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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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I'm contemplating just cancelling my Monster Hunter preorder and taking a break from gaming for a few weeks. Maybe I just need to recharge my gaming batteries, I dunno. Saying that, I have had a desire to play through some Saturn games the past couple of days. No idea why though.


Probably make my monster hunting a bit easier with me not having to carry you.


Honestly though, that would wreck my monster hunter launch weekend. Don't do it man.

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I'm seeing this now just as I literally paid for my Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate pre-order... :blank:


Nah, it's up to you though @Hero\-of\-Time as if you're just not feeling like playing games much then there's not much you can do, I know how it feels to be in a 'gaming rut' and I can find my own gaming habits to be very changeable indeed. ::shrug:


Right now I have plenty of new games to play but aside from 'playing to review' with VC Weekly plus Afterburner II at the moment, I've just found myself wanting to only play Phantasy Star IV on my Retron 5 which I've been making some really good progress with and will post in here when I finish it. :)


Obviously if you do choose to cancel your pre-order then your absence will definitely be felt, especially on launch day but I respect your decision either way my fellow hunter. : peace:


Personally I can't wait for it, I have the week off including the launch weekend, I'm still reeling from Nintendo's decision to release both Monster Hunter and Majora's Mask on the same day but it will at least be a good excuse to get back into regular, portable gaming. :D

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So I completed 9 games in total in January, happy with that. Finished Siesta Fiesta (3DS) last night.


Since Super Mario Land 2 I've finished


Shovel Knight (Wii U)


Amazing game, probably my favourite eshop game all in, it really is almost a perfect game! Started off a touch slow for me, but just got better and didn't let up. WANT. MORE!!!!


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Siesta Fiesta (3DS)


This was a huge chore for me to play to be honest. I loved the idea of it as I love breakout/alleyway but, other than the bosses I didn't enjoy it at all. I think the developers worth watching though, the game is impressive in a way, they really add variety in the level design and such, just not for me.


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Also dabbling with some other games, restarted wii fit, and slowly getting through art of balance, plouging through Hyrule Warriors and such... I'm enjoying there be no decent games coming out on anything!!


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Actually, that's only 8 games... Dammit!!


Still going for another 8 games in Feb. Over halfway through Ocarina of Time, Room 2 will get done, Art of Balance, Pulllblox, Mega Man 2... who knows! Probably Metroid Prime 1 actually!!


Ocarina of Time (3DS)

Art of Balance (Wii U)

Pullblox (Wii U)

The Room 2 (iOS)



Hyrule Warriors

Zen/Star Wars Pinball

Mario Kart




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currently still trying to finish Shadow of Mordor, right near the end of the story.

Just isn't grabbing me now like it was at the start. Probably should have finished it when I was playing it when it came out.


Also started working through Hyrule Warriors Legend mode, really enjoying this so far. Glad you can do the story in couch co-op as well.


And trying to work through DKCR on the 3DS, some of the levels are just infuriating on this, can't ever see myself going back through for all the puzzle pieces and Kong letters so may just try and complete the story and move on

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This weekend, I decided to play some stuff. I played a game of Civilization V (something I hadn't done in a while, boy, am I rusted!), and more importantly, I finished:


Hitman Contracts





I bought Hitman Collection back in Germany, and only now did I play this one. In German, because I can't change the language. Good training, at least.


Overall, a better game than Hitman 2. That one relied too much on infiltrating fortresses of guards (a-la Metal Gear), while this one had more social interactions, disguises were more meaningful, and there were more varied ways of getting around and offing your targets. And then the game lets you replay any mission you want, another improvement.


The plot is a bit darker in tone, and it works well. Agent 47 remembers past assignments while bleeding out, an interesting way of having us do all sorts of random missions with little context. Good missions, too, one of them has you attempting to stage a "Red Wedding". Cool stuff.


There are a couple of obtuse missions (how would people recognize you while wearing a SWAT team outfit with gas masks!? And why would regular passers-by not react to seeing a paramedic being drugged and mugged?), but there are alternate ways of solving them that make more logical sense.


So yeah, cool game.



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb

-Hitman Contracts


Currently Playing:

-Civilization V

On Hold/Hiatus:

-The Whispered World

-Final Fantasy X



As for what comes next, the other thread is making me want to play Sega games. We'll see how that turns out.

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Finished off the Kirby main quest, good stuff all round. Something I love so much about Kirby and just can't quite place what. The mostly silent yet effective story? The fact they don't mind just branching out into new stories all the time? Obvs the gameplay and choice, and this had some good final bosses and decent challenge.

Did a few of the extras(arena, drum dash, a single fighters run) and working through DededeTour atm - another interested take on the original main quest, quite an enjoyable extra for that.

