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Nintendo Direct - November 12th 10pm


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I just wanted to chime in to say - I've played Star Fox Zero, and even though I'm usually pretty cynical about most things Wii U, I actually had a lot of fun playing it. It looked a bit dated sure, but it kinda felt intentional, like they were going for a retro arcadey look. It also felt like one of those games that's fun enough for you not to care too much about that, and it ran really smoothly for it.


I think if you're annoyed that it's not blistering new detail rich visuals that make full use of your telly instead of the gamepad you're kinda missing the point of the title. I feel the opposite about things like Zelda, Metroid, Mario, where scale and immersion are huge factors, but a game like Star Fox should focus on the fun and challenge factor above all else.

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I just wanted to chime in to say - I've played Star Fox Zero, and even though I'm usually pretty cynical about most things Wii U, I actually had a lot of fun playing it. It looked a bit dated sure, but it kinda felt intentional, like they were going for a retro arcadey look. It also felt like one of those games that's fun enough for you not to care too much about that, and it ran really smoothly for it.


I think if you're annoyed that it's not blistering new detail rich visuals that make full use of your telly instead of the gamepad you're kinda missing the point of the title. I feel the opposite about things like Zelda, Metroid, Mario, where scale and immersion are huge factors, but a game like Star Fox should focus on the fun and challenge factor above all else.


If it's a great fun game I don't think people will care, the worry for s lot of people is that I,press ions aren't generally as positive as yours and the dual screen play is t what people want from a star fox gsme. If they pull it off, great, but it just worrying.

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Actually man, I still remember some of you guys insisting that they couldn't do trading and Card Pop on the Pokémon TCG gameboy game because it would be impossible..

Impossible without recoding.


I mean hell, GRBY's price is more than double the usual GB game price. These additions come at a cost.

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What are you on about?


Zelda U looks great!

I don't know, I wasn't to happy. My expectations are huge for that game, especially after the first footage, so this one didn't look that great as I've expected. I didn't say it was bad, just that it's not what I have hoped for.


Xenoblade looked great and I hope I will be able to get it as soon as possible.

Edited by Kounan
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As always, I like to give my thoughts on the Nintendo Direct after another viewing and after the dust has settled.



I was quite disappointed with the start of the Direct. I was hoping for a special Iwata tribute to be played. Yeah, thanking people for their support was nice but I would have liked something a little more powerful or meaningful. Never mind.


Zelda Twilight Princess HD



Nintendo’s worst kept secret was finally shown. It doesn’t look that great to be honest. Maybe it’s just the art style used but Wind Waker HD looked much cleaner and better in HD, while this one still looks a bit rough.


I was shocked to hear that Tantalus are the ones working on it. I thought it would have been done in-house. Nice to see Nintendo branching out a bit more, though.


The Midna amiibo looks great. Hopefully they won’t be a whole new Zelda line to collect….


Zelda Wii U



What teases! I would have preferred something more substantial than what was shown. I’m intrigued to know what the Midna amiibo will unlock in this game. Interesting…


Zelda: Phantom Hourglass & Spirit Tracks Wii U Virtual Console




Good to have them on the service. Sadly, I’m not the biggest fan of DS games on the Wii U pad. I find the screen locations a bit tricky. Either they are too small or just in awkward places. I may give them a whirl but we will see.


Zelda Triforce Heroes



Great to see some free DLC on the way and very soon. The Den of Trials sounds awesome. 30 levels of pure chaos! Hopefully people on here will be looking to play the game again ( interest seems to have fallen off a cliff ).


The new costumes look great. Fierce Deity looks cool very OP but my favourite has to be the Linebeck costume. I love that character and the fact that the suit lets you see what treasure you are getting is going to make for hilarious scrambles for the finish line. :D


Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros.



Not really feeling this one. Also, what was with them showing the same trailer twice? They done this with a couple of things during the Direct.


I do like the collectible cards that are in this game, though. It’s also nice to see another use for the Mario Party amiibo.





I’m not really interested but it’s great to see continued support for the game. More maps will add more variety for those who are still playing the game. Remember, all of this stuff has been for free.


Super Mario Maker



Again, I wasn’t really fussed about this announcement. It’s nice that they are adding a search function but it’s something that really should have been on day 1. I also thought that the trailer that showed off people’s stages was overly long.





Already seen far too much of this game. Luckily the release is just around the corner.


Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival & Mario Tennis


These are both certainly filler games but I was still hoping for a surprise with Mario Tennis in terms of other modes to play. Sadly, it does look like the full package is going to be bare bones. At this point in the Direct @Glen\-i :)


Hyrule Warriors Legends



They finally announced Linkle. She was rumoured to be in the game for a while now and it was great to finally see her in action. I’m still interested in seeing if this game hooks up with the Wii U version in any substantial way.


Bravely Second: End Layer



I’m really looking forward to this one. I enjoyed bits of the first game and I’m hoping that the major issues that surround that one are now ironed out for the sequel.


Dragon Quest VII & VIII




This was the bombshell for me. When they didn’t show up at E3 I was sure the shipped had sailed for them getting a western release. These releases have me very excited for next year and I can’t wait to finally get my hands on DQVII.


Fire Emblem Fates



Another game I’m looking forward to. Fire Emblem Awakening has been one of my favourite gaming experiences I had this year ( I was LTTP) and this instalment looks to continue that quality. I’m still hoping that they take the face touching stuff out! The special edition will be the one for me. I need all 3 of the story arcs.


Cloud Reveal



Brilliant/Awesome/Outstanding. As soon as the music started I knew it was FFVII related and I’m well happy to see him in Smash. The Midgar stage looks amazing, as do his costumes and limit break.


Well played for getting him in the game, Nintendo. Wanna know why he's in the game? It's because of the pulling power FFVII has and can cause reactions like this.




A VERY solid Nintendo Direct and certainly a massive step up from their E3 performance. Saying that, I can see what many aren’t happy with what was shown. The Wii U lineup still isn’t great and if you aren’t a fan of JRPGs then the 3DS lineup probably doesn’t look much better. For me, this Direct hit all the right notes and at the start of next year, 3DS is going into beast mode.




Special thanks to @kav82 and @lostmario for the hilarious banter in party chat. Kav trying to understand Shibata was definitely a highlight for me. :D

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Well, I wasn't exactly blown away by this direct, but still very happy to see them return. :) I think Pokémon Picross was actually the highlight for me! :o

Badge Arcade would've been up there too (if we didn't find out about it before the ND :hehe:) and FAST Racing Neo continues to look absolutely rad. :awesome:


I'm another one that wasn't at all impressed with the look of Twilight Princess HD. :blank: Actually thought the footage first shown was the original version, and was expecting it to then transition to HD. :heh: After a few moments I realised... Oh, this is it. :hmm:

The brief glimpse of Zelda Wii U looked amazing though.


Shame there was no mention of Rhythm Tengoku 3DS, or Flipnote Studio 3D. :sad:

But nice to see another newcomer trailer for Smash, even though it's not a character that particularly excites me. Hopefully December's Smash Direct will include something I can get hyped for.

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Probably 30-40 mins.


Feel free to just jump into the party as it will be open.


Totes forgot about the direct by the time I was done with work and ting, just went straight on Destiny with my mate :p


All in all - generally nonplussed. Enjoyed the trailer/ad for X and its humour, but the fact they opened with TPHD kinda put me off, especially given we saw basically nothing of Zelda Wii U.


Too many remakes or sequels in there for me, really. Just don't feel all that much fresh was coming out of it. Probably the best bit of all was just the Splatoon update/content details - that new stage with the water looks like it could be interested, and the rotating platforms one too.


Who is this hipster mother fucker?


He is....PockyMon!


Forgot about Fast Racing Neo in my above post, that did look cool. Typoman I already saw at quite a length on treehouse/e3 so this didn't matter so much to me here - definitely quite an interesting little concept though.

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Too many remakes or sequels in there for me, really. Just don't feel all that much fresh was coming out of it. Probably the best bit of all was just the Splatoon update/content details - that new stage with the water looks like it could be interested, and the rotating platforms one too.


Good point well made. It was very re-release heavy, but I suppose that as far as new announcements go, considering that it was focused entirely on stuff coming out between now and April 2016, you can't really expect much other than that at such short notice.


Despite that though, there were some real genuine surprises in there. I was absolutely thrilled to see Pokemon finally come to the 3DS VC! It's long overdue and I genuinely thought that we'd never see it happen, given TPC's attitude as of late and the fact that the 3DS VC has been completely dead for well over a year now (only fitting that Pokemon RBY of all games would be the one to revive the Gameboy VC from the dead ;) )


Dragon Quest 7 & 8 getting EU localisations is also a very welcome surprise and I don't think that anyone can discount how much of a megaton bomb that Cloud in Smash was.


