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My Nintendo ( Club Nintendo Successor )


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I've never really cared for them. I'd go as far as to say that I hate them. So many problems are caused by things like Twitter and FB.


I added RedShell and Ike to get my Miitomo friends list started and that's all the activity my Twitter account will be getting. :D


I'm not a huge fan of them myself but they have their uses, of course there are plenty of aspects about social media which I absolutely detest but it's nice to at least check out certain game communities and it's a useful communication tool for friends and family, that's just my Facebook though as for Twitter... I have an account but I only recently tweeted, just the once and it was game related too, it was when I pledged to support Yooka-Laylee, I just figured, why not? But never since... if Miitomo becomes an option for me though then yes I will use Twitter for that but probably nothing more, unless I use it to retweet some of our site stuff which I may well do. :)


But as a general rule I don't really enjoy using them, I'd much rather spend most of my online time on N-Europe either browsing the forum or working on content for the site. :D


I suppose at least Nintendo is giving us some sort of reward for these online efforts but it does feel like just jumping through hoops for the sake of it, though I do visit miiverse and the eShop regularly as it is so I might as well get something for it.

: peace:

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I find stamps very clever and far more interesting and useful than meaningless achievements. The former is something that has a practical use in (another Nintendo innovation this gen) Miiverse, whereas trophies don't actually amount to anything but checkboxes on a list. Some sort of amalgamation of the two + rewards would be ideal , which sounds likely to happen on NX.




Yes there are achievements in Miitomo. If you want ones you're more familiar with maybe wait until they release an NX game and not a mobile phone social app.


I prefer achievements personally. When used well they're much more personalised than a picture (as they are named by the devs and they can either be practical or amusing) I'll frankly never look at. Is there any way to compare friends stamps to yours?


Each their own though.

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Has there been any word on how often the deals on My Nintendo will be changing or updating. I got Fire Emblem Awakening today in the e-shop deal and now have 70 gold coins, but none of the current offers really appeal to me. Also the coins apparently expire after six months, right?

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Has there been any word on how often the deals on My Nintendo will be changing or updating. I got Fire Emblem Awakening today in the e-shop deal and now have 70 gold coins, but none of the current offers really appeal to me. Also the coins apparently expire after six months, right?


Not a clue. Some of the offers finish in May, so I assume that's when they're gonna swap out, but who knows whether or not something could get added before then ::shrug:


Coins do indeed expire after 6 months, but I'm sure there will be plenty of new things to choose from before then.

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Just thinking about the value of the service. If you spend £50 you get 80 gold coins. Punch Out is 70 an costs £5.49 so the value of 80 gold coins is £6.27. Which is 12.5% cash back.


That's actually pretty good. I guess the catch is you can't choose whatever game you want but its still pretty nice.

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Just thinking about the value of the service. If you spend £50 you get 80 gold coins. Punch Out is 70 an costs £5.49 so the value of 80 gold coins is £6.27. Which is 12.5% cash back.


That's actually pretty good. I guess the catch is you can't choose whatever game you want but its still pretty nice.


I'm still undecided about this system in comparison to the earlier one they had on the WiiU, where £50 would net you £5 eshop credit, a clean 10% back. Of course I like that we're essentially getting more, and 40% off Splatoon, for example, is a smashing deal for 80 gold coins or whatever it is, but there is much, much less choice this way. I spent all my previous discounts on indie games, or putting money towards indie games, all of which have been superb though probably wouldn't have paid full price for. So far they only have discounts on retail releases, which are expensive anyway, or VC games which I'm not interested in until crossbuy becomes a thing.


I suppose in a couple of months we'll have a clearer idea of how things will work out, though for now I'm still on the fence.

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I'm still undecided about this system in comparison to the earlier one they had on the WiiU, where £50 would net you £5 eshop credit, a clean 10% back. Of course I like that we're essentially getting more, and 40% off Splatoon, for example, is a smashing deal for 80 gold coins or whatever it is, but there is much, much less choice this way. I spent all my previous discounts on indie games, or putting money towards indie games, all of which have been superb though probably wouldn't have paid full price for. So far they only have discounts on retail releases, which are expensive anyway, or VC games which I'm not interested in until crossbuy becomes a thing.


