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I don't think it's an issue on Gen chit chat. But then maybe it's just a better class of people that post there so it's not needed.


It used to be worse though, especially with the aforementioned babygate and #smashnicelookingbirds, but they luckily fizzled out and it's been quite quiet since.


That was definitely the time I realised that the mods were pretty slack on the rules and I could pretty much say whatever though. I believe I did actually say some pretty harsh things in a few of those threads (They were more important than fanboyism it seems) and I don't recall any mod action from it.

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So many people are claiming that it's a select few people who are causing the issue. Well here are the people who have either been named, or have named somebody as the issue (for most names it's both):






@Agent Gibbs


11 members. That's far higher than the number of people who have conducted themselves in this thread with a sense of decorum, and tried to discuss the issue rather than just turn the thread into a slanging match. And I've only chosen the people who have specifically named or been named. There are a few others who have posted childishly, made general insults and comments along the lines of "I won't name specifically but they know who they are". Well I also know who they are, it's all of you. The majority of the people posting in this thread have been incredibly fucking childish. I always thought that the issue with this forum was that most of our members were older, and we were struggling to recruit younger members. Well I should have just visited the Nintendo board more often to realise that the average mental age barely makes double figures.


@Rummy, you want my advice? I'd take a hard stance in this board. Clearly the majority don't know how to be civil, so if they're going to act like children then treat them as such. Start handing out infractions whenever somebody gets unnecessarily angry, points fingers, throws insults etc. Or start to make ignore lists compulsory. If you don't like it every time a particular member posts, then put them on your ignore list, that's what it's there for.


P.S. if any of you want to cry about being mentioned here, then please let me know and I'll happily point out the copious amount of posts exemplifying your pathetic behaviour.


Which category do I fall in? I've stayed out of this conversation. I'm not gonna rake over old coals, there's no need for me, at least that's how I feel and I'm not going to fuel the fire. I've made 2 comments in here, both lighthearted humour. One a photo of BillyBobJimBob and the other about Splatfest having started early in here. Oh actually there was a 3rd comment asking if Shorty could find out who BillyBobJimBob is.

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Which category do I fall in? I've stayed out of this conversation. I'm not gonna rake over old coals, there's no need for me, at least that's how I feel and I'm not going to fuel the fire. I've made 2 comments in here, both lighthearted humour. One a photo of BillyBobJimBob and the other about Splatfest having started early in here. Oh actually there was a 3rd comment asking if Shorty could find out who BillyBobJimBob is.


I guess it's because you've been mentioned a few times by Ronnie and Serebii. I'm guessing my names on there for having issues with Serebii. No biggie. The whole point of this topic was air any issues we have and that's what everyone has done. No idea why Moogleviper has got his knickers in a twist.

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Which category do I fall in? I've stayed out of this conversation. I'm not gonna rake over old coals, there's no need for me, at least that's how I feel and I'm not going to fuel the fire. I've made 2 comments in here, both lighthearted humour. One a photo of BillyBobJimBob and the other about Splatfest having started early in here. Oh actually there was a 3rd comment asking if Shorty could find out who BillyBobJimBob is.


I mentioned you because you were named quite a few times. Admittedly though you haven't got involved with the insults or blaming. And (based on comments from other members) you've used the ignore list to distance yourself from certain members.


I guess it's because you've been mentioned a few times by Ronnie and Serebii. I'm guessing my names on there for having issues with Serebii. No biggie. The whole point of this topic was air any issues we have and that's what everyone has done. No idea why Moogleviper has got his knickers in a twist.


I don't "have my knickers in a twist" (which I think is quite a childish an provocative comment; quite fitting really). I'm merely pointing out the issues that I can see, and doing so without resorting to insults.


This thread is to air issues around the board, not to air your own personal issues. If you have an issue with a certain member then either discuss it privately with them (in a mature manner of course), or ignore them, whether through the ignore list or not. Petty blaming and name-calling obviously isn't going solve the issues (quite frankly it's one of the causes).

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I don't "have my knickers in a twist" (which I think is quite a childish an provocative comment; quite fitting really). I'm merely pointing out the issues that I can see, and doing so without resorting to insults.


This thread is to air issues around the board, not to air your own personal issues. If you have an issue with a certain member then either discuss it privately with them (in a mature manner of course), or ignore them, whether through the ignore list or not. Petty blaming and name-calling obviously isn't going solve the issues (quite frankly it's one of the causes).


