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Job woes/wins


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BOOM! I got the job just got the call super excited! For the record didn't tell my boss until after I knew they were asking for references. She was completely fine with it and now my soon to be new boss is liasing with her to negotiate my successful release!


So my job title is now Autism Consultant and I could not be happier!!!!

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So my job title is now Autism Consultant and I could not be happier!!!!




Speaking of, my new job title is absurd. Assistant Academic Registrar (Registry Processes and Data Quality).

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Speaking of, my new job title is absurd. Assistant Academic Registrar (Registry Processes and Data Quality).


Yeah I saw that on facebook, I've always found brackets in job titles so bizzare! Not sure if I said congrats but whilst we are all at it CONGRATS!

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Applied for a graphic design role at the Lotus F1 Team. I know I probably won't get it, but God damn it I've never wanted anything more. Graphic design at the motorsport department of the company that makes my favourite car ever (the Elise). I think I'll actually mess myself if I get the job. I'm talking full on Halle Berry.


But I really shouldn't get my hopes up.


What's got 2 thumbs and an interview at aforementioned Lotus F1 Team?



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It was my final day today. Just completely sacked it off. Went for a few drinks after work. Feel quite sad about things because of the people but at the end of the day the new job offers so much and being the person that I am I know that I will not face much difficulty befriending new people.

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I've been flying CVs out all over the place the last week which is a refreshing feeling, I just told myself to stop thinking about the worst possible outcome all the time and it's made me a lot more free and open to many things so I'm hoping something comes of it!


I've been so tempted to leave my current job the last few weeks (well for a very long time but it's only the last few weeks it's been affecting my sleep, free time etc), even figured out how long I'd last on the money I've saved, obviously it isn't the most clever option and it would mean losing my saved up driving and/or holiday fund but it's nice to know that if I really have to I can.


Obviously though I'm gonna hang on as long as I can until I get something else, mainly because I know having a gap on my CV won't look good AND there's no guarantee I'd get a new job in the 4 months I'd be able to last with no job!

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Been looking for a new job but it seems to different to how it was 3 years ago. Seems like everyone is going through these recruitment sites rather than posting the as directly. It turns out one job was was for a recruitment agency that went through a different recruitment agency to advertise their own job.


Everything feels slower and for the most part I have no idea who the company I'm applying for is.

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Been looking for a new job but it seems to different to how it was 3 years ago. Seems like everyone is going through these recruitment sites rather than posting the as directly. It turns out one job was was for a recruitment agency that went through a different recruitment agency to advertise their own job.


Everything feels slower and for the most part I have no idea who the company I'm applying for is.


I hate going through recruitment agencies, they were the worst ever in helping me get a job. I never heard back from any of them when I applied for a job through them, or they were too slow in getting my CV through. Even went through the trouble of physically going to one of the agencies to sign up with them, emailed them again a few times afterwards to check up on progress and they never replied...


All the interviews I got recently were done by me contacting the company themselves and not by going through recruitment.

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After what I've said in the 'bad stuff thread', my job search has quadrupled and I'm hoping to find something quick. I've applied for one job that I would just LOVE to have. It's perfect for me. It's a 16 hours Supervisor position in a health and beauty store and it's under the same roof as the job I have now. I just really hope I get it!


Moved teams last week. That's the only good bit.


The bad, i've been hearing my new TL is a bit of a nutcase (and i've overheard them, but not known it was them until told). Callers are worse than ever, to the point i've actually done something i've not done before, and that was literally have a cry (yes, you read that right). Callers, and this job to be fair, have broken me. It's been noticed by friends, family and people whom know me that i'm not right and something is wrong. I'm hunting for a new job, but nothing is coming up. I'm getting depressed with being rejected due to not having the "experience" required for the role. Which is making things worse, because the only other way out is quitting. Which looks bad for looking for job hunting.


Management have been told by myself that i'm not happy, but alas do nout.


I know it seems pretty...immoral (is that the word?)...but you could lie about the experience bit. Admittedly, I did for my first job. I had no choice but to after the amount of rejections I had. I told them that I worked in a clothes shop before and just basically listed the things off my head that I thought they wanted me to do. I got the job as a Customer Service Representative, dealing with refunds and complaints. Worst job ever!


I know how it can get you down but as I said, if you know you haven't got the experience and that's what they're looking for, blag your way through it.

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You get good recruitment agencies and you get bad ones, within those you get good agents and bad ones. It seems that the vast majority of companies are using them these days so one needs to learn how they operate to use them to your own advantage.


