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I've felt this way since it was announced. It's not going to be a big thing. And you have to be 13 to sign up, so it isn't even for the kids.


The social aspect - you answering questions and learning about others on it without the awkwardness of asking, is something that could be a useful tool on a dating website, but this isn't what it's for.


It sounds like it's basically an expansion of the "Everybody Votes" Channel on the Wii, plus Mii dressing-up. Did anyone really go on that past a few goes?


Call me cynical, but it seems like it's basically for people who like Miis and dressing them up and will spend money on micro-transactions to get the costumes that they want.


Yeah, it's very bizarre. Now if it was more like Tomodatchi Life, with the other characters actually being real people; and then being able to share the mental stuff you stumble upon, I can see that being pretty popular. But it doesn't seem like it is that... just, oh, my friend hates gherkins on the burgers.... great!!!

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Call me cynical, but it seems like it's basically for people who like Miis and dressing them up and will spend money on micro-transactions to get the costumes that they want.


Well Nintendo has made a lot of money recently on people paying for aesthetics...

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It sounds like it's basically an expansion of the "Everybody Votes" Channel on the Wii, plus Mii dressing-up. Did anyone really go on that past a few goes?


*Raises hand*


Everybody Votes was great, I still miss it.


It's one of the very few things I actually give Splatoon props for. It took Everybody Votes and made something out of it.

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*Raises hand*


Everybody Votes was great, I still miss it.


It's one of the very few things I actually give Splatoon props for. It took Everybody Votes and made something out of it.


Well of course you did :p And of course some other people did!


But my point is, the majority wouldn't have used it that much.


I just don't think that many people outside people who are already Nintendo fans will download this/use it for a prolonged period of time. And for a social network to be successful, it's all about getting people using it every day.

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It sounds like it's basically an expansion of the "Everybody Votes" Channel on the Wii, plus Mii dressing-up. Did anyone really go on that past a few goes?


Mii! I and my friends/family kept going for years on it! Was genuinely sad when it shut down.


But like @Glen\-i said, Splatoon is now carrying the torch for that, so I'm happy :)


Well of course you did :p And of course some other people did!


But my point is, the majority wouldn't have used it that much.


I just don't think that many people outside people who are already Nintendo fans will download this/use it for a prolonged period of time. And for a social network to be successful, it's all about getting people using it every day.


You'd be surprised! It kept on getting votes around the world right up until the end actually!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Did Nintendo give a specific date for Miitomo, I can't remember..?


Nothing beyond it being released next month, March 2016 (my bets are on the second half of the month). Shouldn't have to wait too long for an announcement, and, if you've signed up already, probably an email notifying you of its release.


Apparently Nintendo plan to have four apps up and running by March 2017 with over 100 million users (these apps not being for games, note).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Launch date announced for Japan: 17 March.


I'm sure it was said to be a global release... No news on a Western date (but I'll guess same date).


I think the slides Nintendo presented a while back had everyone getting it in March but Japan was getting it slightly earlier than the rest of us.


EDIT: Yeah, that seems to be the case.



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Is someone able to explain the Miitomo hate? As someone who really values Nintendo games on Nintendo hardware I consider Miitomo ideal for them. It balances their desire to keep their games on their own dedicated hardware whilst also expanding into mobile to develop customer loyalty outside their established market. Is this not a good thing?

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Is someone able to explain the Miitomo hate? As someone who really values Nintendo games on Nintendo hardware I consider Miitomo ideal for them. It balances their desire to keep their games on their own dedicated hardware whilst also expanding into mobile to develop customer loyalty outside their established market. Is this not a good thing?


It's not that I'm hating on it, per se, but more that I'm not understanding it.


What does it do? What does it bring to the table? How can this be enjoyable for the consumer? How can this create positive mind-share toward Nintendo? How will it serve introducing people to Nintendo IP and how will it make people think "I'd like to try Nintendo games"?


I don't see it. ::shrug:

I am actually needing someone to suggest how, as I can't see it at all... and if I don't, how will others?

Edited by Kav
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Is someone able to explain the Miitomo hate? As someone who really values Nintendo games on Nintendo hardware I consider Miitomo ideal for them. It balances their desire to keep their games on their own dedicated hardware whilst also expanding into mobile to develop customer loyalty outside their established market. Is this not a good thing?


I think most are just disappointed that Nintendo's first step into mobile gaming is some kind of social app, rather than a fully fleshed out game. With it being a social app, many don't see the point of it as the likes of Twitter and Facebook are already enough for them and are already used by millions of users.

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I think most are just disappointed that Nintendo's first step into mobile gaming is some kind of social app, rather than a fully fleshed out game. With it being a social app, many don't see the point of it as the likes of Twitter and Facebook are already enough for them and are already used by millions of users.

Sounds like the better thing for mobile. You say Twitter and Facebook have it, but there's also a fucktonne of other apps people use that are popular i.e. Snapchat, WhatsApp, Line etc., all with similar functions but their own unique quirk. Who's to say this couldn't be one?

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Isn't it essentially a light version of Tomodachi Life?


The idea of indirect communication and discovering things that you may not have known about your friends via this app is pretty interesting I reckon. :hehe:


Pretty much.


That done pretty well over here in Europe so it will be interesting to see if that success translates into the mobile space.

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Is someone able to explain the Miitomo hate? As someone who really values Nintendo games on Nintendo hardware I consider Miitomo ideal for them. It balances their desire to keep their games on their own dedicated hardware whilst also expanding into mobile to develop customer loyalty outside their established market. Is this not a good thing?


I don't hate it. I nothing it.

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Ultimately we don't know much about it yet, so surely we just wait until we do... Saying it's pointless and not seeing what it does etc is a little jumping the gun. They haven't announced anything yet...


If it's Tomodatchi life on mobile then I think it could be great; if it's Everybody Votes channel but with mii friends it could be shit. I'm intrigued by it, looking forward to seeing what it's all about.

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A week before launch (in Japan).


I'm not saying they SHOULDN'T tell us about, I definitely think they should. I'm just saying I don't quite get the criticisms of it when we don't know anything about it.


Though saying that, didn't Nintendo get criticised for talking about it so soon as in mobile they get announced and released same time... Maybe they're just playing it a little and will release about what it is when it's launched so people can download it straight away when hearing the news.

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