The wild wild West where people seem to think they deserve games for free on mobile needs to stop.


Just reading the comments in the reviews on the appstore is hilarious. People think they are owed something for nothing.


Do Nintendo care that people are complaining that it's actually £8, because if they won't spend £8 on Mario for their phone, they're probably not going to spend £40 for Mario on their console.


The funny thing is the same people who were calling for Nintendo to go mobile didn't just want to be able to play Mario without having to buy Nintendo hardware they wanted to play Mario for free because every other game is handed to them for "free".


Luckily Nintendo can play by there own rules.

Edited by liger05
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I think no android realise anytime soon is a mistake.


I disagree...




iOS commands the lion's share of app revenue. Alongside the easier development (working on an iOS app that works on 5-6 phones max is much easier than making an Android app that has to work on literally hundreds if not thousands of models of phones), getting a sweetheart deal from Apple themselves and the kind of marketing push that is literally unprecedented, going with iOS timed exclusivity was definitely the right decision.


And when it does come to Android, I'm sure that the delay won't end up hurting it much really.


What will hurt it though is the pricing model. I said that from the beginning and the backlash only highlights what I said. They're fighting against the tide here and I don't think they'll win. I bet that my proposed approach would've fared much better and wouldn't have required them to go the unethical route either.


If they do any price adjustment, I think that they should do it by implementing a stamina bar and introducing MTs, while offering the spending cap. Not a price drop, but rather a reworking of how the same price is paid.

Edited by Dcubed
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I disagree...




iOS commands the lion's share of app revenue. Alongside the easier development (working on an iOS app that works on 5-6 phones max is much easier than making an Android app that has to work on literally hundreds if not thousands of models of phones), getting a sweetheart deal from Apple themselves and the kind of marketing push that is literally unprecedented, going with iOS timed exclusivity was definitely the right decision.


And when it does come to Android, I'm sure that the delay won't end up hurting it much really.


What will hurt it though is the pricing model. I said that from the beginning and the backlash only highlights what I said. They're fighting against the tide here and I don't think they'll win. I bet that my proposed approach would've fared much better and wouldn't have required them to go the unethical route either.


If they do any price adjustment, I think that they should do it by implementing a stamina bar and introducing MTs, while offering the spending cap. Not a price drop, but rather a reworking of how the same price is paid.

Yeah but said revenue is usually acquired through in-app purchases...which Mario doesn't have. It makes its money purely from the downloads...i.e. the left graph.


Although I expect the graph will shift somewhat since iOS people will be proportionally higher to stump up cash for it, the gullibility factor and in-app spends isn't there. They need to get this out on android, and I do think that this is too much to charge.

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Yeah but said revenue is usually acquired through in-app purchases...which Mario doesn't have. It makes its money purely from the downloads...i.e. the left graph.


Not true. The purchase is done via an IAP. The actual download itself is free. You are forced to pay the rest of the game once you beat world 1-3.

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Not true. The purchase is done via an IAP. The actual download itself is free. You are forced to pay the rest of the game once you beat world 1-3.

While it's true you technically buy the game as an in-app purchase, what I was saying was that there are no microtransactions to continuously rake in the money (i.e. how most games make their money, and what that revenue graph basically shows). Since that doesn't exist here (gullible people throwing money at microtransaction regularly), I would expect android to be a massive platform for the game.

Edited by Sheikah
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Played some more Toad Rally this morning and unlocked Yoshi. I had to take a break from the main levels as I maxed out my vouchers. @RedShell was right in saying that 99 is the max.


@Ronnie I know you weren't happy with other players ghosts being on screen ( I'm not either ) but if you hit their name at the top right of the screen the ghost goes away. You have to do this for every race but it's certainly better than nothing and a lot less distracting without them there.

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The comments on the appp store are ridiculous! People are actually furious that the game isn't free!


Remember back before Pokemon GO came out, I said something along the lines of "The sheer cheapness of the Mobile gamer is astonishing".


Well yeah, there you go.

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Remember back before Pokemon GO came out, I said something along the lines of "The sheer cheapness of the Mobile gamer is astonishing".


Well yeah, there you go.


You also said it was going to be a blight on the franchise and yet Sun and Moon were the biggest launch games of the franchise and the biggest launch Nintendo games in Europe ever.