I suppose in a couple of months we'll have a clearer idea of how things will work out, though for now I'm still on the fence.


This is my issue with the new setup.


I liked getting a voucher and spending it on games I was on the fence about or quirky lesser known games that had caught my eye. The new way the discount works means I have to buy what's on offer and most of the time I imagine I already have the games that have a reduced price. All of the games on offer at the moment I already own, so the discounts are essentially useless. If that continues to be the case then my points will go to waste once the 6 month window is over.


While I appreciate the offer, it is a bit of a flawed system.

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This is my issue with the new setup.


I liked getting a voucher and spending it on games I was on the fence about or quirky lesser known games that had caught my eye. The new way the discount works means I have to buy what's on offer and most of the time I imagine I already have the games that have a reduced price. All of the games on offer at the moment I already own, so the discounts are essentially useless. If that continues to be the case then my points will go to waste once the 6 month window is over.


While I appreciate the offer, it is a bit of a flawed system.


Agreed. The offers aren't bad, but they're largely irrelevant for me; at least most of the current ones are (the only one that's currently of any use to me is the Metroid Other M discount).


The good thing about the Nintendo Network Premium programme was that the £5 discount could just be applied to anything, since it was just eShop credit. So you could just feel free to spend and you'd know that anything you get out of it would always be useful. Here it's only useful at specific times.


It's pretty ironic that the offers are billed as "Just For You", when it's actually anything but :laughing:


Rightfully, the list of discounts should be based on the games you actually already own. Why not have a list of offers on the server side, then have the My Nintendo site checklist them against the games you actually already own; ignoring the games that you already have and instead just presenting offers for 1st party games you don't already have? (and if you're a good little Nintendroid and you have them all? Just offer a £5 eShop code!)

Edited by Dcubed
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  • 3 weeks later...

So it looks like the gold points are given in dependence of the regular price. I've just bought Never Alone for 3,74 euros, but they gave me 20 points again (about 14 euros is the regular price). You guys probably knew that, but I didn't.


It's great as it makes the savings even bigger and it will make me buy some games from e-shop that I actually wanted to buy retail.


Or is that actually a bug from their side?

Edited by Kounan
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That's pretty cool Kounan! Hope they carry on doing that, I don't have enough cash to get anything in this sale so I'm hoping they still give out 20pts when the next sale is on.


I bought 'Never Alone' a while ago but only just got around to finishing it. It's a really fun game, the best thing about it is learning about the Innuit culture.

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What is actually included for purchasing software in order to get gold points?


I had around 40 gold points at the start yet I've bought a reasonable amount of things from both eShops... is it only retail titles? I thought it was everything and then you'd get awarded the points at the end of each month, perhaps I'm due a load in a weeks time. ::shrug:


Also, I'm at 990 Platinum points... :blank:


When it states you get 10 points for visiting Nintendo.co.uk is that the coin that you find next to your Mii at the start of each week or is that for something else?


I'm sure I've done all the weekly missions I can - excluding Miitomo because I can't get it - but it's so annoying to be just 10 points away, bring back some of those god awful surveys which we can fill out from a PC Nintendo, normally I wouldn't asl for them but come on... I've got to wait another week in order to get Twilight Princess Picross now. :(

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The MyNintendo site has updated slightly. The view rewards and view missions buttons have been made more prominent but, more interestingly, there's also a redeem a point code button now. Anybody know what that's about? Are they bringing back the Club Nintendo Pin with physical purchases?

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The MyNintendo site has updated slightly. The view rewards and view missions buttons have been made more prominent but, more interestingly, there's also a redeem a point code button now. Anybody know what that's about? Are they bringing back the Club Nintendo Pin with physical purchases?


I think Bill Trinan semi- confirmed this a while ago.

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Also, I'm at 990 Platinum points... :blank:


Go to the MyNintendo page, scroll to the bottom.

There should be a Mario Brick Block in the bottom right.

Click that and it will scroll back to the top, where your Mii will be holding something.

Keep clicking him.

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New gold coin offers are up.


- 10% off Fire Emblem Fates

- 20% off Capitan Todd

- 40% off Capitan Todd


Interesting to see them do a pre-release discount for Fire Emblem Fates. Shame it's not very good though (it would probably still be cheaper to buy a download code from GAME instead).

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