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Why's it outrageous? As I said, it's not 1998 anymore. Xbox One went with a 6 month reveal to release period. Sony had only a little more. They don't need long to show it and it has new ideas that could be adapted by others, as we saw with the Wii and the whole second screen stuff that hit in 2012


Yeah, but that was fine. Those consoles were not teased to bring something completely different to the tables, we kinda knew what we were getting. We don't with Nintendo so they need more time to explain the console.


Furthermore, Microsoft and Sony were riding the waves with X360 and PS3, Nintendo is in a completely different situation sales and reputation wise. I don't think it benefits them to hold the information back at this point. At least give us the name...

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Posted (edited)

@Serebii read the Polygon quote in tweet I posted, that's why.

Offering it as a prize when nothing about it is known, not even its final name..!

It's completely stupid.

Edited by Kav
So I come in here this morning and we're still at this crazy mental contract console station!? Except now we're acknowledging shareholders?


Call me crazy, but I think this idea is absolutely dumb and stupid and dumb!

Hell, here's a concept that makes about as much sense.

The NX is a pink frilly tutu that you wear on your pretty and no doubt perfectly toned hips. Control input is done by endlessly pirouetting on the spot. Failing to pirouette at any time results in failure, the player is notified of this by sharp electrical shocks directly to their buttocks!


Discuss! Go on, damn it. DISCUSS!


My comment was blatantly derogatory towards Nintendo's shareholders and this idiotic contract idea. I don't know how you could have read it any other way.

Why's it outrageous? As I said, it's not 1998 anymore. Xbox One went with a 6 month reveal to release period. Sony had only a little more. They don't need long to show it and it has new ideas that could be adapted by others, as we saw with the Wii and the whole second screen stuff that hit in 2012

Did you even read the tweet kav posted? It quite clearly summarises why it's outrageous. Stop comparing companies/consoles like for like when the situations they find themselves in are not the same.

Posted (edited)
Furthermore, Microsoft and Sony were riding the waves with X360 and PS3, Nintendo is in a completely different situation sales and reputation wise. I don't think it benefits them to hold the information back at this point. At least give us the name...




This was a point I made a few pages back but clearly got ignored. Both Microsoft and Sony were doing fine, games were still being released for the 360/PS3 and people still had something to focus on.


Nintendo have left fans completely in the lurch, especially Wii U only owners. Over the past year the quality and quantity of games released on the platform has been in question and many have been left just twiddling their thumbs, with nothing to really look forward to. I mean, this is going to be another year where they don't have a big holiday title for the system.


The fact that Nintendo have remained silent during this whole thing and not given their fan base a sniff of ANYTHING is quite shocking, IMO. It's not hard to see why many have simply up and left them this generation.


Offering it as a prize when nothing about it is known, not even its final name..!

It's completely stupid.


That was the straw that broke the camels back for a lot of fans/sites/podcasts. Most people, myself included, thought it was an absolutely baffling decision that is essentially trolling people at this point.

Edited by Hero-of-Time
Automerged Doublepost
@Serebii read the Polygon quote in tweet I posted, that's why.

Offering it as a prize when nothing about it is known, not even its final name..!

It's completely stupid.


Why is it stupid?


Did you even read the tweet kav posted? It quite clearly summarises why it's outrageous. Stop comparing companies/consoles like for like when the situations they find themselves in are not the same.

Yes I did read it, and to me it just read as "hurrr I'm grumpy. I want to know this."

Yeah, but that was fine. Those consoles were not teased to bring something completely different to the tables, we kinda knew what we were getting. We don't with Nintendo so they need more time to explain the console.


So Nintendo is offering something new with the NX, unlike the PS4 and Xbox One which were just more of the same. Fine. So what? How much time do you need to explain a handheld that plugs into a tv? Times have changed since 1998, reveal to release for hardware tech happens much quicker than it once did, and given Nintendo's competitors have a habit of stealing their ideas most gens, it's not that hard to understand them wanting to keep this one close to their chest.