Win some, lose some, just like Sandra Bullock.

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Played some more Toad Rally this morning and unlocked Yoshi. I had to take a break from the main levels as I maxed out my vouchers. @RedShell was right in saying that 99 is the max.
Yeah, and despite my attempt to avoid collecting tickets beyond the max, I still got caught out by the limit. :indeed:

Earlier on I unlocked the big question block decoration for my Mushroom Kingdom, so I decided to tap on it (thinking it'd only give me a few tickets, if any) and BOOM! 50 tickets! :heh:

Had around 80 at the time. :woops:


@Ronnie I know you weren't happy with other players ghosts being on screen ( I'm not either ) but if you hit their name at the top right of the screen the ghost goes away. You have to do this for every race but it's certainly better than nothing and a lot less distracting without them there.
I tried to do this but there's never a name in the top right of the screen. :hmm:

Would be unbelievably stupid if it has been cropped out on the iPad. As the stationary part at the bottom of the screen in the iPhone version is pretty much completely missing on iPad as well. :hehe:



Never mind, turns out tapping on the Mii works too.

In fact, it appears to have disabled the ghosts permanently! :awesome:

They still appear for a few seconds at the beginning, but then fade out.


Just unlocked all the characters! :bouncy:

There's a surprising amount of new items appearing in the kingdom building section too. :)

Really enjoying this game.

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I've got a Windows phone but I wouldn't get this even if I came out for my device. I have a 3DS and Vita, why would I pay for stuff like this? That's not to devalue smart phone gaming as a whole, I just wonder how the company are going forward with this?


In the past people complained that Nintendo was not very internet friendly but they are now, just on prozac! Any game which requires being on the net all the time is just plain wrong.


Oh and that advert, it's nothing new. Here's something from around 10 years ago in wonderful 240p -

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The price really isn't the issue, people just want free games. £7.99 or & 4.99 it doesn't make a difference.


Nintendo don't need to devalue the IP. Mario on mobile is good marketing for the game on Nintendo hardware. Plenty of people they can advertise and throw marketing too.

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Welcome to the world of mobile games. Like it or not, that's the market. There's thousands of free games in there, with plenty being as good as Mario Run. Cant really fault people for not wanting to pay for a game when they're used to getting games that are just as fun for free.


I personally wouldn't pay for a mobile game either. Touch screen controls are almost always garbage, they're designed to be played in short bursts so no depth/story and they never feel like a full game.

Edited by Goafer
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Some of these comments are unbelievable. I can't believe how many people expect stuff for free.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


The most ridiculous thing is the same people would end up spending more than £8 in micro transactions yet seem to want 'free to play'


Welcome to the world of mobile games. Like it or not, that's the market. There's thousands of free games in there, with plenty being as good as Mario Run. Cant really fault people for not wanting to pay for a game when they're used to getting games that are just as fun for free.


Hence why this race to the bottom marketplace isn't one that Nintendo needs to do more than do now in. Use it as a way to give IP's exposure and as a tool to try and direct people to software on Nintendo hardware.


The idea that Nintendo could leave the dedicated handheld market and go full blown mobile is pretty ridicoulas when the consumers in the market want stuff for free.

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The most ridiculous thing is the same people would end up spending more than £8 in micro transactions yet seem to want 'free to play'


How do you know these are the same people and not the ones who just download free games and never spend anything?

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Welcome to the world of mobile games. Like it or not, that's the market. There's thousands of free games in there, with plenty being as good as Mario Run. Cant really fault people for not wanting to pay for a game when they're used to getting games that are just as fun for free.


I personally wouldn't pay for a mobile game either. Touch screen controls are almost always garbage, they're designed to be played in short bursts so no depth/story and they never feel like a full game.




True, but Mario Run doesn't force us to wait through timed periods or watch ads. Fallout Shelter and Pewdiepie's YouTube Sim are two great games that I've sunk lots of hours into on mobile but they have those issues, especially the latter. It's fair game a developer offering a game for free with these models alongside a "pay to win" option, but, personally, I'd much rather pay a small fee than put up with that nonsense. I'm glad Nintendo has chosen this method and once it's out on Android I'll probably buy it.


It just amazes me that people can't even contemplate why these other games are free and the hoops they have to jump through to play them for free.

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