Give over! It's a harmless comment.


Myself and Serebii have had words before via PM. As have myself and mods over various matters about the board. The fact is this topic was created to discuss both issues and get everything off everyone's chest. Most of us in here are in our late twenties or early thirties and as such I would hope that people can take criticism on the chin.

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Give over! It's a harmless comment.


See, this is the attitude one shouldn't have in a thread where we voice our issues with other members. If Moogleviper has an issue with your comment, then it wasn't harmless, was it?


This is something I see alarmingly often in these forums. Someone makes a inflammatory comment, someone else calls out on it, first person replies with a variant of "It wasn't offensive, so don't get offended".

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I don't "have my knickers in a twist" (which I think is quite a childish an provocative comment; quite fitting really). I'm merely pointing out the issues that I can see, and doing so without resorting to insults.


To be fair, your initial post was pretty provocative and insulting, calling people's mental age into it and referring to it all as pathetic.


Not saying you were wrong, just pointing out a bit of double standards and how easy it is to get wrapped up in it all.

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I really don't want to get involved any more, but it appears someone is bringing an attitude to my door...


Well here are the people who have either been named, or have named somebody as the issue...


Well considering you have named (nearly everyone here):

There are a few others who have posted childishly, made general insults and comments along the lines of "I won't name specifically but they know who they are". Well I also know who they are, it's all of you.


and contrary to what you said here...


I don't "have my knickers in a twist" (which I think is quite a childish an provocative comment; quite fitting really). I'm merely pointing out the issues that I can see, and doing so without resorting to insults.


you said this...


I always thought that the issue with this forum was that most of our members were older, and we were struggling to recruit younger members. Well I should have just visited the Nintendo board more often to realise that the average mental age barely makes double figures.


You're a hypocrite. You left yourself off your own list, clearly.


Claiming that Hero was making a provocative comment was honestly the straw that broke the camel's back after you made what was quite possibly the most inflammatory post I've seen in the topic so far. Saying that people were essentially mentally retarded and then calling for infractions over people getting angry is not helpful. I get that you want to see something done, but is totalitarian moderation really the answer? Nobody would want to be on a forum run like that.


I don't think anyone on that list truly is in such denial that they think they've never been part of the problem. It's very easy to get into arguments when you're in a heated debate. I see this topic as an opportunity to vent, and for self-reflection. Some people may have more reflection to do than others. There's no doubt. But this topic feels very much like a self-help group, with the intention that people come to realise how they're affecting others and how they can help make this place better.

Edited by Sheikah
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See, this is the attitude one shouldn't have in a thread where we voice our issues with other members. If Moogleviper has an issue with your comment, then it wasn't harmless, was it?


This is something I see alarmingly often in these forums. Someone makes a inflammatory comment, someone else calls out on it, first person replies with a variant of "It wasn't offensive, so don't get offended".


I don't wish to prolong the current argument but I do think this typifies one of the major issues we have here(alluded to previously by those referring to use of language and its conveyance);


Where is the line? Why was 'knickers in a twist' an issue? Would it always be? Is it the context? Is it the fact it's been said by someone just criticised?



I dunno. I'm still taking this all on board. I'm starting to despair a little though. I was just reading the pokemon thread, and I feel it gives great example of the issue that is Serebii - but if you look at it, what do you say is done wrong*? Some see nothing, some see something. It's again coming down to a difference of opinion and we aren't all going to be happy all the time.


We can't fix that. Can we?


(*this is a rhetorical question)

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I get that you want to see something done, but is totalitarian moderation really the answer? Nobody would want to be on a forum run like that.


I'll say right now that that is the exact reason I won't post on the SomethingAwful forums. The mods have a power trip and will ban for the silliest thing. A catch phrase they didn't like, abbreviations like lol (which is against the rules) in some cases just trying to ask a question. It's shit place and thousands love it but I can't stand it.


Eh, all besides the point of the thread at the moment really.


Editing this to say I doubt anyone here would be that bad as it's an extreme example of totalitarian moderation.

Edited by Nolan
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I've proceeded to read this whole thread for the sole reason that I was mentioned. Thanks Rummy ¬¬


I have not "left" or reduced my posting on this board because of general atmosphere if that's what you're insinuating or asking for. I've just started working and have changed priorities.


