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Your 2015 Gaming Diary

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Really want to replay this even though I just finished the post game content last year.


It's been quite a lot longer for me - I must say, I'm no faster at it. :heh:


I keep wanting to post moments from the game on Miiverse. :laughing:

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I finished A Link to the Past for the first ever time last night.


I loved it. At first I struggled to get into it but I think that was due to playing MH4 at the same time. The graphics are lovely and also the music is great too. I didn't realise that many of the tunes from OoT originated from ALTTP.


What I enjoyed most about this game is the exploration with minimal hand holding. Some mandatory items needed to be searched for rather than given to you which was nice.


Unfortunately I found the dungeons too easy. I think that may be because I am a seasoned Zelda gamer so all the mechanics that were introduced in this game I have probably beaten before. The end bosses were far too easy and Ganon wasn't anything special either.


Doesn't beat OoT in my eyes. Comes no where close. Despite that it's a lovely charming game and I enjoyed every minute of it!

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I finished A Link to the Past for the first ever time last night.


I loved it. At first I struggled to get into it but I think that was due to playing MH4 at the same time. The graphics are lovely and also the music is great too. I didn't realise that many of the tunes from OoT originated from ALTTP.


What I enjoyed most about this game is the exploration with minimal hand holding. Some mandatory items needed to be searched for rather than given to you which was nice.


Unfortunately I found the dungeons too easy. I think that may be because I am a seasoned Zelda gamer so all the mechanics that were introduced in this game I have probably beaten before. The end bosses were far too easy and Ganon wasn't anything special either.


Doesn't beat OoT in my eyes. Comes no where close. Despite that it's a lovely charming game and I enjoyed every minute of it!


I was following your adventures on Miiverse.


Glad you enjoyed it. You make some valid points about the difficulty. I played it as a kid and even then I didn't really struggle. It doesn't take anything away from the game and honestly, I think all the Zelda games are easy, apart from the first two.


LTTP is like Super Mario World in that it holds a very special place in my gaming heart. While OOT still holds the crown and transports me back to my teens, LTTP sends me back to my childhood. Link to the Past indeed. :)


I platinumed Far Cry 4 (PS4) yesterday. I've been on and off it for a few months but finally put some long hours into it over the weekend.


I really enjoyed the game and the antagonist is one of the best in a game in recent years.


I also played some more of Mario vs Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars (Wii U). I'm having a blast with it but sadly my time with it is nearly over as I only have a few stages left to do.

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I actually found A Link to the Past to be tricky enough when I finally finished it last year :red:


Coming from A Link Between Worlds on 3DS, the increase in difficulty was extremely apparent. A lot of it frustrated me and I had a bad taste in my mouth all too many times when I played it :hmm:


It is a good game, and there was plenty of fun to be had throughout, but I just didn't like it anywhere near as much as I expected to. It was a bit of a disappointment..

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I actually found A Link to the Past to be tricky enough when I finally finished it last year :red:


Coming from A Link Between Worlds on 3DS, the increase in difficulty was extremely apparent. A lot of it frustrated me and I had a bad taste in my mouth all too many times when I played it :hmm:


It is a good game, and there was plenty of fun to be had throughout, but I just didn't like it anywhere near as much as I expected to. It was a bit of a disappointment..


Tricky!? What I found challenging was exploring the overworld and locating necessary items. Some of which I found purely by chance and also figuring out how to enter some dungeons.


The dungeons themselves aren't tricky in the slightest and with the right items equipped the bosses are even easier.

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Tricky!? What I found challenging was exploring the overworld and locating necessary items. Some of which I found purely by chance and also figuring out how to enter some dungeons.


The dungeons themselves aren't tricky in the slightest and with the right items equipped the bosses are even easier.


Blade>>>>>>>>>>nando confirmed. :D


I finished off Mario vs Donkey Kong:Tipping Stars (Wii U) last night.


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Loved every moment of it. It offers the right amount of challenge and when you get that moment of clarity when you're stuck, it just feels awesome. Highly recommended. :)

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I "finished" one more game in March, that's if you can say you finish Outrun, but done all routes, unlocked all bits, arcade mode and such. Amazing game and probably the best 3D yet. I know people always go on about the love and affection they put into these, but it really is great to see the original in there, updated graphics, 60FPS but also 30FPS mode like the original, it even has the cabinet movement... so unnecessary, but brilliant at the same time!!


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Also, I'd recommend looking at these images on the 3DS movers to see how amazing the 3D is

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I managed to get one more game finished before March has finished.


