Zechs Merquise Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I don't think developers are seeking better specs to make things prettier, but rather get more out of games in terms of features, mechanics and the like. It takes processing power to do that and I believe that, as well as some desire to make things look better, is the driver behind the desire. I don't believe it's as simple as wanting things to look nicer. I think you're being very kind to developers if you are even starting to suggest that this generation's games are needing more power for more features and better mechanics. If anything, this generation is closer to the last than any other before it and really the games we've seen up until now aren't really anything that couldn't or hasn't been done before in terms of gameplay - something that is seen in the number of cross generational titles. Also, don't even start talking of features - this generation has seen several big name titles shipping minus important features or almost as starter packs on a disk - Street Fighter IV (totally bare bones) and Battlefront (few maps and a pitiful number of weapons, not to mention so much cut from previous versions) being two such titles. If anything, this generation has seen a massive increase in the price of development for nothing more than better visuals. The cost of this increase is being covered by splitting up titles into what you get on the disk and what you need to pay for afterwards (known by most as 'Season Passes'), micro transactions in game and special editions with juicy pre-order bonuses! Before I get jumped all over, I'm not saying this generation's games have been 'shit' or anything of the sort, I'm saying that they have been for the large part 'more of the same' but much prettier and more expensive (if you want the full experience). That's why, despite Nintendo letting me down with the Wii U and it's lack of features (both as a console and features within games such as Pikmin and Nintendo Land) I do look forward to seeing what the NX is, as Nintendo at least try to bring something fresh to the table - whether that policy always bears fruit is another thing!
Retro_Link Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 @Ronnie A new shell almost everyone spent another £130 on. And no it isn't the same as being asked to spend another £130 on an analogue nub (which could have been included from day 1) and an NFC reader, it's likely something far more impactful, but whether it's of any value to you/me remains to be seen. Also the time period between iterations, and in fact all my examples don't really matter a great deal because they're all old news. If this is what the industry wants right now it's what's going to happen. Just chill out a bit and wait and see would be my advice. That or start looking at trade-in prices.
S.C.G Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I think the past couple of pages might require a thrip of some kind as it sounds like we're veering off into other territory here. With that said, I'm aware that there is a known term called "Planned Obsolescence" which can refer to technology which is generally accepted as being iterative or is almost manufactured in such a way that it breaks or can become broken at a certain date. Now while I don't believe that all PS4 consoles will mysteriously break after an update when the PS4K comes out, I do think that it is possible that Sony might start tailoring certain titles towards the enhanced capabilities of the PS4K such as better frame-rates or PSVR etc. If it turns out that 60fps can be easily achieved on the original PS4 for certain titles and Sony choose to only include this as an option for the PS4K then I think it will have the opposite effect, personally I have many games with my PS4 which I've had since launch day, I haven't played it as much as some but I do intend to and the titles I have experienced so far have been really good; while it's still speculation I must say that personally I don't have any desire to buy either a PS4K or PSVR at this current moment in time plus if I find that inferior versions are being made for the PS4 deliberately as opposed to just taking advantage of the higher specs of the PS4K then it will likely mean, I won't buy the game at launch... but it's early days yet so I don't want to speculate too much yet I hope that it turns out to be more of an optional upgrade situation. Nintendo tend to do a lot of incremental upgrades, especially to their portable machines, I'm fine with this as it's always clear from the start with what's going on, like with the GameBoy to GBP then GBC... it made sense, you didn't have to upgrade unless you really wanted to play one of the GBC only titles which were generally released later on in the systems life. Then you also have the 3DS... part of the upgrade process seems to stem from Nintendo not having the foresight to include a second stick in the first place, hence we got the circle pad pro which I did buy, enjoyed using but hated looking at so of course when the New 3DS XL came out I upgraded without hesiation because it turned out to be worth it just for Monster Hunter alone; most recently we have had SNES games released on the New 3DS/XL only which I am also fine with because this is an example of Nintendo using the extra hardware to deliver near-perfect emulation of these titles which people have been wanting for a while, plus I believe that these will carry over to the next true, new portable machine so all is well there as it gives people another reason to upgrade but also you don't have to. As far as the NX is concerned - this is the getting back on-topic bit - I do enjoy playing on my Wii U, I feel like it has had a reasonable amount of titles which more than justify its existence, it has proved to be a vital learning curve for Nintendo in addition to being a stepping stone to the NeXt generation. Right now I feel as if I'm almost ready for a new Nintendo home console, so assuming the NX is this - I think it almost has to be - then this is fine with me, any time from the end of this year to the middle of next year would be just about right. : peace: Of course I'm excited about the future of videogames just as much as anyone else but I do feel like we've surely got to play the waiting game a little longer rather than assuming too much... E3 is only mere months away.
