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I'll be sure to check out some of your levels, I spent hours making a couple with coins but they always end up being garbage, I'm cursed when making levels on this game >.> still fun to play them though! I haven't been on in a few months so it was pretty cool getting some of the new costumes - some very bizarre and unexpected ones in there :p

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I'll be sure to check out some of your levels, I spent hours making a couple with coins but they always end up being garbage, I'm cursed when making levels on this game >.> still fun to play them though! I haven't been on in a few months so it was pretty cool getting some of the new costumes - some very bizarre and unexpected ones in there :p


I never actually used the coins in the end :) I wanted to, this level is supposed to be the first half of what my idea was with the coins, but it was late so decided to just keep it as this.


Really love the game, and think the coins and keys add such a new dimension to it, really amazing.

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I've spent a couple of hours playing around with a couple of ideas but was so disappointed to find out that Bullseye Bills don't interact with blocks :hmm:


I'm still working away at a new level and checking out the pink coins and other new features I haven't really messed around with yet but I suspect my latest creation will be pretty standard fare.. unless I get some inspiration later this evening :heh:

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My latest level, Bullet Time [3858-0000-01F9-440B], is now available :grin:


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It's quite challenging in places, particularly if you want to grab all 10 pink coins, but I hope to see some of you reach the top of the flagpole on Miiverse :hehe:

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Speaking of people coming back to make levels...


I am actually gonna get an evening to myself for once! So I am coming back to make a new level or two tonight!!!! :D(And I'll get a chance to play your new levels I've not been able to get round to yet ;) )


I am not going in with any specific ideas, but it has been about 3 months since I last got a chance to play Mario Maker, so I'm coming back with a fresh mind (and not one, but TWO sets of updates I've not played with yet) and we'll see what crazy concoctions I come up with ;)


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About a week ago Kotaku and other outlets were reporting about how users Mario Maker levels were being deleted. Here's the original story.


Nintendo is still deleting levels from Super Mario Maker’s online community for mysterious reasons. The latest victim? Mario’s youngest fans, apparently.


BakeToRise, a Mario Maker creator and father of a designer-in-training daughter, posted a distressing story on reddit today. His daughter spent three hours putting together a level called Maria Cake Yoshi. After receiving a notification that another player had beaten and recommended the level by awarding it a star, they went to check it out. But out of nowhere, the stage was suddenly gone, reportedly removed after less than an hour.


“I know this has been post about before,” he wrote, “but I am so angry.”


I’ve been unable to talk with BakeToRise personally about the incident, but this lines up with previous actions by Nintendo in regards to Mario Maker.


I last reported on Nintendo’s “policies” in January, after a Kotaku reader pointed out how Mario Maker levels were disappearing from the service without any explanation. I say “policy” because it’s always been painfully unclear why Nintendo decides to take some stages down but not others.


Here’s all Nintendo will say publicly:


Notice regarding course uploads


Please be aware that after a fixed period of time, courses with low popularity will be automatically deleted from the server.


Nintendo reserves the right to use uploaded courses and related data, either as-is or with alterations, for either commercial or noncommercial purposes without compensation to the uploader.


When a level is taken down from the servers, you can still play it locally, but that’s hardly the point of Mario Maker—it’s a game about sharing. You can’t even modify a stage and re-upload it! The only way to have the same creation re-appear on the servers is to literally re-create it from scratch.


It’d be one thing if Nintendo was informing people about why their stages are coming down, giving them a chance to change the infringing material or learn a lesson for the future, but that’s not the case. Levels just...vanish.


Over time, Mario Maker fans have picked up on a series of secretive rules that Nintendo deploys, such as begging for stars. This particular one was eventually codified in a patch for the game:


Users will no longer be able to use the words “Like”, “Yeah!”, and the “★” symbol in their course names.

It’s possible Nintendo wasn’t OK with the misspelling of Mario’s name. Is that one of Nintendo’s secret rules? There’s no way to know; the company won’t talk. Again, Nintendo has not responded to my request for comment.


