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How Was Your Day?


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Yeah I did. Wish I had the balls to say something but I'm too awkward.


It's not a bad hair cut per se, just the complete opposite of what I wanted. It'll be October until it's back where I was, and I was hoping to have it at the length I wanted by that point.


Now I've got to go through that awful growing phase again. And during summer as well.


Be careful with the long hair. As a ginger, you run the risk if turning into Ron Weasely circa Goblet of Fire.

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My car is broken, well its driving, just not well.


Pull off as normal and its not going with the same power. Having to rev up the rpms to get it to go anywhere and its not one bit happy. Have it booked into the mechanic on thursday... Gonna be an expense i don't need in the middle of buying a house but hey ho

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My car is broken, well its driving, just not well.


Pull off as normal and its not going with the same power. Having to rev up the rpms to get it to go anywhere and its not one bit happy. Have it booked into the mechanic on thursday... Gonna be an expense i don't need in the middle of buying a house but hey ho


When you put your foot down, do the revs increase but the car barely accelerates?


If so it could be an issue with your transmission. If it's a manual you'll likely need a new clutch. If it's an automatic make sure they check the transmission fluid.


Hope it's not too costly.

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If it's not that, it could be spark plugs, HT leads and/or coil pack. All reasonably cheap and easy to replace (so cheap on labour if you get it done at the mechanics).


Any warning lights on the dash? Is it running rough or is it smooth, but with lack of power?


What car is it? When was it last serviced?

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Went to the Gadget Show on Saturday, then stuck around in Birmingham to see Muse at the NIA. They were fantastic as usual. Lots of crazy shit going down. Loved the 360 stage in the middle - it makes so much sense I don't know why more people don't do it! be74034c617c74eba7f46c3faafa328f.jpg

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When you put your foot down, do the revs increase but the car barely accelerates?


If so it could be an issue with your transmission. If it's a manual you'll likely need a new clutch. If it's an automatic make sure they check the transmission fluid.


Hope it's not too costly.


yeah its just not going like i'd expect it to, only putting on the revs gets her going. (itsa manual)


If it's not that, it could be spark plugs, HT leads and/or coil pack. All reasonably cheap and easy to replace (so cheap on labour if you get it done at the mechanics).


Any warning lights on the dash? Is it running rough or is it smooth, but with lack of power?


What car is it? When was it last serviced?


No warning lights. Had something similar before and it was the oxygen sensor, but that occasion did alert me to a generic engine failure.


Absolutely nothing wrong with it apart from the lack of go, pedals, gear changes all normal, engine sounds normal.


its a yaris 2001, gets serviced every year (sept 15 was last time)

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Had a fairly good week but just came crashing down today for no apparent reason. I woke up after a normal 7ish hour sleep and just felt exhausted and down as fuck so... I went back to sleep until 5pm - Literally just let the day slip by. I think night work is fucking up my sleeping pattern and making me a bit isolated too. I had to cancel plans today as I just didn't have the will-power to get out of bed.


Alas, tomorrow is another day! As I say, I've been a lot better these past few months, I guess I was due a major dip.

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Whoa sick vybez blud, how do?


My day was shocking. Just an overall shit day at work. Busy. Stressful. Hate it for the people I manage. So busy because we're so understaffed because they put some spastics into position of power, and it's taken them 9 months to prove we're understaffed/lack of foresight/bullshit, and weird internal fucking shenanigans going on today. And people kicking up a fuss over literally....zero nothing massive patheticism.

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Left car in this morning as it was in limp home mode... mentioned before somewhere here....


me n mum had plans to travel up to shop in Newtownabbey but fell through. Had to go to my sister's as she had run out of heating oil. Had to wait in. Was told specifically 10:50. Didn't come to 4pm. Spent all day in her big freezing cold house.


the oil man came, sat at the oil tank while it was pumping, sat on an unturned bucket with his head in his hands. My mum went over to check if he was ok. Apparently he had a really bad day, the company sending them out with faulty tanks, someone got more than they should, screwing up the rest of their orders, getting abuse from customers etc.


So everyone having a good day in my life so far.


Think my mums depressed but she's the sort to not think depression is real or exists, well she thinks depression is only caused by bad times and not something you can have if you have a good life like she does. Shes just given up on everything. Me n her are both troubled with weight problems and she's just not handling it at all. Usually im the one completely out of control and not her :/


Then after all that I go back to the mechanic after a freezing cold and shitty day and my car is not fixed. Booked in for a weeks time to get a new fucking clutch. At £400 cost.











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Weirdly, I was talking to someone at work about cars today and he mentioned that he had his clutch replaced for £1500. As Moogle said, not much consolation, but does put it into perspective.


Is that what's been causing the problem with your car or is this another issue?

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Me and @Ashley went to a Mario Kart tournament hosted by @dazzybee for London Games Festival. It was a good night!


It was a total fix and dazzybee won. Ashely got to the final. I got to the semis where I was fucked over by Toad's Fucking Turnkpike. Such a shit track.


A great night, lots of fun and plenty of alcohol, not bad considering dazzybee is a scummy spurs supporter :heh:


But seriously good night mate, nice to meet you :)

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Probably not much of a consolation, but £400 for a new clutch is pretty decent. Still a lot of money, but could beba lot worse.


Weirdly, I was talking to someone at work about cars today and he mentioned that he had his clutch replaced for £1500. As Moogle said, not much consolation, but does put it into perspective.


Is that what's been causing the problem with your car or is this another issue?



Yeah I think it is cheaper than most because my car is a very very simple wee petrol car, none of this new fangled diesel tech with a million computers on board. :heh: Yeah that was the problem, my dealer/mechanic said the clutch is slipping out which is causing the loss of power. He reckons its safe enough to drive but its going like a dog (like a limping 1 litre engine...!!!) and i dont even want to drive it at the moment lol


Just a bit inconvenient in timing with me buying a house, isnt it always the way...

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Went to see Hans Zimmer in concert last night.




Absolutely fantastic - i got goosebumps several times. Hans is just a god. Quite a camp god, but a god, nonetheless.


@Fierce_LiNk Proper Hhhnnnnnnnnnnnng moments all the way through! You're gonna love it!

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Went to see Hans Zimmer in concert last night.




Absolutely fantastic - i got goosebumps several times. Hans is just a god. Quite a camp god, but a god, nonetheless.


@Fierce_LiNk Proper Hhhnnnnnnnnnnnng moments all the way through! You're gonna love it!


OH my Goooood. Tell me more.


Did they do it similar to the set list we saw? Did they play any Interstellar tunes? Hnnnnnng, so jealous. Can't wait to go.

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Yeah it was pretty similar to that set-list. Can't remember exactly how different, especially because it's quite hard to tell which songs they're doing when they mix them up into a songtage.


He did one song from Interstellar - i think it was Mountains. Was good. My favourite bits were Sherlock, Lion King, Inception, Gladiator, and most of all - Pirate of the Caribbean.


The one criticism i had (other than the slightly crappy seats we had) was the lighting. It was a bit over the top; they had far too much strobing and flashing lights that it kind of ruined some of the songs. I had to look away at some points because it was painful to look at!


I'm jealous that you have yet to see it!

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