The "atmosphere" problem was still raging hard when I was more frequently visiting and just visiting this thread has shown it hasn't changed much. The main problems appear to be emotive language, attacking the poster instead of the post, solely comparative debates and general low tolerance.


It's like a little "In my opinion" needs to be added to every post. Just imagining that below everyone's posts would probably work to reduce the unwavering anger that is provoked when something is said in a matter that would suggest it is factual. I think this is at least where some of the anger for Serebii comes from and I've thought (and expressed) that derogatory posts towards him appear more frequently and are challenged less.


Additionally, if people were to focus on the content of the post and not the poster themselves it could help redirect the conversation to more interesting venues. Going back to Serebii, while he arrogantly and stubbornly argues his point, he never does so by personally insulting or including opinions on the people he is talking to, which is at least one upside.


But anyway, the biggest reason I've even posted is because after reading this thread it felt like a waste to not say something at least.

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Not if its going to constantly derail topics and cause arguments. You just have to look at Ronnie and the voice chat stuff for that. He was complaining about people talking about that so much that he started bringing it up elsewhere when it wasn't even being talked about.


Yes, but was it in a topic about a game that should have/would have benefitted from voice chat? (I don't know, the moment people start arguing on forums I started skipping huge swathes of posts...)


Oh absolutely. I think its just that unfortunately Nintendo are in a bad situation so people have more to complain about these days so these things will pop up.


I doubt you will find any of the people complaining shouting down those being positive. Its the defensive ones that cause the issues, not the positive ones.


Sorry dude, it's BOTH. Positive ones deliberately get shot down and hassled becoming the "defensive ones". It's become a grating norm across the web that you can't be positive about Nintendo without being labelled a fanboy and every derogative word under the sun.


We've already proved about four hundred times you're wrong on that front.


I can understand why people feel the WiiU games are more samey than other platforms. They've less third party games and less of an indie scene whilst also having a lot of sequels. There are a few fresh experience, such as Splatoon and ZombiU but, for me anyway, it all feels a little "been there, done that".


Obviously I'm not saying the games aren't good. I think MK8 is probably the best game in the series since MK64.


Isn't it like that across the board, though on all consoles? It's just like you said; less noticable on other consoles because of third party support.


One of my critiisms with Nintendo is what they've done to Mario. Are they still good/enjoyable? YES. But remember when ever new Mario game truly innovated in gamplay, characters/enemies, music etc? Since the end of the Wii every Mario game (including spinoffs) have featured this weird NEW Mario style that spreads across all mario games, same design, same enemies, same music, same/same/same. It's become so booooooooring it hurts. Surely others have noticed this?


Nope you haven't in the slightest. In no world will anyone convince me that this is a more diverse range of games than on Wii U:




Now I absolutely will admit that the Wii U has a 'been there done it' feel. Not as much as other consoles obviously, but given Nintendo's reliance on established franchises it is there and I'll freely admit it. But genre wise it's major titles span a far greater range.


Most of that link won't load up. *shrugs*


Both sides are exagerating here. Not all PS4 games are alike just like not all Wii U games are alike. Do they both have "a type" that you might presume is overdone if giving a very narow look at each console? Sure. But this group of "samey" games isn't that big on EITHER console. But each console DOES have a slightly bigger warehouse of certain game genres...because of fanboys (good kind) who buy the consoles for those types of games. Wii U = platformers, PS4 = third person action/adventure (no idea on XO, though it USED to be FPS) but like I said nowhere near as exagerated as people are griping about.


Why not have a drivel ban? If someone is talking drivel, delete their comments and anyone who replies to it.


Then we end up with "all-knowing, all-judging mods", do we REALLY want that? Lots more deleted posts. Mods that delete your post just because they disagree? Or rules so tight that reported posts just get deleted without mods even checking the "offending" posts?


Hmm...maybe some sort of "hide" feature for offensive/derailing posts? By vote. If the post is bad for the topic and derails/is offensive there's a good/bad button for each post like with thanks etc. if a certain many people think the post is bad it ends up auto-hidden but can be unhidden, but if good maybe the...something...? LOL


Good thread. Important that an open, honest discussion takes place sometimes to clear the air.


Look I'm a 32yr old guy with a passion for Nintendo. But the Nintendo I grew up on has changed. I feel the frustration but when I look at my games collection it still offers joy. You see, at the heart of everything are still those games that have the Nintendo magic.