I started Mighty Switch Force: HD ( Wii U ) yesterday and finished it off just now. Not a bad game but certainly not my cup of tea. The game is stupidly short and easy unless you go for par times, which is something I'm simply not interested in. I've never been a fan of time trial stuff so the par times just don't appeal to me.


It's not all bad though as the soundtrack is amazing. I also picked it up ( as well as the sequel ) the other week when it was on sale, so at least I got it for a bargain price.

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I managed to get one more game finished before March has finished.


I started Mighty Switch Force: HD ( Wii U ) yesterday and finished it off just now. Not a bad game but certainly not my cup of tea. The game is stupidly short and easy unless you go for par times, which is something I'm simply not interested in. I've never been a fan of time trial stuff so the par times just don't appeal to me.


It's not all bad though as the soundtrack is amazing. I also picked it up ( as well as the sequel ) the other week when it was on sale, so at least I got it for a bargain price.


Nice one for giving them a go, H-o-T. : peace: Did you even find the Hyper levels easy?

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I managed to get one more game finished before March has finished.


I started Mighty Switch Force: HD ( Wii U ) yesterday and finished it off just now. Not a bad game but certainly not my cup of tea. The game is stupidly short and easy unless you go for par times, which is something I'm simply not interested in. I've never been a fan of time trial stuff so the par times just don't appeal to me.


It's not all bad though as the soundtrack is amazing. I also picked it up ( as well as the sequel ) the other week when it was on sale, so at least I got it for a bargain price.


WHAT?!?!?!!??!!? The game is amazing! I finished it on the 3DS and the Wii U!! You crazy! :)


Why does par times not interest you? Though you were a completion freak!

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Nice one for giving them a go, H-o-T. : peace: Did you even find the Hyper levels easy?


To be honest I never touched them. I played through the campaign missions, watched the credits roll and shelved the game. I did start the second one though. I think I got to stage 10 before calling it a night.


I have to say, I do find the character design in the game very creepy. You have these characters that essentially look like little girls but then they give them massive racks and revealing clothes.


Why does par times not interest you? Though you were a completion freak!


Haha. Only if I enjoy the game.


I've never been one for time trials or comparing high scores. It's something that has never interested me in the slightest.

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That's fair enough. Not everyone is into speed running and it is kind of the whole point of MSF :p


Unless you're into trying to get the best par times, MSF probably won't really appeal to you (Personally though, I'm not the biggest fan of it and I do like to speed run - I just think that the level design is a bit scattershot and not as conductive to speed running as it ought to be, too much reliance on trial & memorisation and not enough on execution for my liking - but if you have a better memory than I, which is not hard to beat really, then you'll probably enjoy it more ;) )

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Haha. Only if I enjoy the game.


I've never been one for time trials or comparing high scores. It's something that has never interested me in the slightest.


I'd have put my only ball left that you'd like this game :)


I thought the mechanic was amazing, but I did enjoy speed running the levels. I prefer it to Shantae to be honest.


Did you try and of their other puzzlers on DSi ware? Actually scrap that, this is the game diary thread :)

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I've finished The Order 1886. A kind friend of mine has a husband who games. She gave me three games to borrow and this was one of them! Delighted to play it at last.


My reaction to the game is.....hnnnnnnnggg. I LOVED it. I loved the setting, I love the theme, I loved the story, the characters, the dialogue and the soundtrack is right up there with anything else that I've ever heard in a game. It fits the mood perfectly whilst adding to the setting of the game. It's just great.


Do I think it's that short? Personally, no. I'd have been happy had it had one or two more chapters, but I think the game finishes on the right note whilst leaving things open for future possibilities.


It's also one, if not THE most beautiful game/s I've ever played. Everything looks fantastic and it adds to the mood. It was a joy to go through and I found myself getting excited when I knew I was going to play more of it. :)


I've posted moar images in the screen shots thread.



The_Order_1886_20150330001921.jpg- hnnnnnngggg


The_Order_1886_20150330235808.jpg - New Dawn Fades










Games of 2015


Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor - Finished and Platinumed

Transistor - Finished

The Walking Dead Season One - Finished and Platinumed

inFAMOUS Second Son - good ending completed

Watchdogs - started in 2014, finally finished main story

The Walking Dead Season Two - Finished

The Order 1886 - Finished

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First game of April is finished. Mighty Switch Force 2 ( Wii U ) isn't as good as the first. I found the soundtrack to be a bit poor compared to the original and obviously the graphics aren't as good. I did think it was harder though. Stage 14 kept kicking my butt and it took me a while to figure out the switch blocks.

