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Yeah I heard they want to create a universe similar to what they did with Diddy Kong Racing (with its inclusion of Conker and Banjo), hopefully this time they'll have more time to realise that idea! And the game looks fantastic in that EuroGamer video, I really can't wait to play this now

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Yeah I heard they want to create a universe similar to what they did with Diddy Kong Racing (with its inclusion of Conker and Banjo), hopefully this time they'll have more time to realise that idea! And the game looks fantastic in that EuroGamer video, I really can't wait to play this now


Looking at this video and seeing how Rare-esque it is I think they're right on bloody point creating their own universe. This game is gonna fly off the shelves and give them a nice chunk of cash to get themselves going(quite literally a kickstarter!). They'll definitely get a decent amount of interest out of their first few games depending what kind of games they go for - who wouldn't pick up another DKR-esque racer made in the modern day? The adventure/story mode of DKR was far superior to MK64's straightforward cup racing, and then there were all the little secrets etc tucked away too.


Very excited for Playtonic in the future.

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They'll definitely get a decent amount of interest out of their first few games depending what kind of games they go for - who wouldn't pick up another DKR-esque racer made in the modern day? The adventure/story mode of DKR was far superior to MK64's straightforward cup racing, and then there were all the little secrets etc tucked away too.


Very excited for Playtonic in the future.


Yooka-Rallee..? ::shrug:

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This game is gonna fly off the shelves and give them a nice chunk of cash to get themselves going


I'm not convinced they're going to sell a huge amount to be honest, certainly not enough to fly off the shelves. The majority of fans want that nostalgic hit and would have already paid and Kickstarted it.


I still don't think this looks particularly fun, and certainly not very polished (eg: the way the rings just vanish when you go through them)

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I'm not convinced they're going to sell a huge amount to be honest, certainly not enough to fly off the shelves. The majority of fans want that nostalgic hit and would have already paid and Kickstarted it.


I still don't think this looks particularly fun, and certainly not very polished (eg: the way the rings just vanish when you go through them)


I realise it's a silly question to ask of you - but you care to define that so we can see who's more right when the time comes? ;)

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I'm not convinced they're going to sell a huge amount to be honest, certainly not enough to fly off the shelves. The majority of fans want that nostalgic hit and would have already paid and Kickstarted it.


I still don't think this looks particularly fun, and certainly not very polished (eg: the way the rings just vanish when you go through them)


Exactly what they said about Pillars of Eternity which thrived off Baldur's Gate nostalgia and had 74,000 backers. Around Feb they said they sold 700,000 copies. So around 90% of their sales came after release and not kickstarter.


Meanwhile Yooka Laylee got 73,000 backers. I can easily see it selling a lot more post launch.

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With a quick look at VGChartz, Banjo Kazooie apparently sold 3.65mil globally, on a system that sold 32.93mil globally. Banjo Tooie 1.49mil, Nuts and Bolts 0.77mil globally. Banjo Kazooie re-release on 360 apparently 0.01mil.


This is going to be a multi-platform title. Again going on VGChartz current numbers WiiU+XB1+PS4 - 13.27+21.84+42.50=almost 80mil potential console systems out there, not even accounting for those numbers being out of date and PC/Mac etc.


There's still a lot of love for old-school Rare, and I'm sure there's plenty of people similar to myself who might have been interested but didn't take the plunge on the Kickstarter, that may be interested in the end product. I think with multi-platform this'll sell quite well over its lifetime. The question is...how big do we think it will be, and how big will that be for Playtonic??

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I never backed it but am now considering buying it.


At the end of the day the KS was what, 45 days? There's plenty of people that may have missed it, in spite of the buzz, or simply forgot to back it. Plus all those that will have heard about it since. Early next year might mean people that got a console for Christmas will discover it, whereas before they may not have been paying attention.


It may not do huge numbers, but as Rummy says I'm unsure how much Playtonic expect. Team 17 seem like a pretty good company though with realistic expectations so I imagine that they'd just want to make enough to keep going, rather than setting up huge expectations.


Who knows. We'll see.



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Much like myself, and I agree there's probably plenty more out there. With a potential pool of at least 80mil end users, I would be tempted to say this could do at least a million sales in its lifetime if not more. I can imagine it topping charts after its release - but do we know if it's all digital or retail also? As you mention Ashley Team17 are definitely experienced and should be a bit sensible - I wonder if they'll take the plunge on going down the line of retail release rather than solely digital distribution though. It may affect my own decision on whether I buy and at what price.


It does make me wonder how much of their actual raised funds do you think they've actually used up, too. I don't know the budgets or costs needed to make games, but with experience like that of ex-Rare employees I could imagine a certain amount of efficiency for things and surely £2million is quite a lot. Hopefully they'd use what they can of what they have to invest in the game beyond just production(so maybe marketing, advertising etc). Not even sure how the breakdown of potential overflow of money goes - is it Playtonic's or Team17's or what?

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Nintendo should really release a Mario 65


Taking a leaf out of the book of the MS/Windows numbering system?


I didn't back it but will probably buy it. Seems like the closest thing I'll get to a new Mario64.


Did you play Banjo Kazooie, or to a lesser extent DK64? I think it's going to have a vibe/feel much closer to those than to that of SM64 - not that it's a bad thing ofc!

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Did you play Banjo Kazooie, or to a lesser extent DK64? I think it's going to have a vibe/feel much closer to those than to that of SM64 - not that it's a bad thing ofc!


Yeah I did play those. But it's still the closest thing I'll get to a new Mario64.

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Yeah I did play those. But it's still the closest thing I'll get to a new Mario64.


Oh yeah I certainly agree - I'm excited after the gameplay video due to the fact they remark specifically on how generally open the world seemed to be barring locked off stuff for spoilers etc. I can imagine it being a bit more BK like overall, but when I consider BK/DK vs SM64 I feel like the former two were maybe even a bit more crafted; you'd find more NPCs around than you might have in SM64, the whole 'hub' felt like it had some more bits in it etc.


Thinking about it all does almost make me want to replay them, now! Maybe something for the to-do list...though I'd be much better at that if it was on my 3DS! Which then makes me wonder...would there be any/much chance of us seeing this get an NX release? It'd certainly be a plus point in my books if we did.

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Blimey! :o


Just when I thought the game couldn't get any better, they team up with Yacht Club Games to include a fully 3D modelled and "voiced" Shovel Knight cameo? :grin:


Makes you wonder what other hidden extras might make it into the final build, sterling stuff! :bowdown:


For shovelry! :awesome:


Very nice


Though not that unexpected. Very few indie games come out now without Shovel Knight in :p


They should use Shovel Knight as a "mark of shovelry" (like Nintendo's seal of quality but... more shovel-like) to indicate that an indie title is fit for shoveling in. :D


It could be seen as ironic in a way too, the opposite of shovel-ware. ;)

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