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The 'Other' Switch Thread


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@Hero\-of\-Time would you have kept your preorder if Captain Toad 2 was a launch title? ;)




I was looking at the games coming out between now and E3 that I would want.


Zelda - I've bought on the Wii U.

I Am Setsuna - Bought for £20 on PSN last week.

Puyo Puyo Tetris - Bought for my PS4 for a tenner cheaper than the Switch and can play online and chat with people at the same time.

Dragon Quest Heroes 2 - Bought the original on the PS4 and will buy the sequel on the PS4.

Arms - Interested in this and will be keeping my eye on how much there is to it.


I think that's pretty much it. Oh, maybe Bomberman but only it I could find it for lower than £30.

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I expect I probably would still pick it up down the line but more for my interest in new tech rather than being excited for whats coming. This is the reason why I will probably end up keeping the preorder now as well.


Seems to me that a few of the fence adopters are intrigued by the tech more than anything else. I must be honest the idea of it does certainly appeal to me too, though HD rumble and NFC/amiibo don't fuss me so much; and the uncertainties around online and general success/support of the console after the Wii U is still leaving me rather weary combined with the price it's at. Tbh even at £200 it seems mad I'd drop money on something not supported to the extent I might like - but that's about my mark on what I'd pay for the experience atm. If I compare it to what I could buy for similar vs the competition I start to think it's a bit of a silly, even if I can't shift it!

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For me, the Switch is an interesting console. My decision to not get one comes down to:


  • The Price for the console, games, accessories etc
  • Games i want at launch


In terms of games i'm after for launch, it's just Zelda. And between now and E3 (maybe beyond) it's just Zelda that interests me. I can't warrant paying £280 (and additional £50-£60) for the console and the game. It's coming on the WiiU, and it's cheaper also. No brainer really for me.


Plus (i know it's the tech and all that), it's the price of the accessories that kills it for me.


Don't get me wrong, i can easily afford a Switch. But i can't warrant purchase, at least for now.

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Just don't be surprised if those price drops never happen....


I remember with the Wii U I picked up 2 controllers for £25.. for some reason I convinced myself there would be a time when they may go for £20... that time never came and they seem to be selling more for full rrp now.


Even if the price drops don't happen, I want to be sure of a certain amount of games before I go all in and commit to the console. I'm loyal to my gaming hardware, I've never sold a console, so I need to be sure of its worth before I buy it.


It will have tons of revisions and a separate handheld release I bet.


I've been thinking about other "family members" for the switch...


Maybe an entry level sku, handheld only without the hardware for the docked switch (so capped at uncooled cpu and gpu) and no tv output, no dock, maybe even a slightly smaller screen?


and a premium sku, home console variant without the screen and joycons, the dock hardware built in and possibly higher spec gpu/cpu that can be accessed (so enhanced like some of the *"*new*"* 3ds games, such as hyrule warriors...). Maybe the enhanced mode putting switch in the same ball park of power as the PS5 and the next xbox consoles. Plays regular switch games and "Enhanced" switch games?


anyway, that'll be for 2019 and onwards...

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I totaly understand the sentiment of the not buyers, I'm not happy with the launch line up at all. And the focus on reimagining/porting/updating some of their most succesful Wii U games to Switch still leaves me with a sour taste.

Still I'm hyped for it, mainly due to the hardware concept and Snipperclips. It's not a lot if you look at it objectively but it swayed me over nonetheless.

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I almost did the same as you, H-o-T, but didn't, as I do actually want the Switch more than I wanted the Wii or Wii U at launch. With those, there was nothing I genuinely wanted to play (I got TP on GC). With the Switch, however, there is at least what is almost certainly the best version of Zelda. Whether that's worth the money is highly debateable, but I'm throwing caution to the wind this time.

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I totaly understand the sentiment of the not buyers, I'm not happy with the launch line up at all. And the focus on reimagining/porting/updating some of their most succesful Wii U games to Switch still leaves me with a sour taste.

Still I'm hyped for it, mainly due to the hardware concept and Snipperclips. It's not a lot if you look at it objectively but it swayed me over nonetheless.


A bit like @Daft i'm thinking that the Switch money I'd spend could easily go towards a PSVR(which I tried briefly for the first time last sat, on a resi demo I think? Was an interesting experience!) - but I feel like despite it being more novel and more interesting that I currently want VR less that I'd want a Switch, albeit for similar reasons of it not really doing enough for me for the price at the moment etc.


Thinking about the Switch cost in context of other things the money could buy keeps raising a strange perspective of contradiction in my mind - how do Nintendo manage to still do this to me!