Kav Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 (edited) I hope the PS4K is in part a reactionary move to the NX and that the NX is as powerful as once rumoured. Edited April 19, 2016 by Kav
Kounan Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I hope the PS4K is in part a reactionary move to the NX and that the NX is as powerful as once rumoured. Or at least that it makes Nintendo fix stuff they didn't plan on fixing at the beginning.
Ashley Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I think the past couple of pages might require a thrip of some kind as it sounds like we're veering off into other territory here. With that said, I'm aware that there is a known term called "Planned Obsolescence" which can refer to technology which is generally accepted as being iterative or is almost manufactured in such a way that it breaks or can become broken at a certain date. Now while I don't believe that all PS4 consoles will mysteriously break after an update when the PS4K comes out, I do think that it is possible that Sony might start tailoring certain titles towards the enhanced capabilities of the PS4K such as better frame-rates or PSVR etc. I don't think there's any need to worry about this when the rumours are saying: As such, there will be no NEO-only games, and Sony will not let developers separate NEO users from original PS4 players while playing on PSN. Likewise, Sony explicitly and repeatedly states that developers cannot offer exclusive gameplay options or special unlockables for NEO players—so don’t expect NEO owners to get a level editor or a special Rocket League car that you won’t have access to on your original PS4. They'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they told developers to keep supporting it to them essentially brick it later. Plus don't forget the recent Apple issue where they self-bricked iPhones and were forced to reverse it.
S.C.G Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I don't think there's any need to worry about this when the rumours are saying: They'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they told developers to keep supporting it to them essentially brick it later. Plus don't forget the recent Apple issue where they self-bricked iPhones and were forced to reverse it. I don't think it will happen, I'm just thinking that in time certain titles might be tailored more towards the PS4K model, hopefully not though and it will just be a case of if you happen to have a PS4K plus a 4K TV - if anyone has that much money to just upgrade just like that - then your games will be more detailed at such a level which just isn't possible on the original machine; I'd be completely fine with that. My current TV which I purchased around three years ago when LED came in is more than reasonable, I bought that to get 1080p and a clearer picture on a slightly bigger screen as it is, plus I'd need to use my PS4 more before justifying an upgrade already, even if I had been playing more games on it I still think I'd feel the same way. NX on the other hand... more than happy to purchase it so long as it's moreorless what we're all expecting it to be, I have a feeling it will be almost another third pillar but it will be the strongest of the three with the Wii U looking noticably underpowered in comparison to it yet there will still be software released for current platforms including 3DS for a few years yet hopefully. : peace: Damn, as much as I hate speculating, I can't help but get suckered into it all. :p
Blade Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 I don't get why @Ronnie is getting so much grief. He's every right to be pissed off at the news. Why are people upset that he is?! So he reacts angrily, that's his prerogative. If it makes him feel angry he can vent. There's no problem with it. He's not anti-Sony, the guy bought a PS4 for god's sake. That he bought one and there's a possibility that he'll be getting games that aren't running as well they should pisses him off. What's wrong with that? What news? Its just rumours right? If true I will be pissed off but until then meh
Kav Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 What news? Its just rumours right? If true I will be pissed off but until then meh It's apparently been confirmed.
Blade Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 It's apparently been confirmed. Has it? Must have missed it. If it has been confirmed then whats the business decision behind it? Why attempt to divide the userbase when they have worked so hard to build! I know its a choice but if we get shitty version games on original PS4 compared to the newer one then i'd be very pissed off. Consoles are expensive! Also I feel that i've not had my PS4 for very long or got everything out of it. Nintendo could really have the advantage here if they play their cards right.
Ashley Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 It's not been confirmed by Sony. Many people in the know have confirmed they all believe it to be true and yes that could be confirming it, but we don't have the full details from Sony yet.