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First game of April is finished. Mighty Switch Force 2 ( Wii U ) isn't as good as the first. I found the soundtrack to be a bit poor compared to the original and obviously the graphics aren't as good. I did think it was harder though. Stage 14 kept kicking my butt and it took me a while to figure out the switch blocks.


Yep, I thought Incidents 13 and 14 were the hardest, with 15 and 16 being nicely easy. : peace: What makes it difficult is juggling three colours plus other blocks. In the original, you had Red, Blue and Standard, whereas in this you have Red, Green, Blue and Standard - one too many, in my opinion.


Great game though, and I love the pixel graphics much more than the hand-drawn HD version (as nice as that is).

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Time to add Super Mario 3D World to the complete list. Not bad, not the best Mario game i've played. But it was good none the less, got a little tired of using Cat Mario.


That's one of the first Nintendo games i've cleared this year.

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Another 3DS game added to the list, it's post-Nintendo Direct surprise, BOXBOY! :)

Nice little action puzzler with a lovely retro style, felt as if I was playing a new Game Boy title. :love:

Took around 5 hours to beat the standard stages, but a few more worlds open up after the credits, and there are also additional score/time attack stages. icon14.gif


I also finished Catherine on PS3 yesterday. Absolutely bonkers game. :heh:

Wasn't really a huge fan of the gameplay (although it did end up growing on me) but the story and characters were so entertaining that it kept me going.

Example of the funnies:






in January:____________

Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

3D Out Run (3DS)

Papo & Yo (PS3+)

Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4+)

Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii)

Mighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS)

in April:____________

MHbUwnT.gifBOXBOY! (3DS)

MHbUwnT.gifCatherine (PS3)

MHbUwnT.gifNew Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014



Driveclub (PS4)



And NSMBU is finally beat. :hehe: Still not sure exactly what it is about the game that makes it less appealing than previous Super Mario games. ::shrug:

Edited by RedShell
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Jim is forcing me to make a post about the games I have played this year, even though my list isn't very impressive. But still, these are the games I have finished/played.



Started this over Christmas (present from Jim) and finished it on New Years Day I think. :P

Enjoyed this game, even though I was probably a bit button mashy with it at some points heh. But it was fun and I enjoyed beating the monsters and trying out the different climaxes. Still have the second game to start, just need to plug the Wii U back in at some point.


Hyrule Warriors

Another Christmas present but didn't start it until the start of the year. It is fun to make your way through a massive horde of enemies, using massive attacks! Mostly used Link, a bit of Zelda, Lana, Sheik and Impa, barely touched some of the others and completely ignored the bad guys. :P


It was fun and I finished the story mode (not 100% on items though), but then started losing interest. The Adventure map kept me going for a bit, but it is too much of the same and you have to keep playing the same maps again and again so it does get a bit tedious. Didn't bother with DLC as it would be more of the same really.


Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

I didn't think this would be the type of game I would enjoy, as it seemed quite violent and dark (I watched Jim play through most of it). But I actually really really enjoyed it! I was hooked on it, playing for hours at a time. Even finished all the challenges that are hidden throughout the game. Would have tried for a Platinum if it didn't require you to do the multiplayer stuff (which I haven't touched). But yeah, really enjoyed it and hope the next one comes out for PS4 at some point!


Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U

Bought both versions of the game, but I have to admit that I barely touched them. I played a bit more of the 3DS one, think I unlocked all the characters, but then I kind of lost interest as there weren't any fun modes to keep me going.


The Wii U version I think I turned on only once or twice, barely did anything in it... for some reason it just doesn't interest me anymore, and I think the lack of a story mode is why. I loved the Subspace Emissary in Brawl and wish this game had something similar. It's a shame as I was a huge fan of the previous games.


Valiant Hearts

Lovely little game which, despite it's lovely art style, is very grim and sad. I enjoyed reading all of the information they would give you about the war, collecting all the items etc. Switching between the different characters made the game more interesting as well, as at times it could feel a bit samey. But overall, I enjoyed this game, think I even shed a tear at the end.


Dust: An Elysian Tail

Got this as a free game on PS4 and had no clue what it was about, but it turned out being really good! The voice-acting can be a bit cringeworthy, but the game looks nice and reminds me a lot of Muramasa in the way it plays and the way it looks, which is never a bad thing. :)


Velocity 2X

I haven't finished this yet, but will try to get back into it. Again wasn't sure what to expect of this, but the levels are great and it is fun to try and go through them as fast as possible, switching between the ship and your human form. I'm not the best at this game, but it's one of those that will click after a while and you improve with every level. It's different, but very fun!


