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You keep saying Thursday. Are you getting it early? I've everything crossed that it arrives on Friday, probably won't.


So we can join friends in a group? Just it's random whether you're on the same team or not? I know matchmaking is in the August update but what's the story in between? Might just google the answer.


A lot of retailers send the game out early over here in the UK and most get them on the Thursday.


As far as I know the friends thing is like Mario Kart. If there's room in the lobby then you will be able to jump in. In theory you could get a whole match full of your friends but it would take some doing.

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Not that there shouldn't be complaints about stuff, but it is a shame that more people can't just appreciate Splatoon for what it is. :blank:


It's a shame that this isn't true for more than just Splatoon :hmm:


In a way, I'm actually glad that I never got the chance to participate in the final 'Global Testfire' last night. I went to bed before the connection problems were sorted out but it means that the game will feel even more fresh when it arrives through my letter box towards the end of the week :yay:


I was only involved in one of the previous sessions and genuinely wasn't all that excited about it but my feelings have started to drift towards that of desire and anticipation :grin:


It definitely can't be argued that Splatoon is just another 'Copy & Paste Shooter' and, for that, we should probably be thankful :heh:

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Here’s some graffiti we discovered on a wall in Inkopolis Plaza. From what we can discern, this is actually an image posted in something called Miiverse. If you drop a handwritten note in the mailbox outside of Inkopolis Tower, your note just might show up in someone else’s plaza. Better brush up on those art skills!



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Yeah, the map thing is a very weird decision. You only have 5 maps to play on and then they limit you even further by only have 2 in rotation every few hours.


The weapon selection is another concern. If you pick the wrong weapon type you are completely stuck with it during the course of your match. Having to back out to change is another pain. Peer on NVC doesn't seem to be a fan of this at all and has mentioned it a few times on the podcast now.


I'm waiting to August and a hopeful patch regarding that weapon choice issue.


That's ridiculous.

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There was so much potential to this game that will just go unrealised.


Like what? It's getting lots more maps, lots more weapons and gears, lots more modes, team play etc the only thing that is in doubt is voicechat and I don't think that is so mush potential unrealised.


I think we're all expecting loads of DLC too so who knows how much it will be developed and fleshed out.

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Like what? It's getting lots more maps, lots more weapons and gears, lots more modes, team play etc the only thing that is in doubt is voicechat and I don't think that is so mush potential unrealised.


I think we're all expecting loads of DLC too so who knows how much it will be developed and fleshed out.

Has a craptonne of weapons and gear at launch as it is. People are really shortchanging it by just focusing on the 2 multiplayer modes at launch, ignoring the local multiplayer, single player and the actual features of the game and stating it's incomplete. Should it have more modes at launch? Probably, but that doesn't mean it's missing potential.

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Has a craptonne of weapons and gear at launch as it is. People are really shortchanging it by just focusing on the 2 multiplayer modes at launch, ignoring the local multiplayer, single player and the actual features of the game and stating it's incomplete. Should it have more modes at launch? Probably, but that doesn't mean it's missing potential.


Why does it other you if people think it's incomplete?


Half of the arguments in here are because people do feel like it's light on content and others are trying to convince them otherwise. If you feel you're getting your money's worth then that's great but others clearly don't feel that way.


I listened to the rest of this weeks NVC this morning and even they seem baffled by the decision to only allow two maps for rotation. Peer said that it didn't bother him much but I can see this being an issue if you don't like one of the maps or even if you can only play for a set time of the day. Really bizarre decision.

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@Hero\-of\-Time made the comparison to Titanfall a few pages back, and he's right in many ways.


That game now is so much more fleshed out and expansive than it was at the start, it's like a different game! However it was still incredibly fun when it launched and I sunk a good 70 odd hours in in the first month it was out, such a terrific game :)


But Titanfall 2 should have learned from this and, when that launches, will be ready to go out of the box and hopefully keep people playing longer rather than the drop off its seen.


Can Nintendo afford to do something similar? Well amongst us lot maybe not, but if you're going to dip your toe into a new franchise and game style, why not do it on a console that doesn't have a massive user base, make mistakes with it, iron out problems, get it to a level that people are really happy with...and then smash the sequel on the NX! ;)


I'm really looking forward to this and hope to pick it up on Friday, can't wait til August and we see everything they've planned for it BEFORE any DLC is released...and seeing how Nintendo learn from it for the sequel!


And if they don't learn anything then I'll eat my Mario hat.

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I preordered the game last week but I've cancelled it (for now) after talking to someone who was playing through his review copy.


Content is unfortunately the big issue here; the lack of modes and poor single player don't help the game. I've heard the AI is pretty basic too, which doesn't make me confident that the single player will be memorable. Gameplay seems decent, so at least the foundations are there.


Interestingly, they've said that the E3 demo last year was pushed out when the game was 10% complete, so they've effectively completed 90% of the game in 11 months. That pretty much explains why the game is lacking in modes, especially online!


Anyway, I'll be waiting for the rest of the modes to be added. Hopefully the game has a bit of depth :)

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I've had a review copy since last Monday, and I've been having a great time with the game since then. Well, when I've actually been able to play, that is, as I reckon a good 50% of my time has been spent in lobbies waiting for 8 players... I've just reached Level 10 this morning and I'm hoping to be able to get a go on ranked battles later, but again, it all depends on if there are seven other players out there who happen to be up for a game at the same time as me. At least all that shouldn't be a problem once the actual game launches. Speaking of which, it's annoying how my save data won't carry over onto the final version - this has put me off advancing too far into the single player mode and I'm not particularly relishing having to work my way up to Level 10+ again (although I'm guessing it'll be a lot quicker to do so when I'm not waiting around in lobbies so long).


