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The 'Other' Switch Thread


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I think the portability of the tablet has to be questioned too.


Is this a viable replacement for a handheld? It's always going to require its own carry case/backpack. Is that why we don't know for sure what the future of the 3DS is? Can we realistically see Japan replacing their 3DS/Vita's/PSP's with this on the train?


Obviously I cant speak for Japan but I see enough people out with larger tablets than then Switch so I dont think people would be against it.

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Apparently these are the rumoured specs, though I don't know how accurate they are...


I don't pay attention to rumours, but thanks anyway :)


It just baffles me how Nintendo doesn't capitalize on the initial buzz they've created with the trailer. People want specs, people want more information on OS and online infrastructure, people want games.


Also losing interest less than 24 hours after unveiling it... So need more info.... Some serious ADHD!


I wanted to respond to your posts but after th...OH LOOK A SQUIRREL. :rolleyes:

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I don't pay attention to rumours, but thanks anyway :)


It just baffles me how Nintendo doesn't capitalize on the initial buzz they've created with the trailer. People want specs, people want more information on OS and online infrastructure, people want games.


I'm still hoping for more third party conformation on games, though maybe they're not allowed, hence take two and Bethesda refusing to confirm the games... Also hoping they tell us about OS as well... SurelY!!!

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If they just showed nintendogames it's be - where are the third parties. They show some third parties it's - don't believe them!! Can. Not. Win!


Understand the skepticism, but sometimes my eyes do roll... And for specs and such, do you really think people care that much? I'm not so sure.


Also losing interest less than 24 hours after unveiling it... So need more info.... Some serious ADHD! Ultimately I don't think it matters, though it is frustrating, I want more too, but everyone said they didn't care and 'fete it too ate, but everyone cares again when they unveil it, the same thing will happen when they start announcing games, whether that's next week or January, not going to have any impact other than on our thirst for immediate knowledge and getting what we want NOW!!


And didn't they say on games and specs for next year? Still a hope that features and functions could be spoken about. And third parties will no doubt start announcing games.


It's not a case of not believing 3rd party titles are coming because of cynicism, it's because the titles that were shown are now apparently not guaranteed to come out. It's a bait and switch (see what I did there!) It's at best an odd marketing move, it's at worse 'proof' that we won't see equal third party titles. I'd say at this stage its a cause of concern, or a cause of curiosity I suppose.


I don't think people expected to have all the details today, but to know its another three month wait for more is a shame. Especially with Christmas in the middle of that. I know some people on here were holding off on PSVR to see what happens with this. I wonder if they have made their mind up and whether, if leaning towards the PSVR, they would still be doing so had we full information (depending on what that info is, obviously) or if its just too late.

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What's this about NBA being unannounced?


When do NBA games traditionally release?


I was thinking that if EA are to make a version of FIFA for Switch, I wouldn't want them to bother rolling out FIFA 17 at launch as it would probably be best to wait until September/October 2017 to release FIFA 18 alongside the other systems.

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When do NBA games traditionally release?


I was thinking that if EA are to make a version of FIFA for Switch, I wouldn't want them to bother rolling out FIFA 17 at launch as it would probably be best to wait until September/October 2017 to release FIFA 18 alongside the other systems.


September, I think.


It would be pointless rolling out FIFA in March. From a consumer point of view, you'd be buying a product midway through a season. The main selling point of FIFA is that it aims to replicate that weekly Premier/football league experience. Assuming the Switch comes out in March, then you'd barely have 4 months with it before the season is over. EA would make very little profit on this one before rolling out FIFA18.


FIFA18 has to be the same version as the other consoles. It can't be some special/lesser version. It has to be the real deal, the same as what everyone else gets. Portable FIFA could actually be a huge selling point if it's the same version that you play on the PS4/One.

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It would be pointless rolling out FIFA in March.


FIFA 18 has to be the same version as the other consoles. It can't be some special/lesser version. It has to be the real deal, the same as what everyone else gets. Portable FIFA could actually be a huge selling point if it's the same version that you play on the PS4/One.


Absolutely agree on all of this!


Releasing FIFA in March would almost certainly result in awful sales and kill the franchise on the platform before it even starts. FIFA 13 on Wii U wasn't released at a terrible time but the game was abysmal and, as you allude to, it wasn't up to scratch with the PS3 and XBOX 360 versions.

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Absolutely agree on all of this!


Releasing FIFA in March would almost certainly result in awful sales and kill the franchise on the platform before it even starts. FIFA 13 on Wii U wasn't released at a terrible time but the game was abysmal and, as you allude to, it wasn't up to scratch with the PS3 and XBOX 360 versions.


