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Nintendo Direct 14th of January


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Fantastic news about Wii games getting re-released on the eShop, but it does beg the question...


Why not GCN games as well!? You have the GCN controller adapter, the Wii U is capable of playing GCN games natively in Wii Mode (which these re-releases are using a modified version of), so why not GCN games as well!?

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Not sure what to think now. I was so excited for the game at one point but the more I see of it, the more concerned I feel.


Don't care about the rest of the direct.


You've been corrupted by Sony and your PS4 :heh:


To be honest, I'm keeping an eye on Xenoblade Chronicles 3D as it may finally give me a real chance to get into the game. I'm not sure I can see myself sinking the time required into the Wii version but, like Majora's Mask 3D, this game may benefit from the convenience of 3DS, for me :smile:

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You've been corrupted by Sony and your PS4 :heh:


To be honest, I'm keeping an eye on Xenoblade Chronicles 3D as it may finally give me a real chance to get into the game. I'm not sure I can see myself sinking the time required into the Wii version but, like Majora's Mask 3D, this game may benefit from the convenience of 3DS, for me :smile:


Lol. :p


Seriously, don't waste your money on Xenoblade 3D. Just get it on the Wii and play it like it was meant to be played.


I do mean it though, the more I've seen of X the last few months, the more I become that ever so slightly bit worried about it. Today was the first time where I've come away from seeing a trailer thinking, "ehh..." I'll be heartbroken if it turns out to be a bit weak, especially as how Xenoblade was one of the best games on the Wii.

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I meant amazing as in amazingly fun. But fine if polygons are all that is needed to make a game look good in your opinion that's fine.


I on the other hand see lovely designs, funny characters and a great color palette, meaning I see it as looking lovely.


oh also it will probably please you to know that I actually do wear glasses, pretty strong ones.


@Wii got owned


Is there somewhere I can watch the thing?




RIP Wii U. It seems 1st party software has gone the way of 3rd party software.


Err apart from the over a dozen 1st party games out this year for Wii U. There'll be another 4 big Directs this year + E3, they don't have to reveal all in January.

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Lol. :p


Seriously, don't waste your money on Xenoblade 3D. Just get it on the Wii and play it like it was meant to be played.


I do mean it though, the more I've seen of X the last few months, the more I become that ever so slightly bit worried about it. Today was the first time where I've come away from seeing a trailer thinking, "ehh..." I'll be heartbroken if it turns out to be a bit weak, especially as how Xenoblade was one of the best games on the Wii.


If there's 1 Wii U game you don't need to worry about it's Xenoblade Chronicles X. The original had slightly less than stellar character models as well lest you forget. This will turn out fine, I just know it will.

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Lol. :p


Seriously, don't waste your money on Xenoblade 3D. Just get it on the Wii and play it like it was meant to be played.


I do mean it though, the more I've seen of X the last few months, the more I become that ever so slightly bit worried about it. Today was the first time where I've come away from seeing a trailer thinking, "ehh..." I'll be heartbroken if it turns out to be a bit weak, especially as how Xenoblade was one of the best games on the Wii.


I'm not interested in X and won't be unless the original finally wins me over, regardless of format. I've had it on Wii for a good while now but even after 10 hours of play, the combat still wasn't clicking :hmm:

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If there's 1 Wii U game you don't need to worry about it's Xenoblade Chronicles X. The original had slightly less than stellar character models as well lest you forget. This will turn out fine, I just know it will.


I dunno, Xenoblade was fine and I guess it got away with it because the Wii was so bluddy weak. It looked great for its hardware, I thought. More so the landscapes and locations than characters. It's the faces in X that just look really strange to me. I dunno, we'll wait and see. There will be hell to pay if it's anything short of stellar.


I'm not interested in X and won't be unless the original finally wins me over, regardless of format. I've had it on Wii for a good while now but even after 10 hours of play, the combat still wasn't clicking :hmm:


I thought the combat was fantastic, tbh. You'll either like it or hate it. Aside from that, it's got an excellent story and the world is one in which you can be easily sucked into. I spent a lot of time on that game.

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I spent a lot of time on that game.


That may ultimately be the problem. I could probably go through the game regardless of my feelings towards the combat if it was something like 20-30 hours long. However, the thought of sinking in 100 or so hours into a game I'm not thouroughly enjoying may just be too much to ask :hmm:


I will attempt it again, possibly soon, but it may not get too many more opportunities to suck me in!

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What they showed all looked great, but Wii u having two big games U til may. And me of them being mario party. That is an absolute joke.


After the awful 3ds launch nintendo said they realise they need consistent releases to keep momentum and it won't happen again.

Wii u releases, same drought.

Said they'll sort it, barely anything released first half of the second year.

Mario kart releases, mega sales, they want to keep mk momentum now.

Release fuck all for months. Smash comes out, Vig sales, momentum momentum.

Release fuck all for half a year.


On one level it's good. In the first 6 mk this I'll buy Majoras mask, splatoon, batman. Backlog will get destroyed. But Nintendo are continuing to let their home console die.


It also means there probably won't be surprises for this year. As they have more than e Pugh to fill the second half.


Why the fuck is kirby released so early everywhere bar Europe? We need games!


Bless bleak 6 months for Wii u. But the second half of the year will be insane.

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I like mull over what I see on the ND before posting what I thought of the whole thing. I had a good think about it last night and while I thought there were a few good things but also a few bad points.


