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E3 2016 General Thread

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The only possible benefit I can see is if they do what Sony did with the PS4 launch - wait for the PS4K/Xbox 1.5 to be unveiled (if they are going to be) and then adjust strategy appropriately.


But I don't know if Nintendo would even play that kind of game.

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Bear in mind that Zelda Wii U is the only game playable on the showfloor, that doesn't mean it's the only game that will be shown period (in fact, we already know they're showing Paper Mario Colour Splash and Pikmin 4 - Retro's new game is a shoe-in as well).


I'm betting that we'll see a Wii U mainline Animal Crossing as well. The mobile app is a big hint (coming out in August, around the time you'd expect a new AC game to come out? I smell a tie-in ;) ). Also, you know, AC series 15th anniversary and all that.


Not impossible that we might see Mario Party 11 and another game from HAL as well for Wii U.

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If Zelda is the only show on the E3 floor it makes me think that they don't have anything else big left for the Wii U. So Paper Mario and Tokyo Mirage sessions for the rest of 2016?


Yep, that's my hype down the toilet as well. I suppose it can only get better though, with expectations this low?


Edit: Wow you are very optimistic @Dcubed

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If Zelda is the only show on the E3 floor it makes me think that they don't have anything else big left for the Wii U. So Paper Mario and Tokyo Mirage sessions for the rest of 2016?


Yep, that's my hype down the toilet as well. I suppose it can only get better though, with expectations this low?


We already know that's not true. Pikmin 4 is supposedly "nearly complete" and will no doubt be releasing this year, so they could've made that playable.


But in the end, it doesn't really matter to us does it? They don't do live conferences anymore anyway. What's stopping them from putting the E3 demos on the eShop? They've already dabbled in it with Nindies@Home last year, who's to say that they won't take the next step this year?


Edit: Wow you are very optimistic @Dcubed


That's not optimistic, that's all very realistic. We already know about Pikmin 4 and Retro's been cooking up a game ever since November 2013. If it were to come out November this year, that's 3 years worth of development. Tons of time (and no, it wouldn't be an NX game because it has been in development long before any dev kits were made available, so it has to be for Wii U).


Edit: Actually, come to think of it, we might even see Monster Games' new racing game here as well! While it could be for NX, it's not impossible that it's actually for Wii U...

Edited by Dcubed
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For the past 2 E3's I have been convinced we will see Retro's game and nothing has come up - not even a mention. I wonder if there are more serious difficulties in that studio than we know about.


As for Pikmin 4, it's possible, but Miyamoto's nearly ready and most other peoples have been widely different before.


Monster game's new game has to be strictly filed under rumour for now surely?

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and no, it wouldn't be an NX game because it has been in development long before any dev kits were made available, so it has to be for Wii U


Interestingly Nintendo has stated the Wii U and NX versions of Zelda have been developed in tandem. I wonder how long they've been tandeming for.

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I'm just dumbfounded that Nintendo are rocking up to E3, of all places, with one game for a long-dead console.


What a move of sheer idiocy!


And it's one that isn't out for another 9 months after the show!


Absolute stupidity.

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At least we won't have any of that - we are only showing games we expect to release in this calendar year rubbish. ::shrug:


One more thing. The low sales estimates they have for the Wii U of 15 million makes me think there will not be that many more games/big hitters on the horizon.

Edited by peterl0
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Interestingly Nintendo has stated the Wii U and NX versions of Zelda have been developed in tandem. I wonder how long they've been tandeming for.


Probably ever since 2015, when they said that getting it out on a schedule was no longer their priority.

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At least we won't have any of that - we are only showing games we expect to release in this calendar year rubbish. ::shrug:


One more thing. The low sales estimates they have for the Wii U of 15 million makes me think there will not be that many more games/big hitters on the horizon.


As @Mr\-Paul pointed out, at just shy of 13 million Wii U's sold that's 1.17 software units per console they expect to sell in a year.

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I'm just dumbfounded that Nintendo are rocking up to E3, of all places, with one game for a long-dead console.


What a move of sheer idiocy!


At this point i'm not really surprised. The company has clearly lost the plot.


It comes as no surprise that there is a lot of backlash towards this news ( along with every other bit of news that has surfaced this morning ) from fans across the net. In a time where Nintendo really need their fanbase to support them, they've done nothing but anger them this morning.