Done a tad more NSMBU too, but posted more about that in its own thread.


Current 2015 Gaming

Kirby Triple Deluxe - Main story complete, 100% sun stones! Dedede Tour and extras to go.

NSMBU - Meringue Clouds/Rock Candy Mines - maybe 10 stages to go? All others star coin'd.

Smashing, generally - training/playing with Toon Link amiibo! Having mates round this eve too.


To be done

Shovel Knight

Lego City Undercover


<consider finishing Ages then Seasons?>


Slowed down a bit on the gaming front myself, but finished of DededeTour on Saturday. Played some NSMBU on Friday but I was really really struggling getting the 3-coin runs I wanted so in effect only really cleared about 2-3 stages or so, really starting to feel like a chore(still just in Meringue Clouds/upto Ship, not touched RC Mines much). Fired up Shovel Knight in a bit of a tired haze on Friday, but didn't give it much srs attention. Will be hitting it up next methinks.


Current 2015 Gaming

Kirby Triple Deluxe - DededeTour done! File completion at 89%. May not go for/get to 100%. Couple Kirby fighters events complete to Bronze.

NSMBU - Meringue Clouds/Rock Candy Mines - maybe 6 stages to go? All others star coin'd.

Smashing - little done, but still on the cards. Few challenges completed.

Shovel Knight - started, but little attention given.


To be done

Lego City Undercover

<Earthbound?> - potential postpone given time/progress of other games.

<consider finishing Ages then Seasons?>

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Kirby Triple Deluxe - DededeTour done! File completion at 89%. May not go for/get to 100%. Couple Kirby fighters events complete to Bronze.
I'm at 96%, just got the...

True Arena to beat

but it's actually pretty damn tough! :shakehead

@Hero\-of\-Time, did you 100% Kirby? If so, how the hell did you do that thing I mentioned above? :heh:


Anyway, since my last post I've beaten The Swapper, and just a minute ago finished InFAMOUS First Light.

So yeah, all ready for the next batch of PS+ games. :awesome:



Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

MHbUwnT.gifThe Swapper (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifInFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)






New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Driveclub (PS4)


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So, I decided to play Sonic CD, a game I had in my Steam backlog, but never played. It feels like a Sonic game from a parallel universe, it's so weird.


I still don't understand what's going on with the time travel shenanigans, but I'll explore that at my own pace. Meanwhile, there's an actual story being told in sprite form :grin: Classic Sonic!



-Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb

-Hitman Contracts


Currently Playing:

-Civilization V

-Sonic CD

On Hold/Hiatus:

-The Whispered World

-Final Fantasy X


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I'm at 96%, just got the...

True Arena to beat

but it's actually pretty damn tough! :shakehead

@Hero\-of\-Time, did you 100% Kirby? If so, how the hell did you do that thing I mentioned above? :heh:


Indeed I did.


Use the Archer. Hiding behind his little bush means most enemy attacks go right through you. :D It also has the advantage of being able to fire from a distance.

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Indeed I did.


Use the Archer. Hiding behind his little bush means most enemy attacks go right through you. :D It also has the advantage of being able to fire from a distance.


Damn, I was gonna say this.

I've said this on the Triple Deluxe thread and I'll say it here. Archer is the best Kirby ability ever made.


Anyway, I've finished a couple more games.


First one being Gunman Clive.



That's Gunman Clive... The one on the left. I think...


@Dcubed recommended this to me, and for £1.99, I thought, "Why not?"


A quick way of describing this game is it's Mega Man, but with lot's of brown and weird, artsy graphics. You jump and shoot and get to the end of stages. Very, very simple. But not as brutally difficult as most Mega Man games.


For 2 quid, this game is surprisingly packed! You'll see the ending in less than an hour, but the replayability of 3 different characters, your times being recorded for each stage and 3 difficulties make this a fantastic public transport game!


The most impressive thing is that this was made by one person.



He has quite the impressive backlog as well.


In fact, I was so impressed that I went and got the sequel, and then finished that too...



Now in COLOUR! And with added dinosaurs!

Dinosaurs that punt rocks at you like a Rugby star!


Slighty more colourful! Slightly more length! Slightly more ducks!

Gunman Clive 2 is pretty much more Gunman Clive, and that is no bad thing!

The colour upgrade allows Clive to travel to places that aren't brown! Bringing new challenges, a new character and more opportunities to miss your bus stop!


It's £2.50 and quite frankly, it's a steal!

Get them both! Get them both now!



You also get to ride a Panda!

...Why haven't you bought these games yet?


And with that...


