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E3 2014 - All your wildest hopes and dreams


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Serebii you're not getting it, it's not that the console isn't selling well, it's that it's outdated tech and Nintendo have outdated views towards gaming as a whole these days. That is the probelm, not that the console doesn't sell.

Yeah, they do. As someone said on GAF:

No online-paywall. No microtransactions. Local co-op. Thanks for being backwards Nintendo.



Tech doesn't matter to me, the content does.


Still, Nintendo buying SCEI is the more likely option out of that and Nintendo going third party, and I'd prefer that one.

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Serebii you're not getting it, it's not that the console isn't selling well, it's that it's outdated tech and Nintendo have outdated views towards gaming as a whole these days. That is the probelm, not that the console doesn't sell.


The suggestions for them to go 3rd party only started when the Wii U's sales faltered, though, not when the Wii was going strong.

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The suggestions for them to go 3rd party only started when the Wii U's sales faltered, though, not when the Wii was going strong.


I've not suggested because of the sales figures. The reason I never suggested during the Wii's term was because I was hoping their next console would give us what we wanted. Online gaming came into the fore in such a huge way last gen, the Wii missed the trick, so I had hoped Nintendo would rectify it.

The way Reggie sold the WiiU's online suggested it would be up to par... It isn't.


It's that they didn't rectify their past mistake and they lied about it which is why I'm now calling for them to go 3rd/2nd Party.

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I've not suggested because of the sales figures. The reason I never suggested during the Wii's term was because I was hoping their next console would give us what we wanted. Online gaming came into the fore in such a huge way last gen, the Wii missed the trick, so I had hoped Nintendo would rectify it.

The way Reggie sold the WiiU's online suggested it would be up to par... It isn't.


It's that they didn't rectify their past mistake and they lied about it which is why I'm now calling for them to go 3rd/2nd Party.


Do you not see the latest releases, and maybe even smash, or the potential of x as them maybe rectifying their online mistakes? Or the smash invitational as them embracing the gaming community again?


I'm pretty confident they're not going to chase the casuals and realise the only ones left are more serious gamers!


In general, why are people not waiting for e3 to make their final judgements? Weird all this negativity is surging just before e3 when actually things look really positive for it (they're making quite a few announcements beforehand, so surely they have even more!)

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Do you not see the latest releases, and maybe even smash, or the potential of x as them maybe rectifying their online mistakes? Or the smash invitational as them embracing the gaming community again?...


Nope, until they announce voice-chat in-game and not just in lobbies I've no faith in the in that area. The Smash Invitational means absolutely nothing to me, I don't care to watch it. If they were looking to embrace the community, they'd respond to our comments/questions on Miiverse and their social networking and not just ignore us!

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Do you not see the latest releases, and maybe even smash, or the potential of x as them maybe rectifying their online mistakes? Or the smash invitational as them embracing the gaming community again?


I'm pretty confident they're not going to chase the casuals and realise the only ones left are more serious gamers!


In general, why are people not waiting for e3 to make their final judgements? Weird all this negativity is surging just before e3 when actually things look really positive for it (they're making quite a few announcements beforehand, so surely they have even more!)


I thought it was confirmed that Mario Kart doesn't have voice chat in game? That alone makes it better to play locally imo just for the banter. I remember playing 4 player Super Circuit on the way to school everyday for 3 years and just constantly hearing 'OH NO WHO LAID THAT BLOODY BLUE SHELL' haha. Love it.


I doubt Nintendo will disappoint this year and I think we'll see them realise that they need to release some system systems as opposed to games that will sell to those that already have the console. Like I said earlier, I'm sure we'll see a Starfox game based on Miyamoto's comments, probably developed by the Pikmin team.


Given that there's evidence to show that Donkey Kong was finished around September I think we'll see a trailer for Retro's new game, which I hope is Metroid or a new I.P for the west. And on top of Smash 3DS, X and Bayonetta release dates....:heart:


It gone be good. I'm hoping that the Gamepad game isn't just a 'Wii U Play' type game. I'd quite like to see a game like Fatal Frame use it as there'd be potential there. I don't expect a game that's going to change the industry and make everyone jump on the gamepad wagon so they just try and be really innovate to create a one off experience.

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I thought it was confirmed that Mario Kart doesn't have voice chat in game? That alone makes it better to play locally imo just for the banter. I remember playing 4 player Super Circuit on the way to school everyday for 3 years and just constantly hearing 'OH NO WHO LAID THAT BLOODY BLUE SHELL' haha. Love it.


I doubt Nintendo will disappoint this year and I think we'll see them realise that they need to release some system systems as opposed to games that will sell to those that already have the console. Like I said earlier, I'm sure we'll see a Starfox game based on Miyamoto's comments, probably developed by the Pikmin team.