A simple Google search brings up plenty of similar complaints, including one particularly confusing incident where GameFAQs user MarioMan847 had two of his levels removed from the servers without an explanation.


“This is the first time this has happened to me,” they wrote. “I mean, I knew it was possible for unpopular levels to get deleted like this....but man, it just really sucks because it doesn’t even let you re-upload the levels at all. I would have to completely re-build it from scratch. It’s just surprising because the levels were only up for a month which doesn’t seem that long.”


MarioMan847 apparently got on the phone with Nintendo customer support, but they didn’t sound helpful. According to MarioMan847, the representative couldn’t find anything wrong with the stages they’d built.


“He looked it over and said that my account doesn’t have any activities in violation and is clean,” they said. “I told him the course ID and the name of the level (Cannonball Blitz 2) and he said that the name and the level screenshot are completely fine, and even encouraged me to remake the level and upload it again if I wished. So yeah, I got nothing. Probably the only ones that really know are the ones that came up with the algorithms at Nintendo of Japan.”


Let’s be clear: the official recommendation from Nintendo was to build the stage all over again. That’s ridiculous.


It looks like its happening again.


Nintendo has a real problem on its hands with Mario Maker. Left and right, creators are seeing their levels removed from the online servers without an explanation. David “GrandPOObear” Hunt, a speedrunner who makes a living streaming games, is the latest victim. All of his levels have vanished.


(We last featured Hunt after he pulled off an amazing Mario Maker trick.)


As Hunt prepped for an appearance at this week’s speedrunning event Californithon, he discovered his Mario Maker stages had disappeared.


“Wow, all of my levels just got deleted off of Mario Maker,” he tweeted earlier today. “All my stars are gone.”


When a stage is deleted from Mario Maker’s servers, you cannot change it and re-upload it. You have to build the level again, from scratch, and hope Nintendo doesn’t find it a second time. And because Nintendo doesn’t provide creators with feedback on why a level is removed, it’s a crapshoot.


Hunt, who estimates he’s spent more than 100 hours uploading levels, is telling the truth: his Mario Maker profile is bare.


Nintendo Deletes Every Stage By Prominent Mario Maker Speedrunner

Stars are equivalent to “likes” in the Mario Maker community, a way for players to recommend a stage. Nintendo regularly deletes unpopular stages, making stars a precious commodity. It keeps your stages alive.


“Streaming Mario Maker is 90% of my stream, which is 90% of my overall income so far in 2016,” Hunt told me today.


It’s not hard to imagine why this is so distressing, then.


After the levels were deleted, Hunt got on the phone with Nintendo customer support. He recorded the conversation and uploaded it.


The customer service representative didn’t have much to offer. His account hadn’t been flagged for inappropriate activity, showing no marks of cheating or level infringement, common reasons levels are taken down.


“I don’t see that you’ve been flagged for anything regarding cheating or whatnot,” said the rep. “Mostly, if you are accused of cheating, there would be some notes on your account but there isn’t. At this time, it doesn’t look like we have a resolution for you. I can forward this to our Knowledge Team [another group in Nintendo] and they can investigate it for you.”


The phone call ended without any resolution.


As with every one of my stories on this topic, Nintendo didn’t respond to my request for comment.


This isn’t the first time Hunt has run into the same problem.


In mid-January, Nintendo removed his “Pile of Poo-POOgatory” level from the online servers. A Kaizo-influenced stage, it was one of his most popular. For more than 30 minutes, Hunt patiently talked to various Nintendo customer service representatives about his situation.


The Mario Maker community isn’t only policed by Nintendo. Players can report stages, too, and it’s ripe for abuse. Creators who stream levels have to be especially wary of trolls; all it takes is a few people reporting a level to have it taken down. And as you can imagine, getting it back is a nightmare.


Pile of Poo-POOgatory was flagged for language. On the phone, Hunt argued this was unfair, as his online handle is poo-related, and his other levels that included the word “poo” hadn’t been taken down.