Rogue Legacy

Again a free game we got on PS4, had no clue what it was about but had heard some praise from other N-E people so decided to give it a try. And that try turned into about 24-25 hours of really enjoyable game time! It took me a while to figure out what exactly you do in this game and how it works, but once I figured it out, I was hooked. It's one of those games where you say "one more go", but then you just keep going and going!


I finished it today, really really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who can get their hands on it. The game is very funny as well, gave me a few laughs along the way. :D



Currently playing Cities:Skylines on my Mac, but might try and find another game to play on PS4 (unless I dig out the Wii U for Bayonetta 2).

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@Eenuh I actually think your list is very impressive! Far better than mine.


I echo your feelings about smash bros. I have really tried to love it I really have but for some reason it hasn't gripped me like Melee did. I never bothered with Brawl.

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Started this over Christmas (present from Jim) and finished it on New Years Day I think. :P

Enjoyed this game, even though I was probably a bit button mashy with it at some points heh. But it was fun and I enjoyed beating the monsters and trying out the different climaxes. Still have the second game to start, just need to plug the Wii U back in at some point.

Bayonetta 2 is awesome and by far the better game, you should definitely check it out ASAP! :awesome:


Smash Bros 3DS/Wii U

Bought both versions of the game, but I have to admit that I barely touched them. I played a bit more of the 3DS one, think I unlocked all the characters, but then I kind of lost interest as there weren't any fun modes to keep me going.


The Wii U version I think I turned on only once or twice, barely did anything in it... for some reason it just doesn't interest me anymore, and I think the lack of a story mode is why. I loved the Subspace Emissary in Brawl and wish this game had something similar. It's a shame as I was a huge fan of the previous games.

I think the 3DS version actually has the better single player mode in the form of Smash Run (ironic seeing as it's primarily designed for multiplayer purposes :heh:) but I spent quite a while playing that, unlike Smash Tour on the Wii U version, which I literally played a couple of times and that was it. icon13.gif

But yeah, from a single player perspective, both versions aren't really up to much. Multiplayer is definitely where it's at, did you play much local or online against other players?


Rogue Legacy

Again a free game we got on PS4, had no clue what it was about but had heard some praise from other N-E people so decided to give it a try. And that try turned into about 24-25 hours of really enjoyable game time! It took me a while to figure out what exactly you do in this game and how it works, but once I figured it out, I was hooked. It's one of those games where you say "one more go", but then you just keep going and going!


I finished it today, really really enjoyed it and would recommend it to anyone who can get their hands on it. The game is very funny as well, gave me a few laughs along the way. :D

Quality game. Hard to get into, but ultimately very rewarding. :)

And yeah, some of those character descriptions are hilarious. :grin:

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Finished Kirby's Adventure Wii earlier, not a bad Kirby game. I bought it as i was in the mood for more Kirby gaming after Triple Deluxe. The final boss was a little tricky, but i'm happy that's done.


That's the beauty of this 4 day weekend, managed to clear 2 games over it. 2 more off my backlog at least.

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Beat Driveclub today, check out an epic moment from the final event here. :awesome:

Great game. It can be a bit flaky at times (especially the online aspects) but it plays well, and obviously looks unreal:




Also added Woah Dave! to the list. This was a surprise free game that got added to PS+ the other day (before the rest of the announced titles for April) and it was a right laugh. Brutally difficult though, couldn't stop laughing the first time I played it. :laughing:



in January:____________

Resogun (PS4)

Shovel Knight (Wii U)

Alien: Isolation (PS4)

Kirby Triple Deluxe (3DS) started in 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 (PS4)

Duck Tales: Remastered (PS3+)

Dark Souls II (PS3) started in 2014

The Swapper (PS4+)

in February:____________

InFAMOUS First Light (PS4+)

Apotheon (PS4+)

Fire Emblem Awakening (3DS) started in 2014

Yakuza 4 (PS3+)

in March:____________

Rogue Legacy (PS4+)

OlliOlli 2 (PS4+)

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)

3D Out Run (3DS)

Papo & Yo (PS3+)

Valiant Hearts: The Great War (PS4+)

Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Wii)

Mighty Switch Force! 2 (3DS)

in April:____________


Catherine (PS3)

New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) started in 2014

MHbUwnT.gifWoah Dave! (PS4+)

MHbUwnT.gifDriveclub (PS4)



Nothing, at the moment. :hehe:


So yeah, looks like my backlog is completely clear for now! :o

Roll on the next batch of PS+ freebies, MK8 DLC and Splatoon! :bouncy:

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