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to which I replied "And you, sir, are a colossal twat who isn't getting served".


"Don't serve him because then it'd be saying to him that it's acceptable to treat you the way he did".


I still have a job, haha.


The only thing better than having standards is having 2 of them.

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The only thing better than having standards is having 2 of them.

I was polite with him for about 5 or 10 minutes. I calmly explained the sale and what was in it and how it worked even when he was still shouting. He finally understood and even then, I don't think he listened to me. Then started insulting me and my colleague personally by moaning about another sale going on and in my opinion, you don't deserve any sort of good customer service or professionalism if you're going to treat people like a dickhead. I'm paid to help people, serve people and to help run a shop, not to take abuse. If people think it's double-standard to accept being treated like that then I'm okay with it but why should anybody in retail or any job for that matter have to put up with that shit? You're paid to do a job, not to be someone's verbal punching bag and as far as I'm concerned, I've fulfilled my job description.


Also, if someone starts becoming aggressive with you, you have every right to refuse service. The fact I was still prepared to serve him when he was shouting says a lot but when he started insulting me and my colleague, why should I serve him?

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Oh by all means refuse service. I would have done too. Calling him a twat though is just plain unprofessional. How does that make you and the business you work for look to the other customers in the shop?

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Oh by all means refuse service. I would have done too. Calling him a twat though is just plain unprofessional. How does that make you and the business you work for look to the other customers in the shop?

I wouldn't have done but nobody was in there 😊


EDIT: Also, to be fair, my feelings did get the better of me. I'm okay to take abuse and give an answer back and stuff but he nearly had my colleague in tears because she was upset so I was kind of pissed with that. But I stand by what I did. You are human, not a robot. Feelings will get the better of you and to be honest, considering I was professional for most of the time whilst he was screaming and shouting at me, I think I did well. But I understand your point too.

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Human are not, assholes are not, as a professional, noooope.


In other news, my work has been driving me into an early grave. Too much work has been loaded onto my back and I'm starting to realise that my colleagues are taking the royal piss. Meetings in the future are being worked on so that I can get this all off me before I decide that handing my notice in is easier.



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Same dude I was talking about was in the area today. Apparently was giving security a load of abuse. One of the guards told me about it and I was like "Pfft, know how he is. Can't be arsed with him". No idea where he came from but this last week, he's been arguing with everyone in the centre but has now got himself banned so I'm good with that x)


On the flip side, I've finished my Induction but have to take a test in two weeks. Dead nervous!


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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I feel you, buddy. But let's be honest, in retail you absolutely cannot call a customer a twat. Even if he has a big shirt on with the letters "I'm A Twat" in bold type and just starts kicking a small kitten around, you can't call him a twat. He absolutely IS a twat, he undoubtedly guilty of utter twattishness of the twatiest order... but you still shouldn't say it.


Even when I worked in Game in Reading and we would get drugged up meth-heads trying to sell their sons' PS2 for more crack money, or the guy looking under 18 who thinks a letter from a methadone clinic is a form of ID, or the woman who OBVIOUSLY grabbed a boxed controller from the back of the shop and tried to spin a story about her hsuband being hit by a car on Christmas Day and this was the last gift she bought him and needed a refund for funeral expenses...


...even if you came across this filth, the manager would absolutely give you a formal warning for calling them a twat.


But again, your feelings are absolutely spot-on: clearly a twat.

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It sounds like you had to deal with a difficult customer, you have learnt from the experience and most importantly you still have your job.


Of course you need to be professional but staff shouldn't be subjected to abuse.


On a different point separate to this, I feel at times that if things are not sorted out 'some' staff will start to think that all customers are worthless complainers and stupid and that's a bad hill to travel down.


If you are interested there are a few YT videos out there about dealing with difficult customers which might help.

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I never, ever think people are worthless or anything like that but for me, he said a shit ton of insults. Not saying two wrongs make a right and I get the whole 'act professional' vibe but like I said, you're human. I've come across vile customers before and acted very professional even when they've been threatening me and I didn't react.


I'm actually very professional but in that moment, I really had enough of him. He upset my colleague who, let's say, has problems of her own to deal with and with my problems too, it didn't help.


Like I said, no excuse but honestly, if roles were reversed, I wouldn't think less of the customer service or anything. Not unless the assistant was the one starting rudeness first.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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I have just about had it with my school. I've said it before, and I will say it again: the reward for hard work is... more hard work to do. Whereas the reward for unprofessional conduct, farming out your teaching hours to the people in your team while you watch NBA games and insulting the other heads of department is...


... a promotion to Deputy Head.


I'm not going to pretend I'm the hardest working teacher in the school, or even in my grade. Nor will I pretend that I would even hope to be in line for any kind of significant promotion after less than two years at the school. BUT: I can see very clearly now that people like me who knuckle down, complete their work quickly with an excellent degree of efficiency and high-standard of outcomes will NEVER make a career for themselves at theis school. Why? Because I'm just not enough of a shitty human being to sleaze my way to the top and fuck everyone else over while I hide behind "policy" every time people call me on my bullshit.


I have to leave, and soon before I call someone a cunt and threaten to punch them.

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Some people just aren't concerned for their own safety it seems. Fire alarm went off at work, so went on a sweep looking for customers to usher out. I find one woman, casual as you like, shopping comfortably as if there wasn't a blaring alarm going off. The interaction:

"Excuse me madam, could I get you to step outside for a moment please?"


"Because that's the fire alarm"

"They didn't announce it." (every week they test the fire alarm, but it is announced on the tannoy beforehand)

"That's because this is the real thing."