Lufia: The Legend Returns - GBC

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - WiiU (Not 100%)

Demon's Crest - SNES (Not 100%)

The World Ends With You - DS

Gunman Clive - 3DS

Gunman Clive 2 - 3DS


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Finished Grim Fandango on the PS4, as good as I remember (although there were large sections I had forgotten!)

Still funny and the Director's commentary is a nice touch.

Just got to go through it again to get the last few trophies for my platinum.

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Reached disc 3 of Final Fantasy VIII last night.


With me using the Enc-None ability and converting magic into cards, I have now become a bit of a beast. My level is around the early twenties and i'm essentially one shotting bosses at this point. :D


Absolutely adore the end of the second disc...


The battle of the gardens is a fantastic scene. Squall having to take charge and give a speech is an awesome moment. Gardens are crashing into each other, enemies attack on bikes and jet packs, Squall trying to find Rinoa...simply awesome.


You really see Squalls character change during these moments and even more so during the scenes after the battle. The fact that he finally starts letting his feelings, out as Rinoa lies there motionless, is a huge character shift.


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I still haven't got around to properly getting my teeth into something just yet this month, though I have plucked out a few games in the last couple of days that I expect to get rid of :heh:


Twisted Edge Snowboarding, Multi Racing Championship, San Francisco Rush and Top Gear Overdrive are part of a slightly bigger range of surplus N64 games in my collection and I felt like giving them a little time each to prove their worth or, ultimately, cement their spot on ebay :indeed:


As far as I'm concerned, they're all now looking for a new home :blank:


I expect to give things like Mission Impossible, Quake, Quake II, Spacestation: Silicon Valley, Body Harvest, Shadowman, Virtual Pool, Hybrid Heaven and perhaps Operation Winback similar treatment over the coming days with only one message..


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and perhaps Operation Winback similar treatment over the coming days


I seem to recall Operation Winback being amazing at the time! :D


Alas I don't have the game any more but the gameplay was certainly engaging, nothing quite like it at that time of release, it probably popularised the 'pop in, pop out' from behind a wall cover system, no 'knee-high walls' from what I can recall though, more like the system worked well with the environment rather than just basing the whole game around that one gimmick.


Really worth playing. : peace:

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I seem to recall Operation Winback being amazing at the time! :D


Alas I don't have the game any more..


Well, mine could be for sale if you're in the mood to play it again :heh: I'd do you a good deal : peace:


I actually played a level of Gauntlet Legends last night, of all things :blank: Probably not the best game to play on your own..

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Determined to finish finish Final Fantasy VIII this weekend, I pushed on and had a big session on it yesterday after work.




The end is nigh!


I'm pretty sure the 4th disc is just a few boss fights, storming the castle and then facing the final boss. It shouldn't cause me too much trouble, especially as ive converted my Laguna card into 100 heroes, making me invincible if needed. :D


Hopefully I will have this finished today.

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Kicked the final boss with a combo of Aura stones and Holy Wars. With my level being so low it fell pretty fast.


Final Fantasy VIII was the first game ending I cried over and I was getting all teary eyed again. Such a wonderful ending that wraps everything perfectly. Zell and his hotdogs and Irvine with his video cam flirting got a good laugh out of me. :D


Still a fantastic game to play through. It's only took around 10 years to get around to playing it again but I'm glad I finally got around to it.

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My gaming is still spluttering a week into February, but I'm not really helping my cause as I haven't exactly been putting anything on that I expect to grab me :red: I've basically just been throwing on a selection of old games for five minutes here and there.


I did pick ICO out of the PS2 rack this afternoon, but it has yet to reach the disc tray of the console. Instead, I played a few scenarios in UEFA Champions League 1998/99 on PS1 and had a couple of moments with Operation Winback and Body Harvest on N64.


I'm tempted to go attempt ICO for an hour before Match of the Day to see if it grabs me this time..

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Currently Playing


Alien Isolation - main story completed. DLC needs to be completed.

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - currently playing

The Walking Dead Season 1 - currently playing

Grand Theft Auto V - started but not far at all

Injustice: Gods Among Us - I've done this on the WiiU (the story mode) but am going to go through it again.

FIFA 15 - can't really be completed I guess

Drive Club - played tons but have loads of stuff to do yet

Watch Dogs - think I'm very close to the end. Need to finish the story.


Yet to start


The Walking Dead Season 2

Metro 2033 Redux

Metro Last Light Redux

Dust: An Elysian Tail


inFAMOUS First Light

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare


Steamworld Dig


Trine 2

Valiant Hearts

Velocity 2X


Think there's more.


2015 Completed Games


Nothing yet. Soon.jpeg


2015 Completed Games


Shadow of Mordor - story mode done and I have ONE trophy to get for the platinum. Sooooon. Hopefully tonight.


Think I'll start either Transistor or Valiant Hearts next.

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