5 months from reveal to release, suits me fine. It's exciting that when we do find out about it, we won't have to wait long to get it.


@Serebii read the Polygon quote in tweet I posted, that's why.

Offering it as a prize when nothing about it is known, not even its final name..!

It's completely stupid.


It's stupid, but really, who cares. People are making a mountain out of a molehill and I somehow doubt the Splatoon competitors are in any way upset. They're probably pretty chuffed actually.


*checks thread*


Still no news, I see. :laughing:


But yeah, this is getting beyond a joke now. I mean Sony and Microsoft have done all their announcements/events for the year, right? What's stopping Nintendo at this point? ::shrug:


If it wasn't for Miitomo/Pokémon GO, the Olympic closing ceremony and that segment at the Apple event, there could pretty much be zero current public awareness of the company at all! :o

*checks thread*


Still no news, I see. :laughing:


But yeah, this is getting beyond a joke now. I mean Sony and Microsoft have done all their announcements/events for the year, right? What's stopping Nintendo at this point? ::shrug:


If it wasn't for Miitomo/Pokémon GO, the Olympic closing ceremony and that segment at the Apple event, there could pretty much be zero current public awareness of the company at all! :o


If it wasn't for all the public awareness, there would be no public awareness?


Hmm :p

If it wasn't for all the public awareness, there would be no public awareness?


Hmm :p


I have a feeling that the point @RedShell was making revolves around the fact that Nintendo are creating public awareness but not so much for the traditional games they were once greater known for by the general public.


Instead if you were to mention Nintendo to someone in the street these days, chances are they'd be like "Oh yeah... didn't they make that Pokémon/Mario game for mobile?" rather than in times gone by when the response might have been "Oh yeah! Man... Nintendo, they make some of the best games! Zelda... Mario... Metroid... that futuristic racing game, F-Zero? Good times..." although I suppose the best you can hope for these days is for people to identify with games like Super Smash Bros. due to the wealth of characters.


Perhaps this is all part of Nintendo's greater plan to eventually get them back into the public conciousness properly, to get themselves associated with ALL types of games, or perhaps... they just don't have anything to show, yet!


Only time will tell, I'm still happy enough to wait as I have loads of games to play across multiple platforms but I can understand people being concerned as well to say the least. :red:


As I've stated before though, I want to believe, I'm just waiting for Nintendo to make their move. : peace:


I've missed what's probably dozens of pages of chat about this topic, but I just cannot for the life of me see the new console coming out in March.


I guess being a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire has made me an absolute cynic when it comes to release dates!


I guess being a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire has made me an absolute cynic when it comes to release dates!


Being a gamer in 2016 should give you all the cynicism you need. Release dates in the gaming industry are a joke these days, everything gets delayed on every platform. Fingers crossed the NX makes it for March.

£2 profit not sale price. It does beg the question what is the average profit for a game?


For FIFA I'd say it's a fucking lot. I mean, how much do they actually change game-to-game? I reckon they make so much that a subscription model instigated by another company is not going to interest them (hence why they have EA access). Their games sell bucket loads, no need to involve more middle men.


Yes I did read it, and to me it just read as "hurrr I'm grumpy. I want to know this."


They're perfectly reasonable demands. Nintendo reveal nothing and give little; it's a recipe for discontent.


They're perfectly reasonable demands. Nintendo reveal nothing and give little; it's a recipe for discontent.


Until they do a huge reveal blow-out of information, games, hardware details and everyone completely forgets how long it took them to do so, and revels in the fact that it's only five months to release.

Until they do a huge reveal blow-out of information, games, hardware details and everyone completely forgets how long it took them to do so, and revels in the fact that it's only five months to release.


Except by then people may have just bought PSVR, the PS4Pro or the XBOs as the lack of information from Nintendo was too troubling for them after the absolutely abysmal generation that was the WiiU.