Majora's Mask & Monster Hunter Release Dates


Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to release these two one the same day? It's getting stupid now. Nintendo have a bit of a history of letting to big games drop at the same time, rather than spacing them out. Don't get me wrong, i'm happy how early they will be arriving but both on the same day... Really?


Amiibos...Amiibos everywhere


I'm not happy with how hard they are pushing these things. The fact that Nintendo aren't even restocking certain characters after the launching them is a disgrace. Instead of flooding the market with new waves, how about you restock the older ones first? They are essentially welcoming scalpers with open arms.


The way they are being used isn't that great either. I gave them the benefit of the doubt with Smash as they were shoe horned in at the last minute but now they've had time to think and the idea of them still seems a bit shaky.


Wii U Software


I thought we weren't going to have any more droughts, Iwata? The next big release for the Wii U seems to be Splatoon, which is in May. This seems to be a repeat of last year when we had DK in Feb and then had to wait until the end of May for Mario Kart.


I was hoping for Kirby to be pushed forward or Yoshi to arrive in the first half of the year but that doesn't seem to be the case now. Sure, there could be a cheeky surprise here and there but as it stands it looks to be very slim pickings in terms of big retail releases for the Wii U...again.


Wii Software


I was genuinely excited by this announcement but as things settled down, reality hit. The games graphics aren't improved in any way, there's no Miiverse support and then theres the issue with HDD space. The graphics point doesn't really bother me as such but I would have loved for Miiverse to be put into these games.


There's still a bit of hope with this news though. EXCITEBOTS. If they don't release this in Europe via this service then I won't be a happy chappy.


Xenoblade Chronicles X


I thought this looked amazing. The scale of the environments was so impressive. What wasn't impressive were the character animations and derp looking faces on said characters. Xenoblade had the same problem, especially the jumping animation, and I would have thought they would have put a little more effort into those.


Mario vs Donkey Kong = Crossbuy


I love this series and was very happy to see that Nintendo are finally embracing cross buy. Both the Gamepad and the 3DS will be well suited for this franchise and I look forward to giving it a go.


There was other minor stuff but those were my biggest issues/points that I had with the Direct. Not bad, but not great either.

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Fantastic news about Wii games getting re-released on the eShop, but it does beg the question...


Why not GCN games as well!? You have the GCN controller adapter, the Wii U is capable of playing GCN games natively in Wii Mode (which these re-releases are using a modified version of), so why not GCN games as well!?


They don't like money.


Majora's Mask & Monster Hunter Release Dates


Who in the hell thought it was a good idea to release these two one the same day? It's getting stupid now. Nintendo have a bit of a history of letting to big games drop at the same time, rather than spacing them out. Don't get me wrong, i'm happy how early they will be arriving but both on the same day... Really?


I think it's fine as they are trying to cash in on those buying the new handheld. People want new games with a new platform and Nintendo are offering 2 high quality titles the same day.

Edited by liger05
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It was a bit of a strange ND for Europe in the end, I actually found more to enjoy from the US and Japanese Directs (like the Hyrule Warriors Tingle reveal and announcement of a new Rhythm Tengoku game for 3DS).


I'm also astonished by the fact that Xenoblade 3D is still the only New 3DS exclusive title announced so far. :blank: Was really expecting there to be at least one more N3DS exclusive revealed.

Gives me the impression that the N3DS could end up like the DSi, a nice upgrade hardware-wise, but seriously lacking in exclusive software.

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I don't think it looked much better on the Wii tbh, and it's £60.


A quick google shows me it looked a lot better - mind you, stretching a 400x240 pixel image to a relatively large-ish size means it's going to come across a lot worse on a PC monitor.

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I'm also astonished by the fact that Xenoblade 3D is still the only New 3DS exclusive title announced so far. Was really expecting there to be at least one more N3DS exclusive revealed.

Gives me the impression that the N3DS could end up like the DSi, a nice upgrade hardware-wise, but seriously lacking in exclusive software.


I'm not expecting the lifespan of the n3DS to be that long 18 months - 2 years before the new handheld is launched and the new games are going to that platform.

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I finally got around to watching it!


I actually enjoyed it, I'm not sure I saw anything to complain about.


Saw some great Wii U games - Kirby, Splatoon and Xenoblade look amazing. I think Splatoon looks better than ever and Xenoblade looks like GOTY.


I also welcome the Wii VC stuff.


Am still enjoying my Wii U and looking forward to the games this year.

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There's still a bit of hope with this news though. EXCITEBOTS. If they don't release this in Europe via this service then I won't be a happy chappy..


Dude.. you've just given me hope again : peace:


I was thinking about ExciteBots a few months ago and wishing I had the chance to own it. Perhaps we'll finally get the opportunity :hehe:

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I finally got around to watching it!


I actually enjoyed it, I'm not sure I saw anything to complain about.


Saw some great Wii U games - Kirby, Splatoon and Xenoblade look amazing. I think Splatoon looks better than ever and Xenoblade looks like GOTY.


I also welcome the Wii VC stuff.


Am still enjoying my Wii U and looking forward to the games this year.


What they'd showed was all great. But mario party and splatoon as the only games up to June is pretty slim. Especially when the rest of the world are getting kirby.


Personally I'm not that bothered, I've got more than enough to plough through. But it doesn't give people a reason to pick up a Wii u or keep playing it.

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