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The 'Other' Switch Thread


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Jared Rea from Nintendo who is a friend of Giant Bomb commented on this. Apparently the carts are coated in something as a deterrent to stop animals and babies from swallowing them.

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I don't mind the Switch having a slow burn launch - definitely gonna give it a month or two until at least Puyo-Puyo-Tetris comes out (pro-tip - buy some version of Puyo-Puyo-Tetris). My concerns all centre around Nintendo trying to muddy up what should be a simple slam-dunk concept. A single Nintendo system that works on the go or attached to a TV? Great! IR sensors? Multiple controller configurations? "HD Rumble"? Whut? Why? Who? How? When? WHICH?


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Vgchartz has its uses but they essentially just take sales from random sources online and claim them as professional figures. Then they guess everything in between correcting as they go along and making stuff up. Essentially a lot of nonsense mixed in.


Switch I have no doubt will launch well. Long term will be tricky. But it is a handheld too. That part may be more successful than the console. First year should do well via fans alone if they handle software releases well.


Edit: I fully expect the launch to break records. Zelda always does well too. 3rd party stuff isn't that important. :heh:

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Vgchartz has its uses but they essentially just take sales from random sources online and claim them as professional figures. Then they guess everything in between correcting as they go along and making stuff up. Essentially a lot of nonsense mixed in.


Switch I have no doubt will launch well. Long term will be tricky. But it is a handheld too. That part may be more successful than the console. First year should do well via fans alone if they handle software releases well.


Edit: I fully expect the launch to break records. Zelda always does well too. 3rd party stuff isn't that important. :heh:


I think it will do very well in Japan. I expect the thing to sell like crazy over there once Splatoon 2 is released. As for the rest of the world, I'm not too sure. Here in the UK I can see it having an alright start but then falling away once the hype is over. The UK has never really been a place that Nintendo have been successful in.

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I think it will do very well in Japan. I expect the thing to sell like crazy over there once Splatoon 2 is released. As for the rest of the world, I'm not too sure. Here in the UK I can see it having an alright start but then falling away once the hype is over. The UK has never really been a place that Nintendo have been successful in.


I think it will do incredibly well in Japan and US for the first year. After that all depends on if Nintendo do smash it with the games. And if success does bring the 3rd parties. Didn't EA say Mass Effect could come if it's a success?

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I think it will do incredibly well in Japan and US for the first year. After that all depends on if Nintendo do smash it with the games. And if success does bring the 3rd parties. Didn't EA say Mass Effect could come if it's a success?


Not sure when or if they said that but it's not ideal. If it did arrive it would be ages after the game had been released on the other consoles. This gives the perception that the Switch is just an afterthought when it comes to 3rd parties. To have an impact, 3rd party games need to launch on the Switch the same time they do on the PS4/One.

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Not sure when or if they said that but it's not ideal. If it did arrive it would be ages after the game had been released on the other consoles. This gives the perception that the Switch is just an afterthought when it comes to 3rd parties. To have an impact, 3rd party games need to launch on the Switch the same time they do on the PS4/One.




Yeah, it's why the Wii U 3rd parties did so poorly, old games for more money...


The *only* way I can see this being different is portability factor. At least it's a different version of it completely. How big that is I don't know. But if Batman Arkam City came out on the 3DS instead of the wii u I think people would be more interested in it. Same with COD, Assassins creed and all those games. Even late, it's still pretty special to have them portable.

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Yeah, it's why the Wii U 3rd parties did so poorly, old games for more money...


The *only* way I can see this being different is portability factor. At least it's a different version of it completely. How big that is I don't know. But if Batman Arkam City came out on the 3DS instead of the wii u I think people would be more interested in it. Same with COD, Assassins creed and all those games. Even late, it's still pretty special to have them portable.


I tried playing Arkham City on the WiiU's screen and it was an absolute nightmare. The scale of the game is too great and although the game takes place in a city, there are lots of alleyways and tight streets. It's a big screen experience. I can't imagine trying a game like Assassin's Creed on such a small screen like the 3DS'.

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I tried playing Arkham City on the WiiU's screen and it was an absolute nightmare. The scale of the game is too great and although the game takes place in a city, there are lots of alleyways and tight street. It's a big screen experience. I can't imagine trying a game like Assassin's Creed on such a small screen like the 3DS'.