My comment was blatantly derogatory towards Nintendo's shareholders and this idiotic contract idea. I don't know how you could have read it any other way.


To be frank, I was only using the latest post to make my point that the whole thing is a silly idea. You just happened to be the latest post at the time. Nothing personal.


I did have to stifle some laughter when I heard about the "Win an NX" thing though. It's a bit premature, isn't it?


Imagine you're a very casual gamer and you enter this because, "Hey, free games console, why not?" And then you happen to win.

Imagine said casual gamer's surprise when he receives his prize, a brand new Nintendo Game Box!


"The hell? Where's my NX?"

Posted (edited)
Except by then people may have just bought PSVR, the PS4Pro or the XBOs as the lack of information from Nintendo was too troubling for them after the absolutely abysmal generation that was the WiiU.


Well anyone who hasn't pre-ordered a PSVR already isn't getting one on release, the PS4 Pro is coming after the NX reveal and if people haven't bought an XBO yet, I doubt they'll choose that over an NX just because Nintendo are taking their time to show it.


And speak for yourself, some of the games this gen have been my favourite Nintendo games ever. 3D World, MK8, Splatoon, Pikmin 3, Captain Toad...

Edited by Ronnie
Except by then people may have just bought PSVR, the PS4Pro or the XBOs as the lack of information from Nintendo was too troubling for them after the absolutely abysmal generation that was the WiiU.


I know three people who will do exactly that.


My best mate pre-ordered a PS4 Pro. He was contemplating getting an NX but without any information he decided that the PS4 will be his future gaming platform. He has the money now and already paid for it.


Another mate recently told me that he will buy a PSVR instead of the NX even though he's a huge Nintendo fan. As a student he only has money for one device and he chose the PSVR because there is information out there, because he had a chance to try it out and because it's going to be released soon.


Then there's me who (depending on my financial situation) will buy a PSVR in time for Christmas. With the NX still not being revealed, no release date confirmed and the horrible experience I had with the Wii U I just can't be arsed to wait for it/buy it ::shrug:


We all don't have money to buy everything so we choose...and because Nintendo still hasn't given us something to choose, the NX is not what we will get.


Yes, yes, three people are no indication for what the majority will do, but there is a trend you can't deny. And the silence from Nintendo won't help counteract that trend in any way...


Well I'm torn between PSVR or NX. I've no pre-ordered the PSVR because of the NX... but as time goes on I'm getting more and more tempted to just put my money down on PSVR and get it whenever I get it.


Others may feel the same. Especially seeing how many felt about the WiiU... I'm not speaking just for myself as I know there are many who felt the same. Nintendo's fanbase is dwindling, they need to show us why we should stay or risk losing more.


The thing is: I look forward to the NX. I really hope it will be great, and I want Nintendo to fullfil their promises.


But as it is right now I don't want to get one...even if the NX turns out to be awesome with an incredible launch lineup I won't get it day-one because I can only afford one new device in a certain amount of time and many devices are already available or released soon.


I'd much rather use a PSVR from Christmas on than wait months for the NX...


Put an pre-order down for PSVR. But I've wanted to VR since I was a kid so there's pretty much nothing Nintendo could've done to win me back. Even when I have some spare cash after buying VR I'll be investing in a bigger and better TV.


After the abysmal WiiU generation, with only 3 or so games I actually played for any real amount of time, I'm out - hopefully not for good, but who knows.


What was the point of the "Other NX" thread again?


I'd put down a pre-order for PSVR if, you know, there were actually any decent games whatsoever for it. I'm certainly not shelling out £350 for 10 minute "experiences" that'll get old after a few days. When VR has grown up, that's when I'll dive in. I know at least three mates who think the same, and they're all really excited for NX.


Nintendo's first party big guns have been quiet for so long I can't wait to see what they've been cooking up the past couple of years. When they do eventually reveal the NX it should be pretty fantastic, fingers crossed.

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