“You’re deleting something because of my name,” he said.


(His Nintendo Network ID does not include the word “poo.”)


“I completely understand where you’re coming from,” said the rep.


After putting Hunt on hold, the rep returned with an answer of sorts.


“I know that this is something of a gray area, honestly, looking at this,” said the rep. “What I can do, if you want, is I can forward the level to be reviewed by the [administrators]. They’ll be the ones to actually decide if the content’s returned to Miiverse. However, if I do that, they will also be reviewing their other submitted levels, as well.”


Hunt offered to change the level’s name, if that was the root of Nintendo’s problem, but the rep said it wasn’t possible to do that. The way the system works, they explained, was that once a level is removed, the only way it comes back is if Nintendo decides the level, name and all, is acceptable.


The sympathetic rep said that’s “the way the system works at this point.”


The rep offered to pass on Hunt’s feedback, to hopefully influence “how we handle stuff in the future,” but said it wouldn’t change overnight.


There was one problem, however. If the rep escalated Hunt’s request, it would require Nintendo to examine everything he’s created. This would mean looking at his other levels. If they decided to reject Pile of Poo-POOgatory, they might reject all of his stages. Hunt took the risk.


A week or so later, in the middle of a stream, Hunt got a call.


“We were able to get your level returned to Miiverse,” said the Nintendo rep.


Overjoyed at the news, Hunt thanked them for their help.


Unfortunately, the good news didn’t last for long; the level stayed offline. Days later, Hunt was informed by the same rep that he spoke too soon, that “it was a design decision that it [the level] couldn’t come back, they were very sorry and would change how levels were taken down in the future.”


That was in the middle of February. A little over a month later, all of Hunt’s levels are gone, even the ones that didn’t include joking references to poo (i.e. OOP fo elip: doesn’t feel right).


Understandably, Hunt feels targeted. He’s worried the way he’s publicly called out Nintendo for their policies (or lack thereof) means he’s been punished for speaking out. Unlike other Mario Maker creators whose levels have been removed, Hunt has a video trail documenting his experience.


“This hurts, in some ways, my standing in the community,” he said. “[Making] me just looking unaccomplished, etc. I know that stuff is silly, but that’s the economy we live in as streamers.”


You’re going to kill this community, Nintendo.


Having to remake your level is crazy and not knowing what you done wrong in the first place just makes matters worse. How are you supposed to stop making the same mistake again ( that's if a mistake was even made ) if Nintendo are going to remain tight lipped about the situation?

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Wow... I didn't even realise that was actually happening :D


That's pretty poor... they should offer a multiplayer online mode, where you can play with people from your friends list.. have an objective (collect most coins, speedrun, closest to the flag etc), all the other players are ghosts to you (or maybe only have that as an option - last man standing mode could be awesome :D) and levels are picked from the server or from locally saved levels. That way you could still share with those in your friends list at least...

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even the ones that didn’t include joking references to poo (i.e. OOP fo elip: doesn’t feel right).


I think it's obvious that even though such a high level of encryption is far above what Kotaku can comprehend, Nintendo can work out what it means.


It's a bit silly that the usage is against the ToS, but it seem to be the reason why the levels were removed. It's a shame that the customer service person couldn't tell the kid that.

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Or, you know, the game could tell you?


I have had a level removed from the online. It had 5-9 stars I think and a reasonably low completion rate, but not my lowest in stars and completion. Would like to know exactly why it was removed.

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tbh.. I don't think I would miss most of my levels.. so long as they don't count against your stage limit


Having said that, my earlier ones had a couple I did put effort into so....


If they had a warning.. so levels were timed out and there was a chance to defend the level...

timed out levels are hidden but not removed?

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Under water reef red coins





New level. Name says it all. Thought I'd try the new update and combine it with an under used course type. Not sure if I like it or not. Let me know what you think.