We're walking to the front of the store.

"Could you leave your basket there for the time being please"

"I'm in a rush, I've got to [something] in 2 minutes"


I let her bring it to the front of the store and she dumps it on the customer service desk and storms out of the store and out of the car park.


You try to help people...

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I officially started full time at SEGA today! As I`ve said before I always wanted to work in Japan so today marks a nice little milestone for me - very happy!


You finally got a full time job at SEGA?


That must have taken you AGES!


Sorrynotsorry :cool:


Seriously though' date=' well done Will. :)


You've achieved something I can probably only dream of. : peace:


Even though obviously I love writing for the best independent Nintendo news site in the world in my spare time - which is something I don't want to change - to work for one of the companies who created some of my favourite games in existence on a full time basis AND get paid for it?


It must be an amazing feeling. :D


Psst... don't forget to give us an exclusive on what the new Sonic the Hedgehog anniversary game is going to be before it happens. ;)

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So I went on a course in town to do my Induction. Did amazing and the regional manager was impressed with my knowledge in the little time I started, apparently, which is awesome. I did my Induction and passed it first time scoring 90%. On my team, me and another assistant are the only ones who passed first time but the most important part is that I now earn commission on everything I sell and my discount is now 25% including discounted things on sale. Happy days!


Apparently, my manager was told to start me on the advanced course (PA) on Monday. I've not even started it yet but I'm excited. Oh and I had my review and it was absolutely glowing. They were very impressed by my sales figures and my positive customer feedback and I made an impact on the store in the three weeks I've been there. Right now, it's going great and I'm very happy!


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

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Nightmare at work today. We are using new database software for our alumni and I tried to send out a bulk email to everyone but it errored out half way through so some people got the email and not others (the bloody software has no log or history to track emails sent either so I didnt know who). Anyway after talking to their support I sent another one, this one failed immediately so it didnt look like any went. Third time and they were sure on the fix, sent the emails and it failed again halfway through.


Im now getting replies from alumni complaining that they are being bombarded by the same email and one of our alumni just happens to be our chair of governors so I got an angry email from him as well :weep:

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Nightmare at work today. We are using new database software for our alumni and I tried to send out a bulk email to everyone but it errored out half way through so some people got the email and not others (the bloody software has no log or history to track emails sent either so I didnt know who). Anyway after talking to their support I sent another one, this one failed immediately so it didnt look like any went. Third time and they were sure on the fix, sent the emails and it failed again halfway through.


Im now getting replies from alumni complaining that they are being bombarded by the same email and one of our alumni just happens to be our chair of governors so I got an angry email from him as well :weep:


It's not your fault that the e-mail is presumably crap - it sounds awful from your description - you're just trying to let everyone know about the new database software, as for the angry alumni e-mails... ignore them, you were just trying to get the job done; if they deem themselves to be too self-important that a total of three e-mails from the same place within the workplace counts as spam then that's their problem not yours. :heh:


They can hardly discipline you for it, if necessary just take the main complainer out of the e-mail loop... *permanently, that'll teach him! : peace:


*Disclaimer - this may or may not be good advice, I don't know what it's like to work in your place but to me it sounds like you're being harassed for doing your job which sounds daft to me, just trying to help, keep up the good work and don't let them get you down! :)

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Thankfully I didnt get anymore emails after the few I mentioned and the chair of governors was satisfied with the explanation I gave. The alumni are ex parents/pupils so its not really a within the workplace thing but you'd think 3 emails people would just realise its some kind of glitch and delete 2 of them!


Anyway I was more venting my annoyance at a crappy day than worried or getting in trouble thankfully. I kept my boss in the loop the entire time it was happening and she ok'd each email before I sent it out again so theres no backlash on me from the people that matter lol.


I think my only real issue is that they are maybe being unrealistic on how quickly I can get all this alumni stuff running smoothly after only having started the job this year, still doing my old job as well while we wait for my replacement to start and handing me a new database that none of them know how to use and wanting me to manage 3000+ alumni ready for a big phone campaign that starts in 2 weeks. We'll see how I'm doing with it all at the end of the month I guess, I may have no hair by then though :p

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but you'd think 3 emails people would just realise its some kind of glitch and delete 2 of them!


It's amazing how some people spend a lot of time/emotion moaning and complaining about this kind of stuff rather than hitting the delete button.


So after 3 and a half years I left my job yesterday!


My boss gave a nice but cringey speech having dragged things from my original interview, my LinkedIn account (I think...) and my own personal website (which hasn't been updated in ages). But it was sweet and it was overwhelming how many people came along for it.


When it got to my point to gave a speech I kind of froze. Other than a joke pot shot at one of my staff (it's fine, that's how we roll) I just kind of babbled about being thankful and all that. Didn't quite know how to respond!


Felt a little bad I didn't get to speak to everyone during the drinks as much as I would have liked, but I know they'd understand. Tried to work the room as much as I could though!




Now on to bigger things!

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Took me 3 hours to get to work today, blasted trains. Left Newport around 7:50am, got back to Newport around 9:20am as there was a broken down train which couldn't be moved. Would work believe me, nope. Even thought i called ahead to say i'll be late.


It's not very hard to find out about train delays, engineering works etc online if you need to provide evidence.

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I know I'm ignoring the focus of this photo and it may show a little single mindedness on my part, but is that a silver HDD cover on the PS4 or have you just swapped a white and black one over from two separate machines?


T'is a gold cover imported from the Land of the Rising Sun.

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