Working as a contractor within financial services, I have had to deal with a lot of them and picked up this stuff along the way.


1) You are not their client, their client is the company who needs an employee. This is important because...


2) They don't care if you get a job, they want any of the people they put forward to get a job.


3) They only want the best candidates. It looks bad on them if they put forward candidates who aren't relevant to the position at all.


4) They don't want people who don't impress in interviews. If they've put you forward and you've got a few interviews them but then don't get offered the job they might start to think that you're not good enough. This looks bad on them because they are meant to be the ones screening candidates.


5) Sign up to every single one in person if you can. It makes a good impression on them if they actually see you and they'll remember you better. When I was looking for a new contract in January I called all the agents that I knew once a week to ask for any updates. You don't want to be too pushy but you don't want them to forget you.


6) A friend who works in recruitment told me to send my CV to pretty much any job I found on the jobsites even if it was vaguely relevant. A recruiter will look at your CV, if you have a good CV they might be able to suggest another role that you are better suited to.


7) Follow up every single application with a phone call a day or so later. Talk to them, ask for advice on your CV, what you should change about it, what works. These guys are experts and take all advice/criticism on board.


8) Keep a list of every single agent/agency you've spoken to and jobs applied for with. When you talk to them find out what's happening with each.

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1 agency took a week to contact me back, but he was pretty good and told me who the companies were and a bit about the jobs. I'm going to reapply directly though.


Got a call the other day from an agency I applied for a job through a couple of hours earlier offering a graduate scheme but it wasn't really in the area I want to work in. Small part of me thinks I should have taken it, but oh well.


There are pretty eager to get your details though. :P


I assume my CV must be OK as they told me they would submit it to these companies, they told me if I don't hear back then it was unsuccessful which I took as a "don't bug us about it" but seems I was wrong about that.

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It's not every day you get called a racist by a customer on the phone. They thought i was treating them different and discriminating against them during the call, of which i specified i was not treating them different to everyone else. That's when the racist remark came about from the customer. You can guess my response.

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This is a Job Win, so apologies if this post sounds a bit melodramatic.


I got promoted today.


I'm so elated right now. It's a huge weight off of my shoulders. I've been in my job two years now and it has not been an easy ride for me to say the least.


Due to a whole myriad of different factors, my confidence in my work was gradually shot to pieces over my first year of work. It's been incredibly difficult for me at times. Much more difficult than I imagined. It got to a point a year ago where after one particularly bad experience I was seriously considering packing it all up. The only thing that kept me going was that regular pay cheque. I got very depressed about the whole thing and thought I made a huge mistake going for it in the first place. I never really confided with a lot of my non-work friends about it - everyone always thought how incredibly fortunate I was working for such a high-prestige company. My pride and ego would always make me too ashamed to admit that I was struggling.


Then exactly a year ago, I began a new project working within the finance team. A very technical project that was perfectly suited to my skill set. After a year of drifting in the wilderness, I had finally found my calling so to speak. My confidence grew and all of a sudden I was loving my work again.


I was never on any of my old projects for longer than 6 weeks. As of writing, I am still on said finance project and will be for another two months at the very least.


Today I was told that I had passed assessment and was graduating out of the graduate scheme and officially joining finance area full-time. It was the perfect outcome and I could not be more happy. Lots of other people who also got promoted just see it as a natural progression in their careers, but this is a huge deal for me.


I have celebrated by buying a Wii U and Mario Kart.

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This is a Job Win, so apologies if this post sounds a bit melodramatic.


I got promoted today.


I'm so elated right now. It's a huge weight off of my shoulders. I've been in my job two years now and it has not been an easy ride for me to say the least.


Due to a whole myriad of different factors, my confidence in my work was gradually shot to pieces over my first year of work. It's been incredibly difficult for me at times. Much more difficult than I imagined. It got to a point a year ago where after one particularly bad experience I was seriously considering packing it all up. The only thing that kept me going was that regular pay cheque. I got very depressed about the whole thing and thought I made a huge mistake going for it in the first place. I never really confided with a lot of my non-work friends about it - everyone always thought how incredibly fortunate I was working for such a high-prestige company. My pride and ego would always make me too ashamed to admit that I was struggling.


Then exactly a year ago, I began a new project working within the finance team. A very technical project that was perfectly suited to my skill set. After a year of drifting in the wilderness, I had finally found my calling so to speak. My confidence grew and all of a sudden I was loving my work again.


I was never on any of my old projects for longer than 6 weeks. As of writing, I am still on said finance project and will be for another two months at the very least.