Given that there's evidence to show that Donkey Kong was finished around September I think we'll see a trailer for Retro's new game, which I hope is Metroid or a new I.P for the west. And on top of Smash 3DS, X and Bayonetta release dates....:heart:


It gone be good. I'm hoping that the Gamepad game isn't just a 'Wii U Play' type game. I'd quite like to see a game like Fatal Frame use it as there'd be potential there. I don't expect a game that's going to change the industry and make everyone jump on the gamepad wagon so they just try and be really innovate to create a one off experience.

It's not. From what Iwata said in the investor briefing Q&A, Nintendo feels they have shown what the GamePad can do for the casual player and party style games, but it's time for the core games to be shown

Today I only spoke about Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers For Wii U in terms of Wii U software, however, at the E3 event to be held in June in Los Angeles we will discuss other software as well. Also, at that time, we will introduce multiple games that are designed to introduce players to the value of the Wii U Game Pad by demonstrating playstyles only possible because of it. These titles have been developed by internal teams under the guidance of Mr. Miyamoto (Board Member, General Manager of the Development Division). The software titles that we will show at E3, which make use of the Game Pad, will range from near complete titles to titles that are early in development, but will demonstrate the titles' core appeals. We are preparing multiple software like this for the show.


And another from January

Our top priority task this year is to offer software titles that are made possible because of the GamePad.

We have managed to offer several of such software titles for occasions when many people gather in one place to play, but we have not been able to offer a decisive software title that enriches the user’s gameplay experience when playing alone with the GamePad. This will be one of the top priorities of Mr. Miyamoto’s software development department this year.


Don't fret, my friend. This year is going to be the year.

Edited by Serebii
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Nope, until they announce voice-chat in-game and not just in lobbies I've no faith in the in that area. The Smash Invitational means absolutely nothing to me, I don't care to watch it. If they were looking to embrace the community, they'd respond to our comments/questions on Miiverse and their social networking and not just ignore us!


I don't care personally either, I'm just talking about their general attitude, swinging more towards the gamers.


And is voice chat really that important to you? Lobbies is fine for me, but that's another topic. But I was talking more about options, the online options and tournaments in golf are absolutely fantastic. And mario kart seems to be great too, has any other game done built in leagues/tournaments you can programme as much as this? (Genuine question, I actually don't know, asked somewhere else, no one answered). It's all positive steps to providing great online experiences.

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Voice-chat is a huge thing for me. Without it I'd not have made friends with and met @Zechs Merquise and @Blade. We've met a few times now and been out drinking a fair few times.

We went out in Sheffield a few weeks ago and they both asked me the same question about voice-chat because I've been making a big fuss over it lately, to which I replied "If it wasn't for voice-chat, we'd not be here right now." It was such a simple thing to say but put my argument over perfectly.


Voice-chat is one of the biggest things for me, I want to be able to talk to my friends whilst we're playing. In Mk8 I want to be able to ask "Who's in first?" someone will answer, let's say "Dazzybee" to which I'll respond "Here's a blue shell for you Dazzy, sorry man, haha."... I want to have and enjoy banter! For those that don't want it a mute option is easy to put in.


That you can't even talk amongst friends whilst racing is fucking tragic. Mario Kart may well be a good game, but I'd have more fun on it if I could talk to my friends whilst playing and for a company that is supposed to be about "fun first" that's fucking idiotic!

Edited by Kav
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Yeah I agree. Not including voice chat during races in MK8 is just dumb. If you didn't want to hear voices while playing you could just have an option to mute voices while you're actually racing and just have it turn back on in the lobby chat room.

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Voice-chat is a huge thing for me. Without it I'd not have made friends with and met @Zechs Merquise and @Blade. We've met a few times now and been out drinking a fair few times.

We went out in Sheffield a few weeks ago and they both asked me the same question about voice-chat because I've been making a big fuss over it lately, to which I replied "If it wasn't for voice-chat, we'd not be here right now." It was such a simple thing to say but put my argument over perfectly.


Voice-chat is one of the biggest things for me, I want to be able to talk to my friends whilst we're playing. In Mk8 I want to be able to ask "Who's in first?" someone will answer, let's say "Dazzybee" to which I'll respond "Here's a blue shell for you Dazzy, sorry man, haha."... I want to have and enjoy banter! For those that don't want it a mute option is easy to put in.


That you can't even talk amongst friends whilst racing is fucking tragic. Mario Kart may well be a good game, but I'd have more fun on it if I could talk to my friends whilst playing and for a company that is supposed to be about "fun first" that's fucking idiotic!


I'd actually would say we have met up far more times than "just a few" and would add we basically talk like every day.


All due to voice chat within a game. Amazing really isn't it. An apparent insignificant feature such as that would have an effect.

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Voice-chat is a huge thing for me. Without it I'd not have made friends with and met @Zechs Merquise and @Blade. We've met a few times now and been out drinking a fair few times.

We went out in Sheffield a few weeks ago and they both asked me the same question about voice-chat because I've been making a big fuss over it lately, to which I replied "If it wasn't for voice-chat, we'd not be here right now." It was such a simple thing to say but put my argument over perfectly.