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VR intrigues me, years ago one of my friends was a early adaptor of the Occulus and got a dev kit. It was a great experience and had a huge wow factor, as was the first time I used motion control or even analogue 3D movement. They are all game changing in- and output methods. But the thing for me is, after the initial wow moment, I need good content to keep me interested in a platform. For me both PSVR and Switch have to prove they can deliver on that front because untill now I'm not convinced at all. Still put my money on the table for Switch at launch, but that's because every Generation, Nintendo at least produced several life time experiences for me. Blind faith and blind nostalgia I guess ;)

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I don't dare post this in the "actual" Switch thread because I would get slaughtered.


Reviews for the console are coming in and they mostly say what I've been worried about.

To me CNET summerized it perfectly:


The Good The Nintendo Switch is a versatile hybrid game console that easily pivots between a big-screen TV and on-the-go portable. Its modular Joy-Con controllers are inventive. The entire hardware feels substantial and refined. Breath of the Wild is one of the best Nintendo launch games of all time.


The Bad Besides Zelda, there are only a handful of games and no Virtual Console. Online features are currently a mystery. Screen feels small during tabletop sessions. Joy-Con layout is cramped and crowded, and the left one can have connection issues when wireless.


The Bottom Line The Nintendo Switch is a solid piece of hardware that delivers an impressive gameplay experience in a small chassis. But a shallow roster of launch games beyond Zelda and a dearth of other features leaves the Switch feeling more like a blank slate of unfulfilled potential on day one.


Seems like a great kit with a lot of potential (which coincidentally describes Nintendo as a whole :D) but there's not enough to warrant a purchase (especially at that price) for non-hardcore Nintendo gamers, which - sadly - I've become part of.



The sensible choice for me is wait for either a great second hand offer somewhere down the line or the inevitable redesign.


Really happy to hear that the general perception is that the Switch is a nice console/portable. It has some issues which should've been ironed out but well, you can't always get what you want.


I still think that the launch feels rushed.

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Only if you opened with that presumptuous flamebait of a first sentence would you get any trouble with that in the Switch thread.


Exactly. This is a perfectly reasonable review to be honest, and even people who are executed by the switch would find it difficult to disagree with.


Be reasonable in that thread and I don't think people would kick up a fuss.

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I'm surprised by IGNs review. I thought they would have been praising it to high heaven but they were quite realistic with their thoughts.


A lot of places are saying the same thing, it's a nice bit of kit but the expense and lack of software at launch is what could hold it back. The cost was never my issue but the software certainly was and its nice to see that I wasn't alone with this feeling.

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I'd have gone for PSVR over Switch if it wasn't for my commute to and from work each day. The hybrid nature of the device was its biggest seller for me.


Given the semi-tangential debates about why people are buying, I have to say that your situation certainly makes a ton of sense to me - were I in a similar situation I'd have the Switch in a heartbeat; but without that commute time I need to consider what it's offering over my other living room experiences ATM.


I don't dare post this in the "actual" Switch thread because I would get slaughtered.


Reviews for the console are coming in and they mostly say what I've been worried about.

To me CNET summerized it perfectly:


Seems like a great kit with a lot of potential (which coincidentally describes Nintendo as a whole :D) but there's not enough to warrant a purchase (especially at that price) for non-hardcore Nintendo gamers, which - sadly - I've become part of.



The sensible choice for me is wait for either a great second hand offer somewhere down the line or the inevitable redesign.


Really happy to hear that the general perception is that the Switch is a nice console/portable. It has some issues which should've been ironed out but well, you can't always get what you want.


I still think that the launch feels rushed.


Ofc I don't mod here but I do echo Shorty's sentiments on the post' beginnings. I know this thread came up for a number of reasons but we don't need to keep perpetuating them! Just airing my thoughts here, mind.


I share your sentiments on the reviews I think. What's reassuring however is that the 'good' is pretty hardware based which ideally shouldn't change much, and the bad is essentially lack of software for said hardware that will hopefully be able to be resolved with time.


My main worries/concerns after Wii U is that they won't do enough with this to build and keep momentum even in the face of poor sales if they occur - but seeing their marketing, attempts at indie engagement and 'curation', plus potential upcoming titles and possibilities I'm hoping they really have learnt their lesson and act upon it this time round. I can easily wait a year or so for Switch for this reassurance whilst I've got my ps4 and other distractions.

Edited by Rummy
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Given the semi-tangential debates about why people are buying, I have to say that your situation certainly makes a ton of sense to me - were I in a similar situation I'd have the Switch in a heartbeat; but without that commute time I need to consider what it's offering over my other living room experiences ATM...


It's not just the commute either. If I didn't have a WiiU and 3DS to trade in I'd not have bought it.

Seeing how, after trading, I'll be getting the Switch, Zelda and Pro Controller for £27, there was no point in me passing it up.

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