When it comes to the amount of content in the game, I suppose I'd have to echo the concerns that it's going to be a bit thin on the ground at launch. The single player that I've experienced so far is brilliant fun, and each level is very creative in the use of the ink mechanic. Once it's over, though, and you're just left with the online mode (and the amiibo stuff I've not been able to try out), I can see people getting a bit bored of it after a while. The lack of maps is a little disappointing, and only having two available at once really doesn't make sense, but I wouldn't say it should be a deal breaker, especially as the turf war mechanic and weapon variety are so much fun, and we know the new maps are coming. Honestly, if you were thinking about getting Splatoon, especially with the budget price we're getting here, I'd definitely say it was still worth it.

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This game really seems to be causing mixed opinions, and it's just not helping me want to pick it up in case I'm dissappointed. What makes that even more annoying for me is the complete lack of demo for people like myself who had to miss the global testfire - that's honestly such a missed trick in a market that's clearly tempted. I can't get my head around why they aren't going more in terms of that atm - until I get a hands on with this game somehow/somewhere I honestly can't see myself buying it.


(i also have opinions on a lot of the other things said, but a lot of it's been covered so won't be adding too much repeating it)

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I wish Nintendo said WHEN the new maps and modes were dropping. So we have 2-3 months of more maps, gear and 2 modes before the bigger August update. If they said - a new map every 2 weeks, a new mode every month, and new gear every week... I don't know, maybe people would be a little more content with the incomplete launch.


I loved what I played in the testfire. Although I'll want more maps, more modes, friend teams, I'm pretty confident I won't get bored. With regular releases I can only see interest being constantly renewed each release.


But that map issues every 4 hours, so so weird. Can @Ronnie @Serebii explain that away? You've been pretty impressive explaining some truly awful and baffling decisions, I feel even this one will allude you!

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I wish Nintendo said WHEN the new maps and modes were dropping. So we have 2-3 months of more maps, gear and 2 modes before the bigger August update. If they said - a new map every 2 weeks, a new mode every month, and new gear every week... I don't know, maybe people would be a little more content with the incomplete launch.


I loved what I played in the testfire. Although I'll want more maps, more modes, friend teams, I'm pretty confident I won't get bored. With regular releases I can only see interest being constantly renewed each release.


But that map issues every 4 hours, so so weird. Can @Ronnie @Serebii explain that away? You've been pretty impressive explaining some truly awful and baffling decisions, I feel even this one will allude you!

Nintendo be crazy.


Na, only thing I can think of is that they didn't want it to be the case where it'd be like CS:S where everyone would vote for one map, so rather they rotate them in or something asinine like that.

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I wish Nintendo said WHEN the new maps and modes were dropping. So we have 2-3 months of more maps, gear and 2 modes before the bigger August update. If they said - a new map every 2 weeks, a new mode every month, and new gear every week... I don't know, maybe people would be a little more content with the incomplete launch.


I loved what I played in the testfire. Although I'll want more maps, more modes, friend teams, I'm pretty confident I won't get bored. With regular releases I can only see interest being constantly renewed each release!


Yeah, a schedule of sorts would have been great. I wouldn't be surprised to see a new game mode or maps drop during E3 week.


@Mike thanks for your honest impressions of the game.

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So the other night (during the testfire sever issues) I decided to faff about in the training area. I completely covered the first section of the map in ink and began swimming around in it.

Was trying to see if the trails and splash ripples you create as a squid would eventually be erased by the game (you know how in a lot of shooters, the bullet holes start to disappear after a while when there's too many of 'em :hehe:) but no matter how much I messed with it, I couldn't see any of the older marks fading away.


I can't even get my head around how they've created this effect of such convincing and dynamic paint, that's seemingly an interactive object rather than just a flat texture, but I'm seriously impressed by it. Here's a GIF of what I'm on about (with most of the doodling part sped-up) compare the floor right at the beginning to how it looks at the end:


Not included in the above GIF is when I repaint half of that floor and observe it from the side, the part with the fresh ink appears completely smooth again.

So I jumped right in and doodled some more. :D


Amazing stuff. :awesome:

I remember being really impressed with the painting mechanic in de Blob, but Splatoon's ink tech is something else. icon14.gif Shame we'll probably never see a de Blob 3, as it could have been awesome on the current gen hardware.

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I am so out of the loop on this game, so the stuff releasing on Friday is just some of the content with the rest coming out in August?


It's the base of the game. Full single player (5-7 hours) plus the first five maps and 2 modes of multiplayer. Whether it's substantial enough will vary from person to person. Gradual updates are then promised over the coming months, with a major update in August.

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I am so out of the loop on this game, so the stuff releasing on Friday is just some of the content with the rest coming out in August?


You get the single player campaign, Amiibo missions and 5 maps and 2 modes for online matches. More modes and maps will be released for free throughout the year. In August a friend match option will be introduced.


You can still play with friends by jumping into their game ( like Mario Kart ) but the teams constantly get switched around, so you could end up playing against each other.

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I don't see why the training area from the Global Testfire Demo can't be played about offline and unlocked now. It would help people get used to the movement and mechanics of the game. It might also help convince some potential buyers and allow those who missed out on the sessions to experience something at least. It would only require a key...

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