Voice-chat is one of the biggest things for me, I want to be able to talk to my friends whilst we're playing. In Mk8 I want to be able to ask "Who's in first?" someone will answer, let's say "Dazzybee" to which I'll respond "Here's a blue shell for you Dazzy, sorry man, haha."... I want to have and enjoy banter! For those that don't want it a mute option is easy to put in.


That you can't even talk amongst friends whilst racing is fucking tragic. Mario Kart may well be a good game, but I'd have more fun on it if I could talk to my friends whilst playing and for a company that is supposed to be about "fun first" that's fucking idiotic!


Great story... Brought a tear to my eye... :) It is a shame I guess, but I still think the lobbies is better than nothing and will provide some decent banter... And you never know, maybe Nintendo will patch it in!

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Voice-chat is a huge thing for me. Without it I'd not have made friends with and met @Zechs Merquise and @Blade. We've met a few times now and been out drinking a fair few times.

We went out in Sheffield a few weeks ago and they both asked me the same question about voice-chat because I've been making a big fuss over it lately, to which I replied "If it wasn't for voice-chat, we'd not be here right now." It was such a simple thing to say but put my argument over perfectly.


Voice-chat is one of the biggest things for me, I want to be able to talk to my friends whilst we're playing. In Mk8 I want to be able to ask "Who's in first?" someone will answer, let's say "Dazzybee" to which I'll respond "Here's a blue shell for you Dazzy, sorry man, haha."... I want to have and enjoy banter! For those that don't want it a mute option is easy to put in.


That you can't even talk amongst friends whilst racing is fucking tragic. Mario Kart may well be a good game, but I'd have more fun on it if I could talk to my friends whilst playing and for a company that is supposed to be about "fun first" that's fucking idiotic!


Yeah, but if we'd never had voice chat you would have escaped ending up at the worst club in Sheffield hahahaha - @Blade this is a joke, please don't cry hahaha.

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A Phantasy Star for the 3DS. Please Sega, you're killing me, I fucking loved Zero.


I would actually not mind a remake/sequel of Snatcher for the Wii U. That'd be the title to push me over to giving a shit about it. The gamepad could suit it very well, but with it having to come from a third party, they probably wont see the potential and put it on other systems instead.

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A Phantasy Star for the 3DS. Please Sega, you're killing me, I fucking loved Zero.


I would actually not mind a remake/sequel of Snatcher for the Wii U. That'd be the title to push me over to giving a shit about it. The gamepad could suit it very well, but with it having to come from a third party, they probably wont see the potential and put it on other systems instead.


Hell I'd be happy with a VC release of the original Mega CD version, just to be able to play it without having to sell a kidney :cry:

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Sega/Nintendo throwback initiative.

Pure and simple: Sega and Nintendo cooperate with numerous third parties to create remakes and new entries in franchises that haven't been seen since the late 90's.

Crazy Taxi, Shenmue 1 & 2, Phantasy Star Online, Virtua Fighter, Jet Set Radio, Metropolis Street Racer, Daytona USA and Propeller Arena are the Sega games, while Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Pilotwings 64, Excitebike 64, Majora's Mask, Waverace 64 and Lylat Wars are the Nintendo games. All these titles will release within the next 24 months and will be followed by a second batch of not yet disclosed franchises.


EA have joined this collaboration by making an HD version of Need for Speed High Stakes.

The game contains the same features as the old one, including the possibility to combine rain and time of day in any way you like, vehicle damage and police chases. The game will feature the same cars as the original as well as contemporary equivelants, along with a few new additions. 1080p at 60fps, online and improved vehicle physics of course.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sega/Nintendo throwback initiative.

Pure and simple: Sega and Nintendo cooperate with numerous third parties to create remakes and new entries in franchises that haven't been seen since the late 90's.

Crazy Taxi, Shenmue 1 & 2, Phantasy Star Online, Virtua Fighter, Jet Set Radio, Metropolis Street Racer, Daytona USA and Propeller Arena are the Sega games, while Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Pilotwings 64, Excitebike 64, Majora's Mask, Waverace 64 and Lylat Wars are the Nintendo games. All these titles will release within the next 24 months and will be followed by a second batch of not yet disclosed franchises.


EA have joined this collaboration by making an HD version of Need for Speed High Stakes.

The game contains the same features as the old one, including the possibility to combine rain and time of day in any way you like, vehicle damage and police chases. The game will feature the same cars as the original as well as contemporary equivelants, along with a few new additions. 1080p at 60fps, online and improved vehicle physics of course.


Oh my lorddddd this would be good, except that Phantasy Star still sees the light of day! Well, in Japan heh..


I'd love Sega to start releasing their dreamcast ports they released on Gamecube released on the eShop. I would drop major money if they were online multiplayer enabled too, especially PSO EPI&II

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My wildest dream is for it to be cancelled.


Oh Oprah, make it happen!


ROFL, why?


You KNOW it would shift consoles and be insanely popular. It could alone change the Wii U from a flop to at least mediocrity.

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