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Finished the Single Player last night. @Mr\-Paul and @Hero\-of\-Time, you guys were right about the final boss and staff credits, I absolutely adored both of those. :love:


I was pretty surprised by...

how tough the boss was actually!

:o Was the first time that I died while playing single player, twice in fact. :blush:

Yeah they certainly ramped up the difficulty for that part of the game. :hehe:

Such an epic finale though. :awesome:

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A new Smyths toys opened in my town today and I managed to grab the Inkling Boy/Girl amiibo from there. Just gotta grab the game & Squid from my folks' place later (it was delivered there) and it's time to get inking.

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Splatoon allows for motion control in Battle Dojo with a special code and unique setup(second player) involving Wii remote plus.




One of our scientists has made a rather stunning discovery! From early reports, it appears to be a means of adding motion control to the controller of the player playing on the TV screen in Battle Dojo. On the controller selection screen for Battle Dojo, press and hold down on the +Control Pad, press and hold B, and then press ZR and ZL.


It seems a Wii Remote Plus is necessary to perform this incredible feat. This technique also appears to be possible when using a Classic Controller or Classic Controller Pro! When using a Wii U Pro Controller, first press ZL and ZR to select that as your controller, and then press the 2 Button on the Wii Remote Plus to activate it.



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Splatoon allows for motion control in Battle Dojo with a special code and unique setup(second player) involving Wii remote plus.


You must know that you've made mistakes with the design of your controllers when something like that is even an option :blank:

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You must know that you've made mistakes with the design of your controllers when something like that is even an option :blank:


Personally, I think you're mad to actually not want to use Gyro controls to aim.

The game is designed around gyro controls, because gyro controls allow more accurate aiming.


And anyway, this only works for the 1 on 1 mode, right? So the gamepad player doesn't have an advantage.

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First thing I did was turn off the motion controls - yuck! But aside from that it's a great game, been having a lot of fun. the lack of stage/two per 4 or so hours is bloody annoying but can't be helped at this point.


My favourite paint combination so far is the pink and orange as it reminds of me eating these as a kid:




Although it has now given me a craving for them. I also love the fact it's the first game I can think of where the girl character is used far more than the boy one. :D

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So I was looking back through the pages you collect during single player...


and noticed there's a little flipbook animation on there:


A reallife version of that book would have made for a neat special addition item. :)


This page gave me a good laugh as well:



"waiting for Wii U games to come out" :laughing:

My favourite paint combination so far is the pink and orange as it reminds of me eating these as a kid:



Classic. :hehe:

I suddenly want some of those now too. :grin:

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So I was looking back through the pages you collect during single player...


and noticed there's a little flipbook animation on there:


A reallife version of that book would have made for a neat special addition item. :)


This page gave me a good laugh as well:



"waiting for Wii U games to come out" :laughing:

Classic. :hehe:

I suddenly want some of those now too. :grin:


The game did start with "May include product placement". I'd like to see some Splatoon sponsored Fruit Salads :D


(And obviously PS4 sponsored Black Jacks.) :D

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I thought I would discard the motion controls and stick with dual-analogue; but to my surprise, after playing my first couple of rounds with them, I just couldn't do without them. As soon as I switched them off, I instinctively kept trying to tilt the controller for a precise aim.


I think the reason they work for me is because it's essentially a combo-scheme. The right stick does most of the heavy turning, but that instant feedback from the gyro is great for aiming. The cursor sensitivity ramped up to max, of course.


How's everyone else playing?


ALSO: I spotted this - I presume it's from a Miiverse post :D



Edited by D_prOdigy
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Reached level 16 now. Not too bad for day 2 (okay I know we're way into day 3 already but I haven't gone to bed yet!), I'd say.


Also, to celebrate Splatoon officially being my GOTY so far, I made a Miiverse post. :D


You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse


(Feel free to let me know if it pops up in your games.)

Edited by FireMeowth
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First thing I did was turn off the motion controls - yuck! But aside from that it's a great game, been having a lot of fun. the lack of stage/two per 4 or so hours is bloody annoying but can't be helped at this point.


My favourite paint combination so far is the pink and orange as it reminds of me eating these as a kid:




Although it has now given me a craving for them. I also love the fact it's the first game I can think of where the girl character is used far more than the boy one. :D


You know Swizzel's Matlow Squashies range? Candyland have ripped it off, so Fruit Salad Softies now exist.





P.S. I am really enjoying Splatoon.

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I've been considering getting Splatoon this weekend but the main thing stopping me is the feeling that Nintendo is shafting its fans with the release. Had they also given the option to purchase the amiibo related content separately off the e-shop then I would likely have been swayed but the idea of paying £25-35 for the game, then having to track down three figures (another £40 minimum) just to play the content that is actually on the disk seems ridiculous. While I dislike when developers offer day 1 DLC, at least there is the option to actually get it, instead of going on a wild goose chase of finding overpriced figures that they haven't produced enough of.


It's a shame as it looks like a fun game that I'd probably really enjoy but I feel like this is a really poor experience from Nintendo.

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I am so confused! I was convinced the WiiU pro controller had gyro sensors inside! But apparently not then! What a dissapointment and a weird decision! I was going to pick one up so we could play the multiplayer mode, but I guess a normal wii classic controller would be just as good to get the job done.


That being said though! WHAT A GAME! It feels like ages since I've played something this fun, vibrant, addictive. It oozes that nintendo magic! I love love love it!

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I'm started to get burnt out with the online stuff. The same maps are starting to get a little old, as is the same game type..


I've finished the Boy and Girl Amiibo challenge stages and the content is quite large. They are just bits and pieces of the story stages but the whole of the stage. They are quite challenging and offer some legs to the single player stuff. It's not as throw away as people may think.


It's a shame that this content is locked on the disc. There are many that probably won't get to try these out due to either Amiibo shortages or not wanting to splash for stuff that's on the disc already.

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I'm started to get burnt out with the online stuff. The same maps are starting to get a little old, as is the same game type...


Jesus, for an online focused game that's not good! Not good at all! Haha

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