I come here to talk about that, revel in Nintendo and feel part of a community. During the GC years I needed a place like this to lurk. It made me feel I wasn't alone as a Nintendo fan. People forget how bad that generation was for European Nintendo console owners. Point is, it is the games we come to talk about, the games keep us together. (Bind us, surround us etc lol).


Unfortunately, the games seem to be driving some folk mad. Many seem to be here with a form of psychosis - perpetually telling everyone what Nintendo should be doing - against what is actually happening in reality. In such circumstances many a thread has been ruined by discussions on what games DON'T have. Sure, state your grievances - that's fine and welcome. But when it becomes all encompassing and de-rails threads, I'd rather spend my time somewhere else.


I would just ask folk to think before posting.

'We' are N-Europe after all.

What it is, is a reflection of who we are.


Totally get this. But the "elsewhere" is a bit out there. Most of the forums out there are like this. I'm not just talking about normal Nintendo critics, but *cough* certain snakes in woolly Nintendo clothing. It's annoying sometimes here...but it's HELL out there. I did wonder when this board would get infected...


Genuine critissm is OBVIOUSLY fine, but people luuuuurve shitting on Nintendo. Even certain developers, which has become common. I'd like to say western devs will come back at NX, but GBA/DS/3DS and their lack of western content from DELIBERATE shunning, despite being usually one of the best selling consoles each gen, is blindingly obvious.


To be fair, your initial post was pretty provocative and insulting, calling people's mental age into it and referring to it all as pathetic.


Not saying you were wrong, just pointing out a bit of double standards and how easy it is to get wrapped up in it all.


Yes, MV. I was insulted, too. Not in a "I MUST HAVE RAGEZ" way, but what double standards, eh? Tut-tut.

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I should mention I mostly took the mentions from the list of posters in the Wii U General thread then added a couple more in who were more active around the other threads - I couldn't be sure who was and wasn't here for whatever reason anymore.


Anyway - apologies for my post last night/this morning. I don't think I was making the most sense at gone 1am. However I've been back in the thread and it does highlight something I know Flink, and I think King_V himself, have both hit on before as an issue that comes up sometimes.


Perhaps unfortunately, the big, sprawling 3D open world Pokémon adventure with every Pokémon, online etc. that people dream of is just a too big operation for it to feasibly happen.


RULE No.1 to this thread: No "it doesn't work" negative comments please. (consider this a test on keeping things 'positive').


I don't think the point was ever the feasibility, it was supposed to be a space for people to speculate about something and maybe, for a change, not be negative about Nintendo which has been a large complaint raised.


Yet some people felt a need to put a stop to/argue against that, killing the dreams and creativity that people wanted to have with arguments of feasibility and realistic goals despite the first line in the thread asking for otherwise. Nobody in that thread is trying to be negative. They're just being speculative about something they like - but it seems when a space comes up for that, some people get too hardline about how it won't or never would work, rather than fostering or furthering the general speculation. It almost kills the topic in its tracks - you end up not wanting to post because someone's going to come in soon after and shut down your creative ideas and it's draining.


What does that then inspire people to feel and post about in the future, if at all?

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I should mention I mostly took the mentions from the list of posters in the Wii U General thread then added a couple more in who were more active around the other threads - I couldn't be sure who was and wasn't here for whatever reason anymore.


Anyway - apologies for my post last night/this morning. I don't think I was making the most sense at gone 1am. However I've been back in the thread and it does highlight something I know Flink, and I think King_V himself, have both hit on before as an issue that comes up sometimes.


I don't think the point was ever the feasibility, it was supposed to be a space for people to speculate about something and maybe, for a change, not be negative about Nintendo which has been a large complaint raised.


Yet some people felt a need to put a stop to/argue against that, killing the dreams and creativity that people wanted to have with arguments of feasibility and realistic goals despite the first line in the thread asking for otherwise. Nobody in that thread is trying to be negative. They're just being speculative about something they like - but it seems when a space comes up for that, some people get too hardline about how it won't or never would work, rather than fostering or furthering the general speculation. It almost kills the topic in its tracks - you end up not wanting to post because someone's going to come in soon after and shut down your creative ideas and it's draining.


What does that then inspire people to feel and post about in the future, if at all?


