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Nintendo Switch - Happy Switchmas Everyone!


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I always fear that Nintendo will just repeat the past with the NX and this thread about hardcore vs casual is doing just that, I bet I could rip most of this conversation from a topic in 2007, just replacing mobile with Wii and COD and Fifa with...erm, COD and Fifa.


And oh man, a Yokai event, NOA are trying so hard to make Yokai happen but I think they should just accept its not going to do well over here :p I can see why they're scrambling to get it off its feet though, I couldn't believe how much Yokai stuff there was in Japan, you 'd have thought Yokai Watch and Kirby were the only videogames to exist over there.


Also am I missing something with these rumoured pictures that people keep getting excited about? What in particular makes that roughly drawn picture of a Frankenstein Wii U special? I could draw that and throw it out into the wild with ease. Is it the people reporting on said rumours that's the big deal? Or are we just that desperate for NX stuff?

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And oh man, a Yokai event, NOA are trying so hard to make Yokai happen but I think they should just accept its not going to do well over here :p I can see why they're scrambling to get it off its feet though, I couldn't believe how much Yokai stuff there was in Japan, you 'd have thought Yokai Watch and Kirby were the only videogames to exist over there.


Yo-kai fever has severely diminished in Japan now. Sales of merch are down yet again (last year they were down 75% on the previous year, now they're a similar value). TV show ratings are back down to where Pokémon is. Yo-kai Watch 3 didn't even break 1 million units in its first week. It has since passed, but Yo-kai Watch 2, and even the enhanced version, broke that with ease in the first week.


It's going to be one of the pillars of Japanese games like Dragon Quest and Monster Hunter, but it has lost its edge.

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I know I keep saying it, but why can't they just tell us the reveal date and put an end to all the rumour mongering and we can all get on with our bloody lives instead of having to log on every day to see if it's been announced yet.


You know we don't HAVE to log in every day.. even if they announce it, most would still log in every day to get more info, lets be honest....

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I know I keep saying it, but why can't they just tell us the reveal date and put an end to all the rumour mongering and we can all get on with our bloody lives instead of having to log on every day to see if it's been announced yet.

Assuming they're not doing a conference: Fluidity.


If they have a set thing, they have to stick by it. If they have a set thing in private but not public, and say something leaks out akin to this


Then they can change the plan accordingly while publically saving face.

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I believe certain things have leaked but because there have been so many rumours and chat along side it we just don't know what to believe.


I was with Nintendo at first with hush-hush approach but now I think they are just taking the piss. They can at least announce some info without sharing the actual secret but noooooooo.


I have a feeling though it will be delayed to either summer or even fall 2017. With Scorpio having a fall 17 release and pro being Dec 16 - with Mario run ie mobile sales to please the shareholder in Mar/Apr 17 - I think they may delay it.


I just really want my favourite Nintendo games to come back. I have bought a Ps4 and xbox1 for my 3rd party games. I also expect industry standard online functions. I would have bought Starfox if it had online play. Jus' sayin' lol

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