FIFA 13 was awful! It was one of these ideas that seemed great at the time but was quite jarring. Having to keep looking at the screen and back up again became disorientating after a while. The difference in the visual quality of the game you saw on the big screen coupled with what you saw on the WiiU pad also made it feel like you were playing two different games at one point. The actual game didn't even play like 13 on other systems...it was closer to 12.


I imagine EA will be quite wise with this one and won't bother with 17. I'm curious to see how they approach it. Alarm bells will start ringing if we get the PS3 version of 17 when others get 18 or something stupid like that.

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FIFA 13 was awful! It was one of these ideas that seemed great at the time but was quite jarring. Having to keep looking at the screen and back up again became disorientating after a while. The difference in the visual quality of the game you saw on the big screen coupled with what you saw on the WiiU pad also made it feel like you were playing two different games at one point. The actual game didn't even play like 13 on other systems...it was closer to 12.


I imagine EA will be quite wise with this one and won't bother with 17. I'm curious to see how they approach it. Alarm bells will start ringing if we get the PS3 version of 17 when others get 18 or something stupid like that.


The player animation on FIFA 13 was extremely jerky after coming from other platforms too. It actually reminded me of seeing one of the PS2 versions of FIFA after the PS3 was released :shakehead

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Not exactly positive news on the video games side for Nintendo or MS for that matter.



Post announcement.





Investors on Friday shrugged off the announcement, sending the company’s share price down 6.5%.


Some investors blamed a lack of surprise in the announcement for the lukewarm market response, saying the company raised high expectations by withholding details about the hardware for more than a year.


Nintendo hinted it still has unannounced surprises up its sleeve. “We haven’t shown everything,” a Nintendo spokesman said, adding the company would provide additional information about the Switch next year, before its scheduled launch in March.


Piers Harding-Rolls, head of games research at IHS, said extensive third-party support, along with a price tag below $300, would be key for the console to be a much-needed success for Nintendo.



Post Xbone S sales:




The whole situation is weird. I still can't believe they think releasing in 2017 is a good idea. The super early announcements are just comical as if they are releasing next gen consoles or something.

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Don't see why the question about Skyrim being shown. It's the perfect upcoming release to say "we're gonna have what everyone else has, now". The Skyrim remaster is out soon, it's a peak-technology, easily recognisable current-gen console game. PS4 and Xbox revisions are coming but new systems are not on the horizon. That means the Switch should be able to compete and finally play all cross-platform third party titles for the foreseeable future.


I'm super excited about this thing, I really want it. My only disappointment is in how cagey they're being about it.




I don't think its particularly 'wrong' for Nintendo to not release their console in the heat of third party reveals. They rightly have to sort themselves out first - and I'll appreciate any ports, especially FF15, because I'm not in a rush to buy a PS4.


And with regards to all the ports the Switch might get late, the other consoles do not have the portable USP. I would imagine it would be a big draw to experience portable versions of classic home console games. It doesn't even have to mean on a long commute or flight, but in convenient parts of the home.


That portable unique selling point is going to be big.


If they just showed nintendogames it's be - where are the third parties. They show some third parties it's - don't believe them!! Can. Not. Win!


Understand the skepticism, but sometimes my eyes do roll... And for specs and such, do you really think people care that much? I'm not so sure.


Also losing interest less than 24 hours after unveiling it... So need more info.... Some serious ADHD! Ultimately I don't think it matters, though it is frustrating, I want more too, but everyone said they didn't care and 'fete it too ate, but everyone cares again when they unveil it, the same thing will happen when they start announcing games, whether that's next week or January, not going to have any impact other than on our thirst for immediate knowledge and getting what we want NOW!!


And didn't they say on games and specs for next year? Still a hope that features and functions could be spoken about. And third parties will no doubt start announcing games.




I can see how it can seem like a chronic dislike for Nintendo.


Nintendo could have seriously botched this in so many ways. But they showed a respectable product in a clear and concise way. But people are seriously looking for comparisons with the Wii U reveal...


We've only seen 3 minutes of the thing, give them a chance eh?

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I think the portability of the tablet has to be questioned too.


Is this a viable replacement for a handheld? It's always going to require its own carry case/backpack. Is that why we don't know for sure what the future of the 3DS is? Can we realistically see Japan replacing their 3DS/Vita's/PSP's with this on the train?


I can't speak for Japan, but I see people play with tablets on public transport all the time. Portable is not the same as Pocketable.

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We've only seen 3 minutes of the thing, give them a chance eh?


Give them a chance? I think people have waited long enough for info from them. We've had to wait a year and a half for any kind of information about the Switch and then when they do decide to talk about it all we get is a 3 minute video that raises a bunch of questions. The fact that they are rumoured to be keeping silent for the next 2 months feels like once again they are just dangling a carrot in front of gamers.