Sorry I think I'm confusing things, I agree those games would be horrific on the 3DS screen, I was trying to say the idea of it is different enough it could be tempting to people. In the same way that Smash, Mario maker, Yoshi, Hyrule warriors etc could tempt people to double dip, as it's a different way of playing it. It may not, but it could mean all these late ports like Skyrim have a better chance than the 3rd parties on Wii U which were just late, expensive, inferior ports on a home console.

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Is the Switch powerful enough to run Andromeda? Did it ever get clarified how exactly it matches up to the PS4/One?


Not at all.


In simple terms think of Switch as a more powerful Vita or WiiU. I don't think Zelda even runs at 1080p with those graphics. Or smoothly apparently. This is not the focus of the console though as with past Nintendo stuff. The plus side is it is aligned with mobile development.


I also think sales might now be affected by the various build quality issues of the hardware the press are having. Revisions are inevitable.

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After thinking about it, and talking with Blade and Lostmario last night, i've cancelled my preorder. I can't justify shelling out £280 on a console that seems half baked and not ready. I can easily afford it but just because I can doesn't mean I should.


The lack of online, Virtual Console and very thin launch line up has led me to this decision. There is only Zelda that I really want ( was interested in I Am Setsuna but it was on sale on PSN last week, so bought it for my PS4 ) and I can get that on the Wii U. A lot of the other games that are out on launch or coming soon after I have either played or already own on the Wii U or PS4.


I'm honestly not happy with the launch at all and i'm surprised that it has taken me so long to come to this decision. However, I am happy that, just like the NES Classic situation, I have managed to peel away from the nostalgic pull of Nintendo and vote with my wallet. My doing so is probably a drop in the ocean for Nintendo but at least it's a start.


Hopefully Nintendo will show something decent at E3, build up the library of games and have everything up and running for when I do decide to jump in. As it stands, I will be playing Zelda on my Wii U. At least i'll be able to post my adventures on Miiverse. :D

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Got to admit I've been considering cancelling myself over the past few days. Without the VC at launch I'm just not sure there is enough to keep me going after Zelda.


Plus I think it says a lot (and this is nothing about the quality of Zelda) that I was more excited this weekend to start replaying the Mass Effect trilogy than I have been for Zelda and the Switch.

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Just paid for my Switch. Hyypppeeeeddddd.


Hyped for;


- No games.

- No VC.

- No Mario until December.

- No information.

- No idea why I purchased it.

- Being a total lad.

- Bomberman :).



You know Bomberman is full price right :hmm:


Instead, check out Snipperclips :D

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However, I am happy that, just like the NES Classic situation, I have managed to peel away from the nostalgic pull of Nintendo and vote with my wallet. My doing so is probably a drop in the ocean for Nintendo but at least it's a start.


I think it's going to slowly amount to more than a drop in the ocean. It's clear even just from the community here that you're not the only one with that feeling about Nintendo - I've personally taken the same approach since the WiiU where I felt the product again wasn't doing enough for me at the price.


I can definitely see where @Choze is coming from on the potential for sales - this has got some interesting hype and it's got quite a large release stock from the bits I was reading trying to find out about previous launch consoles etc. However I do think hype doesn't always translate and I'm worried that'll be the case here again; I'm wondering how many of those pre-orders are actually all going to sell through and not end up on eBay etc right afterwards. I think scalpers will still be targetting Nintendo hardware(also wonder if this happened and threw them off with WiiU) and I think they'll target Switch as well.


I think other than people here I so far know one person definitely getting a Switch on Friday - but he's a big and lifetime sort of Nintendo gamer like us too. The only other person I've seen/met who wanted to get it was my mate's little cousin a few weeks ago - interestingly enough I'd say she's definitely not the sort to fit into 'our' demographic as it were; so it's interesting to see there's still multiple levels of appeal from Nintendo's products.


Got to admit I've been considering cancelling myself over the past few days. Without the VC at launch I'm just not sure there is enough to keep me going after Zelda.


Plus I think it says a lot (and this is nothing about the quality of Zelda) that I was more excited this weekend to start replaying the Mass Effect trilogy than I have been for Zelda and the Switch.


