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I don't know what to do. Have a PS4 pre-order but just...want the portability of the Switch. If it was released simul-time I'd get it on the Switch no problem. Dilema.


You'll get more out of it on Switch - are you really that desperate to have it sooner rather than later to sacrifice that portability?

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Are people playing Yooka Laylee already, looking at the trophies some looked to be collected already. Unless staff are using their own profiles to play.


Cannot wait for April. Toybox is making me want to play this more and more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From Neogaf.


I just listened to the new Podquisition episode and in it, Jim Sterling and Laura Kate Dale are warning people who've pre-ordered Yooka-Laylee :/.


They've apparently gotten review copies so they can't really talk about it until the embargo goes up but Jim said "if you pre-ordered it, think twice" (at around 32:30) and they both made some very unimpressed, ominous-sounding noises to describe their feelings on it. Later, Jim says "If you've looked at trailers and ever thought it looked a bit choppy" and then, shortly thereafter, "Yeah, yeah, a bit is not quite it." (Starting around the 41 minute mark.) I assume that refers to the game's performance being bad, though they make it sound like that may not be its only problem.


The podcast description also says: "Oh, and some… “preview” words of warning regarding Yooka-Laylee."

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Talk about irresponsible journalism; why harm a games potential sales by making innuendo about it?


If you're allowed to say it's shit (embargo) then do so when you can, if not honour your agreement until then and don't make comments like they have done!


I appreciate they are maybe trying to tip consumers off but if that quote from neo gaf is right, it stinks.

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I just tried to watch the Jimquisition about Zelda's weapon durability and couldn't get through it. I went through a phase of liking the Jimquisition a couple of months back but quickly tired of it because everything feels so forced on it. I can totally understand that objective opinions on games are totally valid but he seems to go into things always looking for the negatives because his whole schtick is being angry about things. He has made some valuable contributions to game journalism with his campaign against DMCA takedowns and the plethora of asset flips and shovel ware on Steam & Steam Greenlight but the following he has built up for his 'curmudgeon mentality' only serves to make any criticism he raises to be jumped on by rabid partisans on either side of the argument.


It's definitely ridiculous that they mention the embargo but still continue to talk about the game.

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The problem with this game is that they're shown too much of it.


Sorry I should of said they haven't shown much good stuff. The jungle looked cool but everything else just meh.


With crowd backed games I think developers have to show quite a bit simply because backers want to see what they are paying for. Very difficult I think for a crowd backed development to keep people waiting.

Edited by liger05
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I just tried to watch the Jimquisition about Zelda's weapon durability and couldn't get through it. I went through a phase of liking the Jimquisition a couple of months back but quickly tired of it because everything feels so forced on it. I can totally understand that objective opinions on games are totally valid but he seems to go into things always looking for the negatives because his whole schtick is being angry about things. He has made some valuable contributions to game journalism with his campaign against DMCA takedowns and the plethora of asset flips and shovel ware on Steam & Steam Greenlight but the following he has built up for his 'curmudgeon mentality' only serves to make any criticism he raises to be jumped on by rabid partisans on either side of the argument.


It's definitely ridiculous that they mention the embargo but still continue to talk about the game.


His Zelda review was painful to watch. He should stick to what he's good at, commenting on the state of the industry, not critiquing games.

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Jimquisition is like marmite, you either loathe or like him. Doing this about Yooka Laylee isn't a wise move, and his Zelda review was painful to watch (and i'm saying that with politeness).


Out of not wanting to spoil the game for myself, i've not seen many videos as i want to go in as fresh as possible.

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Reviews are now out and sadly it looks like this isn't the classic that most of us wanted the game to be. It seems the game has a few technical issues ( guess this is what Jim Sterling was hinting at ) and some of the levels feel very bare bones, with budget constraints being noticable. :(


I'll still be picking the game up but my excitement is somewhat dampened by what I've read.


I was thinking, the Switch version could possibly be the best one, providing they use the time before release to fix the issues that are in the other versions.

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Come on though? He gave it a 2.0... :blank:


Yes of course I respect that it's only a score, everyone has their own opinion so it is what it is but I don't seriously believe for one moment that this is a game worth hardly any merit at all. :p


Locked in for the 64-bit version, buying it on every format, will get it on Switch when it comes out, roll on April 11th! ;)

Edited by S.C.G
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Fair enough, I just happened to notice that his is the lowest score for the game, that he has some pretty damning things to say about it and that plenty of other places seemed to give it a reasonable score.


If that's his opinion though then fair enough but I'm going to take it with a very large pinch of salt as I think that the game will turn out to be decent.


Interestingly the console versions seemed to score higher, perhaps the PC version has more bugs? I don't know, but it's interesting.


Though I really hope that as you say, if more time is being taken on the Switch version which is to be released later then let's hope that any technical issues which can be ironed out by then are patched by default. :)

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True, I still maintain that surely anyone who really enjoys Rare's past works and platformers in general will find more than enough enjoyment from Yooka-Laylee.


If the technical issues really are that bad though then I really do hope that they are patched, everything else I've seen from the game so far looks pretty decent to me.


Perhaps I'm just looking at it positively because I'm biased towards these kind of games, I don't know.


I'm still looking forward to it though as I'm sure many of us are. :)

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