As I just posted in the other thread, I was in no way trying to shut down any discussion on what you could do, and I apologise if it came across that way, because I'd love what many in that thread are dreaming of. But the thread title was Pokémon on home consoles, so I was saying what I would realistically like to come to the console, and trying to clarify Serebii's comments to stop the heated back and forth between him and others about the ethos of portability etc. It feels a bit like my post has been unfairly singled out there.

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I don't wish to prolong the current argument but I do think this typifies one of the major issues we have here(alluded to previously by those referring to use of language and its conveyance);


Where is the line? Why was 'knickers in a twist' an issue? Would it always be? Is it the context? Is it the fact it's been said by someone just criticised?


Rereading the posts, I see that Moogle's comment was pretty provocative to begin with, too. Apologies to @Hero\-of\-Time if I sounded too aggressive. The post was representative of something that bothered me, but it probably wasn't the best example of it, either.


I would say that the main issue with the "knickers in a twist" comment is that it sounds aggressive. Like, would one say that in a calm conversation?


Overall, I don't think there's any line that gets crossed with a specific comment, just tensions that build up over the course of a discussion. The conflict is there as a principle, it's a matter of either side realizing when the tensions are getting high (or when the argument is getting circular and pointless).


I dunno. I'm still taking this all on board. I'm starting to despair a little though. I was just reading the pokemon thread, and I feel it gives great example of the issue that is Serebii - but if you look at it, what do you say is done wrong*? Some see nothing, some see something. It's again coming down to a difference of opinion and we aren't all going to be happy all the time.


We can't fix that. Can we?


(*this is a rhetorical question)


I don't think the Pokémon thread is that bad, and certainly not an example of Serebii being a problem. Like Diageo (and myself) said, Serebii is blunt and stubborn, and occasionally condescending without realizing (in a nutshell, he tends to lack tact), but he's not looking for an argument. The issue was resolved after somebody pointed to Serebii that what they wanted to see was a different type of game, not "The next main Pokémon, as made by Gamefreak, should be on home consoles", which can easily be done without resorting to "I think you're nuts for thinking the way you do, Serebii".


Now, yeah, the thread got a bit derailed from its original intention, and that's where the main issue lies. What stops us from saying "We're not here to discuss feasibility, I think we're derailing"? Cube attempted it, but he was one voice against many.


I don't even think those voices wanted to stifle that sort of discussion, it's just that, when people imagine "What could be?", they inevitably imagine "How could it happen?". It's a fine line, and one we can point out to people while staying civil.

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I don't think the Pokémon thread is that bad, and certainly not an example of Serebii being a problem. Like Diageo (and myself) said, Serebii is blunt and stubborn, and occasionally condescending without realizing (in a nutshell, he tends to lack tact), but he's not looking for an argument. The issue was resolved after somebody pointed to Serebii that what they wanted to see was a different type of game, not "The next main Pokémon, as made by Gamefreak, should be on home consoles", which can easily be done without resorting to "I think you're nuts for thinking the way you do, Serebii".


Now, yeah, the thread got a bit derailed from its original intention, and that's where the main issue lies. What stops us from saying "We're not here to discuss feasibility, I think we're derailing"? Cube attempted it, but he was one voice against many.


I don't even think those voices wanted to stifle that sort of discussion, it's just that, when people imagine "What could be?", they inevitably imagine "How could it happen?". It's a fine line, and one we can point out to people while staying civil.


I think with the Pokemon discussion it just comes from people trying to have this talk before but Serebii pretty much always gets very stubborn with his opinion on it. Fair enough its his opinion on the direction and I'm not saying for him to stop talking about it but its happened everytime it comes up and tends to derail it. Its not exactly something that needs arguing, its all hypotheticals.

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I would say that the main issue with the "knickers in a twist" comment is that it sounds aggressive. Like, would one say that in a calm conversation?


In IRL I'd probably say something that sounds much harsher than 'don't get your knickers in a twist' - but you kinda hit my point back to me; wouldn't that be the sort of phrasing you'd expect in a 'calm' conversation or when trying not to escalate it?


As I just posted in the other thread, I was in no way trying to shut down any discussion on what you could do, and I apologise if it came across that way, because I'd love what many in that thread are dreaming of. But the thread title was Pokémon on home consoles, so I was saying what I would realistically like to come to the console, and trying to clarify Serebii's comments to stop the heated back and forth between him and others about the ethos of portability etc. It feels a bit like my post has been unfairly singled out there.