Would you get one eventually, though? Is it worth having now(whilst there's still an arguable number of uncertainties around the console) or worth waiting for? I picked up my Wii U on eventual promise of games(Smash, XCX, Zelda...), and because it was the right price at the time and I thought to myself that paying a little more to have it a year or two sooner wasn't too bad. However Switch isn't doing it for me at the current price, and I don't see myself getting too much other use out of it myself if I got one now. If I were in @Kav's position of having a long commute each day I'd very likely pick one up now for the value it can give me on those journeys right now! Sadly I don't think it's so applicable when a lot of your commuting is driving one's self...

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Release week here. I expect switch to dominate this months sales. Zelda will do really well. Can it top mass effect? I wish 3rd party switch games luck on being 2nd choice etc :p


Just don't be surprised if those price drops never happen....


It will have tons of revisions and a separate handheld release I bet.

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Would you get one eventually, though? Is it worth having now(whilst there's still an arguable number of uncertainties around the console) or worth waiting for? I picked up my Wii U on eventual promise of games(Smash, XCX, Zelda...), and because it was the right price at the time and I thought to myself that paying a little more to have it a year or two sooner wasn't too bad. However Switch isn't doing it for me at the current price, and I don't see myself getting too much other use out of it myself if I got one now. If I were in @Kav's position of having a long commute each day I'd very likely pick one up now for the value it can give me on those journeys right now! Sadly I don't think it's so applicable when a lot of your commuting is driving one's self...


I expect I probably would still pick it up down the line but more for my interest in new tech rather than being excited for whats coming. This is the reason why I will probably end up keeping the preorder now as well.

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After thinking about it, and talking with Blade and Lostmario last night, i've cancelled my preorder. I can't justify shelling out £280 on a console that seems half baked and not ready. I can easily afford it but just because I can doesn't mean I should.


The lack of online, Virtual Console and very thin launch line up has led me to this decision. There is only Zelda that I really want ( was interested in I Am Setsuna but it was on sale on PSN last week, so bought it for my PS4 ) and I can get that on the Wii U. A lot of the other games that are out on launch or coming soon after I have either played or already own on the Wii U or PS4.


I'm honestly not happy with the launch at all and i'm surprised that it has taken me so long to come to this decision. However, I am happy that, just like the NES Classic situation, I have managed to peel away from the nostalgic pull of Nintendo and vote with my wallet. My doing so is probably a drop in the ocean for Nintendo but at least it's a start.


Hopefully Nintendo will show something decent at E3, build up the library of games and have everything up and running for when I do decide to jump in. As it stands, I will be playing Zelda on my Wii U. At least i'll be able to post my adventures on Miiverse. :D


That was a really sad post to read, but it also 100% reflects on my thoughts of the system and of Nintendo at the moment.


I'm curious to see how E3 goes for Nintendo.


Just don't be surprised if those price drops never happen....


There will be bundles of some kind later on. But, yeah, price drops won't happen. On another note, it also makes building up a library on Nintendo systems more difficult as the games don't tend to drop in value as much. A 32GB WiiU with Mario Kart is £266.49 on Amazon!

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I'm not buying a Switch for the time being but just out of curiosity to those of you saying you're not buying one partially because there won't be a VC at launch, if the VC WAS there what games would you have wanted to be available on March 3rd? I personally don't think we would have gotten more then a couple of NES and SNES titles at best.


A 32GB WiiU with Mario Kart is £266.49 on Amazon!


I remember just a year after the Wii U was released for £350, Play.com was selling the premium model Wii U for £200 with NSMB and the Luigi DLC included. This is the reason I bought mine. Although of course that wasn't an official price drop, just a store trying to clear stock.

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I'm not buying a Switch for the time being but just out of curiosity to those of you saying you're not buying one partially because there won't be a VC at launch, if the VC WAS there what games would you have wanted to be available on March 3rd? I personally don't think we would have gotten more then a couple of NES and SNES titles at best.


Like Happenstance, I was hoping the rumours of the Gamecube games being on the VC service was going to be true. Having something like Mario Sunshine or Smash Bros Melee at launch would have been enough to keep my preorder.

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