On the topic of deleted courses ice had a few deleted when I replaced levels with new easier versions. But as I deleted the original versions I can't upload them back up again now which is annoying as this includes one of my favourite levels

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Pretty awful how people's courses can be permanently removed like that. :nono:


Anyway, I just uploaded another new course:

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It's a very simple/easy one, which features an optional "boss" encounter and unlockable crazy bonus room.

I really do love making crazy bonus rooms. :grin:


Hope we get some more updates soon.



I hit 1300 stars today! :) Can now post up to 70 courses! A long way to go yet, but hopefully I'll be able to take advantage of all those slots and make an entire game's worth of SMM courses. :D

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About a week ago Kotaku and other outlets were reporting about how users Mario Maker levels were being deleted. Here's the original story.




It looks like its happening again.




Having to remake your level is crazy and not knowing what you done wrong in the first place just makes matters worse. How are you supposed to stop making the same mistake again ( that's if a mistake was even made ) if Nintendo are going to remain tight lipped about the situation?


I understand the original reason (language related "poo") but when ALL his levels go missing...kind of makes me think they were deleted because of stream profiting which they learnt about fom him getting in touch with them. It would certainy fit Nintendo's "standards.". Unless they were endorsed by Nintendo.

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My first attempt at a course using some of the new items, Zelda inspired goodness. Progession requires specific items / states. Lots of hidden items to find as well but they aren't necessary to finish the level, just for assistance.


Give it a try, can you get the triforce? : peace:


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My first attempt at a course using some of the new items, Zelda inspired goodness. Progession requires specific items / states. Lots of hidden items to find as well but they aren't necessary to finish the level, just for assistance.


Give it a try, can you get the triforce? : peace:


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Wow... awesome level, loved it! haha.. I've got the world record but I'm sure that won't stand for much longer!

Very entertaining, the only bit I didn't like was that bit where you go above ground and have those 3 single block landing areas? I managed the first 2, but was over cautious on my first attempt so came to a stand still on each block.. but I needed momentum to reach the 3rd >< second run through I found your check point, expected to need it but actually got through without any problems :)

Ok.. with problems but without dying! :P


Level was actually a near perfect balance of unpredictable but with a clear and fair path to follow.. well perfect for my low skill level :P Loved the boss fight too :D

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Wow... awesome level, loved it! haha.. I've got the world record but I'm sure that won't stand for much longer!


Very entertaining, the only bit I didn't like was that bit where you go above ground and have those 3 single block landing areas? I managed the first 2, but was over cautious on my first attempt so came to a stand still on each block.. but I needed momentum to reach the 3rd >< second run through I found your check point, expected to need it but actually got through without any problems :)


Ok.. with problems but without dying! :P




Level was actually a near perfect balance of unpredictable but with a clear and fair path to follow.. well perfect for my low skill level :P Loved the boss fight too :D




Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :) The outside section is supposed to provide a little bit of respite from the cramped caves in favour of a bit of pure (albeit short) platforming. Took me a while to perfect the jumps but it is possible to do it at full speed, that's why I love the original SMB physics, they are near perfect. I think the level itself is fairly straightforward, and not too complex but anyway, thanks for starring it :D

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Thanks, glad you enjoyed it :) The outside section is supposed to provide a little bit of respite from the cramped caves in favour of a bit of pure (albeit short) platforming. Took me a while to perfect the jumps but it is possible to do it at full speed, that's why I love the original SMB physics, they are near perfect. I think the level itself is fairly straightforward, and not too complex but anyway, thanks for starring it :D


You're welcome, I hope you'll get round to creating a few more like that :)

Also realised I hadn't followed you up to today, so got to fix that too.


So I just played one of redshell's levels - genius! so I have played 2 red coin levels and both have been great - probably the best addition to the game so far then :P


38FC-0000-01EE-9479 in case red shell hasn't already put the code on here - I strongly recommend the level (along with Nicktendo's) great fun :)

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My first new course in about six months! I wanted to try out the new elements, plus I'd never made a scrolling course before either so I thought I'd give that a go too. Be careful, you need to be pretty quick at the beginning part but don't worry if you miss any red coins as you can loop through that section as much as you want.
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