Overall I thought that it was a really great Direct! It feels like they managed to actually live up to the massive hype surrounding it this time and most people were left pretty darn happy (general consensus online is pretty dang positive, I haven't seen much in the way of complaint).


Now we just need to all bandy together and spam the crap out of Miiverse for localisation demands when Mother 3 gets released in Japan ;)

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Good point well made. It was very re-release heavy, but I suppose that as far as new announcements go, considering that it was focused entirely on stuff coming out between now and April 2016, you can't really expect much other than that at such short notice.


Despite that though, there were some real genuine surprises in there. I was absolutely thrilled to see Pokemon finally come to the 3DS VC! It's long overdue and I genuinely thought that we'd never see it happen, given TPC's attitude as of late and the fact that the 3DS VC has been completely dead for well over a year now (only fitting that Pokemon RBY of all games would be the one to revive the Gameboy VC from the dead ;) )


Dragon Quest 7 & 8 getting EU localisations is also a very welcome surprise and I don't think that anyone can discount how much of a megaton bomb that Cloud in Smash was.


Overall I thought that it was a really great Direct! It feels like they managed to actually live up to the massive hype surrounding it this time and most people were left pretty darn happy (general consensus online is pretty dang positive, I haven't seen much in the way of complaint).


Now we just need to all bandy together and spam the crap out of Miiverse for localisation demands when Mother 3 gets released in Japan ;)

What do you mean by TPC's attitude of late?


I also wouldn't say it was that re-release heavy.

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What do you mean by TPC's attitude of late?


I also wouldn't say it was that re-release heavy.


Well with their mobile push and the push towards up to date rule sets for the games and the TCG; many thought that they wouldn't ever release the original GB games because they don't conform to the newest standards of gameplay (Pokemon typing, move properties, glitch abuse etc); potentially going against their desired way for people to play Pokemon.


I'm glad that's not the case though :)


And I would indeed say that it was quite re-release heavy. Out of the new game announcements, most of them were actually re-releases of some kind (Twilight Princess HD, Pokemon RBY VC, Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks VC, Dragon Quest 7 & 8 - ok granted, the former has never been released in Europe before but it still counts, and Mother 3 for Japan).


It's a perfectly valid point to be made. Still a great event, but it's a point worth making.

Edited by Dcubed
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Well with their mobile push and the push towards up to date rule sets for the games and the TCG; many thought that they wouldn't ever release the original GB games because they don't conform to the newest standards of gameplay (Pokemon typing, move properties, glitch abuse etc); potentially going against their desired way for people to play Pokemon.


I'm glad that's not the case though :)

I can see what you're getting at regards to rules but not sure what mobile has to do with anything.

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I can see what you're getting at regards to rules but not sure what mobile has to do with anything.


Pokemon spinoffs and "lesser" projects going the way of mobile; not being considered worth their time for 3DS. That's what I'm getting it; the idea that a re-release on 3DS isn't worthy of their time and effort.


Speaking of which, Pokemon Picross was a pleasant surprise on that front. Good to see that they're not giving up completely on spinoffs for Nintendo's own handhelds :) (plus I loves me some Picross, so I'm all over that one!)

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I'm another one that wasn't at all impressed with the look of Twilight Princess HD. :blank: Actually thought the footage first shown was the original version, and was expecting it to then transition to HD. :heh: After a few moments I realised... Oh, this is it. :hmm:


Aw man.. I was totally the same :eek:


As soon as it appeared, I thought it looked disappointing but then it hit me that it was maybe just the original version. I kept waiting for it to transform into something glorious but.. no :blank:


I may still get it as Wind Waker HD proved how great of an experience I can have with a Zelda remake :smile:

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Pokemon spinoffs and "lesser" projects going the way of mobile; not being considered worth their time for 3DS. That's what I'm getting it; the idea that a re-release on 3DS isn't worthy of their time and effort.


Speaking of which, Pokemon Picross was a pleasant surprise on that front. Good to see that they're not giving up completely on spinoffs for Nintendo's own handhelds :) (plus I loves me some Picross, so I'm all over that one!)

Not really. Spin-offs are still dominant on Nintendo formats. Just because Pokémon Shuffle went on mobile doesn't mean that's what they're doing. You're highly exaggerating things.

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