It baffles me why they won't be more transparent about their next product, especially when it's only 5 months away. In my mind they should be trying to convince people right now why the Switch is worth a purchase, rather than waiting a couple of months before launch day.

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I think they're going to use the release of Super Mario Run to build a wave of hype they can ride by announcing more Switch details while the average consumers attention is drawn to Mario. For those of us who search the internet everyday for new information on consoles it's frustrating for Nintendo to stay to so quiet on the Switch immediately after the reveal video but for the mainstream population it won't be much of an issue, if they can nail the marketing around the release of Super Mario Run then they will capture the attention of the mainstream. Run probably isn't going to be as big as Pokemon Go was but it will definitely be a big deal and garner a lot of major press attention.

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Give them a chance? I think people have waited long enough for info from them. We've had to wait a year and a half for any kind of information about the Switch and then when they do decide to talk about it all we get is a 3 minute video that raises a bunch of questions. The fact that they are rumoured to be keeping silent for the next 2 months feels like once again they are just dangling a carrot in front of gamers.


It baffles me why they won't be more transparent about their next product, especially when it's only 5 months away. In my mind they should be trying to convince people right now why the Switch is worth a purchase, rather than waiting a couple of months before launch day.


I also believed 6 months wasn't enough time to reveal before release - but I think it really doesn't matter because the message of what the Switch is is clear and concise. Most people know if they are going to buy this or not based on what was shown.


As for the nitty gritty, we know it will eventually come and it's only October - we could easily get an in depth Direct at any moment. But still as long as it's not stupidly expensive, if they reveal all the info in january, I'm sure the people who wanted at launch will still get it on launch. To me it just seems people want more news now NOW! all the time - there is an element of ADHD as Dazzy puts it. The reveal only happened 2 days ago and it was mostly positive so yeah...


Give 'em a chance eh? :blush:

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@King_V I think it's perfectly acceptable for people to want to know more about the thing. As I said, waiting over a year and a half and then getting nothing but a 3 min trailer that really only confirmed rumours and give us nothing else is unacceptable in my eyes.


If rumours are to be believed a Direct won't drop at any point soon. We will have to wait until January for the next bit of info. Hopefully something will come out of the investors meeting...


You're happy and the tease was enough for you to have changed your tune from your more recent views. That's all well and good, but I'm not, hence me posting in this thread rather than the other. They've got a long way to go to convince me that the problems I had/have with the Wii U are a thing of the past when it comes to the Switch.

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I don't believe people know if they'll buy it or not yet... I don't.


It's a nice product, but I'm worried what Mario will turn out to be, Zelda is no longer the system seller it once was for me, and we've seen nothing else. I need to see games for the thing. A sizzle reel/vision of intent for the Switch was much needed IMO. Too may people have been burned and need reassuring.


Also... those controllers be crazy tiny, and I'm not sure how well that button 'D-Pad' functions. We've had D-Pads on controllers since the NES. The Pro Controller is an additional expense.


Touch controls should have been confirmed by now or not. The Vita has back and front touch controls. Does this have any? I'd like to know the possibilities.


Can you watch movies on the thing?

Edited by Retro_Link
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Yeah I think there are essentially four type of people:


1) Those that would buy it whatever

2) Those that just wanted a non-gimmick and they'd buy it

3) Those that want to know Nintendo aren't repeating approaches that they disliked (online functionality, repeating the same franchises etc)

4) Those that would never buy it


Obviously 1 and 4 are redundant, but I think the teaser will have done enough to satisfy group 2 but group 3 needs more information and it is them that is crying out for clarification as their money is being held until they know more. I can see them being frustrated because while we may now know some stuff, for them it might be close to 2 years since the announcement before they got the information they're looking for.

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I can see them being frustrated because while we may now know some stuff, for them it might be close to 2 years since the announcement before they got the information they're looking for.


I just don't think it's as deep as some people make it out to be. A games console isn't a massive investment and gamers are fickle and I know that Mario game alone will capture people to purchase. But of course I agree people deserve as much info as they need - but my point is it will come in 'good' time - that is before the console is released. A little patience doesn't hurt.

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I just don't think it's as deep as some people make it out to be. A games console isn't a massive investment and gamers are fickle and I know that Mario game alone will capture people to purchase. But of course I agree people deserve as much info as they need - but my point is it will come in 'good' time - that is before the console is released. A little patience doesn't hurt.


£300-350 might be a massive investment to some people and a Mario game alone might not be enough. It depends what type of Mario game it is. I know some people are burnt out on 2D Mario and another 3D Worldesque game may not be enough.


As I mentioned earlier, it might not be enough time for people that are making a decision this Christmas and that harms Nintendo more than anyone else.

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