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Nintendo Direct (03/03 10pm)


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Thought it was a great Direct! Pleasant surprise :)


Packed full of content. The 3DS is in for a fantastic year!


Wii U, not so much, but meh. Paper Mario was a cool surprise, although the paint looks just like a sticker replacement, so not expecting much from it at this stage.



Ok now I understand more about the game, it's kind of a shame this wasn't on a home console and Nintendo's answer to Halo ODST, or Halo 5 I guess.


Nintendo DiMech more like ;)


Yeah.. back on the GC I kinda wished they would do a space marines take on the metroid universe... maybe on the NX it could be cool.. I do think the art style could do with a change though, maybe I am wrong though, maybe it is like wind waker? but it just seems a mismatch for the universe imo.

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Really poor Direct for me, but Nintendo games just don't interest me anymore so no surprise me there.


So much recycled footage throughout, show footage with Shibata talking over it as he struggles to speak English then show the same footage straight after. It happens every direct.


Starfox Zero still looks average and Starfox Guard... wow, is anyone looking forward to playing that? Miyamoto seems so proud of it as well... crazy fool.


That Metroid game just isn't getting any better is it? Why have Next Level Games got stuck making a mediocre metroid spin off?


Monster Hunter Generations was the only positive thing to come out of that direct for me.

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Starfox Zero still looks average


Visually it's certainly not up to much, but Nintendo have always put gameplay first. They provide some much needed variety in an industry that's currently obsessed with openworld games and "cinematic" action. An arcadey space adventure, it's a breath of fresh air IMO :)

Edited by Ronnie
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openworld grind-a-thons and "cinematic" action games.


Reading peoples reactions on this forum, the only recent "grindy" open-world game has been Xenoblade Chronicles X.


You really can't go two posts without trying to make a dig can you?

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Starfox Zero still looks average and Starfox Guard... wow, is anyone looking forward to playing that? Miyamoto seems so proud of it as well... crazy fool.


That Metroid game just isn't getting any better is it? Why have Next Level Games got stuck making a mediocre metroid spin off?


Monster Hunter Generations was the only positive thing to come out of that direct for me.


I think starfox looks better... I'm willing to wait for reviews. I don't have a potential wingman though so not sure I want to take a gamble on it...


Metroid could work... just because it doesn't have samus in it doesn't make it "not metroid". The art style doesn't have to define the mood...


what I saw last night gave me a bit more hope for both those games.


paper mario... yeah looked good, again awaiting reviews but I hope it is good!


oh and even starfox guard... remember when it was first unveiled and compare it to now... I think it is much improved. looking forward to it improved? nope... but still maybe playable for a couple of minutes. I hope for a demo

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That Monster Hunter trailer didn't look like a 3DS game. If only it was Wii U or PS4...


Seems a bit late in the day to release SNES games on the 3DS Virtual Console and it looks like they're only limiting it to the New consoles to force people to upgrade. No discount if you already bought it on Wii and/or Wii U?


Federation Force... I reckon there is an enjoyable multiplayer game in there that I'll get to play at StreetPass meetups. But the majority of people will just think it's a farce of a Metroid Prime game.


Yet another Kirby game. Nice if you're a massive Kirby fan I guess.


Yet another Paper Mario. Nice if you're a massive Paper Mario fan I guess.


Star Fox Zero, did they scrap the gimmicky controls?


That Fire Emblem J-Pop dance whatsit is the most ghastly unappealing game I have ever had the mispleasure of seeing.

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looks like they're only limiting it to the New consoles to force people to upgrade.


Those who are spending close to £150 on an upgrade just to be able to play SNES games need their heads checked. Nintendo aren't forcing anyone to upgrade.

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StarFox for me went from 'meh' before hand to 'probably day one' after the Direct, looks much more like the sort of StarFox I want to play!


Also remember this was announced (in fact it wasn't so much announced as Shiggsy casually dropped it into conversation on tree house at e3) when Nintendo were being criticised for not actually doing anything with the game pad other than off TV, so the gyro controls etc were borne from that and the need to show it off in some capacity.


It's obviously too little too late however, but that's probably the thinking behind the instance of having the controls like that.


Really good showing for 3DS, but then it should be, support your most popular console. After a Twitter conversation with @Blade about it it made me think, it'd be like Sony doing a direct but focussing on the Vita (not in a snarky way), it would just make more sense for them to focus on PS4 content in an equivalent circumstance.


Anyway tried to keep the special show as neutral as possible (apart from the SNES issue which is disgraceful) but I genuinely thought it was a quality Direct with actually plenty of games to be playing on both consoles by the end of summer :)

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Also remember this was announced (in fact it wasn't so much announced as Shiggsy casually dropped it into conversation on tree house at e3) when Nintendo were being criticised for not actually doing anything with the game pad other than off TV, so the gyro controls etc were borne from that and the need to show it off in some capacity.