Today I was told that I had passed assessment and was graduating out of the graduate scheme and officially joining finance area full-time. It was the perfect outcome and I could not be more happy. Lots of other people who also got promoted just see it as a natural progression in their careers, but this is a huge deal for me.


I have celebrated by buying a Wii U and Mario Kart.


That's great man. I can't remember who you work for, is it E&Y... or Deloitte?


It's a huge achievement to get promoted in a large company as they only have certain times in the year when they do promotions. You should definitely be very pleased. Good effort treating yourself to a Wii U too!

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This is a Job Win, so apologies if this post sounds a bit melodramatic.


I got promoted today.


I'm so elated right now. It's a huge weight off of my shoulders. I've been in my job two years now and it has not been an easy ride for me to say the least.


Due to a whole myriad of different factors, my confidence in my work was gradually shot to pieces over my first year of work. It's been incredibly difficult for me at times. Much more difficult than I imagined. It got to a point a year ago where after one particularly bad experience I was seriously considering packing it all up. The only thing that kept me going was that regular pay cheque. I got very depressed about the whole thing and thought I made a huge mistake going for it in the first place. I never really confided with a lot of my non-work friends about it - everyone always thought how incredibly fortunate I was working for such a high-prestige company. My pride and ego would always make me too ashamed to admit that I was struggling.


Then exactly a year ago, I began a new project working within the finance team. A very technical project that was perfectly suited to my skill set. After a year of drifting in the wilderness, I had finally found my calling so to speak. My confidence grew and all of a sudden I was loving my work again.


I was never on any of my old projects for longer than 6 weeks. As of writing, I am still on said finance project and will be for another two months at the very least.


Today I was told that I had passed assessment and was graduating out of the graduate scheme and officially joining finance area full-time. It was the perfect outcome and I could not be more happy. Lots of other people who also got promoted just see it as a natural progression in their careers, but this is a huge deal for me.


I have celebrated by buying a Wii U and Mario Kart.


WELL DONE MATE! You're always talking about how much you love your current project so I'm glad to hear you'll be there for a bit longer too.


Also I'm sorry if I was one of those 'Ah man you're so lucky to work for PwC' guys..you can always talk to me about that type of stuff :)


See you on MK8, brah.

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Well done on the promotion @Zell


Had a 1-1 meeting with my manager yesterday to discuss my performance, whilst i was there i asked about doing some floorwalking for the new staff. I was told no, and asking as to why this was the case i was told this


"Your call times are brilliant, quality is brilliant and you are one of the best advisors we've got at the moment. The thing letting you down from doing the floorwalking is my wrap and unscheduled breaks".


I did look at the stats, my wrap is 3rd lowest on the team and i only take unscheduled breaks because the callers annoy me and i want to clear my head. There are people floorwalking with higher wrap times than me, and i did bring this up and again it was said i can't do any. I swear these reasons given are picky, but hey ho.


Today, there is someone doing floorwalking with an aweful sick record, high call times and terrible wrap. In fact, they are the worst person on the team in terms of stats. I shall be asking again for floorwalking duties, if i don't get any then who knows.

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That's great man. I can't remember who you work for, is it E&Y... or Deloitte?


It's a huge achievement to get promoted in a large company as they only have certain times in the year when they do promotions. You should definitely be very pleased. Good effort treating yourself to a Wii U too!


Cheers mate. I work for PwC, you were nearly right!


WELL DONE MATE! You're always talking about how much you love your current project so I'm glad to hear you'll be there for a bit longer too.


Also I'm sorry if I was one of those 'Ah man you're so lucky to work for PwC' guys..you can always talk to me about that type of stuff :)


See you on MK8, brah.


Nah mate don't feel bad. The truth is that I am lucky to work for PwC and I've got to make the most of the opportunity that I've been given.


Haven't received my Wii U yet and I'll be going to celebratory drinks tomorrow, but expect me to be hitting Mario Kart up on Saturday.

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Had my first job interview today. They practically gave me the job on the spot. Had to do a test when I got home first though but they emailed and asked if I wanted to join. Getting a huge pay increase over my last job as well.



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I start my new job properly on Monday, but already been doing bits of it. There are some parts that I'm actually enjoying! It's mostly the development stuff that I'm not technically supposed to do (we have a team for that), but I'm the first person in the role I can kind of shape it.


Currently working on a system whereby we can create and maintain training sessions and other staff can book onto them. It's good to feel that I have the ability to do it, and will be useful across the college potentially (other teams could use it as well).


Although I've got a load of stuff to do before the end of July. It's going to be hectic!

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