Ah. I guess it was, and wasn't, singled out. It was just another post I saw on the line of the feasibility(and as I mentioned, not the first) - admittedly I could tell you were trying to explain what Serebii was saying but tbh I don't think anyone was misunderstanding him - however I'd put it that he wasn't understanding the thread. I could have given more examples from throughout the thread but I didn't want it to be about someone but rather the point that creative discussion can be stifled. I chose your post rather than one of Serebii's because I felt if I did the latter - this may become a discussion by some that it's me having a go at Serebii again, when that isn't and wasn't my intention.

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So many people are claiming that it's a select few people who are causing the issue. Well here are the people who have either been named, or have named somebody as the issue (for most names it's both):


@Agent Gibbs


11 members. That's far higher than the number of people who have conducted themselves in this thread with a sense of decorum, and tried to discuss the issue rather than just turn the thread into a slanging match. And I've only chosen the people who have specifically named or been named. There are a few others who have posted childishly, made general insults and comments along the lines of "I won't name specifically but they know who they are". Well I also know who they are, it's all of you. The majority of the people posting in this thread have been incredibly fucking childish. I always thought that the issue with this forum was that most of our members were older, and we were struggling to recruit younger members. Well I should have just visited the Nintendo board more often to realise that the average mental age barely makes double figures.


@Rummy, you want my advice? I'd take a hard stance in this board. Clearly the majority don't know how to be civil, so if they're going to act like children then treat them as such. Start handing out infractions whenever somebody gets unnecessarily angry, points fingers, throws insults etc. Or start to make ignore lists compulsory. If you don't like it every time a particular member posts, then put them on your ignore list, that's what it's there for.


P.S. if any of you want to cry about being mentioned here, then please let me know and I'll happily point out the copious amount of posts exemplifying your pathetic behaviour.


Please feel free to show my pathetic behaviour Moogle, i certainly cannot think of any such examples, as i have in this thread tried to remain neutral as i do in all threads


I made a lengthy post in this thread and discussed issues, i mentioned the people who had been mentioned in the sense that they appear to be the most vocal lately but did not say it was exclusively them, i even tried to mitigate Serebii's self confessed arrogance and try in a way to defend the vitriol aimed at him. Did you even read my post? or just pick all posts that mentioned names in them?

Edited by Agent Gibbs
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You shut your damn whore mouth bob! notsureifishouldbejokinginhere

I never joke.


I think that is the root problem right there. Whatever the issue, or topic, some people (on both sides of the fanboi debate) will argue about anything. They just like arguing. They'll argue against someone's point of view just so there is someone TO argue.


I always like to remember the following comic whenever I feel myself getting worked up over a silly Internet discussion.




It's helped me on many an occasion to just fucking leave it.

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I think with the Pokemon discussion it just comes from people trying to have this talk before but Serebii pretty much always gets very stubborn with his opinion on it. Fair enough its his opinion on the direction and I'm not saying for him to stop talking about it but its happened everytime it comes up and tends to derail it. Its not exactly something that needs arguing, its all hypotheticals.


Yeah, he might be stubborn, but a couple things of note:

1. He wasn't the only one (not even the first person) to bring up the "feasibility" aspect;

2. Many of the responses made to Serebii consisted more of "Why I think you're wrong" than "Why I think you're missing the point of this thread", which is what I was trying to get at. If more people had done the latter, I think it would've become a non-issue


(And for the record, you and I are also guilty of a small and slight derail, as we had a brief exchange over whether Pokémon lost popularity or not due to the different generations feeling similar.)


In IRL I'd probably say something that sounds much harsher than 'don't get your knickers in a twist' - but you kinda hit my point back to me; wouldn't that be the sort of phrasing you'd expect in a 'calm' conversation or when trying not to escalate it?


You have a good point, in real life, we have more than simply words to communicate with, so we're bolder, getting to be cheeky and not be misinterpreted. On the Internet, our words are interpreted differently, more at face value, but we also have more time to ponder before sending them (as well as smileys :)). With both being different, I guess the comparison isn't that clear-cut.


But still, I mean, if someone gets emotional enough over any conversation, then you know that expression is likely to piss them off further. And if "pissing off someone" is what we're trying to avoid, then I think it's relevant to at least note it.


I suppose it could be worse: at least nobody said "Calm yer tits" yet :heh:

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