That's a good point. In fact most of their games that year seemed to make an obvious effort to use the gamepad in unique ways. Super Mario Maker is probably the killer app for it, Splatoon had the (excellent) gyro controls and map jumping, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Project Guard, Giant Robot etc...

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Those who are spending close to £150 on an upgrade just to be able to play SNES games need their heads checked. Nintendo aren't forcing anyone to upgrade.


Well it's not like that's the only thing they're getting by upgrading, but it seems pretty likely that this was done to further entice people to upgrade.

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Well it's not like that's the only thing they're getting by upgrading, but it seems pretty likely that this was done to further entice people to upgrade.


Nothing wrong with that though surely? It's also a good way of rewarding people who've already upgraded and wanted more exclusive games.

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Indeed there is. I'm fine with imperfect emulation. Nintendo is fine with charging me for the same game over and over again.

It says to me that the fact they've gotten a new accounts system isn't really a 'turning point'. They still have so much to learn in terms of meeting industry standards.


Nothing wrong with that though surely? It's also a good way of rewarding people who've already upgraded and wanted more exclusive games.

Well, yeah, there is, if older 3DS models really are capable of playing the games. It's essentially like when banks offer deals to new customers while ignoring the old ones.

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Well, yeah, there is, if older 3DS models really are capable of playing the games. It's essentially like when banks offer deals to new customers while ignoring the old ones.


Happens everywhere, not just Nintendo and banks, and we have no idea if their emulation software works well enough on the old 3DS.

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Happens everywhere, not just Nintendo and banks, and we have no idea if their emulation software works well enough on the old 3DS.


Whether it happens elsewhere or not has absolutely no bearing on our ability to rightly call out this practice.


Nintendo aren't against releasing virtual console games with sub-par performance - look at DK64


This and other examples of Nintendo emulated titles I can think of is why I don't think this N3DS limitation is just to deliver the most pure emulation experience. Also, given Nintendo are re-releasing SNES games at a higher cost than on the Wii U and with no cross buy, it feels very much all about the money to me.

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Visually it's certainly not up to much, but Nintendo have always put gameplay first. They provide some much needed variety in an industry that's currently obsessed with openworld games and "cinematic" action. An arcadey space adventure, it's a breath of fresh air IMO :)
Honestly I don't think StarFox cuts it in todays industry as an 'Arcadey Space Adventure'.


Arcadey... I think of as meaning crazy, frantic, over the top action.

Space... yep it's got Space.

Adventure... it's not really is it. It's a straightforward on-rails shooter with the same story and level types we've played several times over. There's not really any feeling of going in to the unknown.


Is this game genuinely the breath of fresh air the industry needs?... The likes of Mario Galaxy are those games. Firewatch, Unravel, Life is Strange are examples of refreshing games.


I think the fact that it's an important game in this years line-up for the Wii U exaggerates perspective.


But let's wait and see. It could prove a surprise.

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Why, what's wrong with it (I've not played it)?


The original N64 game supports widescreen but this one doesnt, the option is still in the menu it just doesn't do anything. Serious input lag at times, trying to shoot can be really hard in some sections. Some sections have messed up textures which wasn't the case in the original. I think there's more but I didn't end up playing it much on Wii U in the end so I don't know.

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It just seems that most companies are struggling to get a hold of gifted programmers these days as there's really not much incentive for a gifted programmer nowadays to be working in such a highly restrictive corporate environment when freelancing is so appealing and liberating.

Judging by the stuff Durante was saying, the regular 3DS should be capable of achieving cycle accurate SNES emulation (we're talking about a guy who fixed kinks that From unsuccessfully spent months trying to iron out of their PC version of Dark Souls in less than 10 minutes, not to mention tons of other fixes that eluded huge companies all achieved within minutes of stuff getting released). It would certainly seem to be complicated and far from straightforward, but doable. Do bear in mind that he does not actually have a 3DS and was merely speculating based on it's specs and components, but still.


If you can get cycle accurate SNES and PS1 emulation out of a Raspberry Pi, it's just a bit hard to swallow that this is true. It might perhaps not be a priority for Nintendo and therefore not something they have their best people on, though, wouldn't surprise me at all if that was the case. After all, the problem with this type of thing is that more often than not the solutions will come down to a matter of creative vision, perspective and intuitive thinking... the kind of stuff that made people like Nintendo's very own Iwata an absolute legend in the field of programming. Competent professionals will very often be stumped on stuff like this because the ultimate solutions seem counter productive at first.


However, knowing absolutely nothing about programming I should probably just stop parroting what others have said and remain quiet.

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