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I had such a fun time swimming as a squid, trying to sneak around a map and cover enemy territory with ink, that I wasn't as concerned for what my team was doing. Perhaps I should have been, but we were all doing the same thing, and most importantly, having a great time.


As opposed to other shooters, you're constantly firing in Splatoon. The action is fast paced unlike the more precision based nature of the million other shooters out there. That's why I don't think team strategy will play that big a part.

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I'm just staggered at this, but not surprised. Just so so fucking disappointed for the game, but also in Nintendo's constant i a I,it's to do logical and needed things. Dont they realise it's decisions like this as to why gamers are moving away from them and not taking it seriously. How do they not realise this? A multi billion piund company, being so so stupid?


And like always, I just want the journalists to interrogate them on it. Make them explain their ludicrous decisions. I want them to know the gsmes popularity will take a hit, the Wii u will, Nintendo will. And then give a reason why they're doing it with every game release. Fucking morons run that company!


Now saying all that, it looks incredible and I'll get it day one :D


So are we going to create Skype teams to play this?

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And like always, I just want the journalists to interrogate them on it. Make them explain their ludicrous decisions. I want them to know the gsmes popularity will take a hit, the Wii u will, Nintendo will. And then give a reason why they're doing it with every game release. Fucking morons run that company!


Journalists, reporters and the rest of the games industry don't seem that bothered by it and/or have accepted it a long time ago. That's why I'm so surprised by the outrage on here. There's a handful of half-hearted mentions on gaf, that's about it.

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Journalists, reporters and the rest of the games industry don't seem that bothered by it and/or have accepted it a long time ago. That's why I'm so surprised by the outrage on here. There's a handful of half-hearted mentions on gaf, that's about it.


Please Google "Splatoon No Voice Chat", there are a lot more people than you think who are getting pissed off by these short sighted decisions.


As for the journalists, they have notoriously had a hard time asking Nintendo questions. I think Reggie is a good example of this, as you can always see a subtle look of frustration on his face when topics deviate from the interview conditions. The sad truth is, this is not limited to Nintendo. Publishers are keen to have their exclusives in terms of interviews and information releases, so they tend to adhere near completely to the terms laid out by industry players as pissing them off will impact the trust in future.


For me, Splatoon will need to be cheap. It could be fantastic fun to play, but when the bulk of the life comes from the multiplayer and critical features are missing that does affect my enjoyment. I'm starting to think that maybe the Wii U just can't handle it due to it's horrendous OS. There are games that do support it whilst in gameplay, but they don't seem to be very demanding.

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Please Google "Splatoon No Voice Chat", there are a lot more people than you think who are getting pissed off by these short sighted decisions.


Not really a great indicator. If you searched for anything on google you'd think the world was talking about it. Gaf is obviously the gaming message board, and the vast majority of chat on there about this game is about... well, the actual game, funnily enough. Write ups on gaming sites mention no voice chat, say it is disappointing, which it is, but don't focus on it like people on here seem to. It'll get a mention in the "Negatives" of reviews no doubt, but I still expect the game itself to shine through.

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As opposed to other shooters, you're constantly firing in Splatoon. The action is fast paced unlike the more precision based nature of the million other shooters out there.


You've clearly never seen me play a shooter :heh:


Not really a great indicator. If you searched for anything on google you'd think the world was talking about it. Gaf is obviously the gaming message board, and the vast majority of chat on there about this game is about... well, the actual game, funnily enough. Write ups on gaming sites mention no voice chat, say it is disappointing, which it is, but don't focus on it like people on here seem to. It'll get a mention in the "Negatives" of reviews no doubt, but I still expect the game itself to shine through.


GAF is one thing but do you expect an individual to go into a great deal about the lack of voice chat? 2 or 3 lines maybe, but other than that it's either going to be an article about the lack of voice chat or some rant that needs cutting down. This place is a discussion and as such a small topic can go on longer if it heads that way. Nobody has really said more in an individual post than you'd expect in a write-up, it's just that the topic has been picked up by others and placed into a wider context (lack of voice chat on the Wii U as a whole).