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At least we won't have any of that - we are only showing games we expect to release in this calendar year rubbish. ::shrug:


One more thing. The low sales estimates they have for the Wii U of 15 million makes me think there will not be that many more games/big hitters on the horizon.


Maybe not quite as true as you'd think...




Nintendo’s Next Mobile Apps: Building on the positive consumer reaction to Miitomo, Nintendo announced that its next two mobile apps would be based on the familiar and beloved Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing franchises. (...) Nintendo will design the latter game so that it will be connected with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems. By playing both Animal Crossing games, users will find increased enjoyment.


Looks like my guess about Animal Crossing Wii U might have been more on the money than we realised :)

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Rumours are going around....again about another Xbox. It's still unclear if this is a slim version of the One ( it really does need it! ) or the Xbox 1.5. Looks very likely that they will be showing it off at E3....whatever it is.


If there's an XBO.5 and the PS4K at E3 then I see why Nintendo aren't showing the NX. The news on NX would get diluted along with these consoles (it's still stupid of them).


They absolutely MUST have a strictly NX reveal event now though.

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But the thing is if there is a Neo/1.5 yes there will be many voices, but Nintendo's could have very well stood out because its a new console (as long as they make that clear :heh:). The Neo has already had some backlash based on rumours so while there would have been a lot of talk about the Neo/1.5, the talk would have been different from the NX.


But then it depends what the NX is like and what is going on under the hood. If it was less powerful than the Neo/1.5 it would have been a douche chill.

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The unexpected March 2017 release of both Zelda Wii U and the NX system means that I'll definitely be buying a PS4 this year if the 4K comes out and is a reasonable price. This E3 has gone from the potential to be the most exciting one ever, to me having hardly any expectation going into it, so at least I can't be disappointed by it now.

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I've been listening to a few Nintendo podcasts over the weekend and a couple of them made a good point about their lack of E3 presence.


They were saying how most of the Nintendo only press will have already booked their tickets and hotels for E3, only for Nintendo to just have the one game on show. A lot of these sites are run by fans, so the cost of all of this comes out of their own pocket.


Another person asked just what the hell Nintendo sites are supposed to write about during E3? For a lot of sites E3 is when they get most of their traffic and with only one game on the show floor, there will be very little to write about.


It seems like Nintendo only sites may struggle for content and conversation pieces in the coming months.

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I haven't heard all of them yet from the weekend yet, but I can imagine what they have been saying.


Over the past few years, it feels like Nintendo has been trying to kill off journalism that is not controlled by them 'directly' and this is just one more nail in that coffin.


Plus, if they struggle at E3 the latter part of 2016 is going to be painful.

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Microsoft announce details for their E3 coverage.


Today, we’re excited to announce that the Xbox E3 2016 Briefing will take place Monday, June 13, beginning at 9:30 a.m. PDT. During the briefing, you’ll have a chance to check out everything from in-depth looks at previously-announced games to trailers for our unannounced titles coming in 2016 and beyond. You can watch the Xbox E3 2016 Briefing live beginning at 9:30 a.m. PDT on June 13 on Xbox.com, the Xbox Twitch Channel, via the Xbox Live Events Player on Xbox One and Xbox 360 consoles, or on the big screen at your local Microsoft store. You can also watch the Xbox E3 2016 Briefing on Spike TV in the U.S. and Canada at 9:30 a.m. PDT / 12:30 p.m. EDT.


E3 Daily Live Returns


We’re also happy to share that we’ll be bringing back Xbox Daily: LIVE @ E3, our live news show that covers all things Xbox at E3 – from breaking news and exclusive announcements to trailer reveals and interviews with game creators. The one-hour show will be hosted by Larry Hryb, Xbox Live’s Major Nelson, and Graeme Boyd, Xbox Live’s Acey Bongos, and will include a variety of guest stars and prominent industry figures. Xbox Daily: LIVE @ E3 will air on Tuesday, June 14 and Wednesday, June 15 from 4:00-5:00 p.m. PDT, and can be streamed live on Xbox One, on Xbox.com (both on your desktop and on mobile), on Xbox 360, and on the Xbox Twitch Channel. Each show will also have interactive experiences created just for fans watching live on Xbox One.

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