Sheikah Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Baiting by Sheikah and bashing by everyone else is fine of course, as long as it's in Nintendo's direction, but DEFINITELY NOT towards Playstation. God forbid. It's pretty sad, especially as in a lot of cases, it's at the expense of gameplay. Great post and good call as it being a way of selling 4K tvs. As Altano at IGN said, it's a completely unnecessary hardware revision, that will ultimately screw consumers into spending another 300 quid for a spec bump. I seriously doubt developers are asking for the PS4K, when they're having trouble making a profit on AAA games as it is. Wow...I don't even. You are really full of venom and spite dude. I hope one day you realise this.
killthenet Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Wow...I don't even. You are really full of venom and spite dude. I hope one day you realise this. You guys so silly.
Clownferret Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 As long as Sony continue to release games on PS4 then I don't personally have an issue if there is an option to buy a PS4K which will play the same games but output in 4K for people who own those TV's. It will be a kick in the teeth if they start releasing PS4K only games, but until we know it's all pie in the sky. What doesn't make any sense to me is the argument that the PS4 needs to be upgraded 2 years into it's life as technology is moving so fast. If that's the case then surely the PS4 which released 7 years after the PS3 would have been a lot more powerful than it is. Surely technology didn't stand still for 7 years and suddenly last year there was a giant leap forward? And the argument that the PS4 was built cheap and that's why it's under speced doesn't make a great deal of sense either, why would Sony suddenly have loads of money to build a mega console when they didn't 2 years go. Anyway, back to NX. With the shareholders meeting coming up, surely Nintendo will announce something regarding NX. The know that the minutes of the meeting will hit forums so if they are going to be announcing financial information based on the NX which will include dates, then they may as well go public with a launch date at the very least.
Zechs Merquise Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Wow...I don't even. You are really full of venom and spite dude. I hope one day you realise this. What an utterly pompous and pointless post. Everytime without fail. Whereas @Ronnie gave his opinion, you might not like it, but it is his opinion and he backed that up with reasons and a few sources that he cited to support his point. He clearly has a right to be angry, after all he bought a premium product he thought would last at least 5 years only to find out that said product would be replaces much sooner and hence his money might not have been that well spent. Instead of adding to the debate or at least refuting his points or citing other sources that go against Ronnie's argument you resort to a personal insult. Now I am fine with insults, but weren't you blubbing the other day when @dazzybee called you Autistic? Yet your pompous and condescending post is fine? I wouldn't hand out snarky posts when you are so easily upset when such things are aimed at you. If you have nothing to add to the debate other than a simple line intended to inflame things, why not just fuck off?
Sheikah Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 (edited) What an utterly pompous and pointless post. Everytime without fail. Whereas @Ronnie gave his opinion, you might not like it, but it is his opinion and he backed that up with reasons and a few sources that he cited to support his point. He clearly has a right to be angry, after all he bought a premium product he thought would last at least 5 years only to find out that said product would be replaces much sooner and hence his money might not have been that well spent. Instead of adding to the debate or at least refuting his points or citing other sources that go against Ronnie's argument you resort to a personal insult. Now I am fine with insults, but weren't you blubbing the other day when @dazzybee called you Autistic? Yet your pompous and condescending post is fine? I wouldn't hand out snarky posts when you are so easily upset when such things are aimed at you. If you have nothing to add to the debate other than a simple line intended to inflame things, why not just fuck off? I'm not sure we're on the same wavelength here as what I'm taking issue to is the needless baiting by dropping names and accusations. Regardless of what followed, that was a meaningless thing to post; as is your post in response. Not least in telling me to fuck off. I think it's also a little troubling that you go on to type 'weren't you blubbing about being called autistic'. To me...that just shows a real lack of judgement in dealing with quite clearly provocative and poor taste comments. On a personal level, do you think calling people autistic is fair game? To me, it comes across as just a massive dick move, for the person saying it and I think for you (seeing as you thanked the post). My original post here is in response to somebody calling me out, and let me be honest - I was being as genuine as can be when I addressed Ronnie there. In that post I read the words of someone who seemed very bitter and hostile towards a company for seemingly little reason. My post was more along the lines of 'take a look at the post. Why so serious?' If we put to one side your attitude, what you're actually saying in defence of Ronnie is also...pretty threadbare, tbh. A PS4K is no PS4 'replacement', as you make it out to be, and as these rumours suggest, no games will make it to this console and not the last one. The original system will not stop getting games. And anyone who has bought a PS4 can continue to play their games at the same graphical quality that they bought into. In that respect, it is no different to any other generation. A full generation of games at the same level of graphics. Upgrading seems to be just an option for those that can make use of the features. Amazon released a 4K version of their stick, and funnily enough, people with 4K TVs bought it. Nobody stopped caring about the regular version, and nobody seemingly started losing their shit over the premium model. What is going on, guys? To be honest, this attitude is the same as the people who complained that Xbox One games were going to PC. It doesn't affect people as they are still getting the games. People just aren't happy thinking people might be getting something else. Edited April 19, 2016 by Sheikah
Nicktendo Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 Come on guys, can we not just stop this all now, or at least take it to PM?
dazzybee Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 (edited) So sheikah now calling me a dick. For making a genuine comment. I think it's more of a dick move to equate autism with being stupid and taking it as an insult. You need to sort your attitude towards Development disabilities. Disgusting. I took this to Pm with sheikah. Got ignored. He now calls me a dick on the forum. Nice. I have no doubt in my mind THIS will be deleted too. But his "vile" comment and "dick" comment kept. I also mentioned this to shorty via Pm. And again got ignored. Any ways. Is it a coincidence the same person is at the heart of absolute fucking over threads - whether with me, or Zechs, or serebii, or Ronnie etc. And I know for a fact others too who have contacted me privately but I won't mention out of respect. Edited April 19, 2016 by dazzybee
nekunando Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 This ends now, guys There's no need for tensions to be so high and things have become too personal and crossing the line of what is acceptable. I'm sure everything that needs to be dealt with will be dealt with so everyone needs to take a step back from this and maybe actually go play and enjoy some games.
Sheikah Posted April 19, 2016 Posted April 19, 2016 So sheikah now calling me a dick. For making a genuine comment. I think it's more of a dick move to equate autism with being stupid and taking it as an insult. You need to sort your attitude towards Development disabilities. Disgusting. I took this to Pm with sukkah. Got ignored. He now calls me a dick on the forum. Nice. I have no doubt in my mind THIS will be deleted too. But his "vile" comment and "dick" comment kept. I also mentioned this to shorty via Pm. And again got ignored. Any ways. Is it a coincidence the same person is at the heart of absolute fucking over threads - whether with me, or Zechs, or serebii, or Ronnie etc. And I know for a fact others too who have contacted me privately but I won't mention out of respect. Note that I'm not calling you a dick - just saying that calling people autistic on the forum, or any setting for that matter, is a dick move. I didn't respond to your PM because it was pretty much one long insult. I'd very much like it if you could not do that again, thanks.
Mr_Master_X2 Posted April 20, 2016 Posted April 20, 2016 I think the problem with the new Playstation, Sheikah is...not that they fear games won't reach BOTH, but more a "it works great on the new one and we spent more time on that one...who gives a shit how subpar the other version is just as long as it works." Look at the flack Hyrule Warriors Legends got...and this from a company who forces those in second party to their games massive amounts of pollishing.
Josh64 Posted April 20, 2016 Posted April 20, 2016 I fear for this forum in 2 years time when they announce an 'NXK'
liger05 Posted April 20, 2016 Posted April 20, 2016 (edited) https://arcadegirl64.wordpress.com/2016/04/20/nxs-software-output/ Instead of focusing our attention solely on hardware, we should really be having a discussion about NX’s software. Based on things I’ve heard, I am 100% confident that the NX’s software output will blow away the Wii U’s software output (which was never impressive to begin with). In a single year, the NX will build a larger library of games than Wii U produced in three or four years. This isn’t some hyperbolic statement. This isn’t speculation nor blind optimism. These aren’t my personal fan wishes either. Furthermore, my negative feelings toward the Wii U have zero influence on any of the information mentioned below. Here is what I’ve been told by my sources close to Nintendo: The big fundamental focal point (and overall goal) behind NX is to vastly increase the software output from Nintendo’s first party teams and studios. To accomplish this, the entire process of how Nintendo develops and produces software has gone through radical changes. There is a new strategy that was put in place to create and release first party software at a faster rate. Multiple unannounced Wii U projects were moved over to NX. The NX could potentially see the highest output of first party software in the company’s history. (I’m talking about the entire lifespan of NX. Not just one or two years.) I really hope this is true. No more ridiculous droughts. Edited April 20, 2016 by liger05
Ashley Posted April 20, 2016 Posted April 20, 2016 I read "software output" as "storage output" (which isn't a thing but its early) and I wonder what kind of hard drive we're getting this time. But yes, no more droughts would be nice. And has been discussed, hopefully we'll have third parties propping up releases too!
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