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I don't buy this whole argument about the game being so fast it doesn't require strategy. In fact, that sounds ridiculous to me.


There are some who will approach this game with a strategy or who will adopt one. How on earth is that going to work if you can't communicate vocally with your team? Any team game by definition needs teamwork, otherwise...it would just be an every-man-for-himself situation, surely?


The other side of it is that voice chat can work well on a social level. Miiverse connects gamers, voice chat also allows you to connect with your friends. You can catch up with those people who you don't come into contact with regularly. Think of it like a coffee catch-up, but doing it over a game instead. I've lost count of the amount of times I've caught up with mates when playing games, it's a good way to bond.


I'm still a bit shocked over this because I'd have thought Nintendo would have put this in there just to cover all of the bases. There's no real reason not to include it.

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Welp. Latest news has definitely reduced the odds of this being a purchase for me.


Any team with a strategy will beat one without.


Having played at least one other game with what could be argued as some basic fuckers, yet with voice chat, I can definitely relate to this.


Titanfall would like a word with you.
You've clearly never seen me play a shooter :heh:


My own personal lack of precision has also definitely been offsettable with the advantage of voice chat in online games with chat.

(*caveat despite the quote of HoT I haven't played titanfall and can't necessarily apply the same context; if I've generically done so without warrant I do apologise)


And like always, I just want the journalists to interrogate them on it. Make them explain their ludicrous decisions. I want them to know the gsmes popularity will take a hit, the Wii u will, Nintendo will. And then give a reason why they're doing it with every game release. Fucking morons run that company!


Journalists, reporters and the rest of the games industry don't seem that bothered by it and/or have accepted it a long time ago. That's why I'm so surprised by the outrage on here. There's a handful of half-hearted mentions on gaf, that's about it.


Strangely, as @Debug Mode highlighted I'm sure I've heard/read on more than once occasion contrary to Ronnie's opinion, and I'm almost sure I heard it in a podcast too even though I don't know which one. They seemed to describe that it isn't that the journalist don't want to/aren't interested in asking it, but Nintendo are quite active in putting it off, and even if it then comes up, in dodging the questions when raised.


'To think the journalists/reporters/rest of the industry isn't bothered and/or have accepted it 'a long time ago'' is, in my opinion, not necessarily accurate or justified - though I'd happily look at some evidence to support said point from said sources. In fact, wasn't it you yourself who recently quoted an N-Europe review that complained of lack of online in a game? Unless of course you completely discount whoever writes a review for here as any part of journalism/reporting/any part of the industry, which holds us all in great esteem if so ;)


There are some who will approach this game with a strategy or who will adopt one. How on earth is that going to work if you can't communicate vocally with your team? Any team game by definition needs teamwork, otherwise...it would just be an every-man-for-himself situation, surely?


As much as I hate it in this context - it does make me think of emergent things such as snaking in MK, l-cancelling, wavedashing, DI, #allthefancytricksetc in Smash. Not intended, but emergent things that have come about - even just super slick co-ordination via communication would, imo, be something I'd consider as an emergent tactic. Now, those friends who go serious enough to Skype vs those random folks without - where's the satisfaction end up?

Edited by Rummy
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I can only assume they think having a large real time map on the gamepad is reason enough not to include chat. But I do wonder how you decide who will have which jobs, such as the person who may focus on firing at the opposition, who will focus on painting over paint, who will focus on painting all the little corners/edges/missed areas etc... And everyone won't just all run to do the same thing/think someone else is doing it.


Need to hear more about the Single Player, loving what I see, just hope it's 10+ hours and with replayability. There looks to be collectables which is great. Hopefully it doesn't just unlock multiplayer stuff.

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I think there are separate unlockables for multi-player and single player that you can only get by playing that mode.

Nintendo doesn't want people who ace the single player to have an unfair advantage in multi-player. I think that is the rationale.


If anything the single player unlockables seem